Diablo 4 Season 5 Leveling and Endgame Builds for All Classes

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@TheSwaGGerFM: scared to try this game again

@Randyolsson: Which sorc build is best for bosses and soloing tormeted? both fireball and chain seems "weak" at boss killing

@vectorfox4782: Did Sorcs get a third Enchantment slot?

@mycahmcgee8513: I watched after playing and was already doing fireball BUT mixing it with conj for the multi dam buffs. If allowed, I'll post a link to my build from somewhere. I am sure there is a few things that could be fixed on paragon but I'm feeling solid

@markmcvay1779: Where are the actual builds at?

@RoyMatsunaga: I appreciate how you incorporate the experience and especially how things felt for you coming in from season 4 to the new one and how fun the builds felt. Thanks for making this!

@nathancarter6017: Great gude as always! May give Firewall a try for leveling but the only issue with it on consoles with a controller is that you have very little control over where it actually casts. It just casts randomly in the direction you are facing instead of having precise control by clicking the mouse which makes it feel kind of bad.

@dantevergil6437: They say tyrael might and harlequin 20% damage reduction stack. If this is true, 40% damage reduction + the others affixes...insane.

@frostkaizen1985: ITs good that they fixed this, but there still is no incentive to come back and play to get these new items. The end game is a repetitive loop, which is not fun Nightmare dungeons ad pit which is exactly the same. The open world is not open world but very linear. Killing the same repetitive monsters, same repetitive dungeons, same repetitive Bosses. this game still remains a 6/10 despite all the Chages they made in S4/5... maybe the new expansion will bring something new, because in its current state it lacks content to keep you engaged.

@CalebW451: Always had fun with fireball in S3 but lacked the dmg alone without Meteor. The key thing with Fireball is you must stack Crippling Flames for immobilize to reap max dmg and with the rework powers it should hit harder than before.

@The69Oskar69: Where the heck are old codex powers? I can't play the game ffs.

@DustinFette: I'm honestly already burnt out. Things haven't changed enough and I don't know why they're throwing gear at us in caches.. That's the stupidest thing they've ever done. Also, it's so boring doing strongholds and collecting all of The waypoints at the beginning of each season. Just stop with the freaking stupid exploration that nobody wants to do I also haven't had a single rune shard drop. I have the quest that says go out and collect them from the tree or hell tides But after playing for 16 hours, not a single one has dropped.

@druidzown: Playing Chain Lightning right now...the clearing speed/movement speed is insane, with 95% crit chance...but the single target Boss damage is extremely underwhelming. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm following Lexyu's Chain Lightning Endgame Guide.

@Bloodzeus_: Where did the 18 hr livestream go! Not showing on app but is on my tv, but unplayable. Super odd

@maxmustermann3938: Saw in your recent stream that there was confusion with the quest for infernal hordes being white. The reason it isn't green is because it is not a seasonal questline. It is eternal content and the same quest exists on eternal and is not tied to the season. Same as unlocking the pit or gauntlet.

@xTheLostLegendx: I usually play with a controller and play diablo for fun but like strong builds as well. So what build should i end up playing?? Ive played Necro, Rogue, And sorc, those are my favorites

@primedasymmium: Firewall was quite annoying on controller so i made an incinerate/hydra build that worked even better on controller. That option should still be viable and I'm surprised it isn't up there on the tier list

@grantb5536: What’s considered endgame like what gamemodes and what should I play to get to endgame?

@armagedoc66: Damn I have high hopes for wolf comp druid.

@myorigaccisbroken: I hate you Raxx. Every time I decide on a build and pump it hard, you make a video about it three days later. Then I have some of my friends tell me that I play FOTM and only do what Raxx tells me to do :D This shit has to stop^^

@kernoleary1394: andariel rogue was a fun braindead build last season. If i drop one ill try it again

@robertvonreliga950: Thanks for the tip with the Firewall Sorc! I started with Chain Lightning and it' s kind of lame in T2

@M4NTiC0R3X: Thnx

@nocti6232: I've been doing very well today with an Incinerate build. I put the Aspect that splits the beams into 3 and makes each beam do up to 85% of normal. I have an 80% version so on my staff all 3 beams are doing 160% damage. Trash has no chance. Bosses get Firewall and Inferno. Enchants are Fireball and Ice Armor. Incinerate is very mana efficient too. Highly recommend!

@chart_9196: RIP heartseeker

@dubb7530: 6 mins in and so far i see all the same builds i played last season? sadge. granted bash build did have me cooming, i HATE double swing especially leveling with it cuz i suffered threw it last season for leveling. sad that every build listed here, i played. Oh well ill save my money from the battle pass and give it to PoE gods.

@oilthief5266: the leap at 1:45 instantly convicned to play barb this season

@JThelen1031: I've always had a soft spot for fire sorc, so it's nice that it's getting a big fat buff this season. Burninate the everything!

@briancolica6542: I just started a sorcerer and the items I'm getting from helltide reward caches are for a meteor build??? I got starfall coronet and shattered stars aspect. I thought the sorcerer gear was supposed to be for lightning???

@sarco_imperator2670: I'm still patiently waiting for an SSS tier Sever build. Maybe season 7 😂

@xGR1MxREAPERx: This dude died like usual before level 70… what a loser. Him and that earth dufus will never make it hardcore 100 lol.. love watching them both get to 50-60 and then blow it

@Davidsmithisyourdad: Does anyone else not able to make a seasonal character . It doesn't even give me an option to

@Steel_Revenant: Help! Can't get past level 1. I keep hitting uninstall.

@joshuawatson5632: For the leveling guides do I take them all the way to lvl 100? I know there's no paragon board so once I get to 50 is that when I should switch to the endgame guide?

@thereisnospoon7054: Bash barb still being the choice sucks man….

@NokturnalMTG: Bro you got me hooked on POE. Skipping this season of D4, waiting for expansion

@lsfree3933: New player here, recently came across your treasure trove of content and knowledge on the game! Thanks for these videos!

@MadMatikus: I’ll be doing either firewall sorceress or something Rogue.

@eddyram4932: Incinerate Sorc for me😂 I just like pressing one button to delete the whole screen without moving.

@joshs609: I really want to play meteor sorcerer haha. Me and my friends decided it would be funny to all go the same class. And do different builds. So it should be fun.

@bill8039: Raxx I love ya but just go to POE diablo is soulless dribble.

@mrbuIIets: Haven't played Rogue yet at all, despite playing barb, druid, and necro twice (and sorc on launch) so, definetly giong rogure this time. but only after I kill maven and farm up a few dozen divines for a re-roll post-d4 run.

@sajmon154: nah, incinierate sorc is waaaaay better. it was goted last season, and now it will be even simpler. firewall is way to clunky to play .

@christopherkusha7660: Haven’t played sorc since launch think I’m gonna roll one. Most likely lightning spear but fireball looks fun. How does fireball do for single target?

@M3rl1nX26: Double swing barb has to be the worst and slowest build I've every played. Something isn't working for me. Also I get almost no item drops. At level 11 I have more that half starting items

@wrnicewander: How did Maxroll miss Incinerate again this year as the premier sorc leveling build? Whoever is doing sorc stuff over there is really dropping the ball.

@DavidCCorra: This time I'll start with Sorcerer. I haven't played him at all the last two seasons, so it's time to get back to him. I'm very curious how strong the Fireball build will be. Then I plan on Rogue or my favorite Barbarian. And I'll think about some Druid build, because I need to finish some achievements.

@legi0n47x: Having played sorc a fair amount, I don't think a slight buff to chain lightning is going to make it much better. It's too bad, because shock is my favorite playstyle.

@jamescrook9600: Love maxroll thanks for this

@VypeReaper: FYI, the Necro Minion guide is out-dated. The video is from 1 year ago, and the "Skills Showcase" show different skills than in "Skills Tree & Gameplay"

@justinvelasco9296: Incinerate sorc

@ToadstedCroaks: I still think rend is the better leveling build. It's such a hit it and quit it playstyle. It gets so good that I seldom get a chance to even press rupture for extra damage on elites. The item buffs for it are pretty absurd this season.

@ericsavala4686: Fireball spamming sounds extremely fun looks like that's the one. Also can't wait to see Druid step it up with all the wolves and lightning

@KoeiNL: Wait, that double swing barb build is the same as last reason right?

@FallenAce45: Fine....I'll play sorc again.

@KhaleesieeGal: im leaning towards fireball sorc please keep us posted with ur builds with ur sorcs

@hoRsinator: all the build i already played and thats a BIG Problem in D4 theres basicly since 5 seasons no new skill stuff at all

@BigZaddyYumYum: Playin druid havent played it since S1

@xxAtticus: Not sure which to go with! Lightning spear, Blizzard or Fireball?!!

@VypeReaper: Sorcerer will be OP once you hit lvl 80 - 100 at the beginning it looks way too slow and runs out of mana quick.

@MrxLethal: Should I wait to see if the tier list gets updated to play or should I just slam a fireball sorc? I’m not sure what to do

@jamesburke2187: Is incinerate sorc still viable? I’m not seeing anything on anyone’s tier list or level guides. This is my favorite build and might just end up running it either way.

@256nightcool: Don’t play season five wait until season six until the expansion comes out

@TheMotivationGuy-ne7ji: Its so hard fire ball or lightning speer 😢

@alberto2128: Fireball from d2 is back. Gimme fireball + merchant akt2 with infinity and we can rock

@Smurffies: Going to mess around on the sorcerer for the first time and I can stick with it. I did that incinerate flamethrower build made a hardcore last season got a little 50 had a lot of fun. Also did the same with barrage rogue. They kind of just made the melee not fun anymore with the rogue and I hated the range but their changes to garage is actually really fun. But I think I'm just mainly going to play the story and call it a day because this is going to be a short season and I really don't want to get burnt out because I really want to deep dive and do the season 6 in the new expansion and the spirit born looks amazing. But if I do really get the Diablo bug and want to keep playing The barbarian dust devil build was super fun. So I'd probably roll with that and then maybe switch to bash because I never really dabbled with bash last season it looked really entertaining. Dust devils was so entertaining last season

@alberto2128: How do I get the lighting stuff? Quest line? Helltide renown? How

@CommieHamster: I wonder why there is no Incinerate guide on Maxroll. Last season it was the best leveling build for Sorc, even before buffs. Any copyright by Mobalytics? XD

@katieyoung7271: Love the Double Swing Twisters barb! Leveled with that build last season too. He was a monster.

@bradpitel1517: I loved Heartseaker last season, but seeing the hype on Sorc, that may be my go to now...

@danzfloor1: I'll play the worst possible build this league.... Game is way to boring with A & S-Tier builds and offers 0 challange.

@Abremoch: Firewall Sorc might be a great leveling build, but it's so boring for me I might as well look at paint dry and be more entertained. Chain lightning + hydra is a TON of fun. Plus no one is talking about incinerate, but once you got to split it in 3 and you add life on hit you can just stand there and wipe everything. Worked very well for me last season.

@Stephen-mk5eu: Did they nerf frozen orb or something? Can't figure out why it's not up on the charts.

@Warsign01: I'm not even finished with POE yet.

@13Nagash13: I saw another sorc theorycrafter showing incinerate sorc for leveling. It looked interesting but I haven't made a final decision.

@Thadiusofx3: So no one is going to play the new class?

@Unkownbaro: Hey thanks for the video, but how do we get gear ? Its like a quest in d3 ?

@johnshock1968: I'm running your sorcerer recommendation

@alberto2128: Last season 1 month hype and build crafting... now it's the day before. I'm so confused man. I will rush a lvl100 wiz and come back after holidays in September after a mid season patch hopefully

@Kaze91: Chain lightning into Fireball with uniques sounds good to me.

@HeathenTrucker: I might go with a death blow build for my barb endgame

@mairon66: Might play a meteor sorc for fun! Wish they had slightly better meteor builds but I’ll be happy either way

@petersonpierre107: Love the channel! I'm excited for chain lightning (my favorite skill) but, with all the buffs, I must also do Fireball. Can't wait!

@subzero308: Minion necro always since Day 1 first to get leveled and geared fully... Can't wait to play later today.

@darksmoke5201: i wanted to play sorc this season to begin with even when it was considered the worst class and before the buffs. for me its more about what do i have the most fun with.

@Hjortur95: oh boy tomorrow? i'm always excited to play sorc but i should play eternal honestly. if the battlepass didn't exist i would be on eternal

@XLL38_00: Thanks for all the guides and content, Mr. Xantarax. Haven't decided what to play yet, will be looking through maxroll today. Maybe try something newish. Might go Druid or Sorc.

@teapea8184: Lightning Spear Sorc looks hilariously strong and possibly borked if Fractured winterglass works as it might.

@Alexander-oo4le: I will try the barrage build for levelling and endgame but i read that barrage might have problems with uber bosses. What do you think?

@jayrodathome: I really wish they would give us more ways to get the uniques. I am so sick of iron wolves.

@crimsonhawk52: I was gonna go flay barb, but twister barb looks even more fun (I love having both charge and leap). But DAMN I think I have to make a sorc too. My 38 kids and at least 2 of my wives are gonna have to deal with me not being available for a while.

@DualDier: Surprised you didn't talk about Lightning spear for Sorc

@KingColeTV: you sold me on the fireball sorc

@Whoaitspharaoh: So I’m leveling as hurricane Druid, starting off companions and going straight to hurricane, worked so great in season 4 for me that it’s my favorite now (Hurricane also got a huge dmg buff in the upcoming season) have fun guys, I know I will 😂

@TruthbeTold43: Barb is the only class that can survive end game. Don’t waste time with other classes

@thatblindtekkenwarrior1177: I've never liked the firewall gameplay. So I am going to play incinerate into fireball.

@ExtremeFighter: 1- CL sorc into FireBall, 2- TB rogue into RapidFire

@corywashburn: I'm tempted to make a different Sorc for each element, because I know I'm gonna want to play them all now that they're all viable.

@TalkativeTri: to use a build or just go in blind hmmmm

@geoffpowell3338: Do you think the death trap rogue with the ultimate skill unique (gives 300% to ultimate skill damage) would make it viable? Or was that a druid only one

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