Best Speed Builds Diablo 3 Season 22 All Classes GR100+ (Patch 2.6.10)

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Filthy Casual: Live on Twitch now

mark veen: Always funny how every streamer,content creators and players favorite build is also the strongest one. I guess broken strong is fun.

Razvan Oancea: on witch doctor - the first link is for necro build

Thom B: Do you think Captain Crimson is good with Necro bonespear ? ( with RoRG ). I quit D3 in 2015 and I am a bit lost. Thx and thx for your videos.

Finn Jensen: Great guide again, but non of the builds appeal to me atm to be honest. Think I played to much last season. If the Necro amulett was a bit easier to find, maybe, but hmm.

Paulo Morais: Hello my friend... how are u? Uve said in prvious videos that will be hard get the perfet amulet in necro and get the whom kim lau im monk to complete or have a better build... so, witch its harder to get? Thanks...

JaCeK: Another useful and informative one! Keep it up, and keep 'em coming. Btw, bs necro for speeds, is it on par with god dg snd ww barb? Cheers!

pabstep2611: Do you have any idea what the 4 man meta non season will be like?

Tomáš Drozd: I prefer Arcane Orb LoD. Its better for speeds and can be push/tk build.

unreals205: Quick question how aren’t you running out of essence on the bone necro build. Am like running out

Johnny Wick: is the grim scythe necro build as strong as bone spear for 145-150 solo? what does grim scythe get for S22 cube

Thomas Jahr: Nice compilation great stuff.

Reddragonflayer: So I'm going to mainly play crusader this season but I will make a demon hunter for farming paragon and things. I wanna try and get higher than gr 90 this season, so I thought maybe crusader will be my best bet but his early game is boring so I will play DH first for farming paragon. Current patch BS necro for some reason its simulacrum for me with haunted vison only lives for 1 or 2 cast of bone spear then disappears, I made sure to even make my self more tanky in case it was me dying to fast or somthing. Unfortunately its not working for me on xbox but im sure it would be a blast to play if it lasted longer than 1 sec.

Robert Perez: 0:36

samir omer: Always thx . Boss . Neco or hunter ? Is great . (I am someone who wants to do the conquests fast ) . 👌 👌 👌 👌 👌

Aleksandar Ivanov: Tell the good people of YouTube, why you are doing 99, instead of 100 :)

Moto Millsy: Love ya work keep it up! keen for the seaons !!!!!!

沈鼎舜: Just quick question, I am a hc player, necro spear build is tanky enough? Or I should stay with god dh? Love ur video, good luck

JJMM ken: Thank you for your time to us and all this builds that you have been uploading. :-) I will go for hydras wizard for sure. By the way should i swap the Unity ring for conventions of elements if i am not in solo? Thank you

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