Ethereal Items! Diablo 3 Patch Preview: Season 24 PTR patch 2.7.1

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Jonathan Del Castillo: Thank you for making the video👏👏👏👏⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐😁

von nobody: they even should nerf all set by 10x times

Drakarious: damn collecting all 21 unique items rarer than ancients..... i guess casuals are out lol problem is most builds need a legendary power on a weapon to make it work, are ethereals gonna be strong enough to overcome this

Neonmirrorblack: Seasonal play is the only reason to play for me, so the Ethereal's not transferring is a moot point. Also, the only way I'm going to bother with season 24 anyway is if D2R isn't going to be released until November or December.

Sethanor: with that low of a drop-rate AND 2 rng rolls out of a pretty big pool where 90%+ combinations are completely useless the whole concept already feels frustrating and annoying. not even gonna start on how dumb the "get all 21 in one season" is gonna be for most players with those drop-rates (if the drop rate is closer to the primal-rate than the ancients rate, then this is a complete no-go for a LOT of players)

Ken McLean: this will rock the meta. fleetingly. i personally dont think higher difficulty should have more items drop. i think they should have greater stats or higher chance for primal. something to push for not just min max but tiered items. like tier 1 dmg 1-5, tier 2 dmg 2-6 and so on.. there would still be a power creep but you would benefit more based on time invested. but you know at this rate.. d3 is close to the end of its life so who cares.

Sun Shower: Hey Rhykker! Will you be posting a video on the September 23rd rumours for Diablo II Resurrected?

Zach Bergman: TLDR: Blizzard finna nerf Inna

Hellseeker: Sounds pointless

Rheanon Jasmyne: I don't remember ethereal weapons, so I must have NOT used them or I wasn't IMPRESSED with them.

Miguel Guzman: Does this mean that you could have 6 passives? +1 from amulet and+1 from ethereal?

Fredrico Mustache: The only reason ethereals had a damage boost was to compensate for the primary mechanic -- non-repairable. Them saying this was for the Diablo 2 fans is dumb imo. The only part that seems cool at all is original items returning, but it would have to be done right and that's not exactly what Blizzard is known for anymore.

Demonos: I only found 2 or 3 primal items last season before I lost interest. I hope I last longer because this sounds really interesting.

Stefan: If they consider sadder and Necro are too strong and worth a nerf, I just can't imagine how much nerf to Wiz coming.

Daniel Bennett: “They misplaced the TM. The TM should be after soon.” Daaaaaamn Rhykker that’s cold.

Patrick M: hey 15 years later awesome thanks.

Takin Names: Who even plays this?

George May: First GR70 is a free primal. First GR 100 is Ethereal?

Alberto Bernal: I think the Inna buff will be substantial so as to become competitive with barb, necro and (if Firebird remains untouched) wiz's top builds. My guess. What do you guys think? Edit: great vid as always Rhykker! Eloquent and coherent.

TheZuk23: Oooo yes !!!! Baby !!

Cyr4m: Here ya go pleb, have this new Item to remind of you of when Diablo was good, YOINK, Syke, suck it pleb -Blizzard

Bober Rage: You can convert 3 characters to seasonal play, not just 2.

Complexik: ignore durability loss in a game where gold is so valueless it is thrown at you almost at the same rate as legendaries ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Shadow_AquilaX: so...monk has a pet build now?

Willy Beamish: I get bored with the season about the time I get to grift 70-80 and quit till next season. Except I didn't play this season at all.

Sirbu Dorel: They should add like 20 more tabs in the stash. I never got space :))

Roger Arntsberg: Thank god that they finally nerfed op barb, oh wait...........

Nicolás Straub: this is just a guess, but after reading the notes for what feels like a gajillion times, it feels like we won't be getting the mystic allies for free anymore. instead it looks like we're only going to get their passive effects, and attacking will spawn up to 10 allies to fight for us. It would follow that crudest would give us a base of 2 mystic allies, for a max of 12, which would give us a max DR of 60%, in line with a few other sets out there (savage and I think typhon). will make for a fun playstyle, similar to LoD dagger of darts, where you have to ramp up to the max allies, and then keep attaking to ensure max dmg output and also toughness. I for one am looking forward to trying it out, as Inna's was the first build with which I managed to do a 100 way back when, and it holds a special place in my heart, and I love the LoD dagger of darts playstyle, but hate how squishy it is

American Shah: Ethereals are gonna be doesn't fix any issues plus they can't be repaired??? STUPID.

Speaker to Felidae: I still remember the first Primal that dropped for me (the guaranteed one when you first clear 75) - Blackthornes Chest of Complete Crap.

Xion Toshiro: Transmogrify with Ethereal Weapons you say... I'm interested

Joseph Jones: still pissed they changed etched sigil. return that back to its original.

Samuel Simmons: Fingers crossed they add charms in Season 25!

smarac: So what is ethereal items?

agentofchaos1: “Squeal!”

Kimse bimse: HUGE disappointment that WD's dont get any love at all...

Milan Vukovic: Botter heaven.... holy shit. Now i get why they dont ban botters xD You are literally wasting your time if you are not botting like top 200 are doing ;) D2 remaster cant come soon enough, hopefully with offline single play mode, because thats the only mode worth playing to be honest... you people only know how to cheat in games

Krazykingg: Inna pet build is amazing really miss that build from the day tank and dmg yes plz

Matt Bendickson: The ethereal item hunt would have been interesting 2 years ago, but too little, too late. If I play, I will just put my week in to get Guardian and hit gr 120 solo or somethin and call it good. I just want D2R now

nononono nonononon: Bruh...I agree with what you are saying...its like a week in you get your set..then the goal is to just get a better version of the ITEMS you ALREADY have... thats no fun for me either...but at the same time- seasons are TOO SHORT for someone like me with not a lot of time to invest- so if I was to play this season and get a Ethereal more towards the last weeks of the season...and liked be soooooo pissed once they deleted it >< and i spent all my free time to get something I only get to use for like a week or 2 >>>><<<<

Prince Vegeta: People still play this game ?

Jimbozinya: Bout time they're giving Inna's some love. It's my favorite set and I felt like it was just left to rott

Megan Rudisel: I love getting the news from you! I am by no means a completive gamer (Still earning my Season 23 pet). Can't wait to see the upcoming items!! Thanks for your coverage of my favorite games.

Twistal2: Because of the random - having condition collect all 21 - it is frustrating. It should be collect all 3 for specific class -> you have it in future (separating it per class).

Mr.X: D3 is the top diablo game , i wish it got some good content ;(

89qwyg9yqa34t: Well f* Inna's was my favorite set for WoL. Now I'll have to run Sunwuko like a pesant.

89qwyg9yqa34t: I think that they have to ignore durability loss because certain items that cause other items to ignore durability loss might then become OP.

Derrik P.G. Behler: I support appropriate nerfs. Not a huge fan of the power creep, although I get is as an unintended consequence of Blizzard trying to make all builds competitive. But I wouldn’t be upset if Blizzard did a sweeping reduction of -25% damage output on everything. Just a flat damage output nerf across the board. Make T16 something one has to work for, and GR 150 in 4-player group extraordinarily difficult even for the elites.

Alessandro Guarita: Make the ethereal last for the season is like the seasonal buff. This way they can make new seasons without worry to create new seasonal buffs

Rob L: they should change that to be whichever ethereals you find are unlocked for transmog

Spacecat: What if instead of receiving a random primal item, you get a consumable (like ramaladni) that turns any item into primal? That way, each of these very-rare drops would actually be useful and valuable

zofotoziggy: 3 rebirths, fyi

Joe Ghormley: Still no changes or tweaks for Trag'Oul's? Maybe next season.

Cornelious Stradivarius: so the standard 2 Weeks Then FO tactic will be changed to Grind Every Class For 3-6 Months Just For The Mog Before Season Is Over. Dunno if I'm up for this or not. I'm not a fan of WD so might be a problem working towards that. Achievement I don't care about

Xenn000: It would be nice if your first Ethereal drop will be the class you are playing to make it exciting. After that, it can be whatever one. But this is pretty exciting to see which D2 items they bring over!

MrGoesBoom: I could be wrong, but I think Rhykker is hoping for a lightsaber...

Arnaud RUTON: Eager to see the inna changes in action and those ethereal !

Alan Stevens: Primal of disappointment : ) LOL

BSS44r: Blizzard finally understood how much better the Diablo II concept is compared to their brain dead Diablo 3.

Ereder: 4:40 god forbids you can get your gear in 2weeks on a game where there is nothing to do aside from grinding to get that one single set because it's the only one that synergise with your very limited and specific build. oh wait .. it's the other way around: you build that way because it's what written on the set

BS Detector: If you put a ethereal weapon on a follower, will it break ? lol

Blinkey: Pretty sure the Crudest boots used to say that they doubled your mystic allies. Now they will only add 2 additional allies. Could still be really good if they allow you to go over the cap of 10 mystic allies.

trawel Grad: AoV and BS nerfs are needed Inna-reworks might be fun season-weapons could also be kinda nice so.. good patch overall, but i'm missing some Wiz nerfs tbh

Jeff -arkaith- Prizament: Pretty cool, but too bad it's D3.. cuz well, D3... y'

JTP: Season of botting. For those of us not having time, we need to either play every class and get lucky or not get the transmog..

BS Detector: ethereal weapon...great til it breaks. Otherwise.....endless runs leading nowhere but bragging rights on leaderboards by botters.

Simuman: Sounds very much like a miss season to me.

NIX: During WoW's Legion expansion legendary items had the "smart drop". You were getting legendary items only for your class and specc, once you collected all of your specc legendaries you were getting legendaries for other speccs different from your main one. I can see them using this system during this season. You get your main 3 and then you get random ones for other classes. It makes sense if they are Bind on account items

lifeloverNorris: The reason I fall off of D3 so much is because there is so little loot hunt. I don't give a fuck about primal ancients. Ethereal items is one of the things D3 desperately need at this point so I'm excited for this season. I definitely agree that D3 had way too much power creep, to the point where it takes no time to speedrift t16 and be showered in legendaries and doesn't take too long to farm gr100+.

〈SoA〉Horseman: Hey Rhykker. Just got an email to sign up for testing for Lost Ark. It seems like it might be coming to the west soon! You've touched on it before, but daaamn!! Feels more real now.

Kessra: I actually loved the original version D3 shipped with, minus the real-money AH. It was way more slow-paced and affixes on packs kept you on the toe. A legendary item was actually a legendary. Now, if you're doing GR>100 you have like 6+ legendaries per run where a run lasts just a couple of minutes. Now I need more time after a run to compare all of the drops with the one in my stash then I need to actually run those rifts. While the first couple of days usually are very fun to play, it quickly gets rather boring once you reached the point that lengendaries turn into the new yellow and red items are the new legendaries everyone is after.

Lesya Weinberg: I loved the idea of the item hunt. Same as you, once I get my seasonal build all set up, I lose the hype of playing and jump to something else. I love the Diablo franchise and hope this season keeps me hooked with this new system. Regarding what you commented on how to guarantee an ethereal item is viable, I would suggest (a little power-creepy) the legendary and passive stats given also be slightly higher than their original counterparts, something like 10-20% higher. That would surely make me go: "Hmm I guess I wanna try that other build until I roll another ethereal for my current one." Don't know if that makes sense but it would work for me during the season. I would really love to play the whole of the season aiming for the 21 ethereals, but I would be very disappointed if I must delete a couple characters only so I have access to their class-specific items. I'm very attached to them and that would stop me from getting them all. I think they should give us 7 rebirths this season if that's the case. Any thoughts folks?

r3ddr4gOn: I know I will get the same weapon five times before getting one of the other two :)

Trevor Ouellette: Primals are trash change my mind.

Nikita Sluzhivov: Not sure if ethereal items will be worth sticking around for. I honestly would have preferred them to have new legendary effects but that comes with its own bag of worms so I see why they didn’t do it. Actually more excited about Inna’s rework, was always a fan of pet builds.

Trevor Ouellette: Confirmed Activision blizzard hates boner necros

Trevor Ouellette: So it sounds like you can have 20 fire allies. If its your selected ability?

Kiyoma: Well, the New Innas 6-Piece now reads "you gain every passive ally bonus". So you won't have 5 allys with you, only the one you choose. You will then be able to summon 10 fire allys by simply attacking. Each splitting into two splits with their active ability. That makes 20 fire splits with 2.000% multiplier from the new Bindings... right? :D

Azrok: I'm amazed that you managed to make a 24 minutes video from that PTR preview lol.

tom: YA because I want to grind hours upon hours for a Piece of gear that breaks,,ROFL. fuck that!!! Not worth the time to come back and grind the same shit

Toan Nguyen: So will Bone Spear build nelf alots?

Green Ghost: To find an ethereal weapon which gives you a weapon effect...ah and a secondary skill 😑 All in one you find a weapon which gives a secondary skill effect! The rest of the notes are so small and crap...Blizz you are a joke!

Teo Ćimić: I don't get why are people bitching about nerfs? More than half of builds are ridiculously OP. If I had my way, I would nerf everything to the ground so that GR 70 is a serious struggle, that way when a season buff comes it makes sense and you have to play around it more, currently it's just cookie cutter mindless farming.

Jumiric: Is that the bi flag colors in the background? :O

Marco Rossetton: Its been a while since i last played D3, and since i dont' really have a lot to do i may dabble into season 24. How hard/easy has it become? IIRC they capped GR at 150, but i maybe wrong. Is Paragon still the only way to make your character stronger and augmenting legendary gems?

Ray Rayz: Honestly, I don't mean to shit on any excitement....but really? Ya'll excited over these Blizzard crumbs and hunting the same mobs in the same areas using the same skills for hours? whew can't relate to this "content."

Vi XiphiqiX: Great work as always, thanks! I hope this season goes awhile, that achievement is a real hook. I might bite. So good to see a grail like challenge.

pvrhye: Honestly, D3 not having ethereal items seems like a huge change in the lore of the world.

Sonic Pulse: 6:40 Please blizzard let there be smart loot. No way I have close to enough time to farm all characters in a season

D. Graze: seems like working than play a game,

Dominic Bruno: D3 is dead

Roshiyu: I'll have to see what these ethereal items are before I put effort into this upcoming season.

Justice: Not nerfing builds didn't cause 10000% damage modifiers.

mac novo: Diablo 3 is new test realm for Diablo4 ideas , like Poe leagues are tests for Poe2.

Pim vdh: Season 23 was over for me after little over a week. Finished all the achievements, got a new pet and portrait and after that felt like regular Diablo 3, not a season anymore. In season 22 I set myself the goal to finally finish all set dungeons (which I succeeded in near the end) and this was difficult as I rarely play some classes. Creating 7 chars, gearing them all up to be able to farm on at least T16 solo, spent nearly 400 hours in that season because of my personal goal. Guess season 24 might be a repeat of that, I really want to get all the transmogs for this season and all afterwards. I do believe this for some will be a great season. But only if you got that collection goal in mind, if you just wish to play 1 or a few classes I think this might be a short season again.

James Lim: My money is on that the start of season 24 will also be the launching of Diablo 2 Resurrected. The coincidence of this new ethereal weapons that is from Diablo 2 is a give away to commemorate D2R.

Shatraugh: and I was hoping the follower rework was a beginning of something.... but nooo back to shit ;:D

fl00d: Is this really the best they could do?

Drakon Lameth: Based on my reactions with most legendaries, and especially the forced (and usually only) primal I get in a season, I expect 100% disappointment in ethereals. And I don't expect to start seeing them until I'm working on farming legendary gems to 40, 50...

Shaevel: Well, seems like I'm gonna play more than 4-5 days next season x) I'll try to have the Feat of Strength, so have to think of 7 aoe builds to farm T16 xD

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