TOP 5 STRONGEST & BEST Builds to play in Season 7 Diablo 4
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@Rob2628: LIVE Season 7 BLASTING:
Here are my Top 5 Builds to Play in Season 7! Will be live later today for the Start of S7.
Artworks for personal use in my discord:
Sheet Top 10:
All S7 Builds:
00:00 Intro
00:17 Top 5
01:30 Top 4
02:46 Top 3
04:28 Top 2
05:47 Top 1
07:46 Sorc?
09:38 Top 10Написать
@jk-4775: OPenis
@zyanhd1892: Awesome thanks Rob
@mrdx1207: done with poe, going d4
@DaringCreative: So not even a sorc build. Pathetic
@Zeldrosi: Its crazy they just left Sorc in the dumpster for this whole season. Like they didn't even bother trying to make them competitive with the other classes. I always play Sorc or Barb, and then Spiritborn last season because new OP class, but this season I want something new so its either Rogue, Necro or Druid. I'm leaning Druid because magical thunder and lightning infused werebear seems like a cool class fantasy, but Necro also seems preeeeety cool...
@platiusmango7075: I'm not seeing any of the new season 7 features on my eternal character. Same old map, and no new missions for the season. Is all this new stuff restricted to seasonal characters only?
@TheHatefulHulk: Hota Barbs rise up! Let’s go!!!
@KeaneKamina: That new blood wave... the only people playing that either like landslide from druid or looking at a bloody vagina. Pass.
@imonyourside8376: No sorc, no play. Back to POE 2 :)
@gheygladiator: I wonder which class will have the new daily meta this season
@milkod2001: Hey Rob. I presume you can get in touch with dev team. Get them to give in game option to completely disable effects coming from other players. When playing hordes etc it.s just crazy amount of effect, flashes etc. Where you cannot see monsters and it.s not pleasant for eyes.
@chrisb.9083: Hard to take advice from someone who only plays barb, gets ppl to give him all his mats so he just farms 1 dude 24/7, uses every bugged build possible.
@tomtom2052: most boring classes on top. meh this sucks
@Majkelnoodle: What are your thoughts about your gaming sessions with Musk now that he is outed as a fraud? Will you continue to play with him after his two nazi salutes he did?
@MichaelRaker: How hard is it to get a true melee build?
@maxmusterman3371: Are runewords still dlc only?
@helioselexandros: S4 Hota was my first character ever in any Diablo game and I loved it so much I bought a badass cosmetic set just for that guy. Haven’t played barb since and didn’t really play much of the expansion but I’m really excited to play hota/charge again. Ready to start slaying some demons y’all
@Tt-vb4zn: I wonder how many thousands or more of people switched form their SB to another class this season because SB is no longer ridiculously, halariously and completed overpowered. I did cave last season and made a SB to experience this opness, but my first character has been my barb/warrior since Diablo 1 and up through Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. Sorceress is my second character. Unfortunately, looks like this season crapped on Sorceress with the exception of my least favorite sorc build, Firebolt. bleh.
@sykrad4208: what i dont understand is that there is 200 pit lvl but we struggle doing 150... like wtf doesnt make sense
@errolnyp9653: HOTA all the way Rob . 🤘👹🤘.
@adiddevil: D4 second expansion will be better than POE 2
@D3FCON-X: Damn. Sorc didn't make the list. Lol
@SSCamaro: hehe "oh penis"
@KilenMaster: welcome back POE players :P
@xan3224: I need demon hunter back.
@Sosonny214: Gotta love season 7 and sorc is still trash. Poe here I come. Not waisting my time doing the same crap again. Where is the story add on. Where are the set items. Where are the cool weapon effects outside the store. 😂non existent. Enjoy getting robbed. I'm out. Hate to say it but d3 was better and more fun.
@nokkprime: i hate fist of fate. 6 seasons i never got a single GOOD roll
@neuro1921: Looks fun! I like the Barb build, BUT just one question: WHY this insane high dmg numbers? I mean Quadrillion dmg???
@DeeDragon-fe5pq: Eum gona try out the Cataclysm Druid, its seams soo cool, Bloodwave necro no, booring to do it så easy XD
@lordsith8319: Nec is so boring
@Sosonny214: In season 7. Gave up the cope.
@Sosonny214: There are maybe two builds per class so trash.
@Jkarl74: Spritborn razorswing is so bad i rather go hota
@KuBaYa87: Is the HOTA build good for single target?
@saablicjohn7947: PTR, PTR and after S7 will start it will be: SB>>>>everything else. 😂
@AMAZON-BEST-FASHION-7: "Be so driven that even your fears can’t keep u
@nicolasd919: For those who say in comments he doesn't deal damage, it takes time to clear etc... look at the pit level...
@Fonkykane: Sorc so langweilig 😢
@gentlepengu: why is rogue led by cucks that always beg for nerfs while barb gets the broken build and doesn't blink
@blehhgg: RoA is me.
@danieldarosa-og2my: Boooring
@CyclopsHavok: Dude made a video with the top 5 builds in season 7 for each character but there’s 6 characters………..
@daquanquan508: Druid what’s going to be the single target?
@dangobrother8070: It’s been hours and we don’t have an updated meta? This channel has gone downhill
@demonslayer9016: trillions and trillions
@dfillio8993: Anyone know where the new uniques are gna drop from?
@Gabranthh: Diablo 4 in 2025 aaaaaayyyyeee lmao
@jefftc14: This dude helped Elon do nazi salutes
@MrDeltadragonalf: oh shred i will try it
@estellewade5885: Let’s go ❤
@jacobloh9706: diablo4 looks so shit =D
@opiumchik8878: and what kind of weapons and aspects are needed for this assembly? "Rob's Fire Wall Sorc Leveling (S7)"
@danparsons1423: *quadrillion
@thonorderud: Starting with Barb, then Nercro or Druid.
@brandongreene7207: hotfix necro lol
@showtimekid7749: Sorc back to being basically ass lol. All is correct with Diablo now.
@alexmillhollin8301: You have to hate that cause your content is hurting also you said penis in this video 😅
@vheega7650: The same video every 3 hours.. Dude
@alexmillhollin8301: Top five build for Diablo Play poe2 Play poe2 Play poe2 Play poe2 Anddd play poe2
@matpage1523: OPness you might think about phrasing on that one…o penis
@travispick5160: Curious if you'll be streaming with Nazi's this season
@kingzonekoi1595: What about Tier list for non-mythic uniq builds
@peterschelin: Do you think the werenado is decent enough for speedfarming with the buff for pets and tornado? Not gonna make a char without a speed farm build, so im not gonna do a necro
@billwaisanen9546: I miss playing thorns barb. The lol moments in pvp were gold. Wish we could get a pvp mode
@muzikmuzik3693: Rather make a new build on path nd actually enjoy it
@meljorellabugho8592: Lets go DURUWID!!!!
@Caracal-lm6es: I want to name my SB character "boom-boom-boom-boomarang"!!! Awesome
@oriecameron: People can’t discover their own builds anymore, seasons not even started yet..
@NickLamott: Blizzard disgusts me. Sorc is my jam. Time to go to another game.
@vampiregoat69: SB is nerfed into nothing now from what I hear. I fear Blizzard is going to destroy the game for good for me and make me quit because they can't get shit right. They seem to OVER BUFF classes then OVER OVER nerf the classes making them useless like they did in season 6
@-Wolfheart: Prob gonna go with WW hota quake barb, I might even try shred Druid.
@seehafenzwerg2087: Does the build works with controller?
@Bombatomica78: So, can you build a earthquake barb right from the start, using also as leveling build? Or is it better to choose some other builds? It seems very fun to me and i would like to try it but barb is a little slower than other class when you have to level up. Thanks!
@wizzy2600: i am going sorc anyway, just need to try new ball lighting uniques
@Gilbeast: Man I am torn between barb and Druid. Druids are finally good but I have made a couple. Barbs should be good again and I have only ever played 1. I’m leaning towards Druid since if I get bored of Cata ultimate build I can do pets with the new powers.
@nasty.savage: it 8)
@makotroid108: Did they fix the memory leak crashes yet?
@joelhodoborgas: Man I just want to play sorc and be strong
@derfuzzy8854: Sorc is really a lost cause for D4. As long as i can remember, sorcs haven‘t been eating well, and basically anyone who likes to play sorcs is shooting themselves in the foot.
@user-tx1pe2le5w: So Necro or Barb, but I think Barb will be quicker to get higher with low items.
@djerikfury: overall looks like a disappointing lineup for the top builds in comparison to previous seasons ☹
@doktorfunkenstein6779: Ride the dead cow
@absolutfx: I've never tried dance of knives so going to level that way and swap over to whatever probably. I want to do Necro, but I hate how slow they are.
@imTw1stedx: openis
@nickh4354: AI art is cringe
@moncore: I want the necro picture!! Where do i get it?
@Pawelice: Top 5 build mobile game😂
@blaqkhavok4863: Finally necro on top
@mattheopichetti9258: Season of the Druid baby! Lets f*cking go!
@TheGolden368: where lvling film ?
@chetbudreau5232: Nice to see the dev's still have no clue how to balance classes ..pretty sickening ..
@kevingraham4736: Yeaa. That necro build getting nerfed. Also they need to just delete shatter, they cant fix it, and i think its holding back sorc.
@jamesinjustice2640: Dont sleep on dancing gayblades build for rogue.
@tribaltalker1608: Good news for Sorc enjoyers, the devs WILL be buffing under-performing classes at the mid-season update. And they promised NO nerfs.
@lolololalala8225: 1:07, this what now?
@NoxDeadly: Another season of 3 shouts, yayyy, seriously fk this game
@Brian-og8su: Jesus, all that text on screen is horrendous.
@Arthax-optico: Onde é que implora para a Blizzard tirar o bárbaro do vale das sombras dos NERFs?
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