TOP Builds To Play In Diablo 4 Season 5! Rob React

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@Rob2628: Season 5 Tier List: S5 Builds Draft: Watch live at @PerGamingGames did it again with a Top 10 Build List for Season 5! Love it - thanks for this! Original Top 10 Video: Credit 2:

@2426brandon: Ok where do we get those wallpapers?

@GentleGiant34: 19:31 hey hey hey, don't like my nickname? Uh? Wanna fight? Just kidding, GentleGiant doesn't wanna fight, GentleGiant is a good boy, even though he's 6'8" 270 i lying? Who knows, just be careful or the GentleGiant might get mad and shoot out 36 boner splinters (don't forget about the chance to cast them twice tempers!!!)

@Rydiculous: 9:09 This probably literally happened is why it's funny. They'd have to be way too incompetent to have done it on purpose.

@MSPobama595: Would Esadoras overflowing cameo synergies well with chain lightning or lightning spear? Genuinely wondering considering cameo got buffed.

@8thcloud376: Thank you for showing your family pictures

@TheMadhopz: You and Perra are two of the best channels. Very entertaining. And informative

@PostprandialTorpor: They really need to change Boulder from knockback to knockdown. Problem solved and you also get the bowl😊

@gheygladiator: I like how rob missed every funny line cuz he would talk

@gottinrod: 31:10 Based!

@jackreacher4547: Saying german guy is probably better than what most americans think when they see germans lol (Nazi)

@MissionM0M: Rob acting like the barb aint the most overpower class since season 2 lmao we all know barb is gonna be the strongest after two weeks

@ScoJoTube: How can druid be so fat when he has to keep running after enemies that he keeps knocking back with his first attack in order to attack them again? Dude should be ripped like Jesus.

@STEVENSWINDLE: Loved your S4 WW build it was actually my first season playing barb and the only class I will play from now on. Your dad comment was the best I am a dad and that's all I needed to hear to join your membership.I really appreciate the time you put in to help your members.

@jkoenig2677: Was that your dad at the beginning???

@Tfisk: Druid damage literally got doubled and nobody is talking about it. Now with the right build and ubers you can do 34 damage instead of 17.

@consequentialistic: "Double dip": Like Mr. Beast and Kris/Ava (or whatever) did to their YT fans

@Bruno-lr9lm: Barb still has that 4 weapons slots? K nice, nothing to see here, Barb will still surpass all the others, move along…

@Austin.C54: Barb got fucking gutted with the bash cleave

@sebastiangoetz510: Overall the Video is Funny as hell 😂😂😂😂😂

@sebastiangoetz510: We want the Barbs to be capt … 😂 they where strong enougth all the time…😂😂😂

@sebastiangoetz510: Too funny

@Corrupted1985: lol I’m dead

@NapFloridian: Thanks God barb got nerfed... it was getting real boring... the shit fact for D4 is that for any reliable built you need at least 1 UBER Unique... God for real?

@cristianriveraguzman1235: let me go for a pop corn

@rescuedandrestoredgarage: Only 2 genders, you rock brother 👍. Keep up the great content.

@SchteveL: its funny how the devs change something in the code and then leave it - never try it - it works! 20 seconds after patch: this doesnt work as intendet - and that occured in.... every?... patch..... makes me think: are all rich people living an "lowest effort" standard which you can live after everyone thinks you are the greatest? (society in a nutshell) oh and the obvious: you cant balance a game you have no clue about

@stevesutton772: Who ever this is could easilly be a professional narator

@vegardkjrberg1929: Bro needs to share the pics he showed when he started talking about sorc. They were insane.

@FrancisCoronel1: Does anyone know which voiceover tool is being used by Perragaming?

@EkunA78: Can you make a short video on best build(s) per class without uniques? Preferably gor both leveling and later on farming but the endgame one would be awasome :)

@Saiperia: yeah i dont get necromancer design... blood skils supposed to fill the overpower playstile niche but only bonespirit builds use overpower, because the blood orb mecanic to reduce overpower proc cd is just shit and blood skills in general suck.

@noghatty8686: This is genius 😂😂

@marcoazevedo1397: hehehehe

@UntoKalevi: 4:53 They try so hard to cap and nerf, but barbs refuse to fail!

@Aldrick1944: 27:22 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

@Killswitch1986: Sorc looks more like female because the male version looks female.. same with necro

@igormasterchief3018: Make xp farm route in S5 please

@Aldrick1944: No he didnt call the barb cringelord. 😂Before showing nec, he introduced by saying “ok time for some nec beard cringelord action”

@theobell2002: Rob makes one cringe comment and all the transphobes come out out the woodworks in his chat. Yikes..

@PepsiMTG: That sped 'g000dn' in your Twitch chat needs to end it all very soon.

@alexpoulin6807: babr andies on suicide watch because they aint busted ICANT

@Manuellibra: watching the fire wizard build video how can you tell that he is in full fire barrier if the cooldown starts once the effect of the shield ends?!.... in the video however the cooldown starts as soon as the shield is activated... . there is something that doesn't add up.... what do you think?

@Aldrick1944: The item’s name has now been fixed. Its now called scoundrel’s piss

@rafaeldias3874: im a simple man, i see a rob video, i give a like

@ohbjuankenobi: What will the source of resplendent sparks be in this season?

@arthas_stormr8ge877: Hahahaha Rob called them snowflakes! We only have two genders period!

@tiawen1945: Frosty is gonna have a field day with rob saying 18 boners

@starthompson3557: It's uncapped because you can't just do billions of damage with rouge builds like you could with barb 😂 common sense

@MordeC4i: @rob2628 i agree that sorcs should be females and I would defently make mine a female if blizzard could fix so they look better, all of the sorc transmogs are so ugly, specally on females :( if blizzard made cooler transmogs for sorcs i would defently rock a female

@mpvztk: Main reason sorc should be female is the majority of cosmetics look stupid on a male sorc

@fareezcr5611: Last season barb, current season barb, next season barb. That's will be my class 😂

@lilredthabest: 12:57 B-But Rob WW is a CORE Skill it says ” POWERFUL Attacks “ 😂

@arthas_stormr8ge877: I played barb for the first time this season and whirlwind was the most fun I had on a class, next to ball lightning Sorc in season 2!

@ElBurro8810: I don't get it. All hyped to do the same sh*t over and over again, only because blizz added some changes to .... items. No new content, just doing the same stuff again, because now you can do like additional numbers on dmg, compared to last season. Wow, what a low hanging bar to reach as a gamedeveloper, to keep the crowds satisfied. Somehow sad, what happened to the gaming community.

@Mysticvtr: I bet any class i choose to play S5 it get nerfed hard week after.

@Gore-okami: everyone who follow "top builds" have brain rot ;; this game is so simple.. and is ABOUT CREATING BUILDS. everyone who use others builds are like lost kids. not event alking about "top" manipulation ....

@RLHGAMING: Barb will always be amazing because being a buffing class (triple shout and iron skin) and dps class at the same time will always be top tier as long as cooldown reduction is in the game.

@Geroxen: Landslide my Favorit Build for Druid :)

@G0ldfingers: Rob got drop kicked in Season 4 lol.

@tarum4153: I want season 5 now

@raizovile: Hated bone spirit and still won't touch that skill it's to tedious boring.

@duchailu: it's kinda fun to see you complaining about blizzard buffing a class for no reason (bone spirit) ... can you remind me what your main class was up until now ?

@payamace: Good drinking game, 1shot everytime you hear boner 😁

@JFiez27: He called em a “shit-eater” cause that synonymous with dumbass. He’s always calls barbs dumb.

@dimonskvr: be prepared for spiritboner

@nikoo9414: 5:00 Imagine barb player complaining about other classes...

@onyxtowerx: "The urinal" lmao. my mate plays heartseeker.. When i first saw him use it i was like... this ain't heartseeker, this is the r.kelly build lol.

@Outblast84: I will play Barb again. Whirlwind. It doesn´t matter if i can reach pit 160, i just to farm 101

@Mikefurion: in new movie there is your photo :D on barb hahahahha

@lukeluckynblue1873: Boner spirit is maybe OP but like he said so many negatives that ordinary guy is not going to do anything of that like it's very specific to build this OP stuff So there is no reason to like nerf it to the ground because you playing it makes you pay for it KISS/CURSE basically You gonna have good PUSH but it's gonna be annoying so it actually perfectly balanced as all things should be

@XXTuleRusikasXX: Yup,Barb will be my main once again in Season 5 :D 2nd Druid,Rogue 3rd and if i got time also a Necro :D

@paulbegansky5650: ROBB you are responsible for the Barb nerfs...all because you wanted free gear, trips to blizzard and subscription. YOUR FAULT. Robb2628 get your vasoline Diablo wants some loving. AHOLE

@anthonymann7399: I usually watch & like your videos but the 1st 2 minutes of this was enough for me to turn it off!

@B8lls: Dont do drugs kids

@PerGamingGames: Hell yeah RF rogue in P-tier confirmed by german streamer

@bocheduszko: Who else is skipping s5 ?

@jessi690: Just like every season before Barb this barb that and by 2nd week of season 5 barb best class again as usual 😂

@jameshunter6289: Hate these reaction to other content creators uploads. Lazy and pointless

@Alex-km5eo: Tooo wild man let's go sorc looking for rouge but now oh boy

@kostistsiutras4373: true gem!

@bendoubleu7516: Any guesses on what the top pvp class will be?

@disbled: 👍

@Hetty-f8e8e: Seien wir ehrlich: Auf "Netflix and Chill" sollte "HBO Max and Massage My Feet" folgen😛

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