Season 12: New Frontiers Official Trailer | Overwatch 2

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@emperortime2356: Wait imagine if they actually make a crossover but instead of skins they could introduce characters from WoW as new heroes. Would be so cool!!!!

@zockerrich7693: We want LootBoxes!

@LoisPrice-k4y: Harris Cynthia Miller Timothy Brown David

@DoubYO: 2:22 Lich King 😍❤

@voidmatic: wait so... egyptian mythology theme and no rammatra? also I heard someone mention Venture would have worked as well, with the archeology background, absolutely agree. Curious to see what Tokki looks like for the new dva skin - a bit odd they didn't include that

@JoKoBod: Idk why people be complaining that Ram should've given the Anubis skin when it is more fitting for Reaper?

@Doomtrain609: bro all i wanted is QP MMR RESET

@fixplay_Real_: Что за способность у нового перса, поле через которое ускоряет скорость персонажа?

@Eriandel: Yes dude! Turn my favourite video game character of all time into a $60 micro transaction! Just his weapon! Yes dude! Exhume Arthas, alienate people who actually like arthas! Yes!

@slings7149: Games trash

@santosmunoz866: poor Rammatra

@hopelesscomedian: You know as a reaper main I am happy about this, but am sure there are other options for a reaper skin other than Anubis, I ain’t complaining tho

@walternicks8308: Did no one else notice the Lich kings sword at the end???

@emmanuel_casanova_: DEFINITELY NEED THAT DOOM SKIN !!!!!!!!!

@Ninelivesik: Nothing new for Briggie 😢?

@Nightmuther: Still no skins for Junk 😞

@chrisnicklas-8921: Am I tripping or was that frostmorne at the end 🤔 linch king's sword?

@ChristopherShipe: What the wotlk is going on at the end there, Frostmourne??!?

@az_street_walker4181: 8 out of 12 seasons mercy has caught a shop skin (this season she gets 2) and she also received a mythic in this run of skins. Actually ridiculous that within 2 seasons you couldn’t give ONE legendary skin for venture the bias is clear. When a whole season was literally based around their character. You mercy mains are the whales of this community and shows.

@Vaderer: ”Let’s drop an anubis themed season and give mercy, kiriko and genji new skins rather than ram or venture” How does that not sound absolutely baffling to blizzard

@karmasmessenger3815: Juno,Venture, Illari don’t feel like overwatch characters they feel like some paladins rejects what next a self res dps with junk rat / venture skillset? Aaron please quit bro go work on robot unicorn attack.

@stormwulf117: Once again the Junkrats get no love.

@mochikinzy4912: So all the good / on themed skins are NOT in the battlepass but instead theyre shop skins that will rot... thats nice..

@stephensmith3211: Meh

@hey_hey_listen2840: Tf are we resetting ranks again for ?

@Mhats: Mini Mauga needs to be a skin, idc if it's the default one


@lunalove5687: Mercy already has 39 skins and you’re telling me we get 2 more despite newer characters having like 4? Yeah okay makes sense Blizzard I hate you.

@mack22x: Am I the only one excited that we are getting and Arthas skin???????


@sunghoonslefticeskate7524: Ramattra WHERE????

@Infiniti-Benz: Egyptian skin for Egyptians may have been too predictable

@biowolfex7037: big points to whoever made the info about a ram mythic and made something controversial out of thin air lmao. When the death hero gets the god of death skin, it wasnt the big burly robot :(((((

@kevinmorales8236: Reaper Is beautifulll❤❤❤❤❤❤

@void-cd4wh: As a Reaper main thanks Blizzard

@xXLoneLoboXx: I’m gonna skip that ugly Ashe Mythic skin so I can immediately get this Reaper mythic day 1… Finally we Reaper mains get a win. Hopefully they buff him substantially too since it’s his season.

@aranarus: They must release a skin for Juno with bare feet in the future.

@Nava4Gamingz: Overwatch 2 is actually a good game though. Addicted and fun! Shall we move on from the bad review into a good review? I think so. ❤

@oxOXChargeXOxo: I think the reaper skin is badass especially the mummy version at 1:10 just had to put that out there since everyone is complaining that ramattra is not getting a skin lol. I understand your complaints and yes reaper has more than enough good skins but this skin is still really good it has to be said

@faith-yr8by: 'And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. (John 6:39) 'Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. (Psalm 34:21) 'Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. (Psalm 32:1-2) 'For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matthew 24:38-39) 'The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: thou maintainest my lot. The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. (Psalm 16:5-6) 'Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. (Matthew 24:34-35)

@bilinasmini3480: Venture, a character whose entire demeanor is that of an archaeologist, has no skin in this (or any other) event involving mythology from ancient Egypt.


@mias1585: I want Archives missions to return to ow. They were so cool, why do you make new modes which are not even close and refuse porting the Archives to ow2? The diff between them are HUGE.

@dinartesilva9124: No 6vs6 F

@MwKiller-ll2ch: oh wow this looks trash

@WilsonMcIntyre: Stop please bro you are a dead game!!!

@beratcan7203: Every season ow2: Bringing skin to a character who has no skin ❌ kiriko mercy genji ☑️

@MrSalazar395: Either lich Kingcostume or he's a new character.

@frfrbussin: NEW HERO!!!! THE LICH KING!

@Corlwow: No ram anubis really?

@Corlwow: I have waited for Mei Lich King since release of OW1… Please Overwatch… you’re really gonna give us Reinhardt??? :’( :’( :’(

@PieounXimo: Venture, a character whose entire demeanor is that of an archaeologist, has no skin in this (or any other) event involving mythology from ancient Egypt.

@TheMortontube: Can you people chill about “Venture and Ramattra not getting any skins this season” and use your brains for a second? Never once has a season trailer shown off all the skins in the battle pass/ main season. Yeah it would be extremely upsetting for neither character to get a skin in a season thematically linked to them, but why can’t you just wait a couple days to see if something is confirmed before blowing up comment sections about it?

@BenBensen293: I actually really like the reaper skin

@littlebeesam: So glad venture the ancient archeologist didn't get a skin this season, especially something fitting like an indian jones archeologist vibe or something. But hey at least they are getting kicked in the face this trailer haha

@Jervenshmine: Mirrorwatch should be a core arcade gamemode.

@kevingranados3557: Can venture get some skins 😭😭 you'll forgot about the hero, kiriko and mercy have skins every season

@cheeseblast: So about those venture skins? 😨

@PrinceMichixxx: Another skip season Im afraid.

@johncatto7231: All those great skins just to be locked behind a paywall twice as high as the battlepass...

@zetasann: Sad that ramattra didnt get anything but also as a reaper main I WINNNN WE WIIIINNNN

@zetasann: Realer mythic. I WIIIIN WE WINNNNNN WE WINNNNNN

@user-mz3rt7ic4r: Zero attention to junkrat...

@Loic2013: There’s nothing valuable on this update ???

@SlightlyOptimisticSeal: I think Blizzard forgot that they added Venture to the game. There are still only blue skins.. Rock and stone

@cesarmora7348: Claims to have an Egyptian themed season, but they don't give rammatra a dark magician skin

@flynnfarron: I'm sorry, but I need to comment, because I know WHY everyone is complaining about it, but... Ramattra getting the Anubis skin wouldn't fit him thematically. Ramattra's entire theme is centered around self-sefficience and freedom; giving him a skin of the god that controlled him and puppeted him around to do its bidding is completely against those themes. However, giving the Anubis skin to Reaper, a character who is thematically linked with death, and who is "imprisoned" (Anubis is locked away, Reaper is chained to life/forcibly immortal through Moira's experiments) fits him perfectly.

@hitmonchan9997: You’re a lucky man Terrance!

@KrioeLrin: ...ANUBIS REAPER? Every Ramadan major is crying uncontrollably.

@Mikach066: Yep. Of course Kiriko get yet another skin Yep. of course Rammatra and Venture get nothing. Yep.

@Sho-gf9wl: That reaper skin made me wanna nut to the second power

@TheHellsingHQ: @2:22 "Wait.... Arthas......what are you doing, my son?" "Ascending you......Father."

@colonelcrossfire8268: The tastiest meals are vacuum-sealed for freshness.

@littlemiss9521: Wait mercy is getting two skins?

@littlemiss9521: Isnt it the tanks turn for a mythic? Why did ramattra not get it? The fuc blizzard

@mobsterinc539: Anything on story mode?

@ThatGuy89002: Anubis reaper to me was such a miscast. specially because we're actually seeing the Anubis AI in the metal. it really should have been Ramattra

@lordshaxx2177: I like the anubis skin on reaper, but I would have liked it better on ramatra

@Luisin88: Tattooed thugs awful and balancing.

@RoyalPrinceRose: ❗April Fools in August is WILD ASF 🤣❗

@RoyalPrinceRose: 💙Mercy carried AGAIN💅🏾💙

@dmitrya24255: rank reset😂

@smtoonentertainment: Dude rammatras ult as a sandstorm could have been so cool

@LieiuDsac: Venture, a character whose entire demeanor is that of an archaeologist, has no skin in this (or any other) event involving mythology from ancient Egypt.

@Tantemify: anubis skin felt more like ramattra to me. because he holds the staff of anubis

@EthelJung-j5w: My son, the day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name... Arthas. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be King.

@LiveAndLaughs: BLIZZARD! Prove you listen to us occasionally and make a Ramattra Egypt Skin!

@luccapellinaccideldo3641: I LOVE ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT 😁😁😁

@nikolasweischner3560: Sick update, honestly really nice. Tank still isn't fun though.

@___Psyclone___: viewer named Terrance: 👁️👄👁️

@Caduceus444: I love how Junos' sitting emote is her playing with the solar ray, essentially destroying the nations of the world. (It's my headcanon only, but I like thinking that she's ereasing half of the united states while clicking her wrist and chuckling like that)

@AsianMarianKaren-: that last custom option is cool 1:09

@seraphin01: Why does echo even get a skin here (that don't even look good) and meanwhile torb/bastion/sym/hanzo get jack again? that whole theme feels like such a missed opportunity for ramattra, maybe zen, VENTURE for god sake.. uh..

@KhaledAminK: As an Egyptian, this is my favourite season.

@agnidox8970: Why nobody talking about wow


@iilluminumooconfirmed1676: The director's deciding what skins to make should be ashamed if they care one bit about any fairness.

@Tweaking48: The Pharaohs curse

@lemon_m0uth491: ain't no way venture doesn't get a skin with this perfect theme

@kayrealist9793: No 6v6?

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