Overwatch 2 - EVERY HERO CHANGE for Season 12: New Frontiers

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@Jet7Wave: I'm glad to see the Kiriko buff/nerf hasn't lowered her kill potential further, or at least it doesn't seem like it, but I still don't like the initial changes they made where her headshot multiplier was lowered. It was a unique and rewarding piece to her kit that made her really satisfying to play, even though I'd sometimes be useless missing all my shots. The moments where I consistently made headshots in a fight made it all worth it, made it memorable and fun. She's still fun, but I personally would prefer if the balance focused on enhancing the heroes unique aspects for balance rather than reduced them.

@Simontdrhd: New support sucks because no aim assist in console

@DWAGASS: Blizzard is so incompetent

@Nick-yo1te: So a bunch of squishy got nerfed and Moira damage got buffed? 😂😂😂 welp.

@1carusGG: Feels almost too balanced imo.

@mrwatermelo50: the clip from Emong with lucio :D

@CRO-hj2iq: I'm in the video!

@crymznaraknyd1063: We didnt need a hanzo nerf😢

@reap4k: Did they remove a penalty for getting disconnected in casual matches?

@ktmarshwa: The map lighting actually makes me so happy because I always start missing different ones so the randomizing is awesome

@thndr_5468: This is one of the strangest patches yet. Some real odd balancing decisions were made here

@Flandre-Scarlet: "The increase in Defense Matrix didnt help Dvas overall performance as much compared to the frustration it caused enemy players" What kind of pitiful comment is this? It did help dva's performance obviously. But comparing it to "frustration" from players? People only complain about it because they know it was buffed. The difference in duration being 0.5 seconds? Majority of people wouldn't realize the difference if you don't tell them. They know it was buffed so they think it is more oppressive than it is.

@Cam_51372: Tf they mean orisa aint performing well

@trash0175: I cant believe they reset rank again . I was finally about to reach masters..no way..

@PotatNetflix: I was a big fan of the grouped respawn for quickplay. It brought focus where you'd normally wouldn't get it. Now it's about the same as it was before.

@grantzu: Can some poor damned soul who still plays this game tell me the last time they changed genji at all good or bad

@ainatzgr7145: why the HELL are we buffing kiriko man ..

@mr.strange4063: Orisa? Underperforming?

@wryanajmadin2744: I don't like it

@AndyBorjigin: "Kiriko is underperformed" lol. Yeah sure.

@NalXame: I love the wave based respawn mechanic. Feels good that the trickling is becoming less prevalent.

@astrolisgd: When are we getting 1 tip for every hero back? Loved watching those

@trickerino: Bro does not know TF2 💀💀💀

@uncleplaysitok: and Juno is the best doctor 😍

@RadiantHealer: Ah, Wave Respawn, otherwise known as Feeding Multiple Deaths

@KiryuuYoshiya: rank reset keeps me in bronze where i belong so i dont mind it. i still get the comp points for funny weapon either way 👍

@MasterSynth: The two heroes I struggle the most against (Moira and Sombra): buffed Me, a support main with bad aim: *chuckles* I'm in danger!

@raiden4613: Yea bru echo is f tier rn she’s worse then genji especially against hitscan there’s just no way to outskill hitscans anymore these echo changes are not a step in the right direction her hit box is really big she needed that extra hp now she gets sniped so easily out of the air. I’m not playing anymore the one character that blizzard didn’t nerf that I enjoyed is nerfed they nerfed genji to dog shit, Hanzo is also dogshit, mei dogshit, doom is in the tank role now yeah the game is dead I hope hitscan players are having fun not getting skill checked I’m not playing until that echo nerf gets reverted

@Anik6: What the hell why torb has lvl 3 turret what did I miss?

@AlqantDBlank: 8:23 how is mercy using her staff to attack here, and res skill has a skull?????

@DarthKido: Actually, almost all, kinda goat'd changes

@Saltyaf38: Whoevers idea it was to nerf Juno's primary should be fired.

@kevin10087: Wait when was orisas javilin able to bounce?

@please-wake-up-now: I feel like the changes are pretty wild this time! 😂 Especially with Mercy's buffs/nerfs, it's like a rollercoaster! 🎢 Can't wait to see how it all plays out in-game. Also, that Flashpoint mode sounds super fun! Hope it's as chaotic as it sounds! 🎮

@AgelessIlluminate: So kiriko can get a damage buff but genji can't? Can genji get a projectile speed increase at least? Like goddamn give him SOMETHING

@cocoaberri: i absolutely love the wave respawn change it definitely makes a different when trying to speed back to fights/points and also regroup (this is my perspective from playing lucio where if i died a few seconds before a teammate i would then have to sit in spawn and wait for them so i could speed us back, when this became multiple teammates the waiting got boring, frustrating and just pointless at times)

@trevin277: "Orisa is under performing" good let that be the case either rework her or leave her be you can't keep pumping steroids into the annoying poorly designed immortal horse

@HopeIsADrug11037: we did NOT need a moira buff im boutta tweak tf out

@fumi7643: Wheres the buff that removes sombra from the game?

@EMBBVR: yeah im not finna lie hearing that theyre balancing off "community feedback" is just disgusting when comp exists lmao

@DragoXArt: No way I avoided torbintime like 3 weeks ago. I’ll never forget that name 💀 11:14

@Aromatic-ring: they just ruined kiriko

@Bigzoe202Gaming: Juno's ring move should allow people to jump higher.

@martint7936: Sombra going to be more OP.. stupid Blizzard

@anthonybrown1862: After all these years and they still can’t get this game, right? Crazy

@awkwurdknight2088: Why buff sombra and mercy??


@armaninape9685: Also didn't mention that you need endorsement lvl 2 to type in match chat 💀

@wewlilol3392: juno smash

@monstrous4462: remember when most characters were just 200 hp, wow good days

@K-ka-m9: Hot take: I don't think they should do a rank reset when they release a new hero. Full disclosure, I'm in gold, and I've had so many people picking Juno with no experience on her. It seems like an auto loss when they do that. They need to go back to what they did in OverWatch 1 when they would withhold a new hero from comp for a couple of weeks to give those who want to learn her a chance to learn her without disrupting other people's games.

@MarkoĐurđević-g5f: Junker queen was also buffed. She used to have 375 base health and her shout gave her an extra 200. Now she has 575 health and her shout gives her another 50.

@snowwhite1494: The only change they needed in the entirety of the game was to reduce the distance of Moira's attack, the range is disgusting especially when around a corner. But instead they increased damage on her...make it make sense

@chosen_1stone960: Since when can mercy’s staff shoot?

@Astralmess: took them 2 years to make LW playable lol

@ryanv9502: Hey man love your channel but I would like to make a suggestion. I would get a new pop filter or change some settings on your mic. Your p sounds on many videos literally drive me crazy and I have to stop watching. Maybe I’m weird but i have had to turn videos off on multiple occasions because i can’t stop focusing on the sound. This video isn’t the worst offender but can still hear it.

@IcyKitty153: Why tf genji curse went to his brother hanzo, reaper is literally unkillable in a 1v1 but they nerf hanzo that already got massive nerfs?? Like wtf 😭


@Trazyn-The-Infinite4: Rein is too strong he needs a nerf

@LEOAUNIT33N: This is a game for babies now.

@phant0mime: orisa getting buffed again is an absolute joke.

@gamefer3626: Good thing Zarya gets buffed. How else should she play 1v5

@Phasmania: why did Hanzo get nerfed lmao

@scsarch: A lot of people are flaming the LW changes without valid points. Raising DVA bombs on a petal can still be done. Even before this patch you have to manually activate it by stepping on it, and even then the drop down is after two seconds. In most cases you want to raise the dva bomb at the last second so the enemy team have no time to react. So that argument doesn’t make sense. In the case of raising a winston Winston bubble with petal, the time it takes to raise the petal plus the two second fall down time is still a long period where you can get a lot of damage in on a winton, it’s not as much as a nerf as it’s been made out to be. Even then you can get back on the petal at keep the bubble raised. Overall it’s a net buff because it provides more operability and strategy for an elevator type system of attack and manoeuvring :)

@bac0ntoast: Tf2 respawn waves have always been good for the game so this is a nice change

@20bShawn: wtf is that mercy ability?

@user-in4mw3dz8s: A seminar about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s forced organ harvesting crimes was held at the Tianmen Gallery in Paris, France on October 21, 2023. David Matas, a renowned human rights lawyer from Canada, shared his decades of investigation into this ongoing horrific crime that has Falun Gong practitioners as the major victims. He said that fighting for human rights is the responsibility that everyone should try their best to take on. David Matas giving the talk during the seminar The Investigation Back in March 2006, a Chinese woman, Annie (alias), published a statement in Washington D.C. She said that her ex-husband, a surgeon at the Sujiatun Hospital in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, had disclosed to her that he had removed cornea from 2,000 living Falun Gong practitioners between 2002 and 2005. Other doctors in the hospital also removed other organs from more practitioners. These victims were killed in the process and their bodies were cremated to destroy the evidence. The organs were sold to wealthy Chinese or foreigners who were in China for transplant tourism. A non-government organization in Canada contacted David Matas and the late David Kilgour, former Secretary of State for Asia Pacific, inviting them to conduct an independent investigation into this matter. After months of investigation, they published a 140-page report in July 2006, which drew “the regrettable conclusion that the allegations are true.” They also found that the atrocity didn’t only take place in the hospital Annie’s ex-husband worked for, but in many other hospitals across China.

@Rafiki82: Anyone else thinks Reinhardt's shield has been extremely op?

@kaiz0099: "people with no lives" yea that stung

@mutab790: Idk but i think illari’s ult got buffed because the projectile is too big that collides with literally anything and sometimes it can be beneficial for the enemy team but now it is smaller which means that it won’t collide with trees and stuff like that very easily and this is much better for illari players

@Voodoo318: 99% of these changes weren’t needed. Yeah, nerf Diva.. she needs it... But the nerf to Illari.. why?? Was anyone complaining that she was too strong?? No.

@asamataua: No Doom buff? :((

@broskyification: I did my tank matches starting at diamond 4. Won 5 lost 5 and placed plat 2 😭

@silent4fail: 7:42 excellent choice of background footage

@Brisingrr_: YESSS I can finally play overwatch again. Hanzo is kind of back on the table.

@OUSTET: Juno still seems super strong

@thegamingdragon490: i want a junkrat buff

@nicjames6112: These changes feel kinda bad and really random


@SMToonLarvaHeroes-9898: The last patches taught us that Defense Matrix basically turns into Gojo's Infinity whenever it's longer than 3 seconds

@Malevolence460: I fucking hate how they add new game modes into comp without ever testing them. Nobody knows what the fuck is going on

@tabbiya9174: Yoo... Did I miss something new about Mercy? 8:24

@Thepackmandude: I know they were hated across the board, but I would still love to see the 2cp maps playable in QP sometimes, I miss some of them lol

@TOMMYBOY9195: They finally nerf dva the right way THANKYOU

@TywinManderly-s5n: Thanks!

@XboxGaming3550SG: Hey man, big fan, idk about everyone else but I would like that you give your opinion about these changes instead of just making these a factual video. I’ve normally read the patch notes before and would be interested in your thoughts even if its just an “I like these change, the buff was needed” or “Im not sure about this” or sth lol

@kelliecullen-knapp854: I have a question for a Juno mythbuster. Can Mediblaster's animation change into Pulsar Torpeodoes without firing all the shots?

@Subninja2012: 86% Heterosexual males demographic across every major Blizzard IP. So who are they making these effeminate characters for? The 14% of the remaining demographic? That sounds like a business decision that is not steeped in functionality. In other words. Blizzard needs to have HETEROSEXUAL MEN running and making the overall decisions. The more feminine the company becomes the less revenue they generate long term.

@roomfive5: “Or the people with no lives” lol, KarQ darling, Ana Amari aka Horus Janina Kowalski Shrike Bastet IS LIFE❤😂

@THETVGCHANNEL: Hey does the auto generate on life weavers heal stack with manual charge? Wanna know cause I can’t tell (I’ll edit this to say hamburger if they say it in video cause I’m listening to it as I am texting this)

@andrewayala7719: the lifeweaver changes are all nerfs but you guys don’t actually play him so you just see changes on paper without any practical application .his petal counterplay specifically the anti winston is shot now bc petal just falls; nobody ever held fully charged blossoms to begin with so if you are holding it you’re probably out of position and passive blossom charging is incredibly negligible

@ShawBooYa: I’m ngl I’m completely against the Sombra n mercy buffs, the fact that her viral will do more damage yet these hero’s getting decreased health is silly, mercy because Pharah it’s gunna be practically one shot for everyone with them two and they were already annoying

@bjd7011: Why do they keep buffing Sombra, she doesn’t need to be a later stage of cancer, she’s cancer already


@taylotkruebbe5000: Why does it look like mercy is shooting out of her staff instead of a pistol?

@sonofyupe: wave respawn is good because so many people die and immediately run in to battle not paying attention if other teammates or possibly the entire team has died. preventing feeding the enemy or trickling back.

@xivsilvas1917: God I wish mercy would get the skill she had in the event where she can detonate souls instead of of a rez as a normal skill. A lot of times the souls you want to rez are in the middle of the enemy team or not in a position to rez, and beeing able to help your living teammates out by dealing some damage without pulling out the pistol just seams so fun!

@neodaltiair8624: 1 kunai > 2 genji shuriken

@NinjaPickle: Lifeweaver platform changes are so good, exactly what the ability needed is just more time to be active and for it to be able to return down on it's own. Now Lifeweaver essentially creates new terrain for his entire team while in play instead of just a one-time lift every time he has his ability. Enables so much more coordination and strategy with his team, and also can likely make for some really cool plays that weren't available before

@mlgsus3915: My man dont show the lvl 3 turret... makes me feel sad

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