Overwatch 2 - EVERY HERO and MAP CHANGE for SEASON 5

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TheRealKenzo: Buff widowmaker

Jason Morgan: 5 seasons and the "Friend Zone" trophy is still bugged / not unlocking for me and other PS5 players who previously had the trophy on the PS4 version and upgraded to the PS5 version. Last trophy I need to get the platinum for a second time! You'd think that'd be an easy fix considering it doesn't happen on Xbox or PC?

Noam Laufer: Where is the new map for this odd even season?

Stefii: why they dont change pharah soo long?

Kasshern: new tech Nana widow is kinda good AND kinda viable now?

Kirito: Tracer nerf for what reason?!

Unpolished Instinct: the reaper and moira change was fucking aids the point of the game is to call out when people use their abilities so that you can counter them not just get rid of a counter for free for preexisting broken abilities

Unoriginal: Junker queen not even a tank anymore

Marksman: i feel like there a bug or desync in the new patch, i notice the enemy animation that you see is more jittery when you are trying to target them. its not consistent, they move fast and more distance, but in their cam its very slow moving. i notice enemy are exploiting this strafing back and forth while throwing damage especially hanzo

HI DOWNLOADS: 💀💀💀💀 terrible powerful call widow and mercy counters huge widowmaker can no logner buff HUGE NERF MERCY

Jasper: So they are making the game for babys?

ACX - Widowmaker Gameplay & Tuto: Hi, does anyone have the map code to see the 50 meters with Widowmaker at this time ? 3:50 😬

Enderstar4019: You basically copied karqs style for this type of content. Very disappointing..

Wedels: btw gibraltar has a lot of changes on the second payload part, with a new route and stuff

Moonlight: I like how Mcree has a better hack than Sombra 🙃🤡

MilkityMilk: Kenzo: Can i copy your homework? karQ: Yeah but dont make it too obvious Kenzo:

James: Such a shitty live service, literally on sunset mode just rebalancing the same things they already balanced, honestly one of the worst value live services in the space for how much they charging.

Joaco Remis: rip widow

Open Door: Didn’t genji’s ammo get restored too? Its back at 30

ZoomyW: Widow is undoubtedly the worst hero in the game

Nugatti Veyron: you forgot about genji buff 24 ammo to 30 ammo "big changes"

TSUBAKI.GARAGE: We need a season 5 widow game play update!

Dylan moore: 3:07 that's stupid tbh

Kaka: Overwatch is slowly dying again, thanks blizzard for that Widowmaker nonsense nerf, fuck you guys, I'm over this shitty game.

Constantin Böhmer: Tracer Nerf are they fucking serious ? 😢

RainbowHell: Season 10 update: We will be implementing a new 6 vs 6 mode

WildGenji: I just looked at the thumbnail and the title in the notifications and I clicked on it expecting to hear KarQ and I just was stunned after hearing different voice lol

Keishon Riley: Yeah let's buff up Cassidy biotic grenade and make it work like his stun grenade from ow1😑just without the stun part yeah like he needed that bullshit

Rugaba: I swear the people who make these changes do not play the game at all 😂

Shy: im so happy that on fire is back. i always loved that mechanic and i noticed it so much while playing today

chuu: i get why they did the widow nerf but she feels really behind from other hitscans now, her grapple cooldown is still 12 whole seconds and her venom mine is pretty basic and only helpful for information at most. if she has to play within 50m or diveable distance, they should’ve brought her hp back up from 175 to 200 or even 250 because of her still and vulnerable playstyle.

3170: Thx blizzard buffing the strong nerfing the weak 🎉

Patrice Tremblay: You missed 1st checkpoint door changes on left AND right.

dellavey: rip widow.


Kevin Rosa: Genji also got 30 ammo that wasnt in the patch

Mohammad Abadei: Basically all hero changes were bad. As expected of OW Team. They continually disimprove.

Tokyoilyba: now kenzo is karq 2.0

Gabe Zepeda: bruh who asked for tracer nerf

Jason Sparks: I know they didn't nerf Hanzo. Like I play him and the only thing I feel that makes him semi playable is the fact that he can one shot, even if that is a point of frustration

Sagi: they finally found a way to nerf Kenzo.. or do they?

MomentaryLapse: Crazy that a sticky grenade has more power than a time traveling jett pilot :/

Ayala Carrizales Valeria: Buff widows smg 🗣️🗣️

wolfenstar nice: I sure do love the skill nerfs. But let's keep everyone that requires none.

Spineking Jørgensen: I’ll be honest, while a hanzo nerf can be justified, I’m extremely upset that I can no longer one shot satan. Now she can cryo freeze in my face if I don’t follow up quickly enough.

Łuh Kuda: bro i ordered some gmg glasses form you link like a week ago and im getting no info back for it, are you sure this is legit ?

Echo: Bro, 4 years and they can't even give us the new hero w/ the Season 5 drop.. Not buying the pass for Zelda in a suit of armor.

Wahrsagerin: The new map weather for Busan looks depressing, I love it 😍

Claud: If I had 1 nickel for every time Widowmaker gets nerfed to a point there's absolutely no reason at all to pick her over Ashe, I would have 2 Nickels. Which isn't much, but it's weird that it happened twice.

ichigoamv: All I heard was mercy buffs

spawnova: I like the Mcree grenade change but was blocking abilities really needed, now you can't really counter pick as much

LilBowlOSoup: Your crazy at copying thumbnails

Creaky: great video! terrible game

TheMagicElk: Widowmaker doesnt need this change. Anyone who complained about it are just bad at the game and should learn that shes a sniper, she was designed to 1 shot people

Resobv_: Buff hanzo

Marcus Games: There goes reaper and moira

Sum Gai: Imagine stealing KarQs thumbnail format. How original.

SABRnoScope: Moria and reaper movement nerf was very unnecessary

TwinTailsRyu: man that Gibraltar change makes me miss the moonbase map..

Kiara Cantillo: Was that ramp on the Meka base always there? Looks sick

Dustin Meinhardt: so widow is trash now gg

RoachDogSenior: NEW MAP UPDATES!!! Its now just slightly before night and theres like, some clouds in the sky and some of the lights have been turned on OW2 YES LORD

Silver: NO poor widowmaker

Majima: Imagine nerfing snipers because they're snipers lmao

Yik Long Tay: Perhaps they could do something more interesting with Venom mine now. Something that can give you the occasional chance to one shot at greater distance now.

Arc Trooper: Buffs they give than take away in the next season

A Dumb Chicken: wait this isnt karq

Monti: If ̶ ̶M̶c̶C̶r̶e̶e̶'̶s̶ Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade blocks movement abilities, does it also block Sombra's translocator? If so, than i guess Cass is going to be a really nice Sombra counter

Alex a: I wanna know his thoughts on widow

NightWatcher: Still no Kenny buffs

Broski: The Junker Queen health you have in this video is for open queue, not role queue. Her base health is not 300 in role queue.

Elianna E: If they made weavers autos homing it would make him a more healthy hero, it doesn’t even have to be 100% homing either like moiras.

Deadmeatsz: Kenzo gonna commit sepukku now that the Only character he plays is nerfed. Time well spent 😂

Adam Christ: Awesome video!!

Hoppy: Yay CC! Exactly what everyone wants.

pippo rossi: Good video 👍🏻 The only issue with this patch is that junkrat main weapon doesn’t has a buff. He need a damage around 400 -500 x bomb 💣. That s will be pretty balanced. 😂

BobOrKlaus: Why is there no on fire bar? Like bruh

BobOrKlaus: What's the interaction between cass nade and balls ball form like? Very much annoying af anyways but I gotta know how much my main gets countered now

Fantas: Lets just say that this patch is just making Genji more useless than he was

Budget Man: I'm so pissedddd all the one shot changes are gonna do is make mercy hard meta

TheKindex: That Cassidy granade change makes it even more broken

quad god: lifeweaver was already pretty decent but now he should be a common lock

Cyborg 225: the cree grenade disabling movement abilities is so stupid. Fuck Moira mains i guess

Martin Bat: cass grenade now disables shields or?

Sero: Yeah. Im think we will emergency balance changes to cassidy soon. Because this looks too OP the slow

Santenz: WHEN WILL THEY NERF BALL, it might not have huge impact in upper ranks but in gold/plat/diamond its SO ASS to play against. Ball might not be OP but its so annoying to play against so it might just be OP

Valec: Lifeweaver is never going to be good lol. His kit is so bad compared to every other support. I used to hate when my other support picked Lucio but now that hate is directed to Lifeweaver

echoana: istg overwatch for the love of god cCAN NOT balance the heros out at all,, widow got nerfed for no reason (ppl just like to complain a lot) while cassidy and mei get buffs that they dont need

Duce Nfame: i don't get this shit 5-0 on plat5 i only get a +1 playing with a diamond wich yes increses the avarage skill of the team but also of the opposing team wich mostly i'm playing against diamonds or smurf diamonds wich are still plat

vonaqil: " Blizzard BUFFING THE DEVIL HERSELF " "The only dude with bow and arrow "

Dwaf Fawf: Glad Lifeweaver got buffed to bad its not gonna do anything for him. after playing him for so long i noticed the problem is mostly his Hitbox / His primary heal being way to slow to keep some one alife like anna can with just primary fire (also heals 75), they need to remove the Charge effect or Cut it in half if they realy want to keep it. this is just my opinion but i would like to see the self heal dash be alittle more atm because off his hight/hitbox being so big. the peddle is not enough to help him survive any dive.

Dorime 2023: Hell yeah we got 75 heal.

Hsot Nas: This entire widow and hanzo nerf is to support heals and other dps who just want to be out in the open and fight. It is too much strategy and positioning for them. Unfortunate change. Time to start playing other games alongside Overwatch. It’s sad that they chose mediocrity over skill and positioning

Rémi YT: Damn I thought it was a KarQ video since I saw your profile picture at the end lmao! Great video tho, thanks for the news :)

4RTB8: RIP Widowmaker :( They could of at least decreased the cooldown of her grapple hook or increase the range of the Grapple hook itself! It still blows my mind how winston can leap x2 by the time I hook x1! This change is new player friendly I get it but what a blow to the OG players. OG players have been practicing for years getting good with 1 shot characters and now all their work is basically scrapped. 99.9% of players cannot play widow like Kenzo but they assume everyone plays like Kenzo so they nerfed 1 shot characters. Those characters are at Very high risk if you miss, the higher the risk the higher the reward. Widow's Damage should increase then the close you are to the target (With scoped shot). It does not make any sense nerfing this without giving widow some kind of compensation for mobility. Forcing players to play Snipers Mid-Range is the worst idea ive seen since overwatch 2 was announced.

Que 101: The really just made reaper and genji worse hero’s

Honey Bun: Bruh so no counter to mcree now

Lost D. Strawhat: rip us widow and hanzo mains

Ozztin: Let the Gold players with no game sense be the ones to Whine and complain about a widowmaker who can die by any character. "These changes are to reduce widowmakers one shot capability" OKAY? SHE IS CALLED A SNIPER? Imagine nerfing a Hero in a game because your playerbase is so trash at the game.

Assassith: As if reaper wasnt dogshit enough as is

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