Overwatch 2 Season 10 EVERY HERO CHANGE! (Full Patch Notes)

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@stylosa: https://wtplay.link/stylosa — Download War Thunder for FREE and get your bonus!

@dave-oz1ni: Qas hoping for a sexy mythic mercy skin and instead get this shit? Not even worth looking at

@JayceeODaly: I’ve been banned like for 3 different seasons 💀☠️

@RedlineRich80: people still play ? i'll be back when rein is king again and hog is reverted

@muysli.y1855: Dev: to much heal and unkillable Supports the solution. 1 give all more hp 2 dps passiv 3 4 buff Supports sustain/heal Here we go again 😂

@byotokyo2368: We basically tried the new game mode if you played the hero trials already

@imclueless9875: oh blizzard, yes lets make the most busted tanks even more busted and unkillable.... it never ceases to amaze me the sheer stupidity of their changes. Also finding anyways they can to suck any amount from the player base.

@WizadPowuhs16: Quick play leaver penalties is such trash

@Torqegood: Man I do wish I just could play the game I originally paid for. New characters are nice but turning old heroes into new heroes without the old heroes having a replacement still stings a bit. Thanks for letting me know about all changes though. Also wait do you get punished if you leave games after rolling into another game, and not leaving before the next gane started?

@swampog6252: Season 10 : same assets same shit game

@bert949: Pleasant voice.

@Walt_Xander94: Coming back to OW1.5 just for new heroes being free again. Im sure tryhards have been WORSE, I literally haven't played since October 2022, the month of the game's release. I'll still stick with DPS though. I had enough of playing a Tank or Healer, while teammates are shit 99% of the time.


@i420xGaming: 100bucks for 100 mythic coins 😂 what a scam

@divine696969: If u play casually being banned in 10 disconects seems fine. If u play a lot its not hard to see some one disconecting 10 times in 3 months. Very stupid system. 5-10 games a day 150 to 300 a month x 3 months is a lot of games for only 10 d/c or leaves.

@Chanel_Coco28: Are golden guns coming back?

@divine696969: Did you see the mythic prisms cost its 1-1 usd and takes 80 to unlock a full hero. Meanings its 80 usd to unlock an old mythic fully. Just wow i thought they were greedy before. Blizz always finds a way to supprise me.

@omletgod2488: saying a bug fix is a buff is such a grimy and clickbaity thing to do… just call it a fckin bug fix

@jayjones4175: 10:41 winton

@brandonalonso1482: why mercy twerk for me in the first few seconds XD

@huntergreen7519: What about competive crossplay

@calvin6235: Overwatch adds TF2 5CP mode as a temp event

@AntonyGreenman: I'm a big fan of the grouping changes, so sick of being in games where there's obviously someone smurfing to boost their friend..

@Cvmpbell: Slowing killing any interest in playing qp, If they think I’m playing kids who’ve been playing the game for literally 9 years in comp they’re fried.

@Doggof2p: That lucio nerf makes no sense 🤦‍♂️

@xGamer_godx: No junk buff?

@RessNation: i mean still wont stop smurfs as people who are in gm and above just have a second account at plat to boost friends lol gg bliz

@macus23: I hate adding venture to comp right away. As a comp only player, I have note played with or against them. A very anti competitive choice imo...

@rjnegative: Dooms seismic slam used to one shot mines. :)

@mormegil84: This game has 4 currencies now. What is modern gaming? 😂 Thank the maker Sombra's been nerfed.

@seraphin01: lol in what world venture is ready for competitive considering how broken he was during testing? the barely noticeable change they're making to him makes no sense

@lawrence9713: Nerfing tracer 💀 The balance team is brain damaged I already play Tracer just for fun and not winning. The recall cd already makes me struggling having big impacts in fights. Nerfing it makes me never playing her at all. Literally any other hero in this category has more impact with less effort. Pulse Bomb also getting countered by so many abilities. This hero is going to get instinct.

@MaccGaz: I always felt the Rein shatter was too long already! When is blizzard going to add tooltips to the game? Things like the rank icons, or the rank update modifiers are obvious examples.

@sinnlos-erfolg5869: 10:32 Winton

@SonderOverYonder: If you are endorsement level 0 you shouldn’t be able to play comp and forced to be nice in qp to get back to level 1

@aar8580: How did Reaper not get anything in a season related to OW & Talon ?!

@cryptisi5363: Awesome, now can they revert the Sombra "rework"

@Sammy-di9jb: fuck. this means I actually have to go play ow2 again to get kiriko mythic lol

@cats198nz8: we all just going to ignore that the devs increased hp to make fights last longer and now they arae buffing everyones damage and cc? almost like adding extra hp was never a proper fix

@drunkausieproductions2190: Clash sounds like 5cp in TF2 and if so I am very excited for that gamemode

@pandafamkingyinyang9392: REIN BUFF🎉

@pandafamkingyinyang9392: Why nerf venture:(

@weedalism: nice you can now play with GM as a bronze but still can not play ranked with console friends..... I am pretty sure that there are more players who have friends on different platforms than there are players who have friends in wide ranges of ranks.

@mike.fan4: Damn. Just say you don't wanna make this video sheesh lol

@bonkus4073: Idk quick play leaver penalty 2 in 20 is crazy? Lmo

@pauljmorton: "Pulse Bomb now requires more precision." Jay3 must be mad.

@fkbuddy: Wow, these Rein buffs are literally nothing.

@hezelia2706: I understand that it might be hard to rework an ultimate, but in my honest opinion, a suggestion for Lifeweaver’s tree of life is a rework where it doesn’t just heal allies but it somehow protects them also, something like a bubble, think of Mauga’s cage or Winston’s bubble. Somehow make the branches of the tree to protect allies, think of Groot’s protective bubble in Guardians of Galaxy. This would give a boost to his ultimate and a shield since his tree can be destroyed by enemies. It’s also a way to recompense for the fact that his ultimate is immobile. Like, once you place it, your allies have to stay near the tree unlike Lucio’s, Brig’s, Mercy’s and Zen’s ultimates where they are mobile because Overwatch is a fast and very mobile game, it requires you to move every time. With Lucio’s, Brig’s, Zen’s and Mercy’s ultimates, you and your allies can still reach the objective or push the payload, etc meanwhile with weaver, you’ve to be smart on where you place it and you can’t really move the tree along with you to push payloads or reach objective (like when running over to it). What weaver suffers is from an immobile ultimate in a field where there are supports who have mobile ultimates. I love his tree don’t get me wrong, it’s great to block so many ultimates too like Sigma’s, Bastion’s, Illari’s etc. So what weaver needs is either a buff to protect his tree or make his tree mobile somehow.

@jakiii368: gues what rein is still gona be bad

@KingArthur101: Season 10 will literally be known as the season that one dev got his feelings hurt by a spectator in QP since they wanna take away text chat for spectators in QP lol what a joke

@smashbrandiscootch719: Sooo....its just a moba now?

@Zabor-ny3co: Ah, yes. New season, new unneccessary buffs and nerfs with dumbass decisions. Love it

@shocky377: where the f are orisa nerfs she is ruining the game


@erjohn5404: People who are complaining about tracer is low rank players. I swear to gad Support- roles are already so broken it's just skill issue at this point.

@PaulSmith-nb6md: They are gonna kill their unranked playerbase by making leaver penalties worse for a mode that is supposed to be for fun

@jahiymwilliams5709: Stylosa is so reliable

@ginpachi1: Sty: “Grouping Restrictions, this is crucial!” Me with no friends: “yeah right, guy 😂”

@thejunkmanlives: sombra needs to be reworked 1 more time. hack needs to be a skill shot, not a lock on ability. and she shouldnt be able to hack out of cloak. virus is what hack needed to be.

@Youre_so_wrong_studios: W tracer and sombra nerfs please nerf all five so supports can stop having to play dead by daylight


@bryanmunshaw1923: crappy tank buffs other then rein

@Xo1ot1: These rank modifiers are pure cynicism. Nobody in the world can control if they win or lose in this game reliably, unless they outclass their current rank by a gigantic margin.

@supersonicman4353: Where tf is the shield doomfist had in the trailer and the mercy shooting thing?

@itsyaboiherman: all they do is nerf tracer......im tired of this dev team

@jason-ee6ys: ana main here....i guess ill go fvck myself for another season nw

@sollarezzz3714: SHATTER IS BACK BBY

@cargoreaper3019: Leaving 10 comp games in a season and getting banned is actually kinda dumb. There are so many connection issues with ow2 I can see getting disconnected 10 times over the whole season and not getting to play anymore. Not a good change imo

@SatansLilHelper666: Is it just me or does Stylosa avoid saying they/them pronouns for venture, watched all of his videos about Venture and I did not see him say once. Weird ya?

@Sir_ComeSision: Can we please just get catboy Hanzo skin already??

@nvdmw: winton souvenir

@CrackedMidsoles: MORE sustain/denial power creep. Seriously, the DPS passive feels almost useless since midseason, Tank is still miserable to play, Orisa and Mauga are back at the top. Why is Blizzard afraid to let people die, and reward people for being better at the game??

@dshredmusic: Endorsement level 0 players won't be able to talk or type... But they're still able to get into ranked games to ruin teams full of highly endorsed players. Bravo, Blizzard.

@szymont3417: Ok but where the heck are symmetra, junkrat and bastion buffs???

@gustavol137: tf is this moira nerf for, she is NOT in the meta, and after the health pool increase it takes forever for her to kill an enemy, and instead of compesating the take away the damage?

@iliketohelp8336: Why nerf moira, I dont get that. She was finally good....

@zivanaf: Need to buff ana little bit and also wtf is this shit BP?

@Legnakilledme: Good Lord Venture looks terrible.

@ender2iny: A FUCKING WINTON SOUVENIR! Okay, now I can die in peace.

@someGuy-kl7cb: finally ball has infinite grapple back. you can no longer spin to win forever, but you can actually pre-emptively grapple areas. also damn his mobility spiked back up to being the best in the game. move aside doom, sombra, tracer, lucio, literally every other mobile hero, ball is back to claim his rightful spot. his e being more team based is w.e, all i care about is these grapple changes.

@akshayy_xd: They nerfed the new hero? He was already ass

@kliveran: I don't like the new penalty sistem because it incentives to trolls to trow the match, i prefer if someone is trolling to leave mi team over having a guy feeding or doing nothing, this is why team fortress is superior whit the kick sistem

@BurgerwithPeanutButtter: Ok, but did they fix the bug where Illari can't heal targets under an invulnerability effect with her secondary beam? (Reaper wraith form, Kiriko suzu)

@KirbyGamingLive: Trash changes.

@MrGrae333: They turned the man into a cat girl..

@elgranbocaso525: They report me for no reason and i can't get in the game because of Blizzard's stupidity!!!

@elgranbocaso525: I can't play the game because i still banned for 2 months 3 weeks. And this is all Blizzard's fault or the other people's fault.


@cadinherdogz: They do not need to add suspension to QP. It's so dumb.

@Kniiivesaint_here: no ram emote im gonna start i riot

@ChaosMieter: congrats on buffing the ONE SINGULAR PART of reins kit that didnt need looking at. bravo devs

@telassian3728: Volatile, now demotion, have no positive counterpart if im right Why can't they add a promotion option. Why more options to punish the players more than rewarding them. It should be equal imo. Things like that don't help with the toxicity ingame.

@Dartnitt: Venture nerfs are crazy, i know since she on paper does a lot of dmg they try to make it "fair" and instead make her dmg more delayed but her entire playstyle is get in, try to do something and get out, nerfing impact dmg is pretty big and I dont think she was in a good place before nerf. Well, we'll see in comp soon ig

@Nemo.404: Thwy nwrfed the only two DPSs I main and are actually good at 🙄

@Slavtron: Maybe if team balance wasnt so shit people like me wouldn't constantly leave matches

@TMJ83: Theres a lot of Junker stuff

@freakbyte: Oh no.. there enough LW's thinking they're mind readers already

@aussiecossie5816: What happened to reworking the game so that everyone had more health but healing stayed the same maintaining time to kill but removing burst damage. Wasn’t the goal to make the game no longer feel like you either live forever or explode? All this power creep is slowly bringing the game back to where it was.

@BenDover-ku5px: I missed you sty

@leovahn: No symmetra changes is CRAZY

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