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GameSpot Universe: UPDATE: Ryan Murphy has confirmed that AHS: DOUBLE FEATURE will be TWO SEASONS in one calendar year: one set by the sea (cast already announced) and another set by the sand (that cast announcement is coming soon)!!!

ND AR: So we'll get half a season focusing on one monster and the other half on another, and then maybe the last episode will be the two monsters fighting 🤔 Cthulu Vs Aliens

GirlyYoda Wow: I think AHS is going to still do the Lady Of the Dunes case but make her a Siren kinda like when they switched up the Zodiac Killer story

The Rocking Volbeat: Double feature? I see the shows not gonna pick any new fans up this season then

Kody Ryba: I think this speaks to destruction of the coral reefs and how people in the desert are in a dystopian society

Paul Schurig Autor: How many episodes have this season? What do you think? I guess both stories will have 10 episodes :)

Jennifer Ann Bright: Still on the fence on this title they should of called it AHS Beach lol 🤣

Lil Ted.e: Story 1 is science fiction story 2 is double feature

megan t: omg i just realised if there are two stories, then the casts may play more than one character!!

Pablo and Friends: Looks a lot like Dagon to me. If you were a deep sea creature, then you wouldn't see much daylight, so you'd be sensitive to it, hence the furs and the shades...

Ortiz Happening: I honestly really love it and the idea. 1984 was great and I am sure that each story will have a different name but the whole season is called double feature maybe?

Sandra Weilbrenner: Nice they are doing sirens and the legend of the black flash. Awesome.

Miguel Gonzalez: Roanoke did the two part season too

Owen Davies: B movies, science fiction double feature. All the references would lead to some urban legends stuff. So its still possible we have an invasion of the body snatchers kind of thing

S F: Sea = Space, Sand = Earth 🤔

Ali Sarsour صرصور: Opposites stories that are related from 2 perspectives.

LegoLad Gaming: Bonnie and Clyde

Ali Sarsour صرصور: Lovecraft sea with psychological torment In the Mouth of Madness. Sand, radioactive mutants in the 🏜 desert the Hills have eyes

Kathy C: Thanks for mentioning my title,guys! Yes I was doing a little trolling. lol Really looking forward to season 10 tho!

Jeremy Thain: Mermaids and the Lady Of The Dunes. Also Pilgrim could still be a hint that one story could lead into the next as far as consequence or tangentially.

KimAckerman 21: I'm kinda excited and intrigued and what might happen. We havent seen Sarah, Evan or Billie since they werent in Provincetown, so they probably filmed them in L.A. i do think i'll enjoy the sea part a lot more since ive been reading more on what happened back then in Provincetown.

Ste van der Velde: I hope its mermaids :D

Chelsea Michelle: I’m excited by the concept of 2 seasons in one of its done well. I was a bit disappointed with the actual title though IMO it sounds a bit weird and a bit campy

The Kawaii Slartibartfast, Too: Honestly I saw that and thought of Rocky Horror which obvs made me think of aliens. But I honestly want to see AHS take on murdermaids.

Артем Коростелев: Double feature.... I'm sorry, but I can help it but think about mermaids 😅. I mean , mermaid is basically double feature by nature: half human- half fish. Well, if plot is bonded with the sea, there many plot meal: mermaids/sirens, ghost-pirats, Cthulhu, sea witch. There many possibilities!

Matthew Hess: I think the Provincetown setting is the sand storyline and the cast that didn’t film there are apart of the sea storyline

DJ C: i really want to see whatever comes from the sea and whatever is coming from the sand to have a battle

Kristine Menchaca: I swear some AHS fans read way into what Ryan posts/says about the new season. It’s not going to be artistic and intellectual 🙄. He’s no David Lynch. Just saying.

Geechie Petty: Roanoke seem like two stories to me also

Gianni Ram: black widows get their name because "females [carry] out sexual cannibalism after mating." The female often kills and eats the male. THIS IS SEASON 10. Mark my words, just look at the black widow spider on the poster.. its a clue !!! Like if you think this theory is true!

DSKC gaming: Not many of people have heard of this but there's also the Gilgo Beach killer who has never been caught to this day's a serial killer that has met prostitutes and other women on the beach in Gilgo Beach and buried them on the beach there read up on it it's from Long Island New York

Ayden Foxx: I think it’s simpler than what people are thinking. Plot: LA crew comes to Massachusetts area to film a feature of some local folk-lore. Scary shit starts to happen. They end up making a double feature. People die. Shit is scary.

Zack Zack with two Ps: An American Crime Story could handle a pandemic, its honestly a crime how the American health care system and their government have been treating the pendemic and left the people to fend for themselves when literally any other countery other than china and brazil have their shit together enough not to let things get that bad.

Robin McFly: AHS Stu

davidareyouhuman: Ahs tried to be “different” with Roanoke but that ended up being a mess. With Ahs 10 AGAIN their trying to be “different” with 2 seasons in 1...

Burningdaylighter: Hate the name so much. I get it that it’s two stories that’s great. But it does not explain the shows meaning. It’s a concept not the theme. It’s vague and I just do not like it. Like if it was Double Feature: (Title) then the next season/story Double Feature:(Title) then okay. But as it stands if this is the sole title it’s terrible

Sfastmix: Science fiction Double featuuuuree

soleil isabella: i think they may have 2 different names just cause it’s not in the usual ahs font

Xavier: They’ve lost creativity for AHS subtitles. Doesn’t even sound scary.

Zack Zack with two Ps: So shore?

Clonenotcrafter YEET: But dont most seasons have two stories

Jonathan Jay: It’s gonna be sirens and lady of the dunes

Samuel Alejandro Abarca Baltazar: Sounds like it will be fun.

Livvy Nolin: Wait so how is this "double feature" different than just calling it season 10 & 11?

Goodnight Margaret: There has to be some Cthulhu action with the East Coast portion.

CLARISSA A MAJOR: I feel like the link is through family... like family curse, an unrelenting soul that vows to stalk and kill all the offspring of the one who wronged them long ago.

Mark C: sea monsters

Stephen McClellan: I'm guessing it'll start off as two seperate storylines but eventually merge them together and bring all the characters into a singular situation as the season reaches the climax, kinda like they did in Roanoke. And the title sounds like a reference to old B-movie creature features so there's probably gonna be some kind of new creature we haven't seen on AHS before. That's my general theory but I still think this season will be filled with twists and turns that no one will see coming and I can't wait

Jolfer 13: Who the hell would guess that?....

Jolfer 13: As long as it's better then the God awful Roanoke and the meh be happy

WKSHD: I thought that 'Double Feature' had something to do with Doppelgängers and was just expecting murderous Doppelgängers coming from the sea, so this whole title discussion is blowing my mind right now 🤯

sana_fanboi: The reveal of double feature is so anti-climactic

Cole B. Ryan: I'm sure each will have a separate subtitle.

FANCY G-P: I hope they dont trigger my thalasophobia cuz I rlly wanna watch that

Alex Ramirez: Season = Sea Sand

Jess L: AHS “he isn’t quicksilver in this either” 🤣 Lmaoooo

musiquefrique: AHS PANDEMIC!

bepis grandmaster: i just need cody fern, jessica lange and emma roberts in the second part.

Agnew Dillon: I think it's gonna be a ghost ship story by sea , and dunes would be in the sand, queen Mary in long beach and any new England town lol

Jess L: Umm I really was like... That’s the title?! I mean most have two stories but they connect So maybe these stories won’t connect

MYSTERIO MUSIC: I really really hope that these are 2 FULL LENGTH SEASONS cause like let's be real AHS has had some pacing issues in the past before.

holy_moly.donutshop Sparks: Didn’t they find the lady of the dunes in the sand? What if its the legend of the sirens out there and then the lady of the dunes?

Matthew Henry: Greg reaction was my first reaction as well

J.D. Green: Maybe 1 is like "Creature of the Black Lagoon." but what would be the double feature... Sand? Mummy? Tremors?

musiquefrique: Sure aS shit hope it’s better than 1984 was...

Brian Keith: I don't care what the title is I'm just ready to watch a new season

BrightNeonBrilliancy: I’m all for camp, but 1984 wasn’t the best. I feel like this show does horror best when it’s not trying to be funny.

Yung shadowghost: I think we get part 1 of season 10 in june-july

wanderer_: Or.... now hear me out... maybeeeee... they’re going to have Evan Peters in one cast and Emma Roberts in the other. Notice that since they terminated their relationship they’ve never worked together on AHS. Understandable, too.

Felipe Fuentes Lyng: This situation gives me strong David Lynch vibes, Lily Rabe said that old fans will be thrilled, but new fans will love it too, as you know Lynch’s work isn’t for everyone as it’s too complex and abstract, maybe a softer side to it, in fact, one of his movie’s name is “dune” and for the most part of his work he tends to confuse people by creating doppelgängers. Sarah Paulson said that her hair will be like nothing she’s ever worn, thus, leaving few options, my go to options in this case would be black, white or gray...i can’t remember who said that this season would be like nothing we’ve ever seen, maybe b&w? As in old crappy campy cinema, and those teeths Anjelica Ross said, could be the teeths that keep a movie rolling. Adding up, ahs: cinema

Tashalynnx: Ok I been waiting for y’all to upload a video since I saw the news a few hours ago but dang I didn’t think it would be this fast!

DRINKS MENU: I think it’s gonna be like, one is a time piece and another is a modern day, but in the same setting.

staycwayc Dunn: That's what I thought immediately "it's the late night double feature picture show!"

Michelle Cheaney: could be like a drive-in double feature idea. Those are the movies showing that ultimately goes into the reality of the drive-in theatre story...idk lol

Anthony Fay: I’m down for killer mermaids/sirens. I want ahs to be really scary again, the last time I was truly scared while watching the show was season 3.

brandon Zech: Maybe it will be one story with the first half being a journey by sea to province town and continuing once they reach province town🤔

Christina Mammolito: Mermaids!

Victor Tent and graphics: Wow

Brady Matteson: Ryan confirmed the two stories are separate seasons, airing separately but they're woven together! I'm all for it, I think it could be REALLY dope. This seems super promising and has me really excited for the show again. While I haven't been super crazy on these last few seasons I think this could be good for the show and allow for a lot of cool ideas and good characters to be fleshed out well enough. My biggest issue with the shows over 1984 and Apocalypse has been a lot of the ideas felt a bit tired, I was sick of seeing ghosts, I was sick of the slapped-on humor. I missed consequences, I missed there being stakes and actual, real tension. I'm hoping the show feels legit scary again and this has me feeling hopeful for that!

Charlie Julian: Hey American Horror Story seasons are usually like 8 stories going on at once so we’re getting ripped off with only two!

omar: I’m sure the seasons will be about the sea monster sightings in provincetown and the black flash

Eshadiva87: Not a fan of the title. But I'm watching 😁

Abraham El-Gothamy: I'm feeling shadow over innsmuth. the fish people and lovecraftian horror. It's not something that we've seen.

douglas dacosta: im still riding hard for the sirens sjjdjd i feel it would work well with the mayflower too

H Hasan-Mullings: I also thought that "Pilgrim" will be better fit for the season 10 title.😊😊 But many weeks past and it was like a pause, to think it's actually next big theme is now.🙂

Elizabeth Rios: Here is an interesting though: Province town is the first feature by sea. How about Death Valley as the second feature. There is a lot of space to move around out there and it’s located between LA and Las Vegas. There are a ton of horror stories that take place in the desert. Also Area 51 is located in the desert around Las Vegas.

Alex Toth: Eli Roth? Robert Rodriguez would like to have a word with you.

ita coco: honestly...why? it just doesn’t fit in with the other i get it has 2 mini seasons in one season but it just doesn’t fit in, something like seaside or hell town would’ve been 100% better.

Iggy: Ryan Murphy commented under the Instagram post and mentioned it's two different seasons for twice the content for the viewers.

Andiswa Njabuliso: 😭😭😭I honestly can’t wait for this season to drop

H Hasan-Mullings: AHS: Double Feature, Hmmmm... weellllll I will say okay a bit!🤔🤔👌 But thanks for showing these new theory on the video. It makes sense now.👍

H Hasan-Mullings: Yess I'm surely think that the editing teams got something and they're brewing it... .Yeah I'm looking for that teasers!

Brooke D: My first reaction was jaws but then I saw one story by sea one by sand. I figure it's mermaids and lady in the dunes...

kevin kirkpatrick: They're filming a movie

Jordan Kelemen: Double feature is always two movies back to back? Was that a question that needed google?

Bryan Maldonado: I Hope that its 2 different stories but somehow they both connect at the end??? Lets see

David Le: It's about sea monsters, and flesh-eating sand!!!

A true goblin of culture: I'm gonna die on the hill of it being space aliens and lovecraftian horrors in the ocean

T Marie: I’m intrigued. It seems like it might have a campy vibe, which is AHS aesthetic.

ETERNITY-AHS COSMIC: I think I have a prediction that we might revisit some clues that were mentioned back in 2016 which was the Roanoke season one of the reason why I say that because the teasers for season 6 had a lot of clues for a lot of Seasons that are be airing in the future and the current when that will be airing now to teasers were the sorority other one was Beach at tide

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