Zeke and Eren's Plan Revealed! Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 15 "Sole Salvation" REACTION!

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RT TV: Wow what an amazing episode to reveal the big plan. Are you guys on board ?? Anime’s only do you have a better plan ??

Kingkb2099: Also this episode really did not hit for me considering it didn't move anything along in my opinion and just because his parents wasn't the best if I'm supposed to feel sorry for him I'm sorry that you was manipulated in that situation cuz it's the person that you look like a father figure who tells them to snitch on his parents and later in the same episode he admits he only cared about Zeke because he saw his dead son and zeke

Kingkb2099: For me this is the most mid episode it didn't make me appreciate Zeke it made me more confused by what he's trying to do if you trying to kill the eldians because he sees his death as a gift or is he genuinely trying to save them and fight Marley

KrimsonKodalineKash: 7:56 did he really though, I mean he practically forced the serum into him, forced him to turn and eat him and said the same "fate of the world in your hands" speech

Ryan Gaaserud: They are doing a spilt season

Noe The Beaner: tells his kid hes gonna save the world from whatever he thinks it needs saving from is how you create another hitler if the kid decides the wrong thing is the problem

Aluneth Master: i don't understand this plan at all... so what happens if eldians can't have kids.... ? can someone explain this to me ?

Shravan: Last episode : ha ha monke dumb This episode : reject humanity return to monke

Ozwell: No. Zeke inky ever "believed in the cause" so his father would love him. Zeke didn't want to be a soldier or fight in a war. He only wanted his father's approval. The reason he turned himself in was solely in order to save himself and his grandparents. There was no future planning of gaining trust with the military involved. Zeke never even decided to inherit the Beast Titan until he was an older teenager and he found out that he could sterilize the Eldian race.

:/: Nah I can't believe rob compared Boruto-Naruto relationship to Grisha-Zeke 😂 Naruto is no where near that bad of a father

Alan Etuke: i am manga reader :3 sorry to people who don like them :(

Taha Ahmed: thats most ridicules plan of zeke peaple need to understand sometime your identity your culture is way important then your life and eren will never gonna let zeke make such an ideiotic choise and takeaway peaple freedom

Hector Nonayurbusiness: RIP Levi 😢

CrazyDoughboy: Zeke obviously isn’t dead that wouldn’t kill him And eren can’t complete the mission without him lmfao

Deniss Fedorkovs: Love your talks guys! You have very interesting thoughts about those episodes.

Munhan: I disagree with the Boruto comparison. Naruto loves his kids its just that he's the Hokage and busy taking care of the village like a family that he had no time for Boruto. Naruto hasnt really tried to force Boruto to do anything but because of the neglect Boruto hates his father. Boruto has his own free will and you guys will see that as you keep watching the show. Great reactions as always

Little N: 7:50 "They say you get better with your second child though" lol this is gonna age like milk

XD Vortex: kid zeke is midoriyas voice actor

Malachi Blair: Honestly i think EREN is going to betray ZEKE. Here is my reasoning on why. I remember back in season 4 episode 5 where eren was talking to reiner in that basement. There was one line in that episode that stuck with me. “ willy tybur up there is right. Im the bad guy, i might just destroy the world.” This makes me think that eren was unsure to either go with the euthanasia plan or the rumbling. Honestly i cant see eren going ahead with the euthanasia plan since he is all about freedom. So I believe eren may just be lying to zeke in order to get the founding titans full power and then he is going to activate the rumbling and maybe destroy the world i guess.

Jackson Pokia: Arent the yeagerists the exact thing that Eren hates? Blind followers. Eren says he hates mikasa because she "isnt free" and just blindling follows him all the time, but isnt that just half of the yeagerists in the show and us watching that blindly follow and support him. Or am I completely off the mark?

SalaHdine 57: we got a part 2 coming don’t worry lol

Nick: can somebody explain to me the origin of the titans. All i understand is that ymir made a deal with a “devil” and she gained the power of the titans. then 13 years later she split into 9 titans shifters..... What happened after that? those 9 titans attacked marleyans and there was a war? and did king fritz move to paradise with a few eldians because they were losing? or because he wanted peace? someone help😂

Tomás Carvalho: There's going to be a Part 2, announced by the voice actors on 29 of March

Wudupbay: Modify their DNA so they cant become Titans. - I have not read the manga.

xperish yt: lol

Rex Evan: Robbie in AoT reaction : calm and collected Robbie in Haikyuu reaction : KAGEYAMAAAAA!!! Hinata is TRASH!!!

高橋: 反応だいすき🤍

Martian Ju Ju: I have a feeling that last episode is gonna be longer cause the trailer showed scenes from chapter 120 and right now we are on chapter 115 so for them to adapt 5 chapters in 24 mins is impossible

Faraaz Mehdi: I think zeke's backstory somewhat resembles to itachi.

UNDER_DOG-YT: Technically they don’t need zeke I think cause eren still has historia since she got royal blood

Ricardo Cerna: RIP LEVI

Surya: Why everyone think zeke just kill himself and thinking Levi is okay?yall not see Levi exploded??

Random Videos: Imagine if eren used his power to make eldians into normal people and sacrificing himself like I still think eren would do that plan of Zeke

Toxic Hawk: lets be honest that was a pretty dumb plan of levi’s.

mina: the amount of faith people have in eren is hilarious

Fizzy: Been telling dudes that eren, Reiner and Zeke are the best characters in AOT they are so well written


They_Call_Me_Ziggs: the dude on the left having a heat attack or something ? D;

DZ: Last episode was so funny,eren can't beat mikasa so he talked shit about her,he can't win in a talk no justu battle against armin so he beat he up.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

NeJoDi: Wellz, this show is not perfect. Good (not perfect) writing, but too many shortcuts, and not enough development. It essentially used the Game of Thrones "shock" tactic to show you something you may not have seen before in mainstream anime. The violent and shocking deaths distract you from gross lapses in character development, and convenient plot/story lines appearing out of nowhere. A great example of the distractions' effect on you is the fact that none of you even question why or how this Eren is a different character than the Eren in the previous season. The "memories" plot theme is a convenient excuse for not properly developing the character. If you are able to look past the distractions, you would see that the story is very disjointed, and I am not referring to the time skip.

Lola: Levi has to go so the whole plan can keep going forward.

Moussa Hamze: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—————۞———————————— 18cams.xyz 》》 𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝘼𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙩 《《 !❤️ 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候

Molokolulush: Another plan that I have in mind is Eren using the founding titan and kill all the titans that are alive. Then, he eats all the Titan shifters and gains their power. Later, he traps himself in a crystal like Annie and sacrifice himself in that frozen state forever. I mean its a stretch, but it should work. If he traps himself and is frozen in time then nobody will be able to inherit the titan shifter powers hence there will be no more titans.

Shirai: Rip levi

Zreerag K N: moral of the story : King Fritz was a dumbass for choosing a vacation on a private island over people's freedom.

38Bedirhan38: 1 million cmon man

Evgen Khersonets: Eren can touch Historia, I guess. So, Zeke may die.

Dare Devil: Poor zeke he was trying to save the world

Tre'Mac26: Yall dudes bugging. Yeah zeke wants to prevent the eldians from having children and let them die out naturally. "Which is still horrible!" But eren WILL end up "freezing", "i.e. killing" everyone in the end. They are no heros. They are genocidal maniacs. And none of these jagerist have a damn clue. They're so called savior will kill everyone. 🤣🤣

colino: The losers going around spoiling the anime onlies are some of the saddest virgin dweebs I've ever seen.

Kamron James: i like MONKE

Zerdiox: See , one thing that everyone is forgetting is that Eren always, since the beginning, wanted to kill every titan. I don't think Eren will go through with the plan, but somethin to keep in mind.

CFN Bubba: Keep in mind eren can either use zeke or historia so if zeke died they eren can still use the rumbling.

Big Zone 01: Wellz said they will never be an anime as good as AOT Wait till y’all caught up with One Piece The amount of depth in story, foreshadowing, World building 🙏🙏 Yall watched to many new gen & not enough old gen to give such a statement March 2021

Stringbean670: Am I the only one who, like, still high key doesn't fuck with Zeke's plan of *literal genocide*???? Like that is basically what forced sterilization is without directly having blood on your hands.

Dxpend SZN: Did you notice the Lamb in the back at 9:12 Representing Ksavers beast titan

Mav Hunter: Rob has the best analysis!

Levi Levi Levi Levi Levi Levi: Never thought I would fall in love with zeke 😭

Natural Strength: I want to know where Eldians and titans came from in the first place.

ROMAN EMPIRE: I don't want a movie plzzz god's only a season can do justice to the viewers

trashpolin lin: Incoming zeke plot armor

YuriSama4: even dough we've seen Zeke's story, he is still meh...

Mido: Greatness

Goat App: AOT OR GOT ?

Melly 1300: The Eldian warrior candidate Udon or whatever basically said Eldians were all over the world


Melly 1300: So the Jaegerists are following into their future extinction?

Warchief Zeke: Levi so edgy and overpowered , i hate that character

CodeeXD: I'm pretty sure Zeke was just gambling on his Titan Regen ability and trying to take out Levi with the thunder spear since he can't beat him in a fight or even run away from him for that matter.

themestizokid: No clue if the manga ever covers it but im still curious what the real history of the world is. It seems to me Willy was telling the truth cause too many things line up w the story for it to be fake. Why the king left to Paradis, why the walls were put up and why the vow renouncing war was made. Why would the whole world hate Eldia if they hadn’t actually committed those crimes. Marley obviously makes some things up but overall i think its true. I think the eldians truly are the “devils”, look at the damage Eren and Armin were able to cause just between the two of them, and thats with Armin only meaning to blow up the port, he coulda tossed houses on fire everywhere and burnt everything down like Bertolt did in shiganshina.

rain Whispers: Amazing reaction 🔥🔥🔥

godofthisshit: Naruto ain’t force Boruto to save the world.

DMVPRIDE10: Wells you run a REACTION channel... Why do you read the manga when everyone else waits for the anime? Your reactions are always lame because you know everything that's going to happen in every anime...

Kyle F: I don't think the Jaegerists know the full plan that was shown in this episode... I dont think they're aware of the sterilization stuff...

Saxam Rawat: 10:18 Zeke looking like Wellz here~

James Brook: Was patrik afk when zekes backstory was running? Like they obviously showed that his parents didnt see him as their son just a weapon to use against marley. Like imagine ur a kid and u have all that pressure when u just wanna throw ball with ur pops but he to busy to spend time with you and the only time he spend time with him was to train him so in short why he snitched? grisha was a shit father.

Braden Kennett: Damn pat is a smart dude. I’ll leave it at that...

Jesse: Yeah eren for sure not with zekes plan he doesn’t want to kill his people and he said “There’s no greater salvation than never being born in this world” he’s bullshitting his move said he was special cause he was born into this world and this whole thing started cause his mom so no way he’s down with that he even got touched when Willy said it at the play “I don’t wish to die cause I was born into this world”Eren is plotting

elseñortortilla: low key, levi pisses me off, like he looks ignorant af, Just following orders. He even agreed with zeke episodes ago that paradise didnt have much time to start working on a plan. Zeke had to do all that bc the mps wouldnt let him and eren talk.

David Yehezkiel: Levi:Nah, everything will be okay. As long he want to live that thunder spear wouldn't explode. Zeke:*Pull the trigger. Levi:Oh shi....!!!!

Maha Ejaz: I guess eren has greater plan of all something completely different

Frostbite08: Eren: "Who's the real enemy?" Ymir: "Couldn't say."

Don'taskme: Next sunday is the last episode?? That is imposible, I hope they wont rush the end like Game of thrones did

Verratos Rogue: I don't get why Eren and Zeke didn't sterilize the race the moment they were in agreement instead of making these elaborate plans. The plans fucked up Marley, got them the Warhammer, and might get rid of some corruption in Eldia, and if they're trying to make a peaceful world after Eldia is gone that all sounds great, but their powers and the rumbling could have done all that easily, and they both almost died with the more elaborate version. What's the point?

Aige: I Empathy with Zeke but i dont like there plan with Eren.

wakazhi: Zeke and Eren want Eldians to go extinct, with no one having a say in the matter. It's spelled out in this episode that they want to euthanize their entire race. What's their reason for it? Because Eldians have potential to destroy the world. You know who else has potential to destroy the earth? Humans as a race have the potential to nuke the entire planet, so should we also just go extinct? Eren's conviction since a child of wanting to destroy all titans is tragically consistent with what he's doing now. Anyone who thinks Eren is still a good guy at this point is in denial.

Geracht: It's a matter of If you do know there will still be war and conflict in this world, wouldn't it be better to not have been born at all? + the idea of titans being this symbol of violence and genocide much like the nukes are of this world, euthanizing the Eldians would be better for both those 2 reasons.

Geracht: Zeke: Existence is P A I N

Salva Skywalker: Monke just wanted love from his father :(

akiranothing: this mans plan from what I’ve seen so far seems kinda ridiculous? he’s trying to remove Elians from existence and that’s just kinda awful I know he’s doing it because in his mind he feels like it’s the right thing to do but what about the innocent eldians who don’t agree and literally want to just exist and hope for a brighter future a future where maybe even if it takes the next hundred years the way people view eldians will change

wryanne vanornum: That one guy was not changing his mind about eren for real and now he lost🤣🤣🤣🤣 he'll figure it out soon enough

The Legacy of Gaming: 3:47 DC: "From what?" 😂😂😂

The King of Antarctica: That cliffhanger hurts too much, bro...

C: use this as a "Rob needs to get glasses" button. My eyes hurt just watching you strain the whole time my dude haha

Colibri: Now I’m confuse, there is still so much to adapt. I don’t think a part 2 will be enough

Chance Eikanas: People need to stop spoiling stuff for anime only viewers in the comment section...

Sama: I’m surprised nobody brought up the rumbling

ChiTownInfamous: Theres nooooo FUCKING way they can wrap this in 1 single 22 minutes episode. Vince Gilligan of Breaking Bad couldnt tie every string unless they GoT D&D Dumbass and Dicklips wrap it

Anime Land: I don't know whose side I am on .. right now.... I feel bad for zeke but also for levi whatttttt!!!!!!

Cris Alexander: The Yagerists are essentially eugenicist Damn...

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