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Jaden Chen: helloНаписать
Detective Conan: Hi Guy 🇻🇳
DL Center: ワイルドリフト マスターイー wild rift master yi https://youtu.be/TWp-TSUvw0A
Dương Vinh: nón lá behind you.love cowsep.love viet nam ❤️🥰
Dave Ringo: lmao dat item shreds dafaq
METAL ASSASSIN: AP Yi is back!Kinda...
MiloDg: Q 1s :)) ok fine
I'm Brenno: Traduz se der para o português seu vídeo, muitos mains Yi te vêem como inspiração para melhorar, seria muito bom, obrigado
Pika Long: Yi urf build
Heddess: So whats, the full build ?
마스터이영상만 보는 계정: 🐄
Novri Metalizer: warm greetings from yi master lovers ... cheer up !! don't forget to stop by, who knows we are the same soul as master yi ... 👍
Dark: Idk why Cowseps eyes not lookin straight
Rokuro Kiyoshi: Uhhh, how do u put add custom HUD??
An Dang: Master Yi new season is so OP
DemiG: Seems prety shit to me, compared to old on-hit. CD on Q's are prety much irrelevant in my opinion sinse you use your Q's for gap close/ability dodge, thus not wanting to spam it every time it's off cd like bronzie. Not to mention that if you have enough attack speed, your Q's are on 2 sec cd anyway, the rest of cd reduction on other skills are useless. Also, I strongly doubt this build performance in heavy tank line up if you don't heavy snowball in early game.
ezequiel supervielle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eygTSjkOYd8&t=5s
LHSBTBX: after those two items and boots,what items to get for full build?
--: Cracken slayer > guinsoo > phantom dancer > randuins > ga against kha zix
Rohan Sushil: Cowsep i love ur videos!!!! Try this build out it's broken- Duskblade, collector, infinity edge, essence reaver.. this is insane u can alpha strike and then go invis. Collector helps u ks kills so u can snowball pretty quick
Minh Doanh: Cowsep pls teach how to build master yi T.T
Erose vibes: Cowdaddy please give us your full build with yi i am one of those guys who use what you use xD
Joeric Israel Gonzales: Hello Cowsep , Please try these builds if you have time *Kraken Slayer,BorK,The Collector , Navori Quickblades, Ravenous Hydra, Wits End/ Essence Reaver/Guinsoo *Duskblade/ Tri-Force , Navori Quickblades , Serpent's Fang ,The Collector,BorK,Bloodthirster/Black Cleaver Any runes you'd like , no boots(y e s) and it did work for me ,as a 1.1-2ish million yi main in PH Cheers
josse: @cowsep use Immortal Shieldbow with rageblade on hit, lifesteal now also works with on hit dmg
TRISTONTON: 7:38 that jaw movement....coooooooook^_______________-e
J and J: I'm still waiting for cowsep's guide
J and J: Finally
magic mirror: how u finish this build ?
Josh Cruz: this doesn't work especially when ur teammates are behind early. can't carry with these items.
Gilberto Diaz: Good stuff skippy
Seb Armsey: I tried a new build in gold 2 but I was against plats, I went Hail of blades for runes, and then Went Duskblade Phantom dancer, IE, Storm razor, and Quickblades. Works pretty well for one shotting the squishy's. Although Lethal Tempo might work better. But Old yi build still works, Guinsoos, bork, wits end, new trinity or Kraken (even though no crit bcs of new guinsoos) But everything still works :) Thanks for the build though Cowsep, Ill try it out next game. :)
Hi Hello: huh... I expected the Quickblades + Kraken Slayer build to be the most OP...
Cát Cter: Build master Yi no CD Q plz manamune, kraken slayer, berserker's greaves, navori quickblades, Phantom dancer, infinity edge
Na Lê: Season 11 is so weird
Decal Tyr: Skippy the peanut butter?
Linh: Why do not you plays yi on hit- I am from viet nam
UPsca S: Yesterday i tried yi with duskblade and navori as first items and being able to aa as invisible is really fun
idleblueJ: i believe you cowsep
Chores HD: Hey, I am a Master Yi main as well, could you try out the Duskblade Hail of blades build ? I have been making pretty good experience with this
Thành Đạt Chu: 6:18 SofM intensify
Rahmos Tony: hey Cowsep, make a video new build for Yi please!!
LeftTwixx: skipi
Semir Kadric: I knew you wouldnt let us down
FoxSteve HotShot: Skippy2g
Jesse Ramsell: great video skippy ;)
DEMON KING: pls try Press The Attack+ Kraken Slayer + Guinsoo's Rageblade sir
Chris Totrakou: Who else wants old rageblade back I know I want in back :(
ONI: tbh i found a better build to Yi than this
TGWarriors F5: Just do a video for those who wanna go on hit u degenerate
Khoi Lam: Give me name item in Vietnammese
Khoi Lam: Solo yasua, bro :))). I come from Viet nam.
LoganKid: 2:23 porque entra con Q??? gran error
Азусагава Сакута: Hey, can u share this full build for yi plz :3
Mohammad Hashem: This season is not for yi Onhit yi or crit yi they both dont scale well late game maybe early but good bye old yi...
Ottoman Empire: Can u teach us best master yi build pls
ImNotHisMate: Maybe try Hail Of Blades Master Yi with eclipse and the collector then naviori quickblade,i edge
Ton pere a le cancer: Someone can tell me the entiere build
Hidro — Liên Minh Tốc Chiến: Hello cow
Windy Alice: Highlander and Transcendence is calc as multiplicative or so idk, usually the rune applies first, before the item/skills
Xuân Đức: Hope u make 1 video about new items with yi
AnimeFan OnePiece: Guys just rush ragbelade it costs the same as bloodrazor costed and you dont need to stack anymore.
Lux Support: Anyone else can't log in their client? From ph.
Misho: Can u tell me the full build? Becuz u cant show us mb
Đoàn Nguyễn: Hello bro
Eric Ma: What is the full build?
Janille carlo Saladaga: is this the mobile version?
No Cat: Thề là bãi chim liên quan đến sofm
Lance Adrian Galang: Wheres the season 11 build guide at?
Trang Thiên: "chùy hấp huyết" not "nỏ tử thủ" bad translate
Danrev De Ala: use ur goredrinker!!!
Wood Fman: Is this denis daily
Lionliger •_•: I hate how master yi has no sub stain
정성은: New death dance so insane!
Michael Kim: ive been doing eclipse >>> collector >>> navori quickblades. it feels really good do u think this goredrinker build is better?
Julian Arguindegui: I'd rather prefer to build krakken slayer, I E, B T and then some bruiser items, like wits end, guardian angel and the one that gives u life, dmg and a huge shield(don't remember the name xd)
Janete L: The full build is ?
Wesley May: I appreciate you doing this research so I don’t have to
ichhabdochkeeahnung: Pointless stomp.
kareem khaled: Yao yao
Devin Lin: Can you do a guide on the new builds?
Coffee Farmer: Season 11 Yi Guide PauseChamp
Mitya Larin: 0:49 luckylife.online
Ahmed Magdy: finalllllly i have been waiting all day to see your video and thoughts on what we should build on yi. im really improvising alot. thanks for the vid man
Carlos D.: What´s the rest of the build??
Nerf Godzu: ᴘᴀ sʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴏᴜᴛ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴘʜɪʟɪᴘᴘɪɴᴇs
Woutie: Legends say he is still in Alpha
Sling Shot: Cowsep is a genius. League is so toxic he uses hacks to turn the literal garbage that comes out of every league players into a box.
Jax Izi: Main yi, read this, can interest you Classic "on hit" build, work against almost anything, since it scale pretty well along the game. Kraken slayer, guinsoo, Hydra, bt, wits end or gardian Angel or randuin (or other new armor items). And something i just tried that working suprisly well against squishy champ AND tank, is "letha" built. Eclipse, the executioner under 5% HP, the items that give insane AS as letha, then Hydra and then you flex last item. This build give insane dmg to anything since from eclipse you gain 4 % Armor Pen for each items you buy, so you have 16% Armor Pen + insane dmg with active E because u have a lot of AD and you still have good AS from the item that give AS and letha, really consider this build its actually really good. (I shreded into a ornn with 300 Armor with this) Bring lethal tempo for both build, got 2.9 AS with letha build. Try it cowsep i wanna see it ! Answer me i wanna discuss about New yi build
Minubard: Cowsep: instead of 84% or something like that 1 - (1-0.7) x (1-0.2) = 76% :( In the end was it multiplicative or additive? i can't test it right now xd Edit: based on 5:12 q cd goes from 9 to 2 so yeah prob multiplicative xD
AlicielGoesLive: God I'm this early now
call me zed: It dont think it adds. At first u get ur cdr to lower the cd on a spell and then the 70%
UnrealTatement: What is the item He build first
KOH hearted: I've been watching for 6min and realised that I was one of the first few watches btw master yi alpha now is kinda doing hell ton of dmg
Great Mysteries of Life: Good video again skippy :D
張鍾哲: So the attack speed yi sucks now ? I tried yesterday and is really hard to play
Ron Martinez: why did he got ban in wr again? lol 😂
Zhero15: ☠️
george maniatopoulos: FINALLY
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