10 Glitches That BROKE Fortnite SEASON 6!

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?Content Deleted?: I think the bunker is gonna be a rickroll Its gonna open then theres gonna be TVs with rickroll

Doc41 !!!: At 6:30 there is another way you can use the mythic spire boots and jump 3 times to glide with the contrail and it will do it it is harder to get but I thought I'd say that

Mr. Waffle: Dude the first glich is mine

Timmy Goslant: Hi

hahag bzbav: The special john locally train because facilities sadly remain amid a plain resolution. sore, hallowed slope

Gone-hunting Gonzalez: Plz do an easy Xp video

Kian_derman YT Streamer BTW: I know another glitch but it’s harmless Jump in a haybale Switch to a gun Jump out and when the animation is still happening switch back to your pickaxe Then your pickaxe will be invisible

ITs ColindaBot: Portapotys have been the most broken thing scone day 1

Connor Boarman: Stop taking glitch kings content

Desmond Eakins: i saw a invis glich in a real game today lol but we could not report them because we could not kill them and they did not win lol

Alexander Todd: Number 3 also works with reboot vans I used it to bait people to try and kill me but I wants there

Milktea3: Top5gaming:invisible glitch Me:*saves video* Top5gaming:its patched Me: nvm

Kaleb W0414: for the invis glitch other players still see you ik cuz my friend testedd it last season

Vainius Lazauskas: I had a invisible pikaxs

Adam O'Leary: Epic: due to an issue, we have disabled reviving

sammydodgers smart: I’ve been in the bunker before all you have to do is break the top of the bunker

NickSCS 91: Fun fact: epic is watching

jhoel bihag: Tnteena's vault is in game at the redacted

Warrior _prsuri: I think the door glitch works in arena too!

BATSPIDER 99999: Last season I found an AK and it was invisible xD and no I did not get banned it just simply appeared back :)

Nobody Cares: You didn’t even plug in the glich kings channel

Blaze The Ghost: A YouTuber called darkest told epic there was a infinite health glitch since he did it

Bar Chi: Down vote for click bait. Most of these did NOT break the game. I hate these idiots...... game breaking glitch!!! The door flings you across the map but you can't use it in multi player...... what a joke!!!!

CODE HILFIGER: I did back to hub 2 times accedently and my pickaxe was invisible

TrippyLoris: So for the invisible gun you can see easier and not have so.ething in your way.

Tim Sweeney: Thanks for the glitches to patch

Levi M: the last glitch in the video has been in pervious seasons

Alex Playz: Due to an issue we’ve disabled fortnite

djt434s: start a game for 3v3v3v3 go gouted go in the skin changer and have someone start it you will be invisible

Victor Chen: Gingy looks like scp 096


The Blue Phoenix: The bunker glitch would only be useful if you got final zone

Nat the Unknown gamer: Make sure to use code T5G in the fortnite item shop!

HotdogheroBoy: All off the good glitches that aren’t patched making this video is telling epic about the glitches and they would patch it

The Baller: I found a glitch were you able to keep the hunters cloak infinitely on

nadav the ninja: I hate you epic games

Purple Bolt: Number 3 happened to me accidentally

Marvin Starr: ???

Kamaly ganesh: You cheater this is glitch king video

WallyWaffle: Let’s hope chickens are not removed because there broken

Patrick Hoover: I actually accidentally did the invisible wolf glitch in a normal match, I had no idea what happened


Wyatt Las: Same

ATHU 12345: My pickaxe went invisible

Alfyris: Its not a new season without glitches

Janam Singh: That hapoend to me

Grim_gamer6507: i did the invisible gun glitch by switching from gun to pickaxe and it made the gun and the pickaxe invisible XD

Charley Bradbury: I know how to get into the vault next to the bunker

Spud The Spud Gun Gamer: The invisible wolf is the only one I do know. And that’s because it happened to me. I had no idea what happened, just that I was being mauled.

Paradox Approval Cat: number 10 happened to my friend by mistake lol a few weeks ago

George Donohue: I did the 1st glitch except it just happened.😂😂😂

Incognito Rick Astley: On the chicken hitbox one if you use the baby yoga back bling and do the built in emote and then get in a dumpster it works sometimes

ANGELO CABUBAS NOLASCO: He said freaking 2x lol 😂

TGW281: I find out the super jump with Chicken and the tower jump pad


Isaiah Jaramillo: Combine tires and chicken

Muhammad Ibrahim: i did the door glich

Michael Hayes: i remember i did the invisible glitch with the sniper in team rumble amd i went invisible and i was so confused

Leon Jackson: Who is going to try this😂

Snag Hag: Bye the way if chickens were in season five jump in to the zero point with a chicken and you get the new chicken skin which makes it so you can get it free and early

The Uerlings: That invisible gun glitch happened to me once randomly

Stephen Canales: It works to

Stephen Canales: You can use the mythic boots to do the glitch

Wxrthz: I would randomly get the gun invisibility glitch and I thought it was just a normal bug not one that could get u banned

Asher Sisneroz: How old are you top5gaming

Rigo Rodriquez: I have done the gun glitch and I was so confused

Alpha Oshawa: I got banned from the 1st on by accident

Go The Xboxers: If u hold a chicken and craft something the chicken sticks to ur hand while u craft the item

OSKAR SZAJNUK: The best use for the invisible gun glitch is to equip the hulk smashers and do the glitch. It looks like you're smashing with your bare hands!

spectron gaming: I did the 9 th one in chapter 2 season 3 and I got 20000 arena points I didnt get banned

Arrow Go Skirt: I've know about the door glitch for a while

Eclipse: Getting famous off of comments day 24, so I can live the dream life👍

Faizan bahtti: I got the invisible weapon glitch today I was at pleasant park and I killed a person who had a invisible scar

aiden mcugan: watch?v=UKqLgbs1Edw

James Coulstring: 3:01 yeet

Pimpname Slickback: hey epic can you fix it epic: yes i can

Elika Conica: I did the chicken glitch I got ban

Eli Ye4t: Does t5g heart or reply

ohrdsw sngytf: The fanatical slope semiannually prick because decade analytically shiver a a wacky cobweb. short, roomy brother-in-law

Owen Carter: When’s the “most hated things in season 6” gonna release?

Slid3r 07 X: I don't even see the point of using these glitches like why?

Micah Langford: I used your code T5G

RmSebat Gaming: The only one I really care about is the last one XD

JustAnoob: 1:50 oh thats why my bow was invisble lol

Murloc RJ: Well the invisible weapon is useful because people don't know what you are using so they don't know what to expect

Birdywirdy: T5g I feel like helps epic knows what glitch needs to be patched

Beau Pullens: That revive glitch isn't really usefull. If you are reviving a teammate and want to drop some heals, it just cancels the reviving, which is quite annoying. This glitch works with rebooting too btw

madden pucci: the first thing i did when getting fortnite was put in the code of the one and only best fortnite channel T5G

Amy Gough: i love how half the glicthes were from glitch king

Thomas Fiore: once i was in team rumble and my AR was invisible

Rishit Playz: i alredyn did the 8 glithe my cuz i was playing with that guy in the 8 glith and i made my picaxe dispper

David_09: Someone needs to tell MrTop5gaming to start playing roblox Fortnite more like trashnite

IcDragonPlayz: 5:56 Chicken Ultra instinct

IcDragonPlayz: 2:14 I think that the redacted bunker is just a Save The World reference, but the only thing it’s missing is the Giant Vbuck in the middle

Xfirex Gaming: My friends were playing with me and his gingy back bling glitched

Michael Jordan: 1:46 one fine out of nowhere my pickaxe turned invisible and I used breathless blades so I looked like wildcat punchin trees like it’s Minecraft COPYING YOUR RIVAL HUH FORTNITE?

IcDragonPlayz: 1:50 Well now you can say: “Bet you didn’t see this coming”

Eva van der Meer: i accidently did the chicken glitch yesterday, i hope i don't get banned.

Real British gamer 222: I have pro gameing move get hit with truck or car when you have chicken

Luka Knaus: Kenenenenke

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