10 Fortnite SEASON 8 Glitches

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Okker: What happens to the guy from the old t5g vids

sonictails1234 56: The cube glitch was not discoverd by you I saw someone do the glitch as soon as the season started

Mr_ScuffedGamer: On 7:28 the "glitch" is not a glitch that's how its ment to be

RETRO reaper NIX: in like bridge where like the sa mall house where the bridge🎏

RETRO reaper NIX: 1 secret time: did anyone noticed the like the chapter 2 season 2 theres a shadow logo theres a secret poster of the shadow logo poster

Andi Hrabar: When I saw The levitating glitch I Didn’t now It was a glitch I thought It was just lag

Samuel May Reynolds: I did the slipstream glitch before It's cool

R Wells: Hiiiiiii

Cheyenne: The first glitch is soooo funny lol.

Kulik 1: I just drove car under the map

Akampa Raphael: Roblox is better

Gaalibulla: I have don that ufo thing

Iceiggy822: In season 7 me and my friend got to the starting island in a game with a UFO

MGHL90: I used your code, epic: Arnav2595 IAM A DEFUALT PLEASE GIFT ME

The boys: Fortnite is so dumb,Oops ment fun

Just a Normal channel: Do a giveaway

Samm: Tommy’s voice IS SO DIFFERENT IN GAME then commenting

Crystal Quiz: 😱 WOW

Nilercan Ercan: Bro what a lie the first one was a bot

NOOB GAMER: I. Know a better way to stand on the cube because u can walk on it

Thomas Wall: where did lama go

Jorge Rodriguez: Ok

Jorge Rodriguez: Sure

bettye russell: i love your videos

Nic Perez: 8:44 laging

Mario Fire: What happens when u run out of time in fort fight 3 (Impostors)

Will Grzelewski: if you look at the crashed mothership then a bit to the left at those mountains there is a golden glow like the queen did in the live event

I don't know: Top5gaming? It should just be called top5fortnite because they have to milk fortnite

Duckie Gamez: Hi

AngryRafael: Whoever comments on this first is gau

Coolkid Hernandez: I feel like if you did the long neck glitch on rick it would probably look cursed

Marley Adams: Actually all you have to do is land on the corner of the cube and you can walk on it but do not jump

No life: I love you

Gordon Drew: Hi

Jackson Nguyen: Why’s ur friend level 999

Hatem aman: @ryft found the cube glitch were you stay on the cube and don't bounce

Rosalinda Rivera: It would be cool if Ferguson Reid and Wyatt were in fortnite from wolfinstein

Liam dark black: I have done the cube glitch but white shadow stone

CJGAMX: I like this 👌🏽

dogenotfound:(: Omggg imagine when the sideways cover all the map not be able to build omg my dream will become true

Sherri T[A]P Me!! To Have [S]EX With Me: 4:30 You don't HAVE to be at dirty for this, I was at craggy and my ping went up really high when I got out of the sideways, we ended up winning with what we called "Zit Mode" Also I could still build with it... why can't you?

Le Kelley: i thought there was no pump wait what

Blak Shae: I think a Tesla is coming to fortnite In steamy stacks it’s a electrical gas pump

Colbasaurus Rex: the crash sites are actually abductors, anyone else figure that out yet.

Jac Jac: 8:17 it worked with the zero point as well in season five and since the vip in bodyguards LTM is immune to guns when knocked no one said they were immune to FALL DAMGE LOL HAHHHAHA EASY WAY TO KILL VIP

FazeGold;): I also like HomeOfGames he's good too

Jac Jac: I meant glitch

Jac Jac: Did u realize in first myth there was some on level 999

Rob Laz: 1:40 this glicz is so broken 😁😁😁

Jimmy Lego: Use the emote on bronto

Tyler Exell: On the island at the bottom of the map in the garage I found the Ghostbusters car

❌ CLAIM FREE V-BUCKS CHECK MY CHANNEL ❌: I found this out on my own when I was practicing in battle lab that if you use a shadow stone and go in the slip streams then you go really fast and sometimes fly out

Silver ninja: Why does your voice sound different then three year ago.

SIO: Me. This glitch is so broken Epic games. Firing employees

Lucila Alvarez: aNooooooooooo fish...stick

Olivier Parzych: In the 1 day of the chapter 2 season 8 i glitched a car in the slip stream and walkwd around it

Poki Thicc: I love all glitches

tomasko zaksas: There's a glitch where u can have a gun while being a shadow

beluga: Come to baguga army

Monoma-Kun: I mean you can walk on a cube by take a shadow stone the moment kevin bounces u just dash return to normal and u will be able walk on it without jumping

soopy: Wait why did he blur his user in lobby but not in match?

Maria Sweety Hotgirl - Vlogs: I've known about the cube glitch sense the beginning of season, I found out on my own and I didn't know what to think.

Gold3nGalaxxi: Everyone talks about the glitches effects, but I want to know how the hell anyone finds some of the obscure glitches.

Enzo Viale: I just started a game i got the dirty docks

Hayden Shoults: Be honest, the only reason why you bought the battle pass was for the long neck.

Miiyodude 9: 900th comment btw

boy gamer Muhammad musadiq: He blurred his username in lobbie but he forgot to blue is username where it tells ur teammates (Top5gamingTommy)

Mrbeast fan: Roses are red violets are blue I like my own comment because you won’t to

Mrbeast fan: T5g please like

DAEMON STUDIOS: that happened to me to by the turret lol

Finn Ricker: To do the cube glitch you just need to land on the edges of the cube.

sno man gaming channel part 2: Please this glith

sno man gaming channel part 2: Go se

Charlie Corrigan: I was a shadow and I accidentally walked on the cube

Noob_Saibot05: The car one is not a glitch. They added it for scuba johnsys questline. But it's funny to watch

Shady doggo: 0:32 bruh why was my neck so long lol.

Ry Hazell: Anyone thinking why he’s lvl 999?

🌟GMRL: The sideways glitch is for pros that want an even harder challenge it’s like hardcore mode

Catal: Lol

Riley: I tried the under the map glitch and it worked

Dom Gibson: How do you do the Flake shake with other skins?

THE GUY: I found the slipstream glitch on the first day

Godzilla👑: You can also walk on a cube by phasing on top of it

TNTAsphalt: For the people who don't know. Fortnite has so many glitches is because they release their updates so quickly that they don't much time to test they game. In case you didn't know

Connor Parsons: Me who knew about the cube glitch before any of these videos talking about it came out: why don't you just go in the corner or the cube?

NightRider6020: I found this out on my own when I was practicing in battle lab that if you use a shadow stone and go in the slip streams then you go really fast and sometimes fly out

Kirbi228: First one isnt a glitch you just entered private server

Crosstale: You say it’s hard when you can’t build but I can’t build w

SawftCoke: I am able to use a skin's built it emote even without unlocking the emote

Gamer Kingdom: I found the cube glick 3 days ago

mohamed plays: Hey tommy

Bashlamb: Use shadow stone and jump in water

Cowboy8283: Only 412k people that play fortnite know this

Emmett Holt: i barely use build in battle it takes to9 long

Aala Ali: *My mom getting A Pizza* Me when it arrives from a corner: 0:56

Frederik Groth Clausen: Tryk to tak a shadoston and dash into the top of a cube

Defaultdancer66: How did this become a thing i discovered it and im happy WE CAN MAKE KEVIN USEFUL

Devilslast: You should have asked me to play I win all the time without building even over the last 3 days against sweaty arena players

MEOWMEOW SNR: I found another way to get on the cube

Gold Kevin or Gevin: I need sacrifices

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