Asparagus Is Coming Into Season Soon So Learn This Recipe

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@hum-dinger2453: Asparagus is raw homie

@XXLKnowitallXXX: Wtf is a chive blossom lol

@BentleyVB: Asparagus with butter salt and pepper and garlic powder but yo this still looks fire

@Qtrainer: Trim off a couple of inches at the bottom of the asparagus before adding it to the pan. : )

@naliniganguly649: Exactly the right way dude, just add a drizzle of balsamic reduction for some lip smacking goodness.

@bored8990: he looks like rodri

@rickyolivarez: i love putting some parm on them

@claudesteen7671: bro forgot to break the stems

@anotheruser7104: But wheres the stick of butter....

@lennyf1957: Aside from acting like an idiot, the first mistake he made is buying those big giant fat asparagus. You should buy the skinniest ones you can find.

@Mandibil: Burned garlic ? … nothx

@randallmyrick1762: Damn no sergeant gilbert or fridge abuse???? I know it's been awhile since I watched but damn I didn't think he changed that much lol

@daryushnadjafi6673: I love u my dude but this seems lazy even for you😘. Just asperegi with whatever was in my herb drawer

@skull_reviews4964: Nah salt them before in pan, mid

@the1digitalwizard: You should’ve let the garlic brown like that it causes it to be bitter and think you would know that

@kylegordon3675: Theyll be a little raw in the middle this way, but you can hit them with a shot of water or chicken stock into the hot pan to flash steam them.

@rbagboyz: No Buerre fondue

@mc-uu7ri: I'm watching this in the future. WHEN IS ASPARAGUS SEASON?!

@deeds81: No. I would never eat these tree trunks.

@commandingsteel: roasted asparagus is my favorite veggie, using the oven works better for me as the stove is usually full when i cook, lol

@ParisSparks25: That looks amazing

@Observer100-cn7gv: The least you could do was to wash them before throwing them into the pan.

@debbiezullo7056: Looks good especially with the flowers from your garden. The only thing is the garlic looks a little brown and bitter. I was just out at the last 30 seconds.❤

@naturallyfree376: No salt

@IttyBitty412: OMG you look like that one guy that watches stuff and rhymes a bunch of words then tries it

@easonlimyushenmoe4696: Jujutsu Kaisen fans:OMG,HANAMI

@mistersinister2043: How to burn garlic while undercooking asparagus

@siddhantsaini4921: You call frying a vegetable a recipe?

@dacawone: The dish is not complete until the fridge gets pounded!

@Bwhunter: we’ve scammed. He didn’t kick the fridge.

@adamthompson7170: I’ve been making mine this way for a long time! Just made the some a few days ago because they were on sale! However I don’t throw 🔥 hot 🥵 pepper🌶️ flakes on mine!

@MrGotchacp: You didn’t say anything about where to clip them

@CookreviewFL: yummy

@killjoy362: Prefer the white ones personally

@mdfarooque6762: As much as I hate asparagus, I would actually eat this dudes recipie. 😂

@dickgrayson4325: So, basically everything extra was just extra?

@crystaldawn2708: Okay but I'd still rather make brown butter and then add the garlic to it when it's nearly done. Squeeze of lemon when it's all done and then drizzle over oven roasted asparagus. It's so good I could cry.

@iBMcFly: Looks nasty. Too much going on, some flavors don’t need a visual representation of them. Edit- the most uncrushed, “crushed” garlic I’ve ever seen.

@ExpertAssass1n: I literally made this and my girlfriend fell back in love with me. 😂

@JosephGebone-cn9ce: Well it looks like when I eat that asparagus my mouth will be filled with bushes

@SharpUchi: The garlic is burnt.

@deidrajackson2805: I'm new to cooking asparagus.. Why is most of the spear being cut off? 🤔

@kille-4B: You sure made sure that it was impossible to taste the delicate asparagus. But you looked smart when you ruined it!

@ethanwild3301: When is their season?

@timaschert3457: German say no 😂

@edhenderson1865: I think this is the most beautiful plate that you have ever presented ! It probably tasted good too. Maybe those chive blossoms ?!

@timstradley5819: I’m a fan of asparagus any way it’s prepared. So good

@dustincrager2832: I just cant trust that asparagus wasnt chewy since the video was cut mid bite 😅

@ignatiusj.reilly1197: No hollandaise? Some bullshit

@Soshewent: You don't love me, I can tell you are lying😢

@southwest7977: I’m a well done person when it comes to asparagus.

@adamflores2326: The only thing I don’t like about this dude is when he says “ you know i love you and I’m out” Haha 😂

@OLIVER949OC2: That way too much stuff nobody gonna spend that much time with the asparagus when they eating

@huh6734: This is f*****g spectacular!! 🤤💥

@shylagirl2170: I’m so happy for the refrigerator I could see it sweating ice cubes

@curedham2963: that asparagus looks nice 👍

@Travelguy1: Giving the asparagus a quick blanching helps tender it up

@SelfcareandFamily: Nope

@wait4death134: Add some mushrooms and shrimp and you got a meal

@charmberry9310: Boy....U did ur thang!! Have to try this!! Lol

@RandyReeTV: I enjoy your shorts a lot my dood!! Thank you so much 🤗

@Zoeymycat: Everytime I watch your talent, I get so Hungary. Doesn't happen with others, Love it!!!

@johncastro39: Now THOSE LOOK DELISCIOUS! I like your style. Peace and respect to you!

@AnnaMaeBullock: Does anyone ever try the recipes?

@mori4532: I personally think it’s perfect with simple s&p

@chadmiller6487: What a mess

@marielbutton9051: Do you have a hollandaise you prefer? I always like mine w hollandaise.. 😁

@BacklTrack: Hm why not use olive oil to fry it in if you're using it to coat at the end?

@suseyesus8096: I hate aspatagus

@Ldurad0: Do you even taste the dillweed on top and stuff?

@sergiopirela5864: Are you playing Doja Cat?

@petermcilhagga6656: Fresh ground black pepper..... where is the Sergeant????

@BustingNUTS: They say asparagus is good for the vagina

@markfrailey1671: I see you used pepper. Was Sgt Gilbert not available?

@cliffelliott9331: Looks cold

@dismaywrath-2080: the sargent

@Ferngull.e: I live in an asparagus town and might I suggest I use balsamic salt on mine and it's rly nice

@aaronsamuelprice442: Yo! It's Sargent Gilbert

@sueraiders: This guy is too much I enjoy him he’s so funny. Good cook.

@badkarma6181: Steamed. Thank you though…

@delidan1: Grill pan, asparagus then cook for 4-5 mins add butter fresh lemon juice and wham bam delish

@teiwaztim1482: a few years ago, our garde mancher had some great quality vanilla bean paste. a little of that, butter, salt, pepper, lemon n slivered almonds made a very nice stinky pee stick. love your channel! cheers.

@austinbiondi8193: Looks good, but bacon Parmesan asparagus is king and also super easy

@taniaturner9052: Love your recipes. Now can we get a Paella or a fried rice upgrade.? 🤩

@beyblader11111: Looks good

@June-tb4vi: I don't like my vegi's crunchy.. Im not wrong so don't tell me I am 😀

@godsspeedify: He's got a new refrigerator. Ughhhhh

@stevengray8663: Wondering if any free fridges are coming your way?

@kilxd_otsusuki2987: GUYS UNCLE ROGER IS DYING

@eagledraws734: Eyo bro maybe you could do it the dutch wat it is soo good

@Sidiciousify: Eh didnt look great

@seanonel: Fridge never got whaled on, probably because of the burned garlic...

@the_commenter_of_your_heart: When he says fresh ground black pepper and doesn't mention Sergeant Gilbert my heart sinks

@ashlib8412: Dude literally made a garden on his plate. Way way way too much garnish dude needs to chill on that

@LordDucarius: Aspargus time is best in germany!

@anhavij: No rosemary salt 🥺👉🏻👈🏻??

@pamelabrown3058: Love you too ❣️ Ty 😊 for sharing

@markkristynichols845: Yessss! It’s peaking out in our garden!!! ❤️ from Kristy in Missouri 😃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

@FriendlyHomie: I want you to make a cactus salad!! Would be cool and different.

@fanaticforager6610: ThÖse asparagus spears are Sargent’s ÇrëW 😜🤙🏼

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