SPOILER ALERT: A Message to the Eighth Eliminated Season 13 Queen - Heidi N Closet

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BC VC: Beautiful soul 💕

Tracy Frederick: I love me some Heidi 💝

K.O: Ironic

Ousmane Diop: Gosh Heidi is so amazing, what a personality and kind soul

Enrique Mosqueda: you're an all-star baby. you'll be back huney.

Just Frankynstein: Yes Heidi 🌿🤍🤍🤍☺️

Ysckemia: yeah, let those tears fall...because it's been a while since i purchased "Heidi Hydrate", and i haven't receive it YET!! D:

Baga Chipz Mbe: https://youtu.be/Lch0gAh_TwM

Baga Chipz Mbe: https://youtu.be/Lch0gAh_TwM

Edu Jonathan: sherry pie for the tenth eliminated? 😍😍😍

Tayyab Ali: WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : 18cams.xyz !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617010524

sabina espindola: WE👏🏼NEED👏🏼MORE👏🏼 EPISODES 👏🏼OF👏🏼THE GAP CHAT 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Kung Pao Dickens: Still hate this hair Heidi, kill it with fire. Look at what they did on the thumbnail, it's homophobic!😭😭😭

Belladame x: She said who else can say they’ve done what you have... um, around 100 other Ru girls 😂

Eulalio Guerra Garza: RuPaul was totally right, the world loves you!!!!

000998poi: Utica is ..... no .... just no.

Cee Cee: Awww she looks lovely. Got the makeup skills together yay.

Mr. 1993: These Videos are Making Me Miss Season 12!

Sergio Melendez: I wonder what they are gonna do when they get to four... Season 12 had the same number of queens, but then Sherry was disqualified in the four.

MATHEW DANIEL: Heidi is still so soffffftttttt and suppleeeeeee

RAVENTT272: but like i wonder who is gonna say this mesage to the fourth queen knowing that last season we had 12 queens and this season we had 13 queens.

Just_Monika_ Forever: The saddest thing is that utica was trying to roast Heidi and now Heidi is making a video for utica

TM06: Queens of bombing the comedy challenges 😍✨🧚

Benny Male: 6th placers lip-syncs with the winners

Jason James Mendaño: Give UTICA the "MISS CONGENIALITY" HEIDI passed it to UTICA plsss LOVE U UTICA😘💖

Kevin Worrall: Me realising Utica is only the 8th queen to be eliminated

homorocker bloguero: Omg I love Utica but thus looks so prerecorded LMFAO

Isaac R: i love heidi so much i love heidi so much i love heidi so much

daniel: I wonder what will they put out when its time for the top 4 😟

Aurora Borealis: Now let's crown Utica Miss Congeniality 👑

Jamie Lancaster: Actually..we all..are the losers. I am not talking about Covid 19. This season 13 will go down in drag herstory as the worst and will be called the unlucky 13 or like the unspeakable gap season. Sorry, but there is nothing good or gag worthy to talk about..gurl bye!

Camilo García: the fact she was in the episode where the other 8th eliminated queen was eliminated, lol

Kenneth Drake: Love Heidi

Juan Di: Utica will be always remembered for her amazing fashion, incredible mug, her kookiness and of course getting 2 sets of i love you hand gestures by Ru. 😂

Jaime Aguilar: im ROFL at Heidi, she truly is a gem omg.

Jeffery Sites: Are they doing these, coz last season queens lost so much time & money... Last year???

Garden Lover: The night Heidi was eliminated was a sad night. However, she did look beautiful & ssssoft and sssssupple.

Eliza Carrie: I actually don’t love the glow up. It’s definitely MUCH more polished, I’m not feeling what she’s doing with her nose and her eyebrows. She’s trying to snatch herself sharper then she has to, and Heidi has such a lovable endearing face so I prefer softer lines on her face

Helmy Ghazy: My lovely Heidi n Closet you're stunning honey❤️❤️

Aarón Alejandro: A Message to the Eighth Eliminated Season???? GURL, The message EVERYONE needs, this is a message to the world.

Larissa Roldão: 6th, miss C, lipsync with the winner... Yep, the same... Heidi and Jaida, Utica and Symone 💜

Hellen Medeiros: The best personality of season 12 talking to the best personality of season 13

gaye dad nova: Heidi has done so great since her season. I really think that she can win an All Stars. She has the power.

A maury.: This bitch can read END CREDITS and make it entertaining. I LOVE Heidi’s whole I don’t give a lovely sssssoft and ssssuple fuck.

Josh Windswept: Comedy/Roast Challenge Jaida vs Heidi - Winner and Ms. Congeniality Symone vs Utica - Winner(?) and Ms. Congeniality (?)

Arif: Still can't believe she kept her awful drag name after what we went through

Bea Christine Gomez: The glow up!!! 😱💖 SHE LOOKS GORGEOUS!!!!!!! 😭💖💖

Lee McClements: I love Heidi!

pigeon: Michelle and Loni Love: Ok just try not to be mean Utica: *Bombs the roast* Loni Love: You suck that's so funny Everyone else: HAHAHAHA Utica told a joke that was *supposed* to be a roast, the reaction imo was the part that was truly mean spirited. Should Utica have gone home? Well, she definitely wasn't in the top or the middle.

Beijo na boca E aquarela: OH my god IM GAGGED heidis makeup BE LOOKING SO GOOOD JESUS SHE EVOLVED im so proud

ed: yaassssss...when I saw a new HIC video......click........she is gorgeous......

Marvin Mills: Coiffed, Etched and Baked. Sparkling as EvAH! YAAAZ Ma'am!!!

Jose Lizardi: Kandy needs to go already

heyyyyy1111: Both she and Utica are lip sync assassins too! As well as fan favs

vip3r: props to heidi because if NICKI MINAJ told me that she HATE HATE HAAATTEEEED my hair and makeup, or anything about me, I would probably kill myself

Scott Rindal: Utica was so individual, a lot like Crystal Methyd was in her season. I think Symone did a great job though so.... . [Edited because I don't always make sense and i was correctly called out on it\

Watson chouchou: Gosh! Heidi you always were one my absolute favorite! You are so sweet! xx

Dixie Normous: Utica bombed so hard Heidi felt the need to make her an inspirational video to make her feel better. Truly Miss Congeniality.

Ronn Vitug: Eight Eliminated Queen each Seasons; US: Season 1: Nina Flowers Season 2: Pandora Boxx Season 3: Shangela Season 4: Dia Ritz Season 5: Alyssa Edwards Season 6: Joslyn Fox Season 7: Miss Fame Season 8: Chi Chi Devayne Season 9: Valentina Season 10: The Vixen Season 11: Plastique Tiara Season 12: Heide N'Closet Season 13: Utica Queen

yup: I absolutely loved her


TheRandomness402: Utica for Miss Congeniality!!! <3

lol Lel: I love Heidi. Truly a future all stars winner.

Sacagawayway: Heidi competed less than a year ago and already she is a drag race LEGEND. If that’s not pure stardom, idk what is

Chacki: Best miss congenitality❤️

Christy Woods: Heidi in closet is Amazing!The whistling Queen from the South!I Kove her channel and show on youtube!

Daniel Bonnells: A LOVELY 5th alternate <3

Marc B.: I thought Utica would be booted off because of her rubber band one expression mouth. Who knew she couldn't take simple directions and advice from Michelle or Loni. 🙃

TheStormCloud: Utica never cried lol

Fotos por Kilómetros: that face is PAITED for the goddssss gurrl!! this make-up journey is paiying offf honey! we love you Heidi!!!

Freckled One: Heidi Hydrates will also help with puffiness after the tears.

Tori Oliveira: 6th place is miss cucu place!!! B)))

Dave S: Utica has now become unforgettable just by bombing this roast and getting multiple middle fingers from Ru 🥂

Steve griffith: #bootlonilove Heidi is also addressing the feeling of wounded self esteem, that feeling when you tried your best but were judged as lacking, and what RuPaul’s Drag Race does not do, is provide emotional support for queens, or counselling to deal with having their creative energy savagely interrupted. Loni Love should NEVER have interrupted Utica and laughed at her during the roast, Rupaul also shouldn’t have given her dbl fingers- poor taste, it is a roast, find a judge who can take it. I would fire Loni Love just for that. You can tell how the Queens of season 13 KNOW how much they are being manipulated and NOT agreeing with critiques. Kudos to Utica forthrowin the dbl fingers backin Ru’s face- essentially showin her that what she did was unprofessional for any judge in a contest. Both Ru & Loni should be apologizing for their bad behaviour essentially shaming a queen who is doing what she felt was roast comedy. (look up a roast, they say much worse to others). So yeah, congrats #Utica, you were Top 4, this is just a tv show, where producers are tryin to make it interesting and failing, fans are fed up with this BS. And everyone knows Kandy aint gonna win... #bootlonilove

Nick: I love love love your hair and makeup today

Dragons Starships: we dont deserve her :D

Klaudia Wołodkiewicz: My faves being eliminated on the same episode

Anonymous User: The last 3 miss congenialitys have left at 6th place miss utica might be nextt!!!!!

Kerem Ali Cihan: Alternate title: Season 12 Miss Congenialty send a message to Season 13 Miss Congeniality

Héctor P.C: To this day I still never understand the obsession of Ru to change Heidi N Closet's name

Jayson Gutherz: I hope they keep doing this series for next season!

Casey Weisman: i love how heidi was literally there for her elimination

Semajj Philly: I freaking love HER!

Tristan Manley: What are they doing for the 4th place. I highly doubt that they will just let sherry pie record this

Giselle Ibarra: Miss Congeniality talking to the future Miss Congeniality.

zorrento14: the way Ru talk to Heidi when she was eliminated show how much she cared for her, like a mom telling her child "you're going to be ok, you got this", can't wait to see Heidi getting robbed in an all stars season

kpop drag race opm pop oo na kahit ano stan niyo: im fine with Utica's placement cause she's with my season 12 favvvv

Dan Martínez: My Heidi 💙 So proud of her

random trash: how can you not love heidi

Raymond T: I hope the eliminated queens especially the ones received unconstructive hateful attacks, would find comfort and positivity from sisterhood and positive fans, like the positive message from Heidi. I hope they are treated respectfully like humans with dignity and not tv clowns self-deprecating for their own entertainment and stress relief. There are some accounts I've noticed been actively calling her fake, two-faced, psycho, racist, fatphobic, calculating, etc, as if they were personally targeted and victimized by her specifically. Like, she's handling the situation and dealing with her mistakes better than lots of people, just let her embrace her harmless unusual individuality even if that's considered as weird/cringey by the norms (most LGBTQ people are already seen as weird by the norms in the first place anyway), and let her grow and improve as a person and drag queen. It's one thing to not connect with her and want to express your opinions about her performances and fashion specifically from your perspectives, that's very much welcome and the inputs can contribute to the conversations about drag and LGBT cultures, even if it's negative opinions it can be worded more constructively, NOT attacking her individuality, personality, upbringing, race, religion, etc that aren't even about their drag and competition anymore. It's the same for Kandy and other queens that are being targeted like that, you don't have to like them or support them but at least keep it respectful. Idk if it's toxic 'fans' or just trolls, but if anyone likes the franchise and drag as a true fan then they wouldn't irrationally and intentionally trying to ruin their career and mental health like that. What's there to achieve by doing so without making future queens even more concerned and afraid of getting cancelled and thus holding themselves back even more, which in turn letting some people having the materials to exaggerate and spin into something else that can damage their career, reputation, mental health and relationships with drag art and others...

j B: Anyways, love season my all star season 7 sister on screen

j B: Sucks cuz Utica should be fifth placed. I knew, I just knew they were gonna force kandi into the top 4

NOT A ROBOT: why am i always sad the most for the top 6 elimination?

Rachel Veronica: you can do a sibling rivalry with kennedy davenport but get bob's blessing of course

i l: Poor Utica 😢 judging from Twitter she might not want to open her inbox :/

Jessica Weatherspoon: Heidi's elimination made me tear up ❤

Miss Tina: 6th place always has the fan faves, Jade S1, Jessica S2, Shangie S3, Dida S4, Alyssa S5, Joslyn S6, Trixie S7, Thorgy S8, NBB S9, Monet S10, Nina West S11, Heidi S12, and now Utica S13.

Majela Lover: I see Heidi - I click

Terri Walsh: Heidi is wonderful, endlessly funny and a wonderful entertainer, with ongoing successful career possibilities! I truly wish I had been able to watch her when she was competing on DR. I do watch the gig she is doing currently, as soon as it comes up on my phone! 👑🌈♥️✌🏾

lune78: I love that even after constant nagging from RuPaul on her season she never changed her drag name. We love you Miss Closet!

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