SPOILER ALERT: A Message to the Ninth Eliminated Season 13 Queen - Jackie Cox
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Charlie Petricor: I feel like Jackie is gonna have the same path Miz Cracker had, underrated and neglected on her season and then shining and peaking on All Stars.Написать
polydipsiac: Olivia is a cinnamon roll uwu
Jorge Roberto Peón Patrón: Because we can all use a little more Cox in our life
Ashish Singh: Is Kandy going to get any message like this at all?😂
Ricardo Souza Vieira: I Love you, Jackie!!!!
broadwaystar2b: Jackie!!!! 😍😍😍
Nico Nico: Giving me very Alaska vibes
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Morgana, the Fallen: I actually really like this series they’ve created. Hope they continue it for later seasons.
ThanatosOnPluto: I am sorry but the gloves in the thumbnail makes it look like you got skeleton fingers 😂
Ivan Dell: What is the name of the outro music?
Fahim Hossen: Walaikum assalam .only muslim queen on rupaul drag race 😍😍😍😍
Opan Mustafa: I thought this is extra lap recap DRUK2 until I realized it was over month ago 😭 I missed Jackie make Vinegar Stroke unemployed for whole season long.
Ditte Datte: Salaam Jackie Cox: Has the situation improved for your Mother? I hope that she is feeling better, and can meet her Sister again? 🧕🏻🧕🏻🧕🏻
Damien Fletcher: These thumbnails are awful WOW!
Camil Budzinsky: Wait, who are they gonna bring next week for a girl in the forth place? Y'all remember who technically got fourth place last year 👀🍒
RyanA: Well next one is sherry pie...
Amirmohamad Vatanchiyan: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ladivissimaa: I‘m scared for the 10th Queen okokok
dhelle quinto: I still don't know why they didn't replace sherry pie with Jackie cox
Dr. Jeruel Sunogan: Im still thinking who will going to be messaging the 10th eliminated queen
joaothevideo: Jackie Cox is a pure treat
Ronn Vitug: Queens who eliminated before the Finale: Season 1: Rebecca Glasscock Season 2: Jujubee Season 3: Alexis Mateo Season 4: Latrice Royale Season 5: Detox Season 6: Darienne Lake Season 7: Kennedy Davenport Season 8: Chi Chi Devayne Season 9: Alexis Michelle Season 10: Miz Cracker Season 11: Vanessa Vanjie Mateo Season 12: Jackie Cox Season 13: Olivia Lux All Stars S1: Jujubee/ Shannel All Stars S2: Roxxy Andrews All Stars S3: Bebe Zahara Benet/ Shangela All Stars S4: Monique Heart/ Naomi Smalls All Stars S5: Blair St. Clair UK Series 1: Baga Chipz Uk Series 2: Ellie Diamond Canada S1: Jimbo Holland S1: MaMa Queen/ Miss Abby OMG Thailand S1: B Ella Thailand S2: Bandit/ Vanda Miss Joaquim
tolunay aşırı: i always thought any season’s top 4 cant beat the season 12 top 4’s but season 13 is the most powerful top 4 ever
nicholas brown: OH MY GOD THAT HAIR IS GROWING OUT OF HER HEAAAADDDDDDD!!! mawma thats how you lay a wig and
Jake Cohen: Awe Olivia and Jackie are icons
Lili Montijo: jackie said imma give yall a serve
RUPEE: Before "Top 4" or "TOP 3" because a certain person at that time wasnt meant to go FAR.
Cezar Nacion: should've been in the top 4 than the predator
RosieAMV: they shouldve put jackie in the finale when they pulled shitty pie
Luís de Paula: omg Jackie is my faveeeee
Erick Diaz: Not sherry pie 😒
Karl Rayner: The curse of the fifth place, fan favourite queen who just misses out on the finale (Katya, Ben DeLa Creme, Vanjie, Miz Cracker, Awhora) 😭
Soner Kamer: To think Jackie kinda slayed and challenged herself with that last challenge proved to me that this season had such a strong cast. For me she did so good with all her parts in the last performance, and she did really good in the lipsync.
SimpForDaddySett: If someone gets eliminated next episode do we get a Message from 🍒 🥧?
Jackie Cox: So much love for Olivia Lux!! 💖💖💖
Marco Guerra: She had me at 'Salam!" I love Jackie... And Olivia... You brought such a special light to this season. Shine bright my Darling Dear! ❤️ ... The future is yours!
Christy Woods: Surely Olivia will get Ms.Congeniality.When do they pick it?
Surf Noir: I wonder if the thought of making Jackie 4th place in replacement of Sherry Pie for the finale ever crossed any minds? The show and production pulls stunts any other time but when there’s a clear notion they ignore. I’m pretty sure it still wouldn’t change the winner outcome but it follows suit with the previous seasons having a Top 4.
J: oh jackie is looking G O O D
Kathy Buhler: She reminds me of Alaska
Daniel Felix: He was always the uncle trying to dance at the parties and it was so cute
L: Ugh I loved season 12 so so much 🥺
kait oi138: She looks just like Alaska wow
Luca TheViʁgo: Jackie was so robbed...
Raven Rehab: What's going to happen with the 10th eliminated? Is shit piss going to make a cameo from jail?
Neos: Can't believe Jackie got top 5 honestly, I thought she was the first leaving compared to the rest of the cast
Dexther White: Real question... are there gonna skip next one, are they gonna put Jackie again 🤞🤞🤞, or is gonna be the redemption of the fallen queen???
Ali Haydar Çolak: Two great drag Queens who just happened to be get cut before the finale. They're soooooo gooodd
Ali Haydar Çolak: Jackie looks soooooo awesome!!!! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
VitriolVic: Let's hope ur career doesn't end up where Jackie's did, in the shitter.
Robbie Thompson: Will we be getting a message next week ?
LAB-Lil' Angry B!tch: I can't wait to see Sherry Pie do the next "Message to the eliminated queen" video....
Angel: for u
Loser 64: Okayyyy this is cute and all....but the difference between Jackie Cox & Olivia Lux is Olivia won 2 challenges and Jackie hadn’t won shit.
lune78: I love how when she said "Drag Race may be over... for you" she realized midway what she was doing XD
emalorusso: Just leaving you all with this thought...If Gigi Goode was actually eliminated....It is safe to say Jackie is Top 3? It works with my fantasy :)
ChannelE: Is sherry gonna talk to Kandy next week??
Mateo Calhoun: 📌 18 + —S"E"X'——D"A'T"ING———————— Here ➮ XXCLUB.CYOU/FJWTKO 5:03 √™ Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de √™ Когда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минутнеожиданных сверхспособностей, попадает на улицы Нового Орлеана, торговец-подросток и местный полицейскийогда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минут
Jenna Hinckley: other eliminated s12 queens: when rupaul told me to sashay away, i was crushed and felt like the world was ending jackie: about time
Lucas Y: Can't wait til Jackie is on All Stars! Such a kind, funny, intelligent queen
Ken Aquino: Since she's the last eliminated queen, I'm guessing there will be no elimination next week.
Sydney Jane: FOR YOU ❤️✨❤️
bakuhoe: Miss Jackie you look CORRECT here, the mug is beautiful 😚👌🏾
zorrento14: S13 is boring, the contestants are not authentic they seem to be acting most of the time, the favoritism of kandy is just disgusting and overall the season is mediocre
shiroi201: Jackie was really robbed. Since miss voldemort was disqualified jackie should've been called to take her place
izeizei: Was this necessary?
Martín Gómez Marinich: Whats the point of these videos tbh... Theyre all like GIRL... I KNOW WHAT YOURE GOING THRU... ITS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD...
Dez Escobar: It alwats the 6th to 5th that goes home who win congenitally
ImaginaryMdA: At least you left looking flawless! :)
Geena Lawrence: I still think Jackie should’ve won the Snatch Game 🤷🏻♀️ Absolutely iconic.
Global Astral: Who was that weird person on the far right at 2:18?
doielovie: I'm distracted by Jackie's gorgeous face chile
Denny C. Le: Does this mean Sherrie Pie is making a video for the girl who gets fourth place? 😳
lararama: Oof...that wig 😍😍 looks like it is growing out of her scalp
Celes !: For you!
Kate S: The shittiest part of Jackie's elimination was that the editors could have pulled an All Stars 4 and said both Jackie and Crystal could stay. But I don't think they filmed both of them staying/eliminated like they did in past seasons before their finale since they thought they were safe going into top 4... if anyone was robbed, it's Jackie she could have performed in the season 12 finale.
Ethan: I wonder if Sherrie Pie will send a message to a queen next week. 😁. On a side note, I feel like the finale of season 13 will be a top 3, not top 4.
ChicagoQueenTasha1980: Olivia Lux for Miss Congeniality!
Klevin 105: WAIT, Both Jackie and Olivia literally have the same exit lines 👀 these parallels though
Nicolas Voorhees: 0:51 bed.ind.in
BaguetteetCheese: For real Olivia eliminated before Kandy... Its happening yall its happening!! hide your kids , wives and husbands cuz they are rapping everyone out here.
João Rodrigues: So now we have a top4 and S12 had a top3......... how are the messages gonna work?
Kerem Ali Cihan: I'm a simple person, I see Jackie and I click.
justanotherfangirl: Jackie and Olivia are actually quite similar, because they are both very sweet, but with a little hint of shade😉 I love them both❤❤
Vsic: Wait, what are they doing for the 4th place queen? 👀
Oh Shity: A message to the ninth eliminated season 13 queen *FOR YOU*
fanofmany71: Jackie is doing great after the show... better than the Top 3 in her season. Proof that losing is the new winning.
Raymond Thai: Love that Jackie was eliminated right before the finale and right now we still have more episodes to go until the finale.
Salvatore Cottone: Jackie is literally a goddess👄😳😭 She better be on all stars I swear💅
R DR: Boring drag Queen. Bye bye
Katy Perry: Can´t wait for the Sherry Pie's disqualification message to Kandy Muse for that last runway.
Yojiv Iriak: Jackie Should have been in Top 4 and not Sherry Puke 🤮
Yvonne Noel: Waaaaait! Am I going mad? Wasn't Jackie in the top four ? Was it Heidi? I'm so Damn confused? 😕 🤔
Alejandro Popom: Cox and Lux
Winter Rivera Adams: Has anyone else notice that the actual winner never become as famous as the ones that actually didn't win 🤔🤷♀️
Elijah Dar Juan: 02:12 this is soooo cute 🥰😍🥰
Célestia Noventia: Thats really crazy cause in season 12, miss congeniality could have been Heidi, Jackie, Crystal, Jan... so many sweethearts ! But this season... except Olivia and a Little bit Utica, none of the others can be Congeniality
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