New Jungle Items Bugs Preseason 2021/Season 11 - League of Legends

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Ricardo Mar V: This si real?

Aruki Tsukaru: I like how he goes from lvl 1 to 4 when he kills baron 😂

cet rebibe me: is it fixed?

ARG: is it already fixed?

Eidaxiel: Aight, time to hope into ranked.

Veron: what patch? cause not work :(

LoliTaNaya: LOL

JavierM: Wtf is this?

Quang Tú Trương Minh: League of buggs :))

Devil Trigger: Lague is not actually playable right now for me atleast. Every thing is just broken. I don't what riot is thinking to be honest.

Paklgi Uiji: working?

Victor Sherwin Yongco: Hold up... Your item will disappear if you switch with the knife?

Anguzz: already fixed ?

DephtCore: i tried the bug in practise tool aswell but it didnt work for me

The Feeder: Lmao

Massive Raging Potatooo: Is this on live server now?

Khuuro: Swap the Jungle item with a control ward or Health Potion that costs 75/50 gold before it disappears and sell the Jungle item for 140 gold, STONKS

dragonslayer xvstar: Why is it all the weird and cool bugs only occur when I'm not playing league

kaua Gimenez: wtf?

Youssif Hossam: my name is RAMMMOUS tryharda u killed me before Prepare to die

Simon Jiménez: Still working or not?

BukkitNews: omg lol

G rian: Wt....

Vinh Le: Lol riot😂😂 next buff next buff !

Wydue: no dud that is not a bug its king rammus' POWER

Gamer Savage: i can do it wtf did they fix it ?

Ardath: New jungle item: Hippity hoppity your item is now my property

Mahziyar Tavakoli: I know it's fixed but gonna try it anyways

Sziriki: A lot of things are bugged right now. Like the fact that you can use Galeforce (dash item) to make MF use her R like twice as wide. If you use it on jhin you can shoot outside Curtain Call range. The other thing with Jhin ult you can do on Pracitce Tool is to shoot 5 bullets. (Have CD reset turned on, then shoot your R times, at the last shot press it quickly 2-3 times to get 2 4th shots)

Hiếu Bro: Đã thử và k thành công :((

JARVAN: Aww man should have known this sooner

Yanislav Yankulov: ahh Perfectly Balanced as all things should be 😏

Shadow otaku452: ah yes CONSUME

Moving Stone: Wait, but the disappearing items don't conserve their effects right?

NikZ7: -2,147,483,648 is the minimal range of int in programming.

Leon Drong: does that mean you can have both smites?

Paper Guy: Imagine if the old dark harvest is still here

Onmanrz: Riot games now is a small indie company...Their QA or programmers did such a bad can they code like this/forgot these testcase before release?

TheAzorg: I'd like to try it on custom / sandbox before it disappears.

Mc OLD: cant belive u have tht rammus skin

Mordred: O K!

維園左棍佬: Already fixed?

高亦昂: whosyourdaddy?

Miki_hero: im pretty sure its already been patched since i can seem to recreate it

Lev Curz: there's one more bugHAHAHA

Leon Yu: brand new game

Cyber Armadius: What if you take a smite item and use the bug to keep on your hand than get the other smite item and use that too? does it gives both of the smite effects?

Hoan Nguyen van len: Eldimarix 10h ago Vandiril 3h ago Vandiril copy??

Blaze it Skrub 420: Is this patched?

Cheesus Cake: My boi rammus is still meta

G: seems like a normal rammus damage to our ADC anyway, no big deal

Haedar Rafi: Jungle 0,001 sec oneshot

Viket: good thing of bugs is that you can use them in 1 match for a free win and riot dont ban you while you pretend it was a mistake you found it

Zoid: I will tell my kids i was in the smite bug period :))

Wyatt Flores: Live Server?

Kelebek Cadısı: Magican Rammus 3620rp

Dominik Mazur: I also found out that if you kill the gromp with Alpha Strike you dont get healed

Lightpowder: That's some spaghetti right there. I wonder if there's a test server to find bugs or something...

Chris Chen: although the damage bug is fixed... this is still an easy way to get 140 gold for free

。팬치는 말 안들어: Hi I'm your fan I found somebody using your viedo in youtube

Pine8apple: thanks to your video, every game of mine there are people abusing this glitch. Real great!

alberto tokos: It's on official?

yvsdaddy: That happened today with my jung I thought he was hacking lol

Yaeiki Teneherssinus: Remember, don't use this bugs or you can be banned

Kaimecha: was this already hotfixed or sum shit ?

Bolat Can: Yo i think League is dying whats next we can play online everyone is inting shopping for 10 mins KEKW SAISON 11

Fantse Rishea: Wish he could explain how to do each of these...

Um Baka Qualquer: Finally a Rammus buff...

Karim Bouguerra: 1 shot baron without any itmes typically preseason stuff

Zooombeeczek: fixed

İsmail Barış Şişik: Did the same thing you did on the video but didnt work. You did something else before that? I saw a guy waited near a jungle buff, went to base without doing anything and used the last smite then it worked.

Black Fury: One punch rammus

Quacky: Of course.

Master Yi: This Season for Kha i think

Behlül Kilic: Ah yes.. the negative quatrillion damage again.. missed it

Kargulx: Rammus w mecie

jerald mondido: I play in practice tool find some speed items and im come out with the new look qss and when I use it while in Q of rammus it cancel it, same in other champs. idk, I just realize that is not fair bcause of having cd on the top of it

kevyn: wow you are the lord of bugs

Murat Güner: Ok

endennix: Riot!!!!!! 😅🤣

Onat Okatan: Is it patched aready?

Lux Support: What

egebeyim the Hedgehog: i fear no man but that thing red buff survives at 1hp 1:03 it scares me

alain marroquin: I love how changing its place makes the item dissappear Jaja hilarious

Jorge Valladares: q bug, w bug (taking damage), e bug (more cool down) Vladimir is unplayable rn ;(

Mega Ice: Jayce can finaly do 2x Q on one E Graves E if attack one E is click able Same for Lucain OP 2020/2021 wow its funny to try out

Morpp Hezzz: Multimillion dollar company. Five dollar client and balance team.

Valentín Puebla: Therapist: Rammus with Nasus stacks doesn't exist, he can't hurt you. Rammus with Nasus stacks:

jericho Daan: *Smite* Be right back Smites again Oh yeah, I knew I forgot something

Gmar: I actually had a bug in a normal game where a yasuo oneshot the baron somehow today

George Pt.: Just tried this in practice tool and it doesnt work,if you check the time on the baron it doesnt match up

Robert Pinnock: Patched, can't be replicated

Nidza_00: Lol

Brenton: finnaly a clear faster than kayns

PolandKiller: Hmm, czyli tak jakby efekt itemka się amplifikuje? w sumie nwm z czego to wynika xD

Tortiteytor: Niceee

Javier Estrada: can someone explain me how that hapend?

D Light: Is this bug only working with rammus

Long Nguyen: what in the goddamn spaghettio?

Delta: WHAT

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