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moh720: who the fuck is sillas

LilLano: troll build. sorc boots and lichbane lul

Henry McNaughton: Sillis

Brandon Castillo: f l e x

Youssef Hany: I Wish I Have A Skin Like That 😭😭😭

Revanatic ThePlayer: is maxing e on jgl sylas still a thing? ive only recently started playing zum jgl so i just sticked to maxing w

Gwyn: what is working rly well with me is i start red then golems and as i pass from raptors i q on them over the wall and i am max hp on blue buff

beezebul: how do you get that skin? it's unavailable is why i ask, btw thank's so much for the info it helped so much.

Edward Limbo: What is your rune build sir??

Reese Ochoa: i'm a sylas one trick and you make me look like poo

lewis sharman: could elec be viable to help ur early game instead of dark harvest?

Marek Raczynski: is it still good at patch 10.4?

Lalic: terrible starting rout , didnt get 3 of 3 camps , didnt do gromp and wasted time on raptors....

lol HI: why high elo?

Nooters: sillis omg why

Brian Adams: who is Scillis?

TheXaleX21: Hey man nice video! What about sylas with conqueror in the jungle ?

Foxy Gacha: Do these runes apply when you also play on midlane?

Simon HDS: and pls never stop uploading cus if you stop I'd just stop playing Sylas

Simon HDS: You're the best, You're legit leading me + can I change dark harvest into electrocute?

Tao Guo: u made too many bad player playing sylas jg in ranked and they got rekt. ruining the daayyyyyyayyayayy

Dennis J.: Im a sylas onetrick pls follow

Atakan Akdemir: If I lost very creeps early can I buy health like morello

Andrew-Addikus Ferguson: Why not use electrocute instead of dark harvest?

Richard Lich: What are the runes?

Brenn Capital: Hey Armooon love the vids ! Have you seen that Showmaker build mid vs ad comps? he goes ROA Iceborn Zhonyas and basically can't die. He maxed Q first but maybe didn't know better:

Kyle S: Thanks for the video!!!!!

My Thanks: Why max E it may be the most damage but its very very unreliable damage compared to Q and Q also does massive damage if you land both parts.

Trolling for life: silis? dont do that pls

treymtz: Do you think Trinity could work now that his AD ratio is 130% of his total AD?

Ιωάννης Ναβροζίδης: 10:55 you didn't take the enemy blue buff, that tilted me hard

James Garza: I had high hopes for this video but he says "sillis".... so i obv cant watch this video

SweetLikeDonuts: same runes for mid?

Vampireknigh: The way you kite those camps makes me think your "high elo" is actually around gold.

Georgi Bikov: Can I play with this runes mid?

Nick Rice: Ty Armooon started watching your sylas videos about a week ago and now I dominate mid lane so now it's time to start dominating jg as well

Devin: Slyas is 100% not good, but I still see the potential to pubstomp with him. I will find a way.

GamerAlfa: Ty so much for opened my eyes

Your Affection: You saved me :( <3

SweetAvocados: Do you think its still better to go for protobelt even if we want to go full ap ?

Exhallist: Already test it today and it's so good you give me courage to play sylas jung again! ❤️🔥

Trevor L: 15:23 Akali can 1v9

Trevor L: why did u say sillis and not Sylas, ur hurting me

SweetAvocados: Great vid ! 🙂

Kevin Thomas: its pronounced as SAI LAS not sil las

nK Jalapeno: I like how you put a winning match history running flash/ignite in the thumbnail of a jg video

NDRW: Thank you for this video! you explained and showcased the playstyle so good, i instantly went ranked with 32 kills first game lmao (lategame combo of new sylas: e2->w = everyone dead)

Halber Hahn: 3:12 sylas alive spam..... that's tilting me :D

ninja noob: 4:07 =)

Rutvik Bhushan: could you pleas tell what items to build as the game goes on till late game?

Christian Paul Clavaton: Great videos for sylas mate, and can i suggest for your videos? put some music on it mate and your viewers will love it so much. "BIG THUMBS UP!"

Andre Mkl: Hey :) im from Germany , my English is not the best , thanks for the nice video ! Which runes do u use ?

Mark Robs: 1K subs baby

R W: hey ~ Do you have any idea about the combo of new sylas? It is weird to combo since i hv play the first game, I dont know how to put the Q in combo and make the Q2 easier to hit

ŧu ៣a៣a ǝƝ ŧaƝǤa NN: I am from Spain and I have been watching your videos since there are few main sylas that are youtubers and you have learned a lot from how to play it but I do not understand much of what you say this is copied and pasted from the translator

Just Eli 7: Ok so with the new Sylas, is a Conq + Semi-Tank build viable???

金刚Kongou: Ur video started to rise to 1k above CONGRAT!

Jhonny Sepúlveda Suárez: Do an Ahri MatchUp Video pls, after this Rework/nerf its so cancer...

Nicholas Bélanger Martin: best way to make sylas viable support what runes u recommend ?

Diógenes YTB: Hey man ( sorry for my english but im brazilian) and i Never play with sylas because this champion for me is very hard but i like very much of he and after this changes , its more easy to understand and play with he or continue very hard? One kiss to brazil please.

Oxygen: Do you prefer Freljord or Lunar wraith skin

86 _239: Is jungle better than mid????

Gustavo Scharf: Armooon what do you think about Nashor's Tooth / slightly tanky build for jg Sylas?

Dang Phung: Great video my guy. Learning Sylas and will try this out

Raffi Chán: Do you think omnistone would be pretty good? Because as Sylas you want to get CDR, Futuresmarket to get faster to lategame, and probably stopwatch or boots; Secondary runes: Gathering Storm and Nimbus Cloak.

Abdullah Elashry: Nice video 💙

Tyler Wong: how is Sylas looking for the upcoming rank season????

Victor Magno: Ty for this video Armooon , you realy help me in this change on Sylas...

Diss Master: do you think sylas is still a viable top lane after the mini rework? he kinda still feels like an ap bruiser in a weird way to me

Brix: What do you think about going Sorcery for the second rune tree? I really like playing with the new nimbus cloak in jgl so i wanted to know what you think of going that instead of your version :)

kan ye: God you're a fucking joke you say you're rank 1 sylas in the world, but also has negative winrate and is dia 3 in NA. I think I just proved my point by saying that.

The Z killer: Played jg syslas today had won both games in the jg by maxing E fist than W. Love the the attack speed with the passive.

Marco: Is sylas in the live servers right now? And congrats on 1k bro keep grinding

Jordan Gorath: Same runes/build for solo lanes? Is maxing e-w-q still viable in solo lanes too? Nice vid. So friken weird is hook is his most dmg now lmaoooo

Matheus Almeida: What are your thoughts about conqueror? Do you think HOB is the best rune for him now?

mxtalcore: Congrats on 1k aim for the 10k :p btw will the freljord bundle be worth over the lunar one if ur a sylas addict like I am

Pedro Lobo: hey armooon what are the two strongest runes for sylas at the moment?

Happy: Are these rune for mid too ?

Jeff Avilés: Bro congrats for your 1k I love your videos and you made me go back and know how to play sylas, thanks dude ųwų

Mitra Malaekeh: “Love your videos!”

Roan Stevenson: do i go hail of blades mid? and is it actually bad if you max q,i mean if you do not max it,you have no waveclear at all it is like lb but worse,what should i do,cna you help me

Spurgt min ven: SYLAS not silas xd

Kayvon Malaekeh: Beast mode!!!


Ray Augustine: Great video!

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