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Ss Goo: Why are there so many cuts, I want to see all the gameplay

Jesse Tatum: Would you recommend electrocute in all matchups? I feel like going dark seal without fleet could be dangerous in early game matchups like Lucian

Rodrigo Alejandro Ramos: amaaaaaaaaazing video brooooooooooooooooooooooooo like and suscribe

El Inca Nato: Would you guys also suggest going lich blane?

Serguei Lisneuski: Been watching you for several months now, I don't really comment on youtube videos but had to on this one, crazy build, very well explained! Thank you so much for this keep it up!

FriedOof: Is lich bane still relevant?

Iota Ceti: "were gonna kill ekko here" *cuts to him walking away* "that was a really good trade there" yeah too damn bad you didnt sshow us idiot.

Midnight Bounty: i love how he doesnt show any of the trades its all just edited out

Zenks: Damn the build is actually pretty good, have not played Sylas for like 2-3 weeks, 1st game of this Seson and i go 18 2 10. One exception i did Ludens into Lich and u went Ludens into horizon focus. Everyone is saying that lichbane is broken and after this game i must confirm its true. I suggest Ludens into Lich until its nerfed its just more dmg then horizon, better build path and gives MS

Fighter Lm: Get a life before you get a wife k

Rajdeep Tokhi: Why did you edit out the first trade? Seemed really sus when you did that

Kevin Chang: Wow an actual guide, not a 30 minute gameplay where the person doesn't talk! Love it!

rctKone: nice vid <3

Alexander The Highlander: What about jungle sylas?

Orbi k: Next time do these above gold 3 flex queue and it will be more credible. Like yea i can go electrocute full ap kassadin in a plat game and there would be no punishment.

QuuNed: szef

GoldJunge_Chriss: So main thing is stacking Dark Seal/Mejais. In other words: Best way to play Sylas season 11 is by flipping the game :D good for all OTPs. For me as an „only“ main, who picks Sylas only into good comps and as counter its way harder. I don’t know the exact dmg potential and limit of him in every situation. gj anyways. Video still helps and u seem to be a chilled dude.

The Fuxzar: these runes also serve for toplane?

Phukit: News flash everyone’s the best champion in this patch because every item is broken

XIKaMuIX: Tested this and I went 18/2/6. Can say it might work :D

Miloš Kovač: Should i play jg with these items?

MudLee: I don’t know the new conquer and the new protobelt are pretty good on sylas especially if they have 2 tanks and you can still one shot for sure, conquest isn’t good on a lot of people because s11 you get one shot but sylas can actually last a while with his w so conquer is pretty good

Night Soul Fire: Try riftwalker , it gives omni vamp and extra pure damage & 20% pen , works well against tank comps or squishy , good rounded item

yessirski: ur such an underrated youtuber ur insane at this champ and u made me a god at sylas man thank u 🙏🏻

Rodrigo Teixeira: Can we expect a sylas jungle s11 guide?? :DD

Bálint Dutka: Top pls

Axel De Barath Vallejos: What do tou think about Rift Maker Syals?

Francesco Polotti: speed ability? where do it go

sasek: I got pretty depressed when i realized proto+ludens is gone.... But hey elecrocute is back like in s8-s9. Good old times when sylas was a real monster and insta ban in low elo

Gerardo Jimenez: please stop making sylas videos HAHAHAHA don't let the people find this OP pick and perma ban him :(

sobreaver: 6:14 And this is the golden rule to save yourself everywhere everytime in life, but we don't know everything, so yea, most of the time we know better, we just seldom do any better to save ourself the trouble ;) now, letme see how much i gotta int before I cash-in with this sissi of a Kratos wannabe ;) PS: Best part is the 10:00

Dean J: Waiting for the season 11 jungle guide for sylas

Ternedo: I play sylas I just wanted to see the q max hype

Macaca sylvanus: it´s not better the lyche than the item you buy second?

Mate: Bro I just tried out your build and it's so broken. I wasn't playing Sylas for few weeks so I started safely with Doran Ring and ended up with 26/4/4 and 40k damage in 28 minutes. Imo it's not balanced but maybe it is how it is. Mayube every champ is broken now with right build.

McFunja: I tried this build out and it works very well. I have only problems with cs actually

OVO Chris: Why not replace gathering storm with mana flow band?

adelies: Do juungle


Juan Pablo Martinez Pontel: Yo dear armoon, why ludens? AND why not protobelt?

zeca bairronovo: Olá, sou um inscrito brasileiro e acompanho todos os seus vídeos sobre o sylas, mas tenho muita dificuldade em entender boa parte dos vídeos, pois meu inglês não é um dos melhores, então venho pedir encarecidamente para que possa botar uma legenda em BR, de coração eu agradeço. Você e o unico que posta vídeos avançados sobre o campeão e cada vez mais venho me atualizando sobre ele aqui.Abraços e muito Sucesso.

diego peña: You weren't lying, after 1 kill the enemies simply disappear

Zul278: Sylas Jungle dead again Armoon?

seeebastian gutierrez cordero: can you make, like the same video, but for sylas top jeje

Samuel Bae: have you tried rift maker one w and im full health

Matthew Rimando: Decided to main sylas again. Is he still viable top this coming season with conqueror and building ap bruiser items against other meta toplaners?

Diego Pons: Hey Armoon have you noticed, the e 2 wont cast as instantly as before season 11, or is it just me ?

Antiwis: 19:20 why didn't take yone's R ? I don't realy understand rammus one do yone's one is less broken ?

Matteo Allkja: what about sylas top? do you still go conqueror or you just go for electrocute?

Alexandre Rodriguez: Can you make soon a video for jungleee plssss. I think proto lich bane is strong :)

IsMa: Rocket belt better

Zach L: Is hail of blades still a good option or is electrocute just the way to go? Loved the video btw

Regi's Archive: Yesterday I played jungle sylas and got executed 4 times. before the updatei could clear as sylas pretty easily. any idea when sylasjungle vid may come out?

Arodr123: Armooon - Do you think Sylas should run the same build top as mid S11?

PooBah: Would this build be followed for top lane too?

John Carlo Espiritu: i am a huge fan here armooon and iv'e been subscribe to you since the very beginning and you helped a lot of playing sylas better but tbh tho i was actually with my first 3 games to this new season and sylas right now is just so unfair, i wish u could discover a new playstyle on him such as the runes but i am so glad that i watch ur videos to improve not just a fellow sylas main but a good player too <3

Lee Sin: What would you do with sylas jg? U see it viable?

Lucas Duarte: why horizon focus, zhonyas is not better?

Gustavo RODRIGUEZ: Que capo saludos desde argentina

Alderdom ,: Very importen question What is your favourite Sylas skin Armoon?

Red Estrevencion: And please notice me armoon your the best sylas player

Red Estrevencion: your one of the best youtuber I watch everyday. Keep up the good work and good content bro I will support you to the very end always makes me hype when I play sylas

Patrol: Hey can you tell an other option for dark seal into mejas? I don't feel confident enough to stack up, great guide thanks;)

Seddik Talbich: Please sylas top and thank you for the great video ✌

ziko: how to win every game with sylas in season 11? just buy night harvester and lich bane gl hf

Alex N: What about jg Sylas? Conqueror is not as good now huh...

Kristofi Hans: i won my first game today with this build :)) but after mejais i built rabbadon :)) 22/3/11 carried hard and i one shot yasuo xddd

MaestrO Frags: Rip sylas top? I used to go ludens protobelt frozenheart and spirit visage with conqueror i heal so much and 45% cdr now i cant even get 30% cdr with the same amount of tankyness and dmg

TheSerbianMagic: Ty bro, ill try those runes asap!

Davi Simon: This season I get diamond

OtakuGamer - أوتاكو قيمر: I don't recommend that you cut so much in the video. Few cuts could make the viewers not understand the trading patterns you do in the guide. BTW I got my first pentakill with Sylas yesterday because I watched all your streams about the season 11 builds xD ANG GUESS WHAT!! Not only 1 penta but 3 pentas in 3 different games!!! :o Keep it up man! :)

Adanska: is this also a good strategy to use in the top lane ? with ignite and every thing

Yuki: Did he say “Please excuse my dear aunt Sally?” Isn’t that PEMDAS? XD

Skull Float: Very Helpful, Thanks!

Aviart: I've been waiting for your video armooon!. Season 11 just came by and I've been waiting for the new sylas build video <3. Pretty Excited. Thanks!

mfw no gf: 21:24 its not 38% cdr but 38 ability haste, not the same since not a percentage

Rapalix: what would you play on top?

Panagiotis Thoidis: pls do a jg sylas guide

kyneh scott misajon: Oh sylas god, may you accept this humble opinion of mine, you are very different on you guides and streams

XMO 47: thaaank youu so much it really help

Altay: Sylas jngl guide pls

Emanuele Uggetti: I have already tried sylas in a game but with quick foot and a little tanky build and he's illegal. Next I will try electrocut as you did. Thx a lot for the video man and keep going like that!

Flofun: What do you think about jungle sylas ?

Dan Amsalem: its actually so amazing when you ask him in the live stream to put the build and runes in the video description, and guess what, he did. amazing video man, keep it up!

Aaron Hernandez: What do you think about the new shop? Sr Armooon

Stahlz_XI: Finally you played 1 shot sylas full pen and rabbadons to glue it all together

Cepi: Ty for getting me into this champ he’s so hype and every play I make feels so satisfying lmao

PanX: Damn I would like to know if sylas on top with conq is still reliable or not...? Cause I like him playing on top more than mid... Thanks for answer. Anyway best teacher with Sylas I've ever seen xD.

Hishiron: How does Omni vamp works?

Mondiee esport: U helped me so much with playing sylas<3 But i'm so confused and i just cant play with him in jungle because of new jungle item. Can u make a video about sylas jungle?

StrykerFM: Is there ever a situation where you don't go dark seal start?

Cameron Spare: Go to 25:15 XD I'm ded

Weird BumBum: I'll download it for the new guide of mine and always thanks for all the guides

Frap: hi i wanted to ask whats your favorite lane/role to play with sylas in s11?

Cutthroat Hawk: How can students of teacher can be better than that teacher? Armoon diff.

HipertionJr: Lol im early right?


Jeffrey Chang: Love your videos, could you make a video like this but for top lane? I could never get into mid cuz getting hit by a skill shot means I die

Владислав Бабушкин: 0:32 lucky-dating.online

Aryan G123: Anaoyher amazing helpful vid <3

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