How to WIN EVERY Season 11 Game as Akali [Season 11 Akali Guide] - League of Legends

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Professor Akali: Making a super high quality expanded guide soon, enjoy this one for now :)

Jonathan Wyatt: This guy makes this champ look so damn easy. And every time I try to play her I go 0-10 lol

IMBA FIRE: Thank U for this Lanaya Guide

Krithin B: What's the best Akali skin?

Алексей К: guys explain please, 5:14 I see R+E+E+autoattack+Q(here we have low energy)+autoatack+W(and we almost full) how it is? what a mechanic? then Q and last R, bot how we refill all energy with pool?

Karol Szczerba: This is going to make you even better. shows full gameplay. yea man im so much better now after watching you cs made me so much better

Javier Marchan: Chico maquina eres no


Terraveteren: Fake you pay people.

Mr Dino Otaku: Jungler akali be like: Haha Energy goes BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

catlol56: Who did you pay this time

El Lord Plays:

v1n1c1iuz7: Deixa legenda pra português pls

Nano Hawk: Hi there, I actually wanted to say that i really liked your content, congratulations! I have subscribed to your C h a n n e l 😉 Possibly, You can do the same and we will become "real" Youtube friends

Nichi _Bi248: but why not riftmaker ? it give magic pen , omnivamp , health and magic damage , and if u are some seconds in fights ur attacks get stronger and stronger till they transform to true damage

Bogdan Rancic: I need this guide more than bread

Guwopdan: Anyone can tell me the combo he was using when fighting and give me the list of everything he bought from first to last?

Morris Greg: Hey guys what's up just hit your akali buttons on enemy champions and you'll often be overkilling them so yeah just go ahead and touch the keys

Pedro's Podcast: why do you only play on smurf accounts?

Big Gucci69: This thumbnail is so dumb wtf

bodzio809: Bro like how do u R1 somebody and then throw e1 backwards(you end up at the same place you used your R1)?

johnny boy: My Baby Akali!!♥️♥️💖💖🙏

Thiago Aguilar: "akali guide" in platinum 2 vs a gold 2 zoe KEKW

Lakrima: 8:52 rip replay button

Dusk The Douche: You died to tower

Jether hanan Timpac: akali wastes so much energy

Bob Stevens: The thumbnail photo looks like professor akalis face lol

Thai Duong Truong: 1 thing i really love now is the akali’s build path in ss11 has alot of CDR. If u go night harvester that give each legendary item 5 ability haste, at full build u should have like 35 - 40% cdr, which make ur ult 20s. In ss10 full build akali only have like 20%.

Maria Luiza De Oliveira Moretti: Is it just me or prof akali seems more.. wise I think?

Tetéh: nice thumbnail..every ability WTF, WTF ,WTF ,WTF

EL1T3PLAYZ: Soo its been 6 months i think ? Im not playing lol anymore and i seen that someone said gunvlade is removed why ? Idk cuz its been a long time i still know the heroes but the new characters . The last champ that i remem is the horse girl . Anyways i hope i go back to legue ciz i feel tha its gonna be boring. Someone tell me if the legue is still good. Im addicted to valorant so i think that lol is boring.

Kai: Prof akali is PoM really no good for extended fights with the 15% energy restore on kill / assist with 1.5s extra energy regeneration in passive... I'm just curious as I already miss having 250 energy

gabe: hey professor! for akali top you can go POM to have energy for lane management right? what would you go for secondary and for item in that case?

Marco Penso: Honestly, I'm regularly fighting against champions like pantheon, malphite and mordekaiser on the mid lane so I'll keep my conqueror

lacunarikain2: If Hydra stays omni vamp I suspect the meta build will be NH -> Hydra -> AP stuff

Ribalta: so which is best eletrecute or conquerer?

Timothy salazar: "Meanwhile in the Death zone" Gun blade: Where am i? Reaper:You are in the Death Item Gun blade: Wait before I disappear am I a useful item? Reaper: No Reaper: You are the best item

Martin Pantys: Progress - No title "best akali world, challenger" and other lies

johnny boy: My Baby Akali!!😍😍💖💖

alex alex: how to win games with akali - pick akali , smash ur head very hard aganist the keyboard, buy the new items easy tutorial

Gintoki Sakata: Everyone always asks „How do Professor Akalis combos work“ but nobody asks „How is Professor Akali doing“ :_((((

to stupid for a Name: pom will be meta on every non troll akali build.. ofcause it has to miss here

Y e o n n i e.: so, what items are we recommended to buy for play akali?

TomTom Nehring: 5000 like

Kudooosky: what are the next items?

Zuidman _yt: Jjaajajj Seba dijo que ibas a subir esto y es verdad xdds

Kevin Vocals: Lol, nice guide man. I used your build in 5 games and finished off my M7 on Akali.

Pena Penanen: what is "night harvester"

Saimon S: @professorakali which build will be better now? With electrocude o conqueror ???

Philip Marchand: Click baited again, FCKKKK

ChazzyONL: I was fed on akali like 15/0/3 and still lost to a decent size urgot in the late game he was 7/5/5

Christian Simpson: What do you think about taking legend destroyer (i think that's what it's called) in the secondary runes instead of triumph or coup de grace for more pen?

İbrahim Harmanci: i'm leavin' a like but i do not want to see conq akali , i think elect is way better

CHEMI: this guy seems decent how is he hardstuck plat?

Marios Kotsiai: I'm I the only one who takes ingenious hunter on akali?

Godyr: after watching this I play 100 games with a 100 percent winrate with akali didnt lose a single season 11 game bro title is accurate ty.

Cyrageous: This man said tanks are tankier lol, tanks suck

kevin de angelis: AGUANTE LA AKALI ARMY PA

XPCreeper: do conqueror pl s

Jorge Barrios: love that sweater man

Jan Hanfred: Meanwhile me watching at .25 Speed to see what actually happens and keep track of the cooldowns

DarkLion King: Ive personally had a lot more success with the old runes but its probably due to me being more focused on the style those runes offer me.

Doe John: About night harvester and riftmaker, After extensive testing, level 11 akali with 1 item(mythic itself) and sorc boots, 3 items(mythic, deathcap, lich bane) with sorc boots, with electrocute on and in cooldown, full classic burst RQAEEQARA, versus 100 mr and 40 mr....... After all those combination testing, Riftmaker excels on ALL OF THEM, except one: 1 item and sorc boots, electrocute unready(electrocute proc favors rift, since it adds up on rift damage, but unaffected with night harvester), versus 40 mr. Riftmaker scores 2213 damage, night harvester scores 2285 damage. End of dispute here I guess.

Gabriele Coppola: Thats the Build that I do in season 11: Lichbane, boots, dark harvest, zhonya, voidstaff, an hp and ap item (it looks like a helmet) and the morellium

Alessandro Soares: Zhonyas got buffed its 400 gold cheaper just like banshee :)

MsAngelican: She’s broken on this new patch/season. I’m happy. I have to check out Katarina now.

Julio Calaça: Do the conqueror one tooo

LifeofEntropy: Did zoe use a sett w?

Elias Khalil: So in other words? You just cheat thanks to the dumbass item changes.

El chapo junior: Akali just broken... new items too broken

Harun Bajramović: Can you pls show your rune on akali

Thomas Davidson: casually playing against a 1 mil.+ urgot

Alperen Saglam: I know you're very good but my english is bad so ı can't watch the video But ı can click the video

Rey Cuadra: hi prof can you do a video play akali on wild rift? please? i hope u can notice me thankssss.. goodluck on your games!!

raeinbows: Why’d does alkali look ugly in your thumbnail o.O

Locco: noob


Xeniâ: I play conquer and build riftmaker if the enemy has 2 or more tanky champs because you can stay alive in long fights and deal more dmg overall thats my opinion

WeStream: hii.. may i ask what is your new runes using now?? i can see its electrocute..

mehdi on: dude this season is a shiit u joke man i jngl my first game i didn t know what s the jngl item then i mid dude the fking items broken are all AD items and i played syndra ur joking this is a shiit man

Deathly Lotus: Professor Akali I did an Akali combo E+R2 you can throw your E at an enemy champ and cancel your E backdash while R2'ing and the E shuriken will instantly travel to the person you R2'ed

Lota: Gonna throw this out there eclipse full ad akali very fun

Liouxs Brent Espinosa: How to akali in wild rift

inflex CSGO More:: Flyingbaklava DUUUUUDE

Pull L: where did that kha zix hp go ???? XD

Spajki Rafatus: How this Zoe's Q hit Akali at 1:35

ÐÃИłCΉỰ: What do you guys think about fleet footwork?

Liam Burkhardt: amazing how all videos are almost identical

Frytek: Why is the best akali #1 world challenger playing on friend's plat account and boosting him and flexing cause of defeating plat?

Lion Plays: Thanks to this wonderful professor that iam now a akali main❤️

Matii: Wow. I played This build, THIS SKIN a hour before you published this video

QuickPlay TV: i actually dont really like the new items and General changes. i miss season 3 4 oh man i even miss season 7 8

GGE: 8:50 dude how sick was the play imagineeeeeeeeee keep it up prof you a real one

DerecX0: conqueror build: riftmaker, zhonya, cosmic drive, demonic embrace, merc threds and a rabadon?

Дима Диденко: I like your cut, G!

JMB47K KAMIKAZE: It feels like they lowered akalis ult CD

Elatker Cola: Stfu

Oliwier Stanejko: Nice ks

Ertyez: Doesn't "Presence of Mind" give you extra energy regeneration when hitting enemy champs? That still IS a lot of extra energy and helps for sustain in fights! 🤔

Evren Erse: is it normal to get upset for urgot :(

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