How To CLIMB to DIAMOND in 3 HOURS with Akali (Season 11 Rework)

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Wael AlKhoss: would I get to challenger if I watched it twice??

KaneDaBunny: you sir, inspired me to play akali and become good at it, thank you.

TungDungiini: I've watched the whole thing and damn did I enjoy every second of it. I was having a break from playing Akali because it seemed to me that she wasn't the champ I loved playing anymore, but your video convinced me to come back to her and man I'm having a blast! Thank you, you're the best.

TogetherAxe 8516: You lost me at kda all out being ur favorite skin. But on a real note, loved the guide and video, keep doing what your doing!

Diogo Castilho: Hello professor Akali! I dont know if you will see this, but im a top main and i started to play akali top. The thing is, i feel like i get out damaged everytime i play. Is akali top still a thing? Or should i pursue other ap champion top? Thanks in advance :)

25 Buttholes: 3 hours? That’s it?

FlyGuy716: yeah akali is pretty garbage tho

Kuba Sikora: My build on akali that works: ever Frost,void Staff,zhonya,lich bane and deathcap.

Abdul Aziz: Btw can u do a Lol WR Akali Guide plz,it would help a lot.Thanks

Abdul Aziz: Bro i am a lol wr player and I am a Akali main cause of u ,Thanks

Shooter25: You should react to Hoompty's Akali tricks video

Dr. Claw: around 5 mins that gangplank just went afk LMAO

Aaron Lander: 1:14:03

TheKillerey: Aight 3 hours let's goo

POTEMUST: please open english auto subtitle thanks

MarCivil: 8:19 Was that bush too thick?

rexteslon: Prof Akali when he used E to move - I'M THE FASTEST FCK BOIIII xd

Aaron Obillo: Professor Akali i have a request to you please try Akali in wild rift 😁😁😎

Skull Greymon: Those ads ...

Skull Greymon: Those ads ...

Ethan James Sabang: remember professor akali losing to yuumi

AlexanderMin11: "I'm too busy being happy in life..." Oh that's so nice to hear.

Hans Christian Subebe: Dude when im watching you i got some skills to how to play akali then im better akali now 🙂 Thank you dude.. 🔥i hope more Akali Tips that i can watch #SolidFan #Philippines

snowzie: After watching this I went 20 2 6 with 210 farm in 28 minutes against a 1.2 mil diana. This plus the ultimate akali guide with all the match up is such valuable game knowledge, u wont ever do fundamental wave control mistakes in early game that could fuck you over and yk how to do match ups instead of being thrown into cold water. Thank you for sich in debth content, more than appreciated. I learned a lot even tho i got 800k on her. Also nice positivity, all my mates wanted to dodge in champ select (gold 1-plat 4) but i carried them hardcore.

Krsnadasa Fernandez: Can you pleeeease do a In depth tutorial on how to R1 + E as you did at :13:56? Pleeeease, I try to practice it in the practice tool but I can't get it

Taco Dog: 17:05 That Mordekaiser saying see Gangplank when p.Akali says that he is gold 4 got me dead

Liηk: Thank you so much for this Guide! :)

Dimitrije Pakalovic: presence of mind is really good but i cant play without triumph just cant

Badger Hon: at 13:55 when you R Gang Plank, your Akali didn't go OVER him. When I try it in practice, i always hop over the dummy and my E throws me even closer to tower. Is there a way to stop this "hop over" part of the R?

Masty: Sheeeeeesh

Joshua: Would not report zil

Rintoo The Rintoo: I don't play League of Legends, I just think Akali is just super cool-

ByDragon Y: AD AKALI

glendoi: How do you use your skill point after leveling up without clicking on the skill itself?

WOLF๛ GG: Ther is vedio in ur ads

nathaniel elvik: Alkali is the best champ I’m addicted to watching you haha

Zealot John: Hey professor I found a little bug or trick how you wish to call it, I bet there are more walls out there, this is so far what I tested,

PändåX: Akali OPPP!!!

Candy fun: How do you beat Garen?

Xiris Skyes: really quick- to all people that read these randomly- 2:18:32 that's actually Tobias Fate

SkylanderYT: i left akali for like more then a month and started to play graves, asol, darius but after this video again i am motivated to play akali

Grand Priest: every delusional league youtube channel "how to get to diamond in less than 5 hours" when in reality most people will never reach diamond

Maquinetas: This competition you have with armoon is amazing for someone like me who loves both akali and sylas

Seb Burrow: "this video took so long to make" hopefully about 3 hours

Just eGames Channel: This will realy help :)

Ivan Dvorský: so many double pots, buy one refilllable :D

Andre: 1:14:23 it's not completely pointless because you activated your passive by E2 + R2 and land just perfect to ekko to hit him and not gone too far from him either.

Pattaata: I love professor akali without i never will be abale to play akali ..i love u ..please make a video playing akali wild rift

Samuel Barta: When I first saw this guide I though it meant that you could climb all the way to diamond in three hours after watching this guide. I just realized it meant the guide was three hours. Lmao

Prince Ares: Oh wow there is a video between my ads.

Erezomer Minecraft: I with akali mid aganist yasuo oneshoted camille and he says i profesor akali XDDDDDDDD

Max: dont you think akali is too weak right now? Let us compare: Farming: Every/almost every Mage can 1 shot caster minions at some point. Akali does not. I have to be so fed that i have DC at min 20 or something like that. Convince me otherwise. Early game: To my understanding an assasins job is to capture kills early, so that you wont fall of late game with all these tanks and bruiser with 10000 AD and 100000 HP Amor and MR.< furthermore you wont be able to all in a champ as easly as other assasins before lv 6.... What does Akali early? Nothing... because her Q cost 130 energy. IMO only hat 3-4 points in Q you can trade with akali evenly. Why is that? Xeraths Q, yassus Q, zeds Q .... does more dmg that akalis Q without passive. If you hit the passive it does more, but it is not as easy and your enemy just continues the trade because you have no energy regardless... I think i am fairly good playing her but she has no sustain.. not really early dmg and mid late she will only be okay if she wont fall off. BUUUUT it is sooo hard to get solo kills with an enemy who knows how to play. Maybe i am to bad and it will be eventually better but shouldt a champ be in every class as similar as possible?

Gbirdy: When does he talk about runes?

Hugo Sanz: 0/10 4/11 2/8 and 4v5 how am I ment to carry ( I ended 14/7/0) Just me or its everyones bread??

Jakub Białek: Good video content i like ur full videos

Valerio Vittoria: comment before seeing the video: Dudu finally another video!!! I was worried (can't see if u stream sadly for the time difference) tnx to your teachings i'm at the point where I play good most of the games, but not all of them result in a win tnx to not good teammates so, almost there

Muhammet Özenç: Türkçe alt yazı lütfen

Ayano: I made it to gold 2 because of your video thanks man this works

Prof. Noob: What rank were you in which game?

kingVII: Wonderful content and editing video, really enjoyed. Keep it up and you have my full support see you around mate.. !

Ben Arc: did the rework just come out? or when did it come out

Seraphine. Gaming: am I the only one that remember those clips from lives 🤣

Dyre: I wouldn’t report the zilean because I think based on the early game chat before you muted him it seemed like he was fed up with Jhin either trolling or making bad decisions and throwing. I think he was trying to make the best of a bad situation.

Xavier W: When is it good to go Night harvester vs photo belt?

Delta: I don't want to flame, but NA rly sucks. 29:15. This Ahri used her charm to poke. Most people ( -Monkeys- ) knows that its your only spell which can save you from akali and she used it to poke. Under YOUR tower. And this is platinum 1... I play on EUNE and in my matches people knows ( -Monkeys- ) to save somethink like charm to prevent initiations from akali. Its sad to see some people gain platinum when they dont deserve it.

Olda_Mc: my favourite mentor love from viet nam <3

20ffensive: didint u say presence if mind were bad on akali?

JoshuaDXD: Thanks to this guy now I'm platinum 3 thank you and keep up with the amazing Akali plays <3

רואי ציגלר: If u will do coach il buy ut for sure

Xerton.: Question - you planed play akali in wild Rift yet?

Amen JkGg: I'm not lying I watched the whole vedio it was really nice to watch keep it up <3

Kenan Rahim: Did you know Kai'sa W reveala Akali in her shroud?! OmG yesterday I was paying akali and that one enemy Kai'sa was literally basic atacking me in my shroud and I was like SHE IS SCRIPTING REPORT KAISA

Šimon Hardstucknutý v bronzu: i love those long commentary videos <3

konstantina komianidou: Kevin: “play safe,play smart don’t push early game” Me a greedy af akali, taking first blood lvl2 and flexing mastery. That’s why I will never go to gold lol

Bat Cal: Did you take this video from a youtuber?

Stefan Marciuc: The big difference between you and us, is that we don’t play Akali as you do. I mean, you are the best I’ve ever seen playing this champ. Thanks for the video and the hard work you put into doing this video. Respect ✌️

DakovChan: This video gave me a tampon ad

Ditmar Metoh: 2:06 play safe play smart and than kauabanga

HEY6: you can see its low elo

Ace_ Blaze: Im happy that prof ak is so nice he always stays positive and tries his best to not make people upset.

Atheus: Hey! I am akali main and I became really good at her (or at least really better then before) as I started watching your videos. I just need 1 advice. I am currently G4 57 LP and almost every game i have at least 10+kills as akali, but my top laner or botlane feeds (i feed sometimes, but mostly my botlane feeds) even if i roam. How to get out of gold faster? I believe that i wil get out of gold, but it will be really long journey. edit : You can watch my stats in My name is Vyblitá chcanka in EUNE

Heimi LoL: Love ur gameplay💉🧨

Ace_ Blaze: Dude at that moment 46:55 you should have teleported when you were invisible but you survived anyways so maybe it was good that you didn’t.


the_ mcl: I’m a new viewer coming from fogged, do you have videos where you explain your combos after kills? Some of your combos are too fast to follow!

Maitoast —: I have been playing akali for some weeks, I never learned so fast ! I am so thankful for you videos!! They are amazing ! Keep going 🖤

Wiloh: prof good video ! <3

Pulsarッ: Do You aways starts with doran's ring?

Ethan Hansen: Step 1: be a mechanical savant with the champion Step 2: kill someone when R is up Step 3: profit

Jason Rosit: I have a question about banning, who should I ban if I'm playing Akali mid? or Akali top?

markkk: SO uhm is night harvester viable? againts like squishy?

Nito: I’ll just take every E2

XChoGodX: why aren't you buying refillable pots?

ZaViann Bonner: "fu its your fault " LMAO tooo funny

Guitarist 96: Thanks for this, love your content bro

G: How can You climb to diamond in 3 hours when a game usually run about 25-30 mins

Rick Olivas: Too long. watched the whole thing.

Jack Johns: I never played akali before and when riot decided to give me 2 skins of her I decided to give her a shot, I literally watch all of your videos because they are satisfying 😅 and idk how I ended up 10/4/6 on my first game just trying to copy you haha

Victor Chou: wait how did u not get first blood in the first game lol

pumaloup: thx for the video you are insane on Akali :D

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