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Toopy: or maybe play an actual fucking champ lmao imagine being unkillable it's so fucking easy that's why it is a good pick

Joshua Tagarro: 14:38 Are you sure about that?

Omnatron: what about blood thirster, it now gives crit

Omnatron: 3:21 "you need to crit and you need to crit fast" 😂

Yeethan eets: I just want to say, immortal shieldbow is the best option, because it adds to tryns unlikable nature

brian 88: Ok let me just say I tried but I keep losing plus I suck ass

John R: Xin mid isn’t new. You’re super early game dependent, like you need 6 kills by 14 mins if you want to win. Which I guess makes it sound bad, but Xin performs really well into a lot of the other mid laners, and can usually achieve that goal with a good dragon fight early. I’d recommend it, it’s super fun

gylgamash nvs: ghost ja era pra ele ne, ter que ir com ignite agora, trynda ficou mto fraco nessa ss11, nice vídeo, congratz from brazil bro!!!

Elius95: Imagine losing lane vs a guy making a tutorial... lol

John Boyce: Navori passive is gonna be broken vs ad tanks. Constant hybrid dmg from E and the W reducing their dmg

Hải An Kiều: What do you think about PD on trynd fogged ?

Dul Fish: Vladimir is trash tier its so hard 2 hit that 40% early enough to do shit now i wont even touch him this season

Emmanuel Mbah: I'm really surprised he didn't say anything about building BloodThirster because this item gives a shield, a lot of life steal and gives extra crit chance to funnel into infinity edge's extra crit damage.

James Nicholson: Trynmer

Kyobi: I feel like I can't win any duels pre 6 anymore

Mistermoosefps: this really helped me out, thank you

A madeusz: xin mid is very strong against yasuo and yone

Loay Awad لؤى عوض: best items against Quinn and teemo?

Kia Eshraghian: Man I thought I wouldn't have to worry about Trynd getting banned ever... thanks S11 😅

Estupendamente Patético: looking forward to your spreadsheet! the last one was amazing, helped me a lot

Shad Dow: Is Ap tryn still good?

Nano Hawk: Hello, I merely hoped to say that i really liked your content, congratulations! I have subscribed to your C h a n n e l 😉 Possibly, You can do the same and we will become "real" Youtube friends

Michael AMIEL: i'd love to know your thoughts about bloodthirster that now gives crits, guinsoo/kraken build and also the triforce you didnt mentonned, nor the bloodthirster. Are they that bad ? Thanks for the tips, gl for season 11 !

Hayet Munna: Items are so freaking expensive.

Dawid: Does trynda crit from passive add dmg to ie?

EmDrei: 12% less damage level 1

Azoulay Ethan: Thanks for the guide but why dont u level up ur ult ?

Enes Tayyare: Fogged clickbaits be like "WTF!!!!!!????!!!"

the red flash BG: 5:50 the damage was just perfect he was on 9 hp and the minin do 9 damage lol

HENRIQUE massone: hi lyvingproof, what pie did u make

wong wh: I'm learning fiora in S11, should I still rush tiamat?

Görkem Genç: why didnt he level up his ult

SCREAM THEGUY: Ngl i think Navori Quickblade would get deleted like shojin.

sasinmo: Tryn is so weak tbh, he can't 1v5 like he used to when he got ahead. I can feel it when I play.

Joshua Child: Fogged you are the best! thanks for all the tips over the years. I played my first game in over a year and won with trynd because I always try to watch your videos. They are always so informative. Thank you

Badguy Birdie: Thumbnail: Is literally just pictures of his ability icons Captions: WTF WTF WTF WTF

David Gao: wait i didnt catch what he said how do we get the spreadsheet?

Ako -chan: I was starting to stop playing league because of season 11 being broken, but this is looks kinda fun.

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻: i main top as garen but always like to play trynd if i see an opportunity, so i guess this is what i'll be playing from now on, at least for a while till i know what to do with garen, because I don't even know how the shop works LUL

Emmanuel Bravo: how do wrath and deft strikes stack?

Emmanuel Bravo: want more opinions on rageknife trynd

Inuroth: What about Goredrinker and instead of playing split go for more team fight oriented. Save the drinker active for as ult is ending for a sweet fat chunk of damage/healing.

Jared Roscioli: Xin mid broken vs melee champs fogged, i bet he would give trynd a run for his money pre 6.

GamersTV: can someone tell me the ;ast item

Faizan Qureshi: Fogged what do u think of Duskblade on trynd, from the looks of it, invisibility would sure be useful in teamfights

Yaprak Kardeş: infinity edge looks so bad is it actually good?

Gripu: You know he's challenger when he does a guide and a gameplay at the same time

Baptiste LN: Transcendance kinda sucks on Trynda now :/ 20% cooldown reduction is just like crit :/ better go Unflinching / Second Wind (or Demolish) The link above is the account of a good Trynda player, french streamer "Alderiate"

Nate Moen: Pls do a Xin mid s11 video

michiel duyvejonck: Is this live server or pbe

andreiy31: is it just me or does fogged's voice sounds like a stereotypical nerd?

Mohamed Elserafy: wukong

Spiri Tus: 14:30 Xin Zhao mid is a counterpick for a lot of melee matchups and gained popularity after the release of Yone.

arab Playing league: Although i don't watch your streams when i'm looking for entertainment, if i'm putting a list for educational streamers/channels you will always be number 1. Been watching you for so long now and i always dominate with tryndamere because of you! You're just too real and too helpful keep up the good work ⬆️

Kaosmo: 13:00 Kraken and navoori are both under marksman. You don't have to stay in the fighter tree.

Franky Tang: From personal experience. This season Tryndamere is harder to play early game and he is underpowered comparing to champ like Darius, Garen, Jax it Fiora. They can split as good as Tryndamere and offers a lot more in team fights especially Darius and Garen. Tryndamere is still good late game but his early game is difficult to pull off by less experience players. And if Tryndamere can’t pop off and he will be useless. I like try dam err and he has always be my main but I felt like I should stick to Garen or Fiora for pushing ranked

Stephen McNally: I thought you could only build 1 mythic item

Nicklas VEVA: I really hate cheesing and stuff, but at this rate, this season is the season of cheese. I used to have standards, but league is so shit that I’ll either quit or cheese until I rank up to my goal.

snow hole: 6:21 Tryndamere runes, core build is Navori Quickblades > Berzerker Grieves > Kraken Slayer > Infinity Edge, Situational: Blade of The Ruined King (life steal, slows after 3 hits), Ravenous Hydra (life steal, lots of procs with spin, pick between this or Blade), Serylda's Grudge (armour penetration), Silvermere Dawn (cc resist), can build lethality eg Sanguine Blade if enemy team squishy, if grievous wounds needed like for anti healing build Kepunka Chainsword, other possible items are Yoummu's and Edge of Night

justinekim pacurza: 20:08 what a beast also clean af

David Jones: The more Crit items I have, the more Crit damage I'll have. Noted.

Cristian Tenecela: try ap build maybe one works wizrd

TheLegless101: What do you think about Trinity Force vs tanks? You still get the attack speed bonus but also the passive seems like it would be better for extended fights. You'll be able to build other crit items as well such as Mortal Reminder or Blood Thirster. The only problem is when to build it, since you kind of want to rush crit for Infinity Edge and Navori passive. Could possibly just build cloak for 95% crit and then go for trinity. I actually think Phantom Dancer might not be as bad as you think. It stacks off minions and monsters so could be could in situations where you want to shred baron/dragon or also against tanks too.

Javicm03: what item you buy in last item bro?

bugra pektas: Good luck you too man :)

Artie Schmidt: ty for the new guide on the items, I love it :)

Biellc: the problem is that armor itens reduces % bases`s atack.

Bata Life: try to play :kraken slayer, berzerkers, infinity edge, bloodthirst,and something for crit what you want its so op build

Dmitriy Rybachenko: Fogged: navori quickblade is this seasons essence reaver Essence Reaver: am i a joke to you?

Òscar Ufoporno: Man i buy a new pc cant wait to play Tryndamere again

ZED FILL VAN U R SPARDE: @foggedftw2 well ty, now im lookin for your tips for wizard tryn for s11, i would feel really appreciate to hear your thoughts about it

Ben Daniels: Tryn feels so weak now :(

Pundah: Who needs a guide on a busted ass champ like tryndamere.. lol..

SP Hong: Khazix is such a bug lol

Salvador Sanchez: Is the new season finally up???

Sanpetro: i take eclipse for mystic (6 sec cooldown is broken af) and phantomdancer as 2nd crit item for attackspeed.

Kiki Qt: Stop title all vids like prof.... everygame. Maybe thats the reason u are not a challenger Player anympre

Ross: Why not build Bloodthirster? Crit + AD + lifesteal

Jorn van Schagen: Am i the only one who thinks it feels clunky without tiamat active early game ) :

Bauti lo: I feel it’s shit in early and ultra op in mid-late

Arastoo Moradi: Wait no BT recommend? Lifesteal and crit? Or why is it not good?

Daemon23: Broken champ as alwayes was

HGH Chaito: No love for phantom?

Patrik Soós: Lets be real trynda sus rn, he needs buufs

Evo Gh0St: Am I the only one not happy that Tryndamere is half dead now and is only playable because of some broken items that will be nerf soon? S11 couldnt have been worst for trynda mains

Spinz XenonSP: everyone can be vayne

André: where is the spreadsheet?

FlubberSquid: Honestly the new items are far from ready for any competitive play. Some items like the Navori Quickblade are insanely overpowered with a stat budget far over the average and an even more powerful take on the Spear of Shojin passive. In comparison some of the absolutely overpowered items we saw during PBE like the Eclipse have seen a major reduction to stats along with the passive effect being half as strong compared to it's initial state. There are more crit items in the game now that Ability Power items and many of the Mage items are very bad making them almost meaningless compared to the very few alternative items. The list goes on and I hope Riot will add at least 5 more items for Mages and another 5 for Tanks, or we will see everyone building the same stuff every game. The complete contrary to the whole goal with the item change in the first place.

Drago Jovanovic: Tryndamere has 46% winrate :/

Aidan Guevara: Play xin mid whit eclipse plz

Mohamed moez: can u try "Black Cleaver" with "Goredrinker" with "PD" (instead of boots) to get some atkspeed ... tank build with dmg (hybrid) but not much atk speed .. it was insane , due to 150 ability haste (60%CD) .. it was like URF .. Give it a try fogged <3

Hero 1: Everything has crit now

Tay -lqh: do a mundo videoooooooooooooooo do a mundo videoo plsss

Ibrahim Khalaf: Ur thmbnail title is the same as professor akali lol

Hero 1: Mo

rex osiris: Talon pyke and stuff mid are nerfed because of tiamat and that's great for this game's health

Fabrício Braga: xin mid can counter ekko, akali.. and some others

Patrick Bamber: think navori is op, was experiencing the same with tristana mid, Perma Q steroid

Zenci: Is rushing tiamat no thing anymore?

grandlord100: How do you feel about Stridebreaker + Serylda's grudge on tryndamere?

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