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Rivinh 420: Maybe its just me, but it seems pd would be insane 3rd item, 80% attack speed with titantic and sunfire seens like you would annihlate their entire team

Tyler Nguyen: This is the most animated I have seen Fogged in a while

Xristos Mastaggas: BITSYPPIM NOT LIKE Y BUT POG KAPPA actually y and me w wtf y love yGRK an alina liaenkrean

Carlos Candido: my friend foggedtw2 im become gold 1 seeing or videos tanks , say hi to brasil plz.

jason jernigan: Same build works on the knife cat its troll

Cheezyforyou: who do you ban when playing tryn?

Drako: what about 1 attack speed item like withers end?

Patrick Milliken: my man fogged just built different i swear

Tayron Sibaja Godinez: 27:20 16 secs of 1v5 and 28 of the full figth

Nobu: The omnivamp from doran blade help a lot with this build

CursedMallard171 Gonzales: Wait so tank is the move on Tryndamere now?? What has Riot done??

Metem Psychotic: "Limit testing" is the new "Guys, I over extendend and fucked up a little".

Eyem Knotdum: Dude sure does talk a big game for a challenger smurf stomping on noobs. What are the odds that someone who plays the game every single day for 8+ hours can make a build work on newer players...

Delta: What happened with this game. Tank trynda. I mean I like playing tanks, but I liked playing old trynda and now... there is no point.

Yaman Qaterji: I wish proff akali stop doing these so cheesy click baits for fogged

Joseph Seed: that level 9 fight....did he forget that you were playing tryndamere?

MusicIsMyAdicction: i hope i did the thing right i played until the arbiter said i will return and then some archievements pooped up. now send bass stronzo

Anderson Barbosa: This build is just too damn good. I was skeptical until I tried it myself. I'm amazed with how strong it actually is.

ADC Yuumi: So far I am liking season 11 ground Yuumi. I've been starting Berserker's Greaves + Blade of the Ruined King, then buying Frostfire Gauntlet second. Frozen Heart + Wit's End tanks me up further to complete the build (with my last slot typically being my support item), if games go long. In a few games I have gotten to Greaves + BotRK in 10 minutes; it's easy to get it by 13-14 minutes even if things aren't going that well. FG finishes around 16-18 minutes. Despite being a tank build, I have already had a few games where I did/took most damage and offensively carried. If you have never tried ground tank Yuumi, you'll be surprised that she's still a decent healer and is even stronger (way stronger) in team fights. She can 1v1 a lot of champs/builds, and it's hard for them to get away from her with this build due to all the slows and the shortish ult (Ultimate Hunter).

Adrian Cedervind: i love how positive your voice is

DopEsMack: why u dont show the runes ???????

Definition: Do you think this build would be better with goredrinker instead of the sunfire aegis? I really like the increased ad based on % health missing.

Stefan Rindom: Are these changes on live?

Disco J: What's the link for Raid Shadow Legends?

Nicklas VEVA: A Trynda buff? Just what we needed. Might as well buff Riven while we're at it.

Islandi: Can u please upload the build or smth? I would appreciate that immensly :)

Teutates DerGott: Tryndamere is getting some massive changes actually not only is his q passive getting buffed his spin damage getting buffed but also crit items getting buffed next patch which is helping tryndamere ofc with these items having better damage potentials I think tryndamere got some really needed buffs. But ofc this won’t make him meta or really good but at least in this state he’s much more playable

Trnd: Damn trynd doesnt even need ult in s11 lmao

William Gibbons: This is the most animated I have seen Fogged in a while

Thierry-Luc Denichaud: trying this on sett asap!

Tomas Kratochvil: Drinking game: Shot for everytime he said damage this video.

Matheus Araujo: Fogg, sorry for my bad english, but can you test divine devourer shen with conqueror? it's interesting

Guillaume Coigniez: funny i am using this excact build on trundle and sett top atm XP

S0da AquilaMSEA: Hp scalings are whack right now. I saw petu do 2/3 of an adc in a single auto with shield bash proc on stone plate (forgot if he had sterak or not). Still beats the dreadful old assassin meta (although after sunfire nerf it probably will be assassin meta again)

smashboss: The only flaw I can see (in theory)with this build is kitting. So, wouldn't it be good to prioritize ghost instead of ignite and take chempunk chainsword every game for the anti-healing and ability haste ? Also, would it be more efficient to have more ability haste in the build to reduce even further the kitting ?

小風: May I ask what rank is this?

Boris Yankov: "I didn't have to ulti for so long in this fight" - yeah, the fight was so long because tank = the low DPS. Tank Trynda makes it so your ulti is less effective, being a fixed length, you do less damage while invincible.

Itachi1x 11: Ahh,# *feelsgoodman*

ahmet erdem: the moment i opened the video i said "what happened? fogged seems super happy" then i got my answer

Shawn Connolly: From nobody else... I have learned wave management as well as from you. Thanks a lot! I improved my overall game so much. Especially with trynd ofc.

UPsca S: Rito could put a % armor pen scaling based on the enemy hit by your E, like a mark or sum and ur Q used at max fury cleanses from hard cc only. This would help against tanks and things that now actually kites you so hard (especially mages) Obv this when bruiser and tank items Will be tuned

Marcin Najman: Try Berserkers, Sunfire, Titanic, Phantom, Bloodthirster, Infinity. This gives you everything Trynd needs

Fighter Lm: Get a life before you get a wife

Fighter Lm: S

Pipe: 00:00 never seen fogged this happy and honestly it was so wholesome, i live for this, love your content man!

Mattia Vedovati: your runes?

KuKuKlock123: Triumph isn’t exactly combat healing tho... it requires you to kill someone in order to get the healing. The other passive / combat healing that Revitalize does boost is great, but personally I wouldn’t count Triumph because it’s a healing after the fact and not when its needed. I would take Ravenous Hunter over Triumph. It is harder to stack up but the pay off is just much better healing.

Joseph Makea: my man

Josh Peddicord: Yo cmon boys get him raid downloads he asked politely enough

ZandalariHero: LMAO I was accidentally listening to this on 0,75% speed and I thought fogged just uploaded a video of tryndamere buffs piss drunk.

Arda Anıl Ergin: _Dan, solokilling Darius with like 5 hp_ : I sleep Also Dan: _is able to get the cannon minion after killing Darius_ **GACHIGASM**

William: bro i used this build was going well early than got fked by a mordekaiser, how tf do i beat morde

FlyBigBenz: I wish that they would add the option to ban items... This is just stupid

croevolucion: this build it's not working for me, everytime y try it i get paired whit the 22 chromosomes gang and we go 3 to 15 by minute 10

Peter Sarkozi: Is this build good on garen?

Levente Jávori: I tought they would increase his crit dmg multi too

Philip Rößler: Was a few hours ago also testing some tank trynda builds. I tried using navori quickblade or what its called but im still not sure if its even worth it. This build seems better without since you have so much cdr anyway

BlitZZ: Hey fogged , would this build be viable on Maokai?

Philip Rößler: When you limit tested under 2nd turret, damn that surprised me that you not only got the kill but also lived xD wp

kencholight: 1:42 "it will be fine" goda* challengers nerves are scary

z dalling: Voli: turns off turret Fogged: I tanked the turret the whole time.

Scarlett: I am quiet new to the game and I am confused of what runes and items hes using, any help please?

Andrew Ferguson: You know it's imba season when trynd, the crit champion, looks BIG with recursive hp/dmg scaling. It's atmogs all over again

MatthewTB: Watched all of your tank tryn videos back to back.

Loay Awad لؤى عوض: ap tryn? me sping me win????

Rychlas: Does it fare well against a kraken slayer adc? I'm curious. Great vid btw.

BronzeKaiser: The damage is just so disappointing

lostengoPeridos dimedondeestan: Hi !! From LAS Chile

fernando bell: Yo I lost once this game. And only cuz I got cheesed and camp .

justiss4all1: You need to look at new Ammumu for top. He can tank baron by himself. Look at Ankles jg video.

Savio Rodf: Hey fogged, I have already downloaded raid before and I am looking for a way to help you with the sponsorship. Is there anyway or do I have to download with another account?

Sombody: Could you add a rageblade since there are a bunch of on-hit effect in addition to the added ad from passive crit chance?

djones: 10char

Adriane Paul Garcia: Always watched your videos from Philippines

André Velez: Urgot full tank with grasp. Just take hydra tank ist just sick

Huỳnh Nhy: I hope you will build the last item to get full build but thats ok , i think last item blade of ruined king is good man , got life stell damage and move speed for good

Leon Belmont: since you dont use the crit, maybe you could build guinso

bidomo: 13:25 very, high, AP??? 😅

IMWiseGuy4u: I love the hand wave at the end

eiki72: I watch this vid 3 hours after it comes 2 youtube and log into lol and they nerfed sunfire cape 😅

dum brad: with new steraks - everyone can be sett now

Mohamed Frahat: So wait What about Darius himself ? What if he ran this build ? Darius already gets a shitton of damage with his passive and base damages If he goes a build similar to this with sunfire and steraks (not sure about Titanic) How good is it ?

RoT daNeT: Hey fog how are you m8? You mentioned a nerf on sunfire but the early patch notes for 10.24 dont mention that. Can you elaborate on that or where you read that? Great videos keep it up

Rhythmyx: 6:35 minion confirmed.

Micheal Bender: I was in stream for this game! I was playing RSL and watching lol

David L: Ah yes, playing against silver and gold players on PBE

Getsuga Tsunentaiga: This man really snuck a raid shadow legends ad into the video. Look, I get it, they pay your bills. However, they have you constantly shilling a 3.5/10 game. I'm not the only fan you're alienating with that awful game.

Bark: Good Nunu escape attempt! That guy tried his best!

Ruben Williams: Riot: Mages are starting to kind of do some damage, what should we do? Riot: We gotta nerf them! ALL OF THEM! NOW! Riot: AD champs are also doing insane amounts of damage. Especially easy-mode right clicking champs. What should we do? Riot: BUFF THEM! ALL OF THEM! NOW!!!

Omar Valencia: amazing this is just amazing i have to go and give it a try x

Matt Jones: How about guinsoo's rageblade for third item after steraks? More on hits

Lol Why: Let's be really honest the 5AD is gonna be noticable but it's not even nearly enough to fix the dumpster fire riot has created this season.

Madzz: This build looks promising. The holy trinity of Trynd seasons. We obviously have the Crit Trynd, we had Wizardmere and now we’re gonna have a season of Tank Trynd.

Corey Roeder: Taric saying to let him work on baron solo was satisfying and refreshing to me

Jiro: Season 11 when they fucking finally forced trynd to buy armor oh the irony

raiynen: so revitalize is base 5% healing, and an extra 10% at under 40% life. overgrowth is, as of the 20 minute mark, about 335 extra hp, or roughly a 10% increase in life. Revitalize is way, WAY better early game, and overgrowth pretty much stays at a 10% increase in life from the point where you get the extra 3.5% onwards.

Tomasz Problem: I would help with raid but got banned on ur chat so kinda dont care maybe unban or smtn might help

Anthony Reyes: When someone like ekko, akali, and trynd can go tank I’ll always play them tank 🙌

Caffee: which would be the complete build?

Yeezy: It's only on pbe atm smh

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