Apex Legends Incoming Nerfs & Buffs Season 11

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Im Dove Luvs Gman: I expected a cursed image... instead I fell in love

Henry Asokan: if there was like a toggle follow mode, where teh drone, wherever it is, will mimimic the directional movement of crypto, similar to that of mirage, however the only thing that will work is the scanning, so its a great way to passively scan, whilst activvely play. mirages decoys do essential the same thing in terms of mechnaics.

Exirt1: Fusey boi

69 g a mmmmmmme r mmmmmmmmmmm: PATGHFINDER BUFF LES GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Flare: Really hoping honestly on a Loba nerf she should definitely be able to cancel the ring mid throw

Omid Mehraban: Hope apex fix the servers before anything else.

Carl Perfecto: respawn pls give us loba skin...

stu_faz: Moving while using crypto drone would be so nice

Edward Allen: hi

Kraber Srb: The only thing that needs nerfing is eva8 still too op..

Calvin Jolin: Great video man!

Kooks Boi: Chese

LottieDottieB: I’m so excited for s11! Let’s just hope this season doesn’t break the game too…

Xicor: Cant wait for the new map

IronWolf8: Pathfinder buffff

Mark Ciccolella: I honestly want crypto's drone to be able to follow you around like it does in his Outlands cinematic. And Wattson's heirloom better not be what we've seen I'd be okay if she gets a badass Stun baton(because of she's electric based). And for crypto's heirloom I'd be okay if they gave him a katana that acts like a Data knife

vibe j: Great vid

Hüseyin Aygün: I just hope we get Gas daddy swimsuit

Samuel Hovden: I like that the bow that was fun to use and you had to be semi good to use got nerfed so no one uses it and now in season 10 they dont nerf the lstar or rampage even though the rampage with an epic mag in the start of an match can kill 2 whole teams and the lstar you never have to reload

Roger Hernandez: battle pass pleadeee

Yoloswagerson69: A 4-8 scope for his passive? What kinda shit is that! Valk can fly for hers, gibby gets an extra 50 health, octaine gets health back and wraith knows when anybody aims at her. Thanks for the scope i guess 😡

ANHR1: i want the battle pass cuz im pretty broke

hassaan khan: gibby swimsuit > loba swimsuit

Joshua Karejwa II: 💪🏻

BEAST HUNTER GAMING: i just dont want my boi octane to get nerfed any moree!!! :(

Kronic_Memez .V.3: Change wattsons heriloom

teyru: hot

Caleb Kolasa: As a Pathfinder main, finna miss his current passive if they remove it but that 4x-8x sounds amazing.

Матфей: Great video

Jin Takame: Gibraltar doesn't need a rework as much as Wattson for sure..

Pancake Potato: I hope it’s not the bar code scanner

[ESC]reality: Please we need wattson to get buffed

The Notorious: Buff wraithh...

James N: Great video. Keep up the content.

Kevin Traver: I cant wait to see what they do with pathy because he is my new main i wonder if they will still let him scan beacons

Cristian Baggi: Just dont touch my Bloodhound...

notnamed: I hope they are not going to nerf Valk, it would be pretty sad, she is not much played in ranked/pubs already

FULL GAMES by Orthros: Wish they made a rotation for legends in rankeds so they can remove legends from ranked/comp instead of nerfing them to the ground

thicc ounce: Man I literally love this game but the content drop recently has made me want to play less and less. So I hope this new season is epic

Jonathan brown: I would like the battle because I am getting in to apex more and would like some nice items

Mr Diamond 907: I definitely wouldn't mind a bp lmao

Javier jarnet juvendi: Interesting

FrenchCoops: I need wattson fix or buffs……

Little King Trash Mouth: I just want them to fix the servers, have actual good content and not just cosmetics, and keep the game refreshing by not forcing players to play Arenas in order to level up the BP

Okuyasu the meme THIEF: Battle pass give BABY

Mohit: Gimme gimme! On a Serious note : Love your work :)

Apex Legends Cheat Codes: We need that fuse skin 😤

Cervuz: Buff MIRAGE's invisibility. Remove the transitional delays and flickering that happens when taking damage during the Ult animation. (Or how it takes him like 1/3rd of the revive animation to actually go invisible. Just let him go invisible instantly.) Fail that, give him a second Tactical Decoy.

Cervuz: If they're gonna touch GIBBY in terms of a buff, they need to first remove fortified from the game. Just make Gibby and Caustic a bit smaller. Or fail that, just give them extra HP rather than taking less damage; that way they have to actually heal that extra 25% health.

NotSarahAtAll: I really would love a buff for my main girl Wattson. She's really good, but the cooldown on her fences (both the happy and angry ones...) are ridiculous compared to the cooldown rate of the other legends abilities. It takes a full 2 minutes to get all 4 fences back (30 seconds per fence). In comparison, Ramparts amped cover only takes 20 seconds per cover, and she can place 5 of them. And Caustic can place 6 gastraps with a cooldown of 20 seconds per trap. But luckily, there's no limit to how many Nessie's you can place with one of Watsons emotes!

Linku: Nobody is talking about the game breaking bug with mirage… nobody talks about him and it’s so fcking annoying. FIX AND BUFF MIRAGE

Justin M: honestly it's about time pathy gets a real passive

Miss.iNeverMiss: I was insta Phase end of discussion

Djawesom E: bro ngl this videos was lowkey unnecessary since everything was either "rumored" "probably" or "possibly". nothing confirmed....

Mohamed Nasri: what about wraith?

Henzito: he also need passive

BuBBles: my user is NearbyMussel527 I want the battle pass but I can't get it 😔

Henzito: i want a pathfinder skin where he is wearing speedos, it would be hilarious

ChrisCurryIsHere: Wattson Heirloom otw boys!!!!

Neva: big poggers champers dude, watson vybes lesgo poggers champ W

Gojira 399: Hi gimme battle pass I no money thanking u very much

Japan Grief: Gibe me pass

tanner b: cant wait for the new season

Planet Infinity: I actually quite enjoy Gibraltar as a legend but maybe I’m just built different

Tactical Journeyman: Win rates don't mean alot

lex dimitrijevic: My username is nugget lex, I play on xbox

Games be Good: I'm really hoping that Ash and Valk have some dialogue where they talk about titans and pilots

Peanut Butter: I hope they buff wattson

DepressedMist: hopefully we do get that pathfinder passive

Vian Thoma: I want my boy path to get a passive

Mr.Classic Lawson: Is there any theories on gibbys “sexy” buff

DA DEmon: I feel like great joy about pathfinders new passive

YOLOINGASIAN: i like the sounds of these buffs

Me When: If you gimme the battle pass you win absolutely nothing at all

Tony Crossman: Season 11 is looking scary. Haha Looking forward to it.

Luca The Loser: This is epic. You know what else is epic? Season 11 hopefully

Blockgun141: Good videos man

Negative IQ: I would like a slight mirage buff where instead of just showing the relative location when someone shoots the decoy. It outlines the enemy that shot the decoy in the exact position they were in when they shot the decoy and for no longer. It would punish people for shooting a decoy a bit more than it does at the moment and give mirages team just a bit more info to work with without being bloodhound scan level.

periodic scythe: Yo I've been binge watching your content lately and I absolutely love it

xImC-CrazyBaby x: Looking 4 u Swinsuit Loba type Skin O_o

TacoMeat FijiWater: Hopefully they will nerf Wattson...

H8: Smooth tho cant play

Stephen Chapman: Here for the Loba bikini skin

Dr Binglederry: Um if you think Gibby is getting a nerf, then this channel isn’t worth following. 🤷‍♂️

Huzaifa4 Huzaifa is a pro st apex: Please give me battlepass

WhatIsCrossFade: Wattson needs a buff

David Phillips: lol lets also look at that ramparts collection event bullshit screwed the entire fuckin game to

Strange Life: Ash looks trash

David Phillips: make people unscannable through smoke either from legends or the digi

Large Clam: idea for a bangalore buff is that her smoke removes the scan effects put on by legends

Sid Kakkarr: Osm bro


Godless WeeB: Dude that battle pass will help out my ps4 broke now I have nothing for apex because I have to play on my pc account now

Tonepac Bakur: that's crazy. it's all crazy.

SpookZ_Nye YT: They need to buff Bangalore smokes cuz when I use her smokes to heal enemies usually just blast thru the smoke and kill me

Zombiefish1: Gibby is fun af tbh

Itsyaboy JC: Im still goin to main Horizon no matter what 💯💯💯💯. That battle pass would be great about now 💪🏾💯👌🏾

Watermelon Gutter: Yo the pizza here

wenzl G: yoo this is a nice comment

Shadowy 42: cant wait for new soeason to drop

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