New Apex Legends Nerfs And Buffs For Season 11 Update

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Djepsie_XD: Why nerf aim assist on console it isn’t that broken 60fps remember and we’re using a fricking thumb to aim and you guys op pc your whole as arm and you’re playing 100+ fps so stop complaining about aim assist you won’t hear any1 say cap apex frame rate max 60 fps

Kodax: Nerfing aim assist is absolutely bullshit


chimichangas: Cryptos heirloom will be a Nokia

Gianluca: How ridicoulous are these developper.... a broken game, BUT, the aim assist will be nerfed.... good job, nerf and buff alle the legends, when nobody is able to play... goooooooooooooood job!

dmytro gurin: Aim assist good server fix

The Ghost Of Viper: If they want to nerf her hitbox i think they shouldn’t touch her at all then,I’d rather have something than nothing

supaipai: Wattson doesn't need a fucking nerf... What she needs is that damn timer removed off of her ultimate.

nickos nickos: Fuck pro controller players ask the normal people we ARE NOT ALL PROS GODMANT i olso hate the things they are doing to Watson poor girl😢

The Starhopper: they shouldn't nerf aim assist. pc players are severely exaggerating its power, especially compared to the movement and flicks you can do on m&k. with wattson, i think a cool idea would be letting her carry her ultimate, which would be a simple way to give her more aggressive utility. with crypto, i think just letting him throw his drone to scout a certain area would be good but i don't want them to remove the ability to manually control it because it makes him less fun in my opinion.

CyanPanda255: Honestly it's just cringy that while PC players have every advantage they literally cry over aim assist and because of their crying were getting an aim assist nerf. Like really? PC players don't even know wtf aim assist does and it should even affect them. If a PC player dies to a controller player they're just bad and that's their problem no aim assist

Santosh Govindasamy: Idk, I kinda get why they are afraid to buff wattson, they want the meta to be aggro, and avoid repeat of season 2, they really should rework her instead.

Gravy: For Wattson, I think it would be neat to add a secondary ‘reactive’ mode to her fences. When activated, turns the fences off and only turn back on if an enemy comes within a similar range to what would activate a caustic trap, so it’s still avoidable, but I feel like would gain some situational power

Apollo Rezonate: Only issue with aim assist nerf are the people using anti recoil mods and shit on controller.

Netman648: As a Crypto main, I hope the rework will just add some things instead of changing or removing, I always thought they should add that when you hold your tactical button, you would deploy Hack without the animation, so you could still shoot and stuff.

2112: The problem with the comment on aim assist, when the top controller players say...I mean get real, the majority ISN'T top players...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

N Rolling: All Wattson need is to summon the nodes for her fences from a distance It will make her gameplay more fun and fluid, she should be able to seal a door with her fences without having to run to the door to place them

Skittled 1911: Apex legends- the only game in the world that gets worse with updates

Jackson Allison: I know everyone is talking about wattsons buff like, getting a upgrade on the shield regeneration, and making her revive faster and so much more, but as a wattson main and watching from the beginning I can say that we will not guess right because Respawn is weird they will see all of our comments, but do something so different that either can be good or bad, so let’s wait and see. I hope it’s good.

Beerculeses D. Zori: Bruvs, why you hate on my main girl Wattson? Give her some love, isn't enough that ya'll made her the worst heirloom? Feelsbadman


Old Jebidiah Brown: Wattson should regen fences faster and have the option to quickly place two fence nodes at a time (for the price of 3 fence nodes to help balance the fact that you insta-placed a fence), the transition in and out of fence mode just a few milliseconds faster, and her ult shouldn't block friendly grenades. it should also last 75 seconds but have a 20% faster cooldown and have the radius of ordinance denial be increased a few feet

warframedeaths: Aim assist nerf wtf?! It only activates when you strafe and it's only light? It doesn't even lock on when you Ads!?

DarkMadness Yeayuuh: #buff Revenant or rework

Diluted Phoenix: I love crypto and I think that he’s really strong where he is but I would I think just a slight buff should be in order not something as strong as a idle drone because Bangalore is already in a bad spot and that would completely destroy her tactical. Plus I don’t want crypto to shoot up to such a high pick right/win rate or be too strong as he would be promptly nerfed into the ground which again I like playing him.

SMDB: ya right nerfing AA before champs ... as much as i want it but its not happen anytime soon

Danny Bauer: I'm quitting if aim assist gets nerfed

Shlok Raval: does anyone want octane heirloom new account ( 3k damage on octane , banglore and bloodhound)

Yulashar M: i think wattson fence that need buff, but you can choose from list below : 1. Shield regen still same 0.5/s but it's on all time OR Shield regen 1/s after 6s out of combat 2. Allow to bring 6 (or 8) instead of 4 fence nodes (and lower cd, from 30s to 10st). Both rampart and caustic can hold 3 stacks to block 3 door, while wattson only has 2 fences (4 nodes). 3. Toggleable fence arc visibility. Visible arc for deterrent and invisible arc for trap. *versatility 4. A node can act as a landmine (lower dmg and stun) but it still can be connected to make a fence. *More viability for active combat. 5. Ult / Pylon can also act as heat shield 6. Pylon provide additional 25 max shield as long you stay in its radius 7. for fun, you know MOBILE BACKPACK PYLON (*Mobile Sheila is not broken) It's pretty hard to find ultimate accelerants on last few seasons. All defensive characters except wattson have a reactive tactical, Gibby can throw dome, Caustic can throw trap, Rampart can place wall, while wattson need to put 2 node to make a fence.

John F: crypto main They should make the drone throwable to a wall or hover a certain area imo press q again to have it fly on that height. I think a good passive for crypto would be for the scans. Either not scannable or scans dont work as long. Also his emp should be a grenade if drone is destroyed to have some variation maybe with a delay since its not in drone like it normally does with drone.

Bej: I swear if they're gonna nerf octane again imma burn down respawn's hq🤣

elly: 13s cooldown! 6 charges instead of 4! is what’s really needed. I hope to see the idea of being able to strap her pylon onto her back and make her more mobile, also have the option to pick up your already placed pylon and place it somewhere else. Yk what would be cool? if we can recharge our pylon by putting a shield cell in it before it breaks

TheKYoungin: When she revives the player should come back with 25 shields since she electrocutes them or whatever and she should take less damage in the ring

Joel Carrizales: Wattsons fences should be reworked to he invisible (or simply inactive until an enemy crosses it so it springs like a trap. (Kind of like the S9 trailer when octane got rekt)

Venatus: And then crypto running around with noisy drone

Bryce M: Just remember mouses have full control over movement and aiming with 360° of motion, not only that but with completely customizable keybinds. Controller joysticks have a very limited fields of motion and are much less precise and harder to control. Not only that, but controllers have to use the same buttons for multiple actions. Aim assist simply makes the playing ground more level for players. Even with aim assist, controller players still don’t have as much control over movement or aim, while keyboard players do. Nerfing aim assist will keep the playing ground between controller players and pc players even more unlevel. Keeping the playing ground more level will make the game more about game skill, as it won’t give pc players even more of a advantage.

hog n dog: Wattson’s fences should not be able to be destroyed by grenades


Androidd Prince: Look I understand making content but there s literally thousands of videos covering this since like season 6. If you don't have an update, please stop. :/

Norbert Millington: That’s what u call love for Watson 🤣🤣

LCVR: oh, another recon legend via a reworked crypto? sad time for bangalore

Big Egg roll: I have aim assist and I still suck

Moore Music: Thank God they nerfed her

Chingun Mendbayar: DZK broke Wattson.

K YS: Controller is an inferior input device that needs autoaim to adjust it's sub-par performance. It shouldn't be in the competitive scene and especially not alongside kB&m players Literally end of story I'm sick of hearing controller players whine about this. Learn keyboard. It's objectively better

Tenth Shadow: When controller user agree to the nerf aim-assist,while mouse and key bored user get mad about that tap-stafing getting remove. it just who is the real try hard when it’s comes to gaming console/pc.

Cooper Pineapples: i just hope the aim assist nerf is for pc only I get 45 fps on my xbox i need all the help I can get lol

mkultradotgov: lmao that gibby

puppetmaster983: Something I thought up for crypto is the ability to hold L1 and hold hack over your eyes allowing you to see banners telling you of squads in the area like you would in the air, but saving you the animation. Also ping enemies, but as soon as you let go, the ping is over. Good for a quick scan without taking 6 seconds

M. Costello: They should nerf aim assist when console gets 120fps

ToXiCxTHANOS: I mean in season 3 apex trailer his drone was following him as well.

The egg Johnson: Honestly wattson needs the ability to place her fences anywhere, and she should be able to turn them on and off.

Gin-n-Sin Gaming: Thanks for the update my guy. Always love the vid.

Blagoosin: Very good wattson rework: give the nodes slightly more durability since they’re really easy to see through on most doors. This gives her more viability indoors and outdoors. Remember, using wattson is about making space for yourself and for ur team. So having the nodes have more health or giving it a small shield like Gibraltar on the base of the nodes helps her overall defensive capability. Increasing her node count to 6 and allow two to charge at a time. Decrease the cool down as well. Increase her shield regen. And give wattson the same buff to rampart with her ultimate, that being to carry it or placing it. Increase either the damage or stun the enemy and slow longer. I’d feel it’ll be too Oo to have both increased damage and stun. And boom wattson is stronger.


Nico Pilla: As a crypto main I feel like they should just make him immune from his own EMP

TechKing: Consol players are useless like shit never want to play with them aim assist on or off they suck and should play with them alone

Savatar: Watson has so much potential for buffs like she can revive faster or her ultimate recharge shields faster her fences deals more damage,her passive charges shield faster or rework for her fences or her fences won't get destroyed by simple explosions and...

ducksquad dubs: I think I cool buff for crypto would be to be able to disable the drones shield to make it less visible but more vulnerable to damage

Vin doga: would love to see crypto being able to "ping" at a location where he wants his drone to go, or aim it sort of like pathfinder's ult

Big Brain Monke: They already nerfed the servers

Zansibar: Your aim makes me feel like im a pro. lol

pheonix : for Wattson i believe that her buff should be that her fences are invisible until a enemy walks through it, but if your enemy pays close attention, there will be a bit of distortion when looking through the fence.

Dragon maid best anime: In my opinion they should buff wattson to make her fences connect 2 for 1 like you can place a base fence and a end fence that would take 1 fence ability charge they should also lower the cool down on her fences from 30 to 15 seconds and they should make her fences latch on the enemies like if they try breaking a door that would zap them and also make her shield Regen 1 like octane that’s all I’m asking for 😅

Jeiku Ultimate gamer: For Watson I hope they buff her shield regeneration speed and her fence regeneration speeds

Carl Johnson: If I knew Crypto was getting rework I would get his origin skin

Sergio Briseno: Here Now wattson can put 5 FENCES but shes got thiccer

Coding World: PC: look at me, I can wiggle me mouse and I got no recoil! Controller: Hmm, aim assist OP. Nerf.

Maximus: Watson’s fences need to be stronger, period, 15 damage and a half second of stun just isn’t good at all, her passive is almost useless and people only bring her because they accidentally picked up her in legend selection. Her fences need to punish you if you walk into them, like a true trap or defense legend should. Her fences also are really easy to take out, in the best of the moment you’re just gonna be placing fences down and you’re not gonna be places then strategically. She should also recharge her fences in pairs Crypto. Don’t really know what to do about crypto, that’s gonna be a tough one. With how much damage his drone does, you can heal up pretty fast. The amount of times I’ve been hit my crpyto EMP and healed up before the team got to me. Maybe more damage would get players to appeal to him more? Or a different passive ability would be nice We have to give these lower played legends things that are temporary really good, so we nerf it if we need to, that way we can find the balance for the legend easier

Zeke Yates: I wonder if this aim assist nerf is good? I know, let’s ask the people that need aim assist the least! Also, can they not keep it the same at least for console lobbies? I suck and don’t really want to sweat my ass off just to have fun…

C3O: Buff loba

whodiscan: They could maybe give crypto the ability to attach cameras on walls. 🤷‍♂️

Eimaj SW: Give commands to cryptos drone

roy finegan: Watson should be able to toggle fences on/off. Imagine running from an octane then pressing a button and 10 nodes surround him.

mildly_skilled53: That’s cool and all but when mirage buff

Eduardo Alvarez: Meanwhile Mirage is just in the corner being denied even bug fixes for his tactical..

Its Ali: If there gonna nerf aim assist nerf it for pc only . There the ones doing the tournament

Pradawny Arcymag Z Gór Północnych: I have 3 ideas for Wattson's rework. Choose one: -make her passive affect allies in a short radius around her. (she is technically carrying a pylon on her back, so it only makes sense it has a part of its power) -greatly lower her tactical cooldown. (The least fun rework idea, but I think it would be pretty good) -make Wattson's fences activate only when a player gets near them. (It would make them more of a trap than an area control ability)

FAX Night: Wattson needs a buff to her passive, and maybe something further with her tac and ultimate.

Yordy Mac: I kinda hope crypto doesn’t get buffed he’s already very good people are just bad and don’t know how to play him

Nicholas Fairbairn: nerfing aim assist is just sad

Home Cuisine: Make watson's fence, movement imparing, three feet near it or make it able to become solid for a short period of time, with a button push, but with the cost of slowly consuming shield as long as its triggered and make the shield regeneration from the ultimate, higher.

Jin Takame: "WatTSoN iS So pOWerFuL" Cringe..

Arran Kinsella: I feel like the best way to nerf aim assist is to nerf it only on pc controller but when a console player joins a pc lobby, they get that aim assist aswell

Nick Guwop: If wattson and her teammates would get a movmentspeed buff if they run through her fences, then i might start playing her

Adam Khater: Nerfing AA?!!! Like dont all the pro keyboard and mouse players realise that MnK has litteraly so many more advantages than controller. Ya’ll can aim with your entire arm/wrist! Controller players can aim with a thumb…. And thats why there is aa. Some bullshit

Kikonda: Wattson needs faster shield and node regen at the very least

Yo Son: I doubt crypto will see a significant rise in usage. He's boring to most people. Aim assist nerf should be interesting. Actually want to see how much worse I am without it.

Don Favio Alvarez: Nerf wattson?

Unseen Logic: As a crypto main kinda don’t want the cryptos drone following him unless they make it have more health and makes less noise otherwise it’s just a big ass target on his head

youdumbasf: Garret sounds like frat boy

EL SURUDOI HA : sinceramente no quiero que le hagan un rework a crypto y esoque soy main crypto

Flexision: I don't really care for aim assist. Usually when I get an option to turn off aim assist I do so.

Thomas Bezemer: I ur a pc player using a controller, you basicly admid 120 frames 120hz keyboard mouse isn't enough to make you better. Of they nerf aim assist, they should at least give console players the option to use keyboard mouse as well

Kanashi: Nerf to Watson hitbox!? What the fuck

SPACEMAN: As a Wattson main the only thing she needs is a buff to her fences. Allow me to stack 6 instead of 4, (so I can block more doors faster without putting down a ult) allow them to activate when crossed. Similar to a caustic gas trap. And then finally just buff the stun that happens when you cross a fence. Make it slow you twice as much and last twice as long. And there you have it. Fixed.

Raq Bits: I am now maining rampart she’s a caustic alternative more focused toward defensive plats

kasimiro ma2lue: let me know what u think montages

Baybee Slime: Garret: how about you like instead? Me: Yes king

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