Buffs & Nerfs Season 8 Apex Legends (New Meta Changes)

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K D: Respawn is terrible at balancing.

Prfction Music: They just need to give rev the unlimited wall climb. That was advertised in the trailer and what the shadows can do during the Halloween events, maybe when using his ultimate all shadows can climb unlimited and get rid of the countdown for it. (Like how wraiths portal can stay forever) his ultimate could stay forever until storm or enemies destroy it


Will J: So they give pathfinders passive to all recon characters and forget to give him a new one. Time to smile through the pain of my main being forgotten once again 🙃

Silent 1: U got an annoying voice

Tony Leon: I think Watson just isnt nearly as threatening as caustic gas and is too easily destroyed, I think it should do at least 25 damage each tick if not nore

John H.: Loba should be able to pick up banners through her ultimate AND be able to sprint n' hipfire while her tactical flies through the air. I think letting her use everything and aim in while the tactical goes off is OP, but Loba should be able to move a little more or fight back while her bracelet is busy flying for a couple of seconds. As other people mentioned, the ultimate should be able to pick up banners so she's not useless late game, when teams already have loot

Braylen Thompson: Did ya'll know that horizon can throw her ultimate farther than loba can throw her bracelet

Emerald Santana: Nothing for wattson sadly. Shes so forgettable.

DDF: i think making Rampart's turret have less lag would work too

greenu: I hate how pathfinder is considered fun but not good after the hit box change like literally no pro uses him anymore they need to revert it or remove low profile ffs he’s been awful to play for a few seasons now

TTNK Menacxe: I was here since 10k , damn you got 100k now

KELLS THRAXX: They need to stop nerfing good legends shits lame

durrs genji: Bloodhound needs a range tactical buff but a ultimate recharge nerf

The Holy Nut: Crypto buff crypto buff, GIVE ME A CRYPTO BUFF, PLEEEEEASE

Salt Betch: People in the comments saying ways to buffs loba like for me just gimme that damn watermelon recolor like I’ve been waiting for 3 seasons almost 4 now

Drock: Will you slow down when you speak. It’s really fast. Good content tho.

Taylen Pond: you talk so fast

Jonny Salinas: Its been 2 years and still haven't fixed the footsteps

Fatal Shot Gaming: Daniel Klein is an absolute moron. He needs to be fired from Respawn. Same with Jason McCord, and Josh Medina.

boy toy: More power to her abilities? What got nerfed about her abilities? She can run longer, faster, see enemies, and stop the charge up if using her ult. Like..... what exactly is shit about her? Nerf her, I say, and keep her nerfed.

YehetSehunYehet: I want Crypto's heirloom already but give Bangs hers too

YehetSehunYehet: It feels like it takes forever to get someone to return to the death totem. You just keep shooting and shooting then when they finally do return, they're on you in a second and you're dead. Also it's crazy annoying how you can't really get cover because Horizons tactical makes her go so high. They should shorten the height or time she can be in the air

Ahmed Ashraf: They need to fix lobas braclet, I tried to escape a fight once with the bracelet but the glitch where it just comes back happened and I died, super frustrating

The Homie: I think they should buff Wattson by alllwing her to throw her trap nodes. In one of her Finishers she throws them down and it turns on to kill the enemy. This would really be helpful to use instead having to move where you want the trap to be

Arturo Ozuna: Ramparts walls should have less time tp set up

Percyyy: They should fix their server b4 anything it keeps crashing on me smh

BazarovMedic: Gibby too strong ? Where ? He got nerfed twice already, has MORE than TWICE the pixels of wraith, life and wattson, his dome duration was nerfed by 40%, his gun shield nerfed in 25 points. I dont even remember seeing people complain about gibby before the fast ress, better just remove that shit, cuz he at least needs to be tanky.

That One Alaskan Malamute: Pleeeeaaasssseeee give loba an re color skin ! I beg you

JMG s4b9: Eliminations should count after your dead. If I knock 2/3 of a squad and then die and the last guy gets third partied I should get those two kills.

cassi gonzalez: y’all loba is suppose to be teleporting , do you ever see any movie where when they teleport they sit there and wait for it to land on the other side , they’re making her more realistic and better cause they make the trailer look like she’s a bad ass

Jade Blue: Crypto needs a buff, no one thinks about him because no one using him

scarcityshanks: What about Octanes jump pad, wattsons pylons, lobas ultimate, pathfinder zip line...all these remain after they die so why's caustic such a big deal? Mind you it's been like that for how many seasons now🙄

AndevidFPS: I miss the Anvil Receiver even if I'm an close combat player

Brenno Guterres: ok i need that skin on the thumbnail

Temujin Bear: How is caustics heirloom one shotting doors not pay to win

Dr. Gerg: Damn, Water actually spitting bars

Arash Hakimi: I fucking love you my guy your videos are fire but famn the way you talk is so weird

Mr. Ranch Dressing: I'm sorry but Caustic gas has been broken since literal day 1 and they just fixed it yet, like Apex, what the hell

ZoroarkgamingX: Watson needs A BUFF

SXNBXL x: Imagine crypto drone can revive a downed teammate or grab loot like shields or health

NightBreaker: short and good. thx

Cinder Luna: just make Loba's bracelet faster and I agree that picking up teammates banners with her ult makes sense

ZAX: Is the pk coming back WaterGotHim??

Battista Nignero: Paddaro d mee

Xotic CLIPZ: Do you say all this in one take, or do you practice your lines or somthing, bc you talk pretty fast and im pretty sure ive never heard you fuck up in a single video lmao. good content bro🔥🔥

FusionSplitz: I can’t believe I didn’t sub wtf is wrong with me

SystemOfFantasy: They should allow her to teleport teammates with her but for every teammate the cooldown of the ability doubles or something like that.

Barbie Chocolat: the meme in the begining ahhaha made lost the focus ahhahaa

M B: Like this if loba needs a tactical buff💍

Knky Boi: What about Bangalore. They have done more to horizon than Bangalore and horizon has only been here for one season.

dave barclay: Horizon is the worst, glad they nerfing her. Irritating to fight against and even more annoying to listen too. Ooooccchh Daaarlllin, dinne me wee hurrrrt yaaa! - f**k off love.

kinggreg41189: This is a video of "uhhhh i dont know "

HAWKS SA: I still don't think nerfing Horizon again is a good idea.

Heybenz: Bit of a stretch but what if they made it so that if you knock or thirst a caustic the gas barrels dis appear or at least become dormant until the caustic is revived or respawned

GamesLpFreak: Horizon can have a fast escaping ability, but loba ? NO.

BakedSoupWithCakes: Crypto should also be able to open care packages.

Aaron Nichols: Did this guy sniff cocaine? Because he's talking way to fast

paperpando: Alright guys here me out, I know this sounds crazy but... what if water... is water.

7point: The game is already fun, damn leave the legends alone.. wtf man, that's Too much

Chad Andrews: Any idea when Apex will releasing new servers?? Like in the African region specifically

Kevin Valones: I prefer loba can teleport on her staff once her ultimate is active but that would also consume her tactical.

Plantey: Just rework wattson pls she’s my main and I love her

Jazz Jordan: I feel like instead of giving her an ult buff again they should give her tactical a buff where players can run while throwing it instead of having to walk

Wafflez :3: Pretty sure the meta is clear, horizon and the new legend is gonna be top. They'll throw her ult and they'll use his cluster tact while throwing grenades also 🥱.

Just Move The Boards, Board Mover: Why can’t Loba just move normally after throwing her jump drive that would be a better buff

Jared Rosenkrance: When is pathfinder getting a real passive?

FodSpeed: Respawn, Everyone: buff revenant passive. Respawn: ah here take a tactical buff. Everyone: Loba needs buff to her tactical. Respawn: Ahh let's buff her ultimate.

matthew: i literally predicted that they should make it where she can get banners through her ultimate 🤭

Sampath Kumar: Hears like reading from a paper in a seminar🙏

ARGHH: Wait 15% damage increase on wraith? Isn't 15% way too much or am I missing something out

Death Sandwich: The only buff Revenant needs is his enhanced climbing not decelerating. Everything else is where it should be.

Vybe Samurai: Yo that skiiin

Inchilhota: Imo loba doesn’t need to be touched atm, her ult is fine. It’s her tactical that needs something, if anything just let us cancel it mid flight just in case we change our mind. Just give it a 5 sec cooldown after canceling so it won’t be spammed or whatever. It’s speed and range are ok, it’s not meant to be used like pathfinders grapple.

Dylan Borg: Will punching infront of the jump pad still make you bounce in the same place?

Madara Uchiha: Am I the only one who thinks Wraith is in a good spot right now?

Ezmo: All I care is the damage tracker.

xXLil_ShadowyXx: BUFF LOBA'S TACTICAL, THATS ALL SHE NEEDS! and also make rev climb faster and maybe higher, and dont lie that something that has been in the game for 7 SEASONS is a bug

Toasty_ Noodles: They need to make Bangalore rockets proximity based

xXLil_ShadowyXx: Bruh they really tried to lie and say that Caustic's gas staying after he is dead is a bug, that has been in the game for 7 damn seasons 😂

Flame Lord1998: no news about cypto rip

Atiya Mohamed: Tbh with Loba, letting her get teammates banners would be amazing but her bracelet needs to be fixed 😅

X x__Dr_Acula__x X: If I was a dev, this would be my priorities as far as legend balancing: 1. Fix pathfinder hitbox 2. Give lifeline res a slight cool down, but buff her health drone range and speed of regen 3. Buff loba tactical 4. Let bang see thru smoke while ads 5. Nerf gibby air strike damage 6. Slight cool down nerf on horizon cue 7. Buff rampart in every way imaginable lol

HellFire: Пацаны, что оно сказало? Переведите xD

X x__Dr_Acula__x X: I think it’s so stupid the whole idea of balancing legends based on pick rate. Who fucking cares if ppl don’t play certain legends. You don’t have to nerf FUN legends so hard that they become unplayable. All for what, so more people play the other characters?

hackett998: Do you know when cross progression will come to apex ?

God Kiana: How about this: Loba throws 2 bracelets but one of them is fake.

Andre Pare: finally making watson fun, they should change her passive it's quite useless right now

ItzMehHuKildU spl: Ya loba doesn't need a another ult buff she needs a buff where she can cancel her tactical mid air so we don't teleport into enemy's on accident

DNVX_Sniper: Water saying gibby will get nerf me who is gibby main .Crying why 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

Lord Washy: why is pathfinders heirloom gone out the store?

anjoelsallas: What about my boi crypto

Cataculoth: Me, first discovering this Water fellow: "Who's this chucklehead?" Also me, now a subbed notification squad member: "Water! My guy! Let's goooo!"

Allwyn Castelino: Bang never gets a good skin, no buffs... neither any nerfs.... It's a stagnant legend

W.U.L.F studios: meanwhile pathfinders Q tatical hits without even a load or time and meanwhile loba cant fking do anything while tactical Q

Savagemurda2K Apex legends: Just wondering did they forget about Bangalore???

mercy main, btw: Cool when is there a Charge rifle and Loba recolor?

Turtle Bait: Aren’t they adding the in game damage meter?

ᴊᴜɴᴋᴛɪᴏɴ: You know when you're an OG fan when you see his Intro the same in a different video.

CHAOTIC_Gamxr: I will be mirage main cuz i won 2x Just sharing

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