SEASON 10 TEEMO GAMEPLAY GUIDE - (Best Teemo Build, Runes, Playstyle) - League of Legends

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Daveyx3 Gameplay: Season 10 Teemo Runes: runes: Press the attack - triumph - alacrity - coup de grace (resolve, demolish - bone plating season 10 Teemo build: Berseker greaves - Hextech gunblade - wit's end - Zhonia's - Liandry's torment - (Void staff - Situational) ►SEASON 10 TEEMO GAMEPLAY GUIDE - (Best Teemo Build, Runes, Playstyle) - League of Legends

Thor Correia: I don't understand how this is a "guide" — you're just playing the game?

Friend Ly: so this is what a teemo player looks like... he is laughing.. i feel bad for that morde

tom cohen: hope ur not insulted but u look like teemo loll

qwertzuiop 1: Why are your minions the wrong color lol

Mr. VG: Guys, never forget it is canon that Teemo is extremely fun to hang around and is super nice and friendly outside of battle. When given a mission however, he becomes an unfeeling bastard who will kill anyone who gets in the way of his mission and works alone as anyone else will just get in his way 😀

Sergej Nedic: this is how to play teemo

S.Slayer 01: Teemo is the fear of melee players lol

Mark Adrian: just a criticism. please decrease saying "guys" because it distracts me and other people

Jack Stoneheart: Is this build recommended for every match with Teemo or only against Mordekaiser?

Rain: Yooo Mitch Jones crazy seeing you here

okmanek okmanek: 20:04: 2137 confirmed

CoolM8_: Funniest thing about this is that Teemo this tiny animal is destroying this huge fully armored guy with a straw and poison darts Xd

Joey Gawl: I like how this guy builds ad items at first and then bitches about his poisons not finishing him off every time lmao...

Sam Sheffield: I normally play graves against morde top lol..

Robert Von Raccoon: dfq si this rainman, or just a very look a like O:o


Diego Bautista: Just wanna say thank you i haven’t lost a match since using your guide lol i play like a teemo god now

Mohamad JARKAS: I have 1.3 million points in Teemo! Guys Teemo really is created to be AP and NOT AD, building Teemo with AD items make him during long term game very useless.

Cow Goes Quack !: Mordekaiser said 🏃 🏃 🍄

Jordy Gonzalèz: Why would you not run Dark harvest and go full ap? From experience you can be a real pain in the ass for the enemy team in teamfights. And your Q becomes a small veigar ult when u have completed liandry's + ludens which will melt the enemy adc everytime. Isnt that more usefull?

kaas21: nice vid ty

Madness: What elo is this?

Rexor S: Mordekaiser is Teemo's number one counter. He just saves his shield for when you can't attack anymore, so you can literally never kill him if he runs off without using W first.

Robert Fechet: Why just why are you teaming up with the devil?

Golden Phoenix: I’ve only started playing league recently and these videos are some of the best to learn from. Keep up the good work love the videos

OP LEVI: Thx for the guide

William Sånnek: More gnar

Daveyx3 Gameplay: any questions let me know!

Derek Buechele: I havent watched you in close to a year but recently saw you were uploading other champion guides, are you branching off of riven (while still maining her of course)

Vanji Kun: WEW this one worked but that Xayah and that riven carry top thingy is buggy to me sadly i cant play it but this is kinda good . well having a guide like this makes me feel to try champ with your guide

Augustin: hi

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