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KingStix Gaming: Gragas jungle is no top tier, but still useable Come chat n chill live

ㅇ ㅂㄹㅇㅇ ㅈㅎ: Now that tanks are meta, wouldnt it be better to go sunfire tank gragas instead of ap??

Iramus: you can q during ur e animation. burst to the max

Wilsor15: I really like the way which you start your videos - you blend in the tutorial into your gameplay very well especially the way you explain your thought process. I really enjoy your vids so plz keep it up

jordan: Dude this game was clean af. Earned my sub. Riots definitely needs to bring the skill based junglers like Gragas back into the meta.

anyelpo1111a: nice video!

WoodyTech330: Any season 11 shaco? Would love to see some cheesy shaco game play

m4keyourself: Good shit, man. Hahahahahahahaha they're crap Udyr didn't get a single kill.

Hydro_Rewind1918: Could we get a Top Lane Fiora guide? Someone help me get him to notice.

Habib Mohamed: An udyr guide would be sick 👍

Paulo Azevedo: @ 15:20 you can hear King Stix's butt clenching hard asf lol

Ian Rocklin: How much damage do you do by hitting herald from behind?

YellowLiDGaming: can you make a xin Zhao jungle guide plz

Ian Zinck: Played my first game of jungle since S6/S7 after watching so much Kingstix. Nervous as hell, went 0/6/3 on Kayn but got carried I guess that's what matters.

The White Vortex: 20:10 whut why is trundle not playable

Stahlz_XI: Im a gragas player and i watch panunu he plays him mid, interesting that you went cheat shot instead of sudden impact cause i mean you E is more devastating but i think you right cause u have more movement impairments than dashes i might switch to that

Karan Chauhan: you think Shako is good right now? If so please make a video guide for him!

Nikola Bogosavljevic: DO SKARNER HE IS OP NOW MANN

Collin Wexler: 3 Item actives is too much for my boomer brain to handle.

Thulsa Doom: Lol the outplays in this video were hilarious.

LamarGOAT 1: Kingstix i thought you were black

Chao A Hazarika: Babe do a Kindred next? :-*

GENOCIDE2099: i'm still working on my jungle poppy and now this. lol

Azure: feel bad for the udyr, he was actually trying to get shit done

Daniel Vaz: Enjoying the daily uploads. Could you do Jax Jg next?

LongGameValue: Loved it.

Horia Spiridon: Thx for gragas vid i was the one who requested gragas on stream and u told me u will gonna do one:)

thesilentcam: Cho top?

C Q: Why they got to do my boy trundle like that

Swas Loids: can you make a s11 vid on udyr or hec

05 Advaith Sreekanth VIII A: Udyr jungle

SmiliUH: Ever think about doing a Nocturne guide? Would love to see one.

Cyanide_GG: KIng: u want to leave ur Q as long as posible that way it can marinate. Me: hehehe fat guy throws marinating chicken.

Saze: gragas is super fun. landing those combos is so much fun. but amumu and mundo so much safer to play in low elo atm

Internet Alpha: Garen Jungle: pros: clear is surprisingly good cons: ganks are trash needs predator 1v1 is weak its a bad pick but i wanna see u play it lol

Mohammad Hussien: Upload Nunu please.

weslar7: I respect making a guide for him even tho he isn’t in the best spot

JDMCrave: Olaf!!!!!

Big Squeeto: Kingstix if u see this comment can you make a xin shake jungle commentary because the other day you made a xin zhao mid and maxed e then q, and I was just super confused because I usually max w for better clears on golems and stuff

Jaime Lucio-Villegas Toro: Hey kingstixx, could u do a Sion vídeo?? Since lately u hace been making toplane vídeos I would really like to see how my main is well played. Thx!

Jo Gengnagel: Can you do Shyvana please? Great video tho

Jozef Kraus: 23:00 You said you flashed too late, but you actually flashed too early, thus you didn’t manage to hit him with the flash combo. Anyways, great & educational video as always <3

Aquaneo AriAziAzuAza: Another like and comment for you enjoy it fam ^^

Jhin_will_be_beautiful.: can u plz make video about voli on jungle ?

Landon S.: Your gragas is kind of insane

FatLeon93: Damn shame they didn't make a Fat Bastard skin for him

Isuru Bandara: Ezreal guide for the new season?

Charles Hill: 0:15

hashakah the ass eater: Daddy gragy

Алексей Рагимов: 0:37

Geir tholome: I like this a lot, more than I should.

Gm Ply: Riven was pretty strong, she does combo in always

John Lester Cortes: Why does it feel like KingStix is just talking to himself than to us??

EzekielHateable: Gragas is fun to watch. His attacks make for great picks. Great video as always. Is Ivern worth playing at all or what? Just wondering because I really liked the games you played with him.


Gentle Madman: Finally my boy Grag gettin some love!

Kavabunga Man: I would love Gragas mid, would be so funny

Donald Garcia: 0:35

alt account: udyr vid pls

OldMate Borgasm: Can you do a blue Kaun video?

Fabrizio Melgarejo: Uno de trundle pls owo

White Light: Great guide my dude!

Blueth: Kingstix thanks for the Good Guids youre God

Mang0 Gamin: U HAVE got to be kIDDDing me i legit just wanted this video bROEd waht

Rob G: Ayyyy, it's kegz! One of those champs i've always loved despite being pretty weak! loyal to kegz.

Aldair Farhan: thanks for the guide kingstix!

RdGaming 85: The gods have blessed me with this master piece

stooped: Would love to see a udyr jg guide

EduLeaTech: Awesome! :D

Edvin Liach: Rengar please, i like your video !

BIBItheGod.: Early gang 🤩

Ryan Nguyen: early

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