HOW TO PLAY TEEMO SEASON 10 - (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) - S10 Teemo Gameplay Guide

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Daveyx3 Gameplay: Hi, I'm a Challenger Top Main. Been challenger since S7/S8 & Season 9 and peaked 720 LP at most. Questions? Let me know! Season 10 Teemo Runes: Press the attack - triumph - alacrity - coup de grace (resolve, demolish - bone plating) season 10 Teemo build: Berseker greaves - Hextech gúnblade - wit's end - Zhonia's - Liandry's - (Void staff - Situational) ►HOW TO PLAY TEEMO SEASON 10 - (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) - S10 Teemo Gameplay Guide #Teemo #TeemoGuide #TeemoGameplay [Concepts of this video + Everything you can find on my Channel]: League of Legends Gameplay Guides, League Gameplay Guides, LoL Gameplay Guides, League of Legends Guide, League Guide, LoL Guide, Season 10 Guide League of Legends, S10 Guide League of Legends, League of Legends Best Runes Season 10, League of Legends Best Build season 10, League of Legends Best Playstyle Season 10, Season 10 Tips, S10 Tips, League of Legends Tips, League of Legends, Daveyx3 Gameplay Channel.

Ali Foroughi Azar: Thank you so much... That was really useful 💙🙏🏻

riverse timo shrum: I love teemo, but every time I play him I feel like I’m giving myself a handicap by playing him. It feels like every toplaner with hardengage just runs me down every time, even tho I played teemo A LOT so I’m not a teemo beginner. So any tips for the general PlayStsle if I’m just getting ran down?

Jason Osmani: Ngl u remind me off Claus Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy And I like it


TYMER: I know a hungarian twitch streamer called TeemoToChallenger he only plays Teemo, he's trying to reach challenger with him, now he's in Grand master I belive.

0 to 1: Teemo user = pussy

idk men: and in jngl==???????????????????????? IM PLAYING HIM JNGLK RIGHT NWOP?????????????

titas1995: 1. Use R on edges, not in middle of the path (people don't walk on middle most of the time) 2. Use Q on TF to block hes stun 3. Nash tooth, liandry's build is better if you want to poke him down But idk bruh (ofc you'r runes are for aa teemo)

ItsDominik: When i can use e ?

kolodziejski: 1:57 XD

14kv 14kv: The grand master teemo player can be found here:

asfdsgdsadf sadasdfasdg: rune?

UberPuss: Shouldnt you be placing your shrooms more often? I think of it as, if you have max shrooms you're losing potential damage

Great Big Lummox: You know, im bad at this game yeah so this content is really helpful, but HOLY HELL MAN another boring ass minion farming video, cmon man, this is league! Give us highlights and explain how and why you won or lost in that clip! Dont be another “hi im a chalenger and this is my guide (minion farming for 20 minutes)” be a fun youtuber! This content baffles me because its like taking a class! People watch youtube and play lol for fun! Not a study-fest! Dude please try and make this a little bit more fun to watch man, this type of shit makes me so sad because every video is the same, boring minion farming.

Citto: i got omega squad teemo so i started playing him more but what he says is kinda sad and i wish i could have beemo or cottontail cause what he says is really cute

Νεκταριος Παλαμιδης: why i cannot use E ??

Josiah 2cool: Bruh never told us the runes. That's the whole reason I watched the video. smh waist of time.

Elijah Drury: He wouldn’t have gotten that early kill and assist if u had pinged 👀

Jas Singh: Tell us his weakness pleaseeeeee

EJ Ali: Watching how teemo works so i cn use it in wild rift😂 I've been playing lol in early 2015, then stop at 2016 so I'm basically new again😂

Majorweck: I'm Teemo level 7... *Laughs in free Elo*

JohnBal: I have the perfect playstyle for Teemo.. DONT PLAY TEEMO.

Mestari1Gaming: Why not use Glacial - Cheap shot runes? I believe they are really good vs anyone. Using these runes vs tryndameres usually gives me the edge. EDIT: Also really good when your jungler ganks your lane and you can slow the opposing top laner with the Glacial.

Mattheus Eugênio: the only true is Ipav Ipav is my religion

Marco Cristea: thx u so much bc i m a beginer and he is my favorite champion

Annette: Can you do a heimerdinger or ziggs vid? :)

potato: That Kled was rubbish

Tory Wanick: Got a kill after poking him over and over -- sits under turret and doesnt even trade on a connon... nice poking

ReeTox: Why y wait to shot your q?

PPEnergy 69: Can you use the same runes for any lane/role? Also love the vid man definitely subscribing

Lloyd Fendi: no ss smh

Im not Pepege, you are: teenmoo is so cute

Treasurep: I just started ranked and am just getting demolished, getting insulted at but I like teemo. But how can I get better at ranked?

potatos dont: Scouting ahead

loghan rowden: Ive honestly never seen someone who can rock a bandana as well as you can lol

Lasse W.: In euw there’s a challenger teemo otp called alan234, currently sitting on number 148 overall.

Serial: Any chance you could do a Brand gameplay guide? Really like the way you do the gameplay guides and would like to see your idea of a good Brand build as I have seen people use him as support as well as jungle.

Ismail Le MOI: are u talking of grandmaster Tenmo player pianta? XD

thekevinisonline: I actually was just finding teemo guide lol. Nice video like od course

tpsSurvivoR: lmao at 1:57 cause this happens to me sometimes when im speaking with strangers lol

MrJoey: Echt een grof accent van Nederlands haha

Nathan Campiche: I feel bad for anyone who has to play against you

Acoa07: Im teemo main so this is very help full :) Also, im playing pta and domination not resolve, idk if thats wrong or not.

Max King: Can u make an s10 educational Vladimir guide pls ?

Zwei 25: Teemo KEKW

hal: Hello I’m the seventh

Potato Senpai: I like how all the cute, cuddly characters are the most hated in the game.

Yi Jiao: Love the vids Dave. Teemo is so cute :)

Mreme: Teeemooooo

Uros Topalovic: Tnx for guide

Uros Topalovic: Captain teemo on duty

Hand Drawn Arthur Morgan: teemo funyn ha ha

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