SEASON 10 KASSADIN GAMEPLAY GUIDE - (Best Kassadin Build, Runes, Playstyle) - League of Legends

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Daveyx3 Gameplay: Season 10 Kassadin Runes: fleet footwork - presence mind - tenacity - coup de grace (sorcery, transcedence - gathering storm) season 10 Kassadin build: rod of ages - tear - sorcerer boots - zhonia's - void staff - rabadon deathcap ►SEASON 10 KASSADIN GAMEPLAY GUIDE - (Best Kassadin Build, Runes, Playstyle) - League of Legends

El Mermeladero: Take a guess: Hoa many times does he says "Extremely" in the video? hahahah with love <3

vislaudzik: why so many dislikes? ;/

SlickTwig DotWAVfile: Ahri is actually a pretty bad matchup for two reasons: her q does true damage on the way back and you habe to fight close range and then she can hit her e very easily for free damage or a kill on you (all in even without ult) obviously, if you’re ahead it doesn’t matter, cause you can outdamage.

Benyamin Zojaji: nice

DarkKiraLTU: 4 Deaths because greed, oof

Der Fliegende Mocca: so asking the real questions here: is kassadins blade a visualisation of the mandelbrot set?

Abz Raja: Kassadins teamfight isnt great. He's a clean up champion. You need to pressure lanes and get towers with him and join any fights late.

Sun's Beauty: U're so bad dude

S.Slayer 01: Some defeats aren't that bad you feel like you gave your best and you enjoyed also liked how you didn't just make a video with victory all best

J R: Why does your cdr keep changing when you die?

MoveHit2Win: re mlk ellinas eisai ?

CheeseBoi: can someone explain how tf he heals so fast at 17:34

Keo: How do you start healing 40 per second at 17:30? Is it an item? Edit: It's the red buff after killing the Ahri.

BloodOnMars: can you explane why you use "fleet footwork" on kass?

BloodOnMars: love the gameplay! the reason you lost is two fold: 1) league is 100% luck based and 2) you horded kills. one thing i found out that is its easier to win if you let ur team have kills too. spread the load

Jevil Joss: What was causing your health regen to be up at 40?

Paco Brightside: English isn’t your mother tongue, is it?

沢村Sawamura: i got counter pick by Kalistar also can't hold for late game

George: love ur vids so much man

Von Mathew Baronda: Is it okay if I’d take archangel’s first then roa?

Buns: Do you guys see the pressure he creating?

Wer: This is around silver/gold elo I presume?

DrySlowFox: Okay, I do not want to hate on you but, the problem with this game wasn't your teammates dying all the time. It did make everything worse for you but you didn't use your lead to anything. You did not take a single objective or tried to ward up the jungle around the objectives. Stop the teamfights and start pushing or applying threat on other parts of the map. Also, you shouldn't steal the raptors from Kayn if he's there ready to take them, same goes for pantheons minions top, that's just a d*ck move. Try help your jungler instead. Sorry if it sounds like I'm flaming you to heaven or throwing trash at your face. That's not my intention. You perfectly showed how to play Kassadin as a champion which was the goal of the video and I enjoyed it. Thanks! And again, sorry!

Marwan Ibrahim: nice content helped me to main kassadin thankyou and keep it up

Gaspard: 6:00 Pink ward not in the bush, 2 wards ready, no idea where is their jungle. If he come when you go in, you're kinda dead :/ Edit: Ok he basically b when you siege/dive ahri.

Byron Miller: You did so well but the team was way too heavy. Pretty unfair and annoying but I guess you can't win them all.

Kain Kage: Nice tutorial, i always liked kassadin as champ, but i'm main jung, now i want try Kassadin mid.

T Bone: I basically 2 trick kassadin and aurelion sol. Both great picks for solo queue

KucfLol: You could have killed Munro twice... if u ignited him....

Christian Koch: sorry to say that. But your guides in general are not good.

ReAnimated-VoidSeeker: A riven otp giving a guide on kassa?

its me: What runes do we use??

Alesha Nevzor: Imho u'd better buy morelonomicon to beat tough champions like Mundo and Ornn

zacharyy: nc vid

jpg: you build like a pussy lol

Smeargut: O man kassidin looks so fun to play I’ve always wanted to play him but I had to learn the game first then the roles and how they work but I like mid lane and I like this type of champ thanks for the video I’ll start practicing him.

Mr08 _: I know the mondo was their at that moment I left LMAOO

Dank Meemz: GG

Daitai: This is very convenient I just picked up kassawin today :D

Oogway: Good video mate

Blîndă Viorel-Iulian: I'm not playing anymore Lol but like to watch your gameplays

Robertas Ruškulys: i like that you upload bad games too, shows that not all games are stomps like from other youtubers and helps you keep stable mentality that you cant win them all

Nadin Mujkic: This is great thank you and keep up the good work❤

Jorgan_ E.C: so unfortunate but still nice gameplay. this channel actually make us discover new champs without the need of buying the champ and then dislike it. Thank you so much.

Nidus: Second pog

Derek Buechele: wait first pog

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