HOW TO PLAY KAYLE SEASON 10 - (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) - S10 Kayle Gameplay Guide

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Daveyx3 Gameplay: Hi, I'm a Challenger Top Main. Been challenger since S7/S8 & Season 9 and peaked 720 LP at most. Questions? Let me know! Season 10 Kayle Runes: press the attack, triumph, alacrity, coup of grace (inspiration free boots, time warp iconic) season 10 Kayle build: hextech gunblade, nashor's tooth, berserker greaves, rageblade, hurricane, (last item situational) ►HOW TO PLAY KAYLE SEASON 10 - (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) - S10 Kayle Gameplay Guide #Kayle #KayleGuide #KayleGameplay [Concepts of this video + Everything you can find on my Channel]: League of Legends Gameplay Guides, League Gameplay Guides, LoL Gameplay Guides, League of Legends Guide, League Guide, LoL Guide, Season 10 Guide League of Legends, S10 Guide League of Legends, League of Legends Best Runes Season 10, League of Legends Best Build season 10, League of Legends Best Playstyle Season 10, Season 10 Tips, S10 Tips, League of Legends Tips, League of Legends, Daveyx3 Gameplay Channel.

n3rdherder: Thanks for the Kayle guide. I stopped using her after the rework cause I didn’t understand her new kit but this is good! Great video!

anthony nicolo: your runes in description say magic boots but you say on the video always buy boots first

Stefan Tataru: men, when i play kayle my games end at 15 min

G. Scott: @Daveyx3 What are the starting items for Kayle?

Platypus: I'm glad that even challengers miss farm

Ivan Stayner: ave you ever played agiasnt a irelia, jax, mord, renekton, and a few others. You cant win vs there burst

rellik009: This is absolutely one of your best gameplay guides.

Makador Madar: when do you go. corrupting pot first

Actual TeddyBear: I really like Kayle but I only have 19 hours with the game so my gameplay isn't fantastic. I've gotten accused of being a smurf a bunch, but that seems to happen when a new person does half decent. I play with my diamond 2 buddy and all his high lvl friends so I'm swinging well above my weight in games.

Happy Skull: I'm playing mini tournament with my friends today and this video is really helpful, thanks 😊

NoBody: Thx im a beginner and your guidesmare very helpful <3

Kayla: I’m a kayle otp and I want to know how you kite so effortlessly. Is your right click auto attack?

MeowMeow Games: nice game

David Merkle: Have you ever tried Muramana? I have better results with Muramana build then the one you are using....

Thomas Anderson: Yo man, love these videos, they released a new Korean kayle build on pro guides I think it is, I beg you do a video on it the auto attack damage is mad and I reckon you’d destroy pls do avid

Apollo_22: I just started playing lol in this corona lockdown. I must say I really like your videos. They are so informative and easy to grasp. Keep making these guides. They are very helpful for newbies like me. Thanks....🥰🥰

Cristian Bancu: Why would you put time warp tonic if you dont pick the biscuits?

Casandra Moua: Your videos are awesome! Thank you!!

Ser Gawain: this guide worth shit if kayle get chased down like fucking yasou, teemo, yi and every fucking champion

Gaming MT: Wait. He says to build inspiration with free boots but he buys boots before 12 minutes without a kill or assist? He also has biscuit delivery

ArvelDreth: You made a terrible mistake by not getting Eye of Herald when no one else was there, thus wasting the buff when you could have used it in your lane.

Xayed Games: is Kayle ad or ap?


Sesleri: Opponents in this game are currently silver, bronze, bronze, bronze, iron.. should probably mention that.

Red Dragon: I loved this thank you I'm a ap shy main but sometimes you just want to auto from a range

Miri Nguyen: im just asking why qiyana is top.

Trinity uwu: I’ve played kayle twice and I was really surprised at how much damage she does after lvl 11

OldScrubGamer: Pta kayle is so not worth it... well depending on the match up. I find fleet is better for early game sustain and late game kiting personally.

GAMER 193: Nice video

Percy Jackson: hmmm i always take Corrupting Potion on Kayle at start really helps in surviving the first 6 levels as it regens health AND mana and also refills which u can continue to keep even till lv 16...

Zone: I do 400+ ap 20 min in

Chill Bro: This was really helpful as i'm just finally going to start trying her. Had her in my inventory for years.

David S: fleet feels so smooth imo not sure if damage output is there compared to PTA but its stil nice early

duwude: How to do prevent an enemy Darius from freezing his lane and what do you do if he does?

Chilo Carmona: Do you know the name of the kayle one trick???

duwude: 1st game right after watching this I got an S on kayle. Great guide man.

Nickelodeon Yysmir: who is the kayle main he is talking about?

Waleed Mirza: 15ms.. do you live in Riot HQ?

Saikojin18: in high elo .. if you're a kayle main you need a duo jungler .. or else everyone else can cheese you out of the game by diving you over and over again

genghiz khan: "alright now I can kill everyone" *flashes from solo camille" , fucking lier

lukilsn: Why not buy corrupting potion as a first item? And for runes i take fleet and overheal instead

xeonome: If you have the free boots rune, how did you buy the boots before level 12?

Viktor Ladvelin: But like if qyianna just freezes like she had the possibilty to do like 3 Times pre 6 what can you even do

Anthony: Just want to say "Thank you!" Watching your video has increased my game and effectiveness of Kayle by 100%. I was much more of a contender and was able to survive the dreadful first 6 levels. Your advice was spot on.

Bex Clue: Wow. I'm a Riven Main - randomly started to play Kayle yesterday - just felt like it - and guess what I find when I search for an educational Kayle video on youtube: the best Riven Youtuber is also playing Kayle! :D Up until now I've played her with Fleet Footwork and started with corrupting pots and biscuits. It just gives me a ton of qol to get to lvl6 with relative ease. I haven't had issues with it yet but I obviously lose out of the PTA damage. Do you feel like you lose too much damage without PTA or is it just your preference?

Hies Maraj: runes??

welp.: if you use pta on kayle you have to use your e for third hit. which you didnt do for some reason

Sam Higginson: I always loved the look of Kayle as a champ. Quite unique and interesting. I started playing her today; first two games were awful. However, after beginning to understand her, I popped off the next game! I am a pretty new player as well!

- MrLemmyClient -: Play Crit Kayle!

Shinigami Vindel: I'm a main Kayle since s8 before her rework she was really strong but hard to use in early game and in late she was a God, but in her new rework his early is much more difficult than before because her e is no longer for range for a minimum amount of time which was helpful for farming, but I love her new rework makes the champion more fun to use uwu

Slaven Tizic: whats the name of the high rate kayle player

Matias Rodriguez: i think right know kayle is more like an AP Carry that can one shot, so i buy Nashor's t, Gunblade, Rage blade, Lich bane and Rabaddon's dc and even like that, tanks are melted and you can engage with R doing 1k aoe. i'm OTP KAYLE since s2, Diamond s3-s6, Master s7-s8, and hard stuck diamond s10 :v

Kayle 1v9: Camille is 4 lvls down *flashes her e* „I can’t fight her she has ultimate“ „Kayle is really op“ yea i see that lol

Zachary Murphy: So, the build you give says take free boots as a rune, but you bought berserker greaves before the 12:00 mark. So rune were you actually running here instead?

Alwayz_Good: Who is the challenger kayle you mention in the start of the video?

mohe bts: her old ulti was op..and her aa usled not to be blocked with yasuo wind wale,, they neferd her so much

joffre55: why flash the Camille e at 13:01? Qiyana lvl 9 and Camille lvl 7 vs lvl 11 kayle with completed gunblade, I don't understand

G B: I agree, pre-six is quite difficult. I’ve been playing a lot of kayle lately, I just have to keep getting better.

Taisune: thanks! definitely going to stay around to watch more of your tutorials. been getting better at kayle top lane after struggling against being chased down pre lvl 6 and feeding and this video has helped me a lot. just started playing league after playing for a couple months like 5 years ago. getting ur berserker greaves early on makes a lot of sense too, that'll help a lot earlier in the game. i'll definitely look more towards damage than survivability, too. been losing fights because i wanted people to survive > damage. why press the attack over fleet footwork in runes though? overall, nice video!

alex ritzy: wouldn't corrupt potion in beginning be better? Ive noticed kayle being a ranged champ, so ulting, she's far away. would u flash into the enemy team to do more dmg to every1? in the beginning, would you prioritize being alive, over getting all cs? I find it hard surviving vs any champ before lvl 6. recently, I have been thinking if I am near enemy top cs, im ok. but I am usually down a lot of CS because they just destroy me if I am not around turret. I was thinking of playing mid kayle, I would assume mid kayle builds different, and plays differently too. thx!! I started learning kayle and its been so fun :D

Emergency Cone!: Wow, you actually made me want to try this champ. Awesome video, keep it up dude!

tiger gaming: Talon guide plz

Alireza Teimuri: Enjoyed. GG

IoannouPetros: Why did you make a second video??

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