HOW TO PLAY JAYCE SEASON 10 - (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) - S10 Jayce Gameplay Guide

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Daveyx3 Gameplay: Hi, I'm a Challenger Top Main. Been challenger since S7/S8 & Season 9 and peaked 720 LP at most. Questions? Let me know! Season 10 Jayce Runes: conqueror, triumph, tenacity - coup de grace (inspiration, free boots - biscuit delivery) season 10 Jayce build: duskblade - tabi's/mercs - ghostblade - blackcleaver - last whisper - guardian angel ►HOW TO PLAY JAYCE SEASON 10 - (Best Build, Runes, Playstyle) - S10 Jayce Gameplay Guide #Jayce #JayceGuide #JayceGameplay [Concepts of this video + Everything you can find on my Channel]: League of Legends Gameplay Guides, League Gameplay Guides, LoL Gameplay Guides, League of Legends Guide, League Guide, LoL Guide, Season 10 Guide League of Legends, S10 Guide League of Legends, League of Legends Best Runes Season 10, League of Legends Best Build season 10, League of Legends Best Playstyle Season 10, Season 10 Tips, S10 Tips, League of Legends Tips, League of Legends, Daveyx3 Gameplay Channel.

yorty yorty: keep doin vid about top laner it will help for me a lot thanks man❤

Wourly: I like 12:00, where Jax just got hit to death by hastened hammer :D (from ranged mode W) What was Jax thinking? His E was on CD, but he still went close... :D

The DolphinBro: Thanks for the guide!

danny m: Good gameplay but why when you were alone in lane or had just killed Jax why were you not in hammer form when hitting in hammer gives you mana

Ninja Pinguin: For a so called "Informative Gameplay" you talk and explain to less in my opinion. Maybe it's just me but for me this is pretty much just a gameplay. You just do something then you say "and this is how you do it with Jayce" and repeat it.

alpa: hey! im a riven main, any tips if u have played her?

Whatever It Takes: should stop making game-play specific tutorial, should be focusing on how to play each champion in general. Like which are hard matchups, what situation to be what items for maximize output, what runes to use into what champions, these are more useful than your gameplay tutorial. Too specific despite you kinda talked about something general. not enough

MeltedCat: on9

3kko Used Flash: i know im late but ive been having fun with press the attack since w like insta procs it

the brotherhood shall prevail: Is Jayce playable in midlane?

Richard Gao: Needs skill u say, well I smash my face into my keyboard and win fights.

Kim Vicente: Why isnt manamune an item for jayce now i always seem to run out of mana when i play him lol

The Greek Freak: what a trash...spamming when he has 3 lethality items oh gosh

Lucas Fernandez: Love watching your videos man, I started playing maybe about 2 months ago and I super sucked but I learnt to get a bit better with Urgot after seeing your vid and now Im super excited to try out Jayce

Absantha: 23:04 I´m confused here. How are u Challenger but when the fiddle jngl and the Naut support is dead and Jax top is bottom. Why the fuck are u not taking baron? That would be the right thing. I dont want to flame or anything. I´m just wondering why that thought comes to my mind (im god damn silver) but not yours. Thats weird

Valentin Mihai: "guilde"LUL

Oprea Codrin: nice bro thx

Roberts: How do you play vs a Flash/Ghost darius?

ken castro: hello davey, does building tear/manamune to jayce still applicable?

Lk_2004 _: ‘We can kill this on here’ his last words

cookiegamer24: i love ur vids but damn i get triggered by " like" haha no hate, but i never think i have herad u say 10 words without "like" being one of em

F0undZ: A pyke told me jayce is more brain dead than pyke

Sadman Sakib: Bro make more of Jayce content its very helpful

Maciek_ Scootz: how do you make the enemy team color blue?

Konrad Zavarko: 13/4/9 is good against akali? (on mid) 22min game

Firball1: Why go Lord over Mortal reminder when 4 of their kits revolve around sustain and healing... Lack of itemization knowledge is astounding

Lucas De bruijn: 21:45 Qiyana hard Carry but it isnt looking good....

Giorgos Zazanis: dude, your opponent is like bronze or silver, not challenger.

Reqli: do a MORDEKAISER video pls XD

Χρήστος Μασμανίδης: Hey your icon is kinda wack sorry.i can redraw it if you want

Ricardo Aponte: finally! you did it! keep the good work man, great content

Sheldon Vidal: Diana mid n vayne adc plzzz

Jaykob3: Analtoy ?

Isralijah Guillaume: Can u Friend me neemo7337 I really need practice

PRMS: Sorry but I think this are not challenger games, you cant make perfect guides for every champ in every role when you are a main top.

Brazen General: I played against him earlier this week, and I got my shit slapped as Garen

Adrian Dziedzic: you're amazing man, i love your videos!

David Pupac: is sorcery and manamune viable on jayce, because he drains a lot of mana at the start of the Game, I mean you have to learn mana conservation but still

Myon ,: Play katarina

Никола Константинов: Nice!!!!

Irinel: You are a best

Gabriel Silva: It's my main ♡

T. K.: Appreciate it bro thanks!

guwhigga: First

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