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KingStix Gaming: Amumu is much stronger in Season 11 than he's been in a long time, a true viable option to escape climb ranked especially for beginners! Follow stream if you want to Chat n Chill live!

Ercanos: i legit watched this video through and then started a draft match just to get amumu picked before i could

maxe youssef: Amumu is nerf yesterday no chance to cary now hhhh

Gofucku Fucku: Top 15 jg? Amumu has a 60 % wr in plat plus

AKreid: KingStix, I see you’re also playing with your map in the left corner. But I have encountered an issue with it - for some reason, it resets in the right corner with each new game. Do you know thecreasoning for that? Do you have the same issue?

Ino145: Question my man, shouldn't ping danger instead of ?, might make them back of quicker?

Turo Bot: Learning is good.

Raeuber Hotzeplotz: fucking useless build

mohamed shatarah: hey man i feel difference in your voice . did something nice happen ? did you get a gf or a promotion ?

Trenton Westerson: 'The grass looks better when someone else is eating it' lmaooo imma start using that one

Caleb!: @17:54 Lmao!!

InterxInter: @KingStix Gaming Why don't you put your first ward in the opposite side of your pathing to prevent invades ? (Your blue side here)

Aug: Goodluck playing amumu in rankeds. Its always banned

Ollie: Why do you have two different channels? The contents are pretty much the same, or is this channel for low elo?

Macheron: I can vouch for using my second monitor to play roblox

Johan Liebert: like for dancing shelly

Egyptian Lifestyle - شكري المصري: no more humble nightblue videos?

Firat Yalcin: 8:30 cutest "WHOOPAT" of your entire youtube carieer

Tyler Nguyen: “they could be playing roblox on their second monitor” 💀💀

Giovanni Barbarini: 8:31 wise words

ilan 16: Good work

Ryan Jetten élève: ✍️STEP✍️1✍️GET✍️TOO✍️GOLD✍️

anderseide97: 17:55 thats me, im mentally unstable.2 permabans and one 14 days ban this year. I suck

Joe Castillo: waaaaah bap!

ZoniX: “Top 15 jungler” *laughs in 20 minute baron*

ungefickt 69: Dont u Max w first and then e?

v1234: haven't seen such a positive attitude from a lol streamer, keep up the good work

HeavenBound: I asked on stream and we received thanks Stix

YaSloom: Can you please do a Sejuani video ?

Darth Nihilus: "top 15 jungler right now" Meanwhile sitting at 60% winrate in plat+

Kewin Pedersen: Maybe you can try Olaf s11?

Kalinmir: I find peoeple (myself included) reacting much mre reliably to yellow and red pings...sometimes i dont even notice the ss pings

Marcus Crassus: Your mouse clicks made me crazy

Sam M: Urgot jungle?

Robbie Jurca: so do you guys recomand playing ranked in the preseason or not?

Chris Bertolis: Hi man can you do another ww jungle for season 11 love your vids

Ariel Hernandez: wow!

Zander de Swardt: Your first clear is horrible no offence, ive been playing amumu for 3 years now ( basically diamond amumu 1 trick) Start w and agro wolves then go to blue, keep wolves agro for the health regen then go gromp and keep wolves agro still and then go kill wolves. On red side, agro raptors then fo red and keep raptors agro for the health regen and then take raptors( dont do crugs yet) After you're done with raptors you'll have full hp and 2 smites left for scuttle battles Just to clarify , you're not taking wolves and blue at the same time or the red and raptors at the same time. You have to just agro them, then they'll lose agro and but the burn will bring them back so u agro them with your w as they run back. With the sunfire cape and demonic embrace you can build and cosmic drive and use conq keystone for some stupid healing and u can stick to people so easily while doing dmg and tanking

alex gonzalez: Been running fiddle sticks he been working so farm 👀

Ιωσήφ Κουμαράκου: You are very calm.If garen do that too me i whould wishh canceerr for his family and rg

The MLG Lion: Dude u wanted to murder that garen

Richard Yok: 17:55 why do i always get to play with these people...

Johnny Nonny: Been picking up the game quick because of you and Neace. Favorite LoL tubers for sure. Thx again

János Pallos: Lmao I heard your ass looks better when someone else is eating it 12:33

不專業的英語: 5:57 11:34 12:29 12:38 cringe laughs 7:32 you did Q>flashed not flashed> Q

Gamingfist: When u take Conqueror on Amumu u can even 1v1 Kha i just tried in one of my last Amumu games so funny

Pokka Cola: 12:16 Playing Amumu made it look sadder...

ChrumazaGaming: Ahh yes another abuser of league of sun fire aegis

dakiito: nice video man. I played amumu in clash and let my team down because I almost died in my jungle as amumu :(

Palmer Bennett: Can we get a ekko jg vid plsss

Jelyck: "its kinda thick, and wide, and harder to miss." Kingstix <3

Nick Victory: I feel like I've been watching your videos for a while so I'm really surprised by your sub count. You deserve so much more! Your videos are so detailed and helpful. Wish you nothing but the best!

Nicholas: Great content, you make really good videos that are easy to learn from. Was hoping you could go over the conquerer ruins I been seeing all over tho

Bryan In Commiefornia: I've only played 2 games this season. On both I started no leash red. Aggroed raptors, pulled them to red, let them reset/reaggro. In the first game I had almost full hp after, but in the second I got really low. I'm thinking there might be a narrow window where you get the damage on the Raptors but they don't damage you. Not sure, need to test more. A couple more Amumu tips. His passive is triggered by his autos and his R. It converts magic damage to true damage on whoever it is on. This means 1) he is very fast at herald and 2) he is still a viable option on ap heavy teams if they are teamfight/aoe champs, since a good R into their follow up damage can wreck teamfights. Also, he can 1v1 quite a few champs at lvl 3. I've beaten Master Yis, Rengars, Nunus. His early damage surprises a lot of people, but you have to land your Q.

Mark Smith: I also notice youre letting the little krugs go. Isnt it worth killing now?

Mark Smith: Oh do wards not cancel recall anymo?

HardFN: 12:29 i lost it here 😂

Jevil Joss: A little thing about the Amumu E and dragons: dragon attacks are not auto attacks, they do not lower tantrum's cooldown. They count as ability damage and are blocked by spellshields.

Teemo Top: KingStix: Amumu really needs leash Nautilus: *just a little kiss*

Gamer 26: Bro play jax jg tq. I am new

Alessio Zaccarini: What do u think about jarvan?

Petro Flumsi: why excatly no sudden impact? i mean.. you get to hit your q all the time. and extra penentration leads to more damage.

1tz Noob: Dude pls make Zed guide Gameplay video there ain't exist in ur channel I hope u read it

Lex Verbrugge: Pls do olaf :)

Νίκος Θεοδωρίδης: Wth happened to the Pink ward on your blue buff at 14:40

Hxteria: Ty brother.. Perfect timing as I started playing mumu yesterday

Domasiukas: Bami's got hotfix nerfed but this video happened before that, right?

Zach Murray: Shelly dance op

Kentz Hodiono: Fiddlesticks season 11 guide when?

Kantanis Theodoros: pls make a video about fidle with all the burn items.every time you ult they MELT

Max P: So my buddy and I thought we cracked the code to s11, play a couple of tanks and let the game unfold. I guess you're the reason I'm seeing sej bans haha. Good stuff buddy

TheMrDarkness: still w8ing for twitch jungle

Last Hashira: He’s broken in low Elo because baron usually spawns around the time a dragon does. While everyone is focusing on dragon you can literally solo baron at 20 with demonic and sunfire. This shits gonna get nerfed

Cris Ledesma: Maokai jungle !

Jude ballantyne: What's like the best low elo champ to play s11 tier list?

weslar7: Can fiddles still start blu/gromp?


Pyynö: Love your lessons of practical Zen

Spencer Beasley: so i absolutely love your videos, I am still a new player and getting to watch such a variety of gameplay of different champions is super helpful in my learning and figuring out who to try next as I get better. I think the one piece of constructive criticism Id have though is that for every video you never actually say what each ability does. So when you say his "q" or his "w" while im watching I have no idea what the ability actually does because I dont have every champion memorized and wont for a long time. I imagine many people are like me in that regard as well and it seems like a little thing that would be super helpful as you go through each gameplay and talk about how you play the champs. just a thought.

ja gg: man u deserve way more attention u do the best jgl guides it helps me everytime i watch u :)

GamingSters: i like that mentality when your team sometimes cant be up to your expectations. good guide

Angelbooy Trolling: Can you do another kayn video?

thomas6600: "i need to lay herald what am i doing im hii..reallly out of it" kingstix come smoke a fat one with me bucko

Internet Alpha: Kingstix when his jg farm gets taken: damn that sucks Me when my jg farm gets taken: MOBIS AND WE SPRINT TO MID

Mikazuki Gaw-id: Have some pocari sweat!

Aslatiel of Mirrah: "If you're ever being chased, what you wanna do is you gonna run to one of your monster camp and *WHAPA* over the wall" xD

Az - Kabyle Élite CoC: Still waiting for Olaf :( pls pls

Brandon Is better than Augustine: One time I was playing amumu and this cait took my red buff and golems and then said ig diff

Arda Ali A.: actually this is 29 build lol :). in season 11 you wanna max w first

NightMare.exe: Love your videos man, never get bored watching you play

Brandon Acevedo Rubio: Hate Amumu being so strong. It's so boring to play and it's so boring to lose against him. I just permaban him. :)

BurgerBun: Haha sad mummy

Ali Saleh: Can you do a nasus jng s11 guide please

AlchemisTiamo: I'm so surprised to see Mumu and I am living!

Diego Cirella: 19:02 I LOVE when the Herald is alive at the end of a game and starts dancing

John Darladimas: you cant carry with amumu specially dat ello

RenzPsychotic: Your vids are literally Zwag-like but in the Jungle. The explanations on how to play is really great btw. It helped my Fiddlesticks gameplay from 2/15/8 to 17/3/8

Eduardo Betancourt: KingStix I love you but please please please stop taking Ultimate Hunter instead of Ravenous on Amumu

Joel Nilsson: 15:10 He died at 250 ignite damage that was the maximum it could do at lvl 10 Fizz so 1 hp more and u good.

Aramis Magana: How do you feel about ap amumu season 11?

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