How To Play Mingle | Squid Game: Season 2 | Netflix

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@Blinkpinky_charm: This scene was my favorite! I just love how Thanos doesn't care and was dancing with his friend 😂 I feel bad for Young Mi, though.. ☹️ The scene when she was screaming "UNNIE!" literally broke my heart 💔

@MarkSoulYT: 1:29

@punchster289: interestingly, a fairly good strategy for this game is free for all. dont go to a distant isolated room. dont force your way into a room. just keep going to the next door until your in the front

@NiGHTSaturn: This is the one show that easily makes children's songs creepy as fffff....

@YessicaBanegas-v4y: I cant stip singing it and i dont ecen speak korea

@lMr.Indian: The thumbnail looks like Corona virus 💀

@ludovicdeoliveira5014: They played that game in the tv reality House of villain, it didn't end well as well

@corisfunhouse5106: Thanks was high af

@MissPatricia2521: Frozen Squid Game: Season 2

@parimalchandrabhomick699: If I go to any amusement park now and if they play this song in the Merry go round, it will really give a dark thought😅

@darthjam1536: 1:58 is the best moment of the season💯

@yro857: 0:25

@i9lts: Thanos is so the embarrassing Bingu Top that Dae-sung was spilling the beans about on Family Outing. 😆

@MichellGodoy-y5r: Unnie!!!

@CainOhaIya: Young-mi death seen made me cry

@farukialwi9130: Thanos was right, you must have fun before you dead LoL

@v1scabarca: i love this song

@Awashuae: تلقون مستر بيست ماخذ الفكرة لفيديوهاته

@keliciaiskpop: This song is addictive 😭

@Luna-i4y: This was the best game this season. Also thanos dancing😂

@Baconloardthe1st: Why is the song stuck in my head

@No.Gimmicks: What’s the song called

@donrog5035: I was vibing with this song during the whole game.😊

@jakemealey5532: I remember having a nightmare the day after binging the season and I woke up to this song playing in my head lol

@ImTheRandom197: I played this in school-

@TalhaCS: I really enjoyed this part of the season. The ambience of horror with this song was a unique concept. Also, it's catchy! 🎶

@juniorlkgaming3694: ये गेम हम स्कूल में खेल चुके है😂😂, दोबारा देख कर अच्छा लगा

@cosmic_rem: 1:29 start

@Peakheart: Which ep is this?

@Yasserel-ihcene: the song 😍😍

@KSFoodvlogs19: Ep no??

@wowbucket: Thanos so funny man, made this entire season!

@derickornelas2185: 1:59 thanos!!😭😭😭😭😭

@JeredeAndoy-hz8cv: This is the best game, scary music, tense, scary

@RazerLeParisien16: Thanos qui d’ambition 😂

@RazerLeParisien16: Best music 😂❤

@SniperNinjaax_: coucou les congolais

@Yingtotally: This game it's like the boat is sinking but make it deadly and a race with those limited doors.

@tqijahz: Did this in Roblox and they said 1 player and this guy got in with me 😔

@hasim8909: This game was crazy!!!!! Hands down my favorite of the season

@midzyonce2: Thanos bailando xd

@michaelcasale86: It's the chair game... But a little more complicated

@wrghty: Front man was brill in this series. I mean, he slotted himself callously wonderfully into that little group of gullibility

@Zoe31858: Rosa

@13niaaaaa: I need a lyrics please 😭😭

@Zoe31858: Mingle

@Luhrevv: thanos would likely win if he didnt get forked up

@JimintheITboy: 2:09 IM SIWAN 🤏😭😭

@MichaelaHiteroza: Name song?

@JaspervonPaez: Thanos in Avengers

@우리하나-p5i: 초등학교 시절 학교 운동회때 항상 빠지지 않고 나왔던 노래ㅋㅋ근데 궁금한게 외국도 짝짓기 게임이 있나?

@ciiil8802: Front Man playing a real life gamble

@MysticalStar09: I love to see my man Thanos like that

@Hadigreece: 엄마와 아들이 갈라지고 다시 뭉치던 모습이 정말 깊게 다가왔다 생존 욕구의 무언가인지 어머니의 마음인지 부모와 아이와의 유대인지 상당히 복잡한 감정과 상황이 얽혀있었다 시즌2 전체 중에서 다른것보다 여기가 가장 재밌었음 노래도 익숙한 어린이 노래지만 박수치는거랑 짝지을때 긴박함을 섬뜩하게 잘 표현했고 자장가가 공포영화에 나온거 같은 느낌

@zedshockblade7157: Infinity Stoned

@gomezito17: Name song?

@monochrome8731: I was both panicking seeing the players and laughing out loud when I saw Thanos being silly, this game is my favorite my far

@xandre_1989: I love this game so muchh ❤ (So excited for the next one.)

@MariaNicajAcaso-e3p: Thanos can give us a laught scene

@raydenjoco9079: 1:57 This ain't Sang-Woo, it's a different player 218

@Ramchandhar_007: I became fan of Thanos 😂

@haouribi: Learn English with Thanos!

@로권: 해외 시청자들은 타노스를 좋아하네 한국에서는 다들 싫어하는데

@ArthaWijayaPratama: Other player:😨 Thanos:😁

@Ravenexegang: i swear the song is absolute catchy

@prettyaubreyy: I will FOREVER be upset about Young Mi's death.

@moninacruz_: TOP HAHAHAHAHAHAH!

@drakenpage777: Thanos and 124: 🕺💃🕺💃

@Assassin-s: When I heard this song at a Korean school It's a song that I used to play and dance from time to time. This song is a children's song that boys and girls dance in pairs, but there are actually children who dance alone because there are no people

@TV-po4rj: Weird harmony of good kid song & dramatic situation~

@hiiiyyyw: we used to play this game known as fire in the mountain

@taevi7: The song: 💝🥳💐🍓☀️🎀✨️ The game: 🚩🏴🏴‍☠️⁉️🔴

@marygracequiliquite682: I notice number 001 shape sumbol on his chest Change to X

@jojmarchavez1226: "The boat is sinking"

@GabrielGeorgeLucas: Watch Mr beast make this

@Kwon_3dits: is thanos drunk 1:54

@lin-yun2895: I'm only here for the music. It boops

@SatbeerSingh-r6b: That one Unserious human😂

@erglwrgl: The song is stuck in my head

@StraightOuttaMexico: There should definitely be a Simon says game!!!

@wattana5005: 1:58 Chill😂

@yhk4846: 둥글게 둥글게 👏둥글게 둥글게 👏빙글빙글 돌아가며 춤을 춥시다가 하루죙일 머리를 맴돎😱


@MongKyu_OUT: 짝!

@rh3a_am: Gosh i love Thanos

@Eric-10101: This game was terrifying 😭😭😭

@Knockyourselfout89: Thanos hand swaying and his friend head banging . They are so high😂😂😂😂😂

@elinafdrvalina: I love the song , it looks like a death game fr with the desperate and a crazy atmosphere In it , it really suited beingg in the game! Btw , fun fact , the game where u had 5 coloured toy cube stuffs, it was a game from Yakutia.

@viswiniA: Really hoped the number 001 will strike in his head since in the last season game 001 player was the master mind . There were lots of red flags in this season when he called out heros name and when young li witnessed him killing the player to win and he was trying to share with others multiple times still failed .All these moments I thought hero will recollect and understand 001 is the one he is looking for.

@Audrey15001: I want to watch full movie😢

@muhsinfaizal_: (TOP / thanos) was a vibe in this season 2 , hope to see him more in new series

@ordinaryperson769: Inspired from squid game 2, Mingle game play 😂😂😂.

@Evan-hockputer: This is probably the best game in the entire show! It's so stressful!

@SeraphimStardustArtist: this game was such a major inducing anxiety vibe for me. I absolutely love it, truly one of the best games in this series. As soon as the lights went dark, the pounding music went off, and the panic as players rushed to find enough teammates and a room in 30 seconds, god it made me stressed immediately. i know i would be dead round 1 because id have a panic attack. Truly a very well done game, and brings out the worse in people as they shove others out of a room to claim that spot. I had my doubts about a 2nd season going, why would he go back in the game?? after watching it, we ofc learn why, but also they just did a tremendous job with this show.

@AnthonyGaming69420: Thanos the goattt

@AnthonyGaming69420: By far the best game and song was vibes 😎

@marleykim2223: 소름

@chronocross85: This is similar to Musical chairs

@stevenland2600: This is possibly my favorite game in season 2.

@maxtinosl7545: There was no way the guards weren't laughing there asses off seeing thanos

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