Mingle Game Song “Round and Round” Lyric Video | Squid Game: Season 2 | Netflix

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@lxukazz: no bc why is this song so good 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

@iamsultan516: it is now my phone alarm

@tulydas5333: Already know this song from run bts.

@bienbienbien-y8n: 김구 선생님 보고 계십니까😮😮😮

@leesanghong80: ea1b

@배불쥐: 이 노래는 사실 어린이들을 위한 동요야

@rashik3300: Thanos Really Enjoying this Game!! 😂

@ShinjiNinja: Never expected a Korean children song to be the one running on my head non stop going into 2025

@sillybird-t5x: The fact that this music is from pinkfong is crazy

@brianprayoga2740: Next game is Hide and Seek

@ResniTata: Lagu bocil kematian 😢

@jabirhossain8800: This music stuck in my brain 😂 please someone remove it 😂

@Ethand2431: 1 (every one run to the door)

@DuiAmunie: Any one here listen in 2025🎉❤

@nhlakaniphomaduna808: This game was so brutal

@udittlamba: Thanos having the time of life

@stuff8429: bro thanos is such a vibe

@gottfrieddon618: This game is super deadly probably the worst game of Squid Game by far. Bloody !!!!!

@earvinjohnbagolboc2389: If they put this on the second season reality challenge, i'm joining now

@Junaidizhar1234: Don't know why im here addicted

@v4mpjiji: Um

@ahmadalam-c1t: Me 24*7 nowadays: Ring-a Ring-a Riiiiing-a Ring-a Ring-a Ring

@IrmaSaura: thanos 😅

@Omar-ox9yz: Coucou les congolais

@LetshaveFun-tt3jy: Doremon tune

@fireyhitmyfuse: Why is a childrens song so catchy

@rwikha_8: Innkjwhwusvs7wgwudbdkqpqpjdndjdksndix9isjnwks9xjemlspsqkqk

@Fruitbydafooty: This song is such a vibe, If I were stoned like Thanos I’d be dancing so much too 😂

@MohIrvan-g6e: This scene make the song like psikopat song 😂😂😂

@mainakhalder733: Kind of mesmerizing ❤

@josefzdrazil7827: Super music 😂❤❤

@Miiyeon_vloggs: I NEED MORE SEASONS 😭😭💕🙏

@GusNaraYouTubeIndonesia: The fact is they used this song in the movie and it Doesnt look Similiar😭

@Frizzybabe: Why can I only think of hickory dickory dock lyrics with this song? 😅

@Gaming_Univers45: How to search this song ?

@kalaivanan4548: I have this song running through my head😇😵‍💫

@Charakter.aus.gold.1: Tanos war der ekligste 🤮 der Typ nimmt Drogen sowas gehört verboten

@InocencioBarela-p8b: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hahaha

@Blinkpinky_charm: 0:33 Not Thanos vibing to this song. 😭 This scene was my favorite!!

@MBFilms-243: Coucou les congolais🎶 😅❤

@jeongyeonstolejiminsjams: i actually knew this before the show because of skz 😭

@sargissargsyan924: The best ever game 😂😂

@Mylife-lol1: 😂😂😂best series ever

@KSKmusical-f6r: 🔥🔥

@andrewlartey44: From the day I watched this episode the song has been in my head even when am dreaming I still sing the song😅😅😅

@dostq-sk6bs: This is stuck in my head

@kimberlybuenavista3823: "Finding the original song"

@eduardodequina2732: Thanos think his alone 😂😂😂


@ElizabethOlatunji-i6x: Thanos is a legend

@ikhwanbest5760: Music:🧚🏻‍♀️🧚🏼‍♂️💃🏼👼🏼 Game:💀💀💀

@MdAbushahid-w3i: Anyone 2025 ? ;;;;;(🎉😂

@tech-unexpected: Understand>0❎ vibe>100✅

@jesselwinston: Why this song not on Spotify

@kimjtparkofficial3047: It's funny to watch these two players 230 and 124 dancing around that feel in joy and not scared of dying 😅... But seriously the song i heard really creeps me out it's all ways to keep playing music through my head it won't stop😭

@eddiiesalas: The best song of Season 2

@XingShang-b6s: Chinese pop

@cristiannicolas5349: RING - A RING -A RIIIIIING 🗣🔥🔥🔥

@ManishRai-pi1ec: This song make my day

@rishabhkaroshiyarishabhkar7082: Damn fuck is it extraordinary

@Salman51992: This song stuck in my head🤣

@TheStaticCorner: Why this is stuck in my mind ❤

@rounak_singh_dhami: Who is watching in 2025 ?🎉🎉❤

@Ni-cd4qq: 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

@senancavidan17: Super song❤

@FIXU-69: I watched this video 100 times 🎉😂😂😂

@Blackcomb6002: 4.

@EarthMightiest: after it's a small world comes round and round

@ak_45656: Song ❤️ situation 🗿

@premprakash2864: Tue chillest guy of squid game is Thanos 😂

@VithuThivya-bl8dw: Oru மாரி டிங்கி டிங்கி vibe ah இருக்கு but...🗿

@hanzajiez4964: I cant stop replaying this part 0:27

@samiislam8446: Korean lyric is very hard to read. How they even talk this language, It's super mouth mussel frustrating....

@ArnavArnav-zi5fp: this dropped one day ago and I've listened to it over a 100 times already ;-;

@vishalduhra4128: When i listen in mingle game that time I know this song hit 🔥⚡️

@morjhanalycatuazon4497: This was my fav song now it started to be dead 😭😭

@voiceofah: Favorite one ❤

@magfe888: Lots of ketchup on the floor for some reason… maybe they just ate a nice French fry luncheon? 🤔

@babywongfamly3512: Best pulak dengar 😂😂

@C.I.A_hq: "Why are you so quiet? What's on your mind?" Me:

@srivathsonsam406: Sigma male's fav song 😂❤

@ultnvictor7957: 2025 first viral song starts from here 😂🎉

@GuiJack-xp6xi: ฟังแล้วติดหูมาก

@TarminatorTR: 😊😊😊

@BraveAlvarado: I fat it was fun... UNTIL I see the BLOOD

@charlsmestanza4916: Alguien que hable español y se haya vuelto adicto a esta melodía?

@THAKURSAHAB-rf2fi: Thanos😭🙏🏻

@aylaazhuraa: bisa bisanya gada yang joget, beda cerita lagi klo gue disitu😭

@zeeambrose4491: im gonna put this song in my gym playlist 🕺🕺😂

@SOFIEaaaa: The others: 😰 Thanos & the girl: 😁

@jin8545: 한국인 모여라

@KelzangDorji: Here before it goes viral ticket

@officialch3rry: bro this is a hard song lowkey

@wildanzabdan1823: Netizen indo like song❤❤====>

@las-iganramil4492: When I am with this episode, I don't know if im going to laugh or feel sad 😂😂😂

@caophuocthua8672: For me, scenes with this game are the best & so emotional.

@DomicianRepublic: FIREEEE

@evadne14: This a bop

@Jhelopohi_PH: The song: 🥰 The game: 💀💀💀

@jagjitsinghvlogs: On repeat since last year

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