Solo Leveling Season 2 Episode 6 | Jinwoo vs Kargalgan (Manhwa Ver)

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@jamessespene4383: 🥴🥴

@abramphiri8133: I cannot wait to see this

@Heisdevotion: They have to make a new class for Sun jinwoo 😅😂

@Premanandam-ec2ob: Iam

@salaheddineboughanbour9729: 1 more day

@JKirk-iv1kd: Solo leveling is pretty much the reincarnation of dragon ball z

@SatishKumar1991: Can’t wait till Sunday😅

@JIVONTeron-xw3jf: I am very excited to watch

@UpkpabiJoshua: This is what living the dreams looks like

@StylezYung: I'm mad he figured out how to get my sub 😅

@byronmwk: the beats are crazy and accurate based on the type of info💯😂

@zaidlatif2845: I m going to die this one I need to study I don’t care I will fail for this

@EthanClauss-q7b: Can you make a new video of this

@ToNiLeostorys: Great

@GrantHuff-tt7yv: 😢❤❤ thanks for sharing

@Zheos: Bro we all can't wait man

@Subiewrx19: cant wait

@SumeetPaul-uc5rb: I can't wait man for tomorrow

@norhaizanomar2926: Since last night i binged this story in nexflix❤❤❤

@comettvanime4575: Cant't wait to Saturday!!!! Go check out my reaction to S2 E5🔥🔥🔥

@ZenzBusiness: Where I can see free all episodes?

@eggieyeetops4757: Oh no not the pickaxe

@Meco_1164: Just finished watching everything now im exited 😂😂😂

@MAXIMUS10521: Fr

@jplatt812: MC w/hands in pockets = OP AF.

@trinidan_12: I can't wait for this episode

@OshaneColeman: Can't wait till Saturday

@Deadly786: Subscribed because of solo leveling

@azalea12295: 🎉

@Zaromao: I love you sm now ima sub

@not_your_typical_guy: looks like i have to wait 2 more f*cking days

@archiebalintec9388: Nice

@-oxy-522: Cannot wait till Sat😢

@leo-roypaulo6279: Thanks for sharing the episode in advance

@AlexHernandez-b3q: Now I’m starting to see why he’s a bit stronger then goku or what do y’all think?

@tomiwaegbaiyelo2064: Saturday will be exciting...

@la_treta: I'm so hyped to see this animated

@Dhechade17: My second 🥈 favorite anime 💯

@wissergosling995: Thx bro I was so curious about it

@Shacktheboy-c8l: 10:21 hahahaha look at jinwoo face

@OnesetGaming: Langya ang tagal ng Saturday 😅

@jakkularavi5307: Lol I can’t wait until saturday

@MAHESHK._KULARIYA: Intazaar nhi ho rha 😢😭😭

@TANVANTH: All this will be included?in 1ep

@Supermanjinboy: KargalJOHN and EYEgris? Lol WTH are you talking about?

@derrickwheeler-v5w: WHOS WATCHING RIGHT NOW

@zangelrl2153: I might have gotten hard spioled but it was worth it

@Numb010: Can't wait till Saturday 😂

@Adv.MizanurRahmanRahman: I'm 5th

@hftgft6038: I am new subscriber i watch all episode your explain with out skip is super ❤ thanks please make more thanks 🙏

@nejatkivircik1086: 😈

@Arise01.D: nah

@Waster207: What abt season 3???😭😭😭

@sonicu.r.c5613: First

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