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@gabrielmariano7320: 12:42 "Bro got the playlist" had me dead💀💀💀💀

@abhishekrao6017: Fun fact the team working on this ep was a lot similar to the igris ep that's why it has similarities

@sutamaarimbawa674: Love that bear punch

@theoacean: Lol everyone keeps calling Iron tank. Understandable though since he was a tank class when he was human, but the bear is the one named tank just fyi

@MrDairis13: oou guys.. cut the crap with your skins on screen.. its useless and bothers to watch ur vids.. its a straight skip video.. and dislike instead of like..

@ArifullahSharafyar: بچی خر چقه گپ می زنی خاندان ته گایم کیم ده دانت

@ziadbhai-h5k: This fight is nothing compared to the fight will happen in ep 12-13 That fight will be the best fight in solo leveling🔥🔥🔥

@shadowrkz2525: 18:33 After seeing a good party, bro forgot all the previous cocky ones 😂

@peddagollavineeth509: Madyalo nuvvendra madda gadvi

@mrtop4944: What's the song called in this fight scene

@shadowrkz2525: 10:18 If I'm not wrong these are just undead instead of shadow extraction.

@trays1503: The way the anime foreshadows Ashborn tho...

@chalips3870: yeah now that you mentioned it, lot of the highest rank hunter actually decent human being character wise, not a jerk we got some in the future, but that character got reason to act that way ( and that character reflect on his action too)

@GreySeashell-j3m: 20:06 "I figured it might be a challenge but" Well they did say a "higher-end A rank dungeon" only a _few_ high _high_ S rankers could clear those Solo 😅 A single A-rank already requires at least one S ranker (except in the case of the Hunters guild, they had multiple A rankers clear it). SO no, a single mage S ranker couldn't really solo a high-end A rank gate.

@GreySeashell-j3m: 18:34 Exactlyy. That's why I took a break from fantasy manga, or any japanese fantasy novels, bc there's that disconnect. It's culture honestly. Just like how the US will never stop adapting vampire dram and it's overused tropes, most JP stories will never stop making asshole character for convenience lol. KR writng also has its tropes, but the refereshing aspects of "this is how real people with empathy will react" made a lot of people turn to manhwas and manhua's --- even the most basic power fantasies following a formulaic storyline will still have mostly great character writing. All countries will bear their own good and bads in writing lol.

@YaShGUpTaYaSh6567: That one legendary episode is still left maybe even better than IGRIS episode. For those who know 😜. When he get that one as his summon. 😅

@arashdeepkaur1177: Bro, there’s this thing that’s covering everything

@Abangawe212: Before kargalkan death, he see the real shadow monarch..just wanna let you know bro hehe a lil bit of spoiler there

@Sane-One: Now that you mention it, Minsung does look kinda like oikawa😭

@VishnuGamerrYT: Animeworld website is crashed now episode 6 solo leveling

@ralfallama7986: Your reaction is stupid

@YahyaHussein-09: you should watch invincible

@minhaj3232: 12:44 bro got the playlist😂

@mfauzansabil8194: the first time anime that gives me goosebumps all the time

@seana601: EP 6 had it all 🔥🔥🔥 the fights were lit

@redashi: all these reactors have the same thumbnail 😂

@kamalsoliman9021: Bro got the playlist had me rolling on the floor😂😂

@KirakuBread4678: Jeju Island raid will be PEAK

@Izzyw-zw9hf: You aren’t ready for Sun Jin woo this season 💀💀💀

@FuFightersStudio: So basically what the Captain was saying is that even S ranks need to have people cover for their weaknesses. For example Choi could come in and probably blow up a whole bunch of enemies but just like Kargalgan here, once he leaves any opening, as a mage he is finished. The thing is - Jinwoo has no openings as he is basically the perfect 1vs1 class with the ability to always outnumber the enemy on his own as well as a swiss army knife toolbox at his disposal for any situation. Its not even remotely fair :D

@starslight-x3o: 16:12 yeah... he's definitely just seeing his death...

@cybermoja: You are the only reactor who mentioned the new shadow can use the orb of avarice. Nice one.

@X_y-Z111: A1 pictures literally cooked this episode 💥🥵 Season 1 ep 6 : 🥶💥 Season 2 ep 6: 🥵💥

@khankhilji3274: 12:20 Watch one piece ❤ It has world record in these kind of impact fram ❤🔥🔥

@daltonnash6136: It's funny cause all the abilities hunter sung jinwoo has his strength is his highest stat

@rayyanahmed869: Neel man don't disrespect oikawa by comparing to him

@A.I_Visionaries: You ruined this video bcoz uh you talk too much

@nachot6592: The animation is great, although in the manhwa he actually struggled.

@kimberlystubberfield4890: I've watched this five times now. So good.

@Zibi21: Sadly they changed the chain thing as in manga it was not present. He fell on the ground after beign smacked in the face by one of his punches, which would be way funnier and would show how strong he is.

@seanpierce3022: Something to know here, since folks are confused why an S-rank can't solo an A-rank dungeon, is that only a few S-rank dungeons have been cleared in the whole world. In fact, someone who clears an S-rank dungeon becomes known as something more than simply an S-rank hunter, although we'll learn more about that later. That means A-rank dungeons are basically the higher-end of what a normal S-rank can reasonably clear. A-rank dungeons are much more like raids rather than dungeons, if you look at it like an MMO like World of Warcraft. Unless you're in later expansions and your power-crept gear can carry you through, you don't solo raids. So it's highly doubtful that any single S-rank in their nation atm could have soloed that dungeon. More reasonably would be if the S-ranks rallied together, they could have beaten that dungeon and they probably would have brought a bunch of A-rank support to help with the boss-room adds. By the way, the only S-rank dungeon we currently know of was on Jeju Island. It couldn't be cleared quickly enough, so there was a dungeon break and all of the S-ranks at the time and the A and B-rank support they had couldn't beat back the S-rank dungeon break even in all-out war. That's an S-rank dungeon. To most people, basically unbeatable. A-rank dungeons are beatable... with prep and good planning. Jin Woo soloed it with no prep or planning whatsoever. I think my point is conveyed about why fire-guy said he couldn't solo the A-rank dungeon.

@bix3134: Dont ever play "The floor is Lava" with Tusk. Especially if he is holding the Orb of Avarice.

@ihsandotid95: Jinwoo is a shadow monarch, therefore his aura is not human, and the system was created by an architect who was ordered by Ashborn to create a container for the shadow monarch.

@LRsonic: Ok so for gate ranking, it's a little bit different from hunter ranking. D rank gate, u need at least C rank hunter and a few D rank hunter to clear it; C rank gate, u need B rank hunter; B rank gate u need A rank hunter and for A rank gate, u need S rank hunter and a few A rank different type hunter to clear it. As for S rank gate, u need the whole nation to participate. Sometimes they cannot even clear S rank mission for example Jeju island mission. That's why u saw Choi Jong-In join A rank mission few episode ago. After the Hunter association rescan the gate rank, they said it's A rank almost S rank... (at 9:50 ) that's why choi said they deploy all A rank and above hunter and they might even need assistance from other guild. Hope this explain why choi said he cannot clear higher end A rank dungeon by himself.

@PiyushChauhan-e3v: Bro you did not get copyright how😂😂

@navaneedcr7650: Why tf are these episodes only 5 minutes

@pksa750: I was watching this episode on Aniwatch a few minutes ago and Jinwoo named The boss "Fang" not "Tusk" after Reviving him Do these 2 words mean the same thing?

@toshiozukum5363: The other high orc general was stuck on the roof that's why he could turn only 3 of them to his army

@nicane-9966: if he is stronger than the soldier he defeats he will be able to extract immediately without problems unless..... just dont get surprised thats what he will do every single time he defeats a worthy oponent of being extracted...

@13e09: peak

@JoneK-m7n: bro you should try reading manhwa

@TheRetardedOne.: awesome episode even tho didn't read the manhwa but some people saying it's not peak yeah i get it there's more coming but this is great too❤

@fixthetime: Spoiler: Lee Minsung is one of the antagonist in Solo Leveling Sequel.

@clarstrophobia8894: Exactly as you said, most of the characters here are thankful to be saved and be alive for another day as they are aware of their life being as risk as a hunter. Of course we cannot omit other @ssholes like Kim Chul (Iron) but almost all characters truly value their life.

@spencersholden: 12:14 those are called impact frames. Pretty cool right?

@willow69: 15:46 The show will soon tell you where's the 4th one 😂

@sergiotarlit0371: the sub here is different cause the other sub explains the other stuff better.😂 The only thing that people like here is tusk name and in the other sub is fang( but highlighted as tusk in the screen). But people said they are following the novel not the manhwa.

@alden2085: "To be fair, those were just bottom of the bottom soldiers." Yeah, bottom of the bottom soldiers that almost slaughtered an A-rank dungeon raid team.

@29-vibhusingh74: 12:40 same reaction when i saw him using songs as spells, Bro bout to drop a fricking album.

@LapseBlueRR: Tank is the BIG BACK BEAR Iron is the A grade hunter turned b¡tch

@kirito-of8ne: 12:15 that write hand drawing things is call ''Impact frame'' i believe. really cool hit moment on animation.

@arcadchristophertopher2381: I love it. ❤❤❤❤ but can you give a good video with HD for the viewers

@cytherpk8225: Best episode of peak leveling 🗿🍷

@Anime-23HD: Solo​leveling​ Full video available in My Folder😘

@darkmuiking: 0:52 he imagined it.

@kirito-of8ne: solo leveling being crazy in this season too!!! really got hype on this ep.

@ShinobiItachi-s2f: Is that motherhood.e map Mrs..

@KaylixYT: pre

@i_am_the_monkey_king: 15:45 Heh. Because, the forth guy is planted into the ceiling. 😂

@Shrikant-vz3up: Bro I also upload video but always copyright strike come it is because I'm not showing my face of I add my face then I will be able to upload video

@emanuel12784: Just a quick rundown of why normally being ranked above a dungeon doesn’t mean you can clear it: Normally, in video games, the recommended level for dungeons, is done with a party in mind, with healers, tanks, etc. so you would need to be absurdly overleveled to be able to solo it

@bfuqua55: that something i really like about this anime is everyone is down to earth and if you think you are better than everyone else chances are your going to die for it. so the guild master admitting he couldn't clear an High end rank A Gate is so real cause he know his strengths and it makes me like him more as a character for that. With great power come great responsibility and not even for your actions but for the actions of everyone around you.

@haroldgarzon4548: Bolas kaayu kag reaction aaay

@Motivated-Mind-hz: At this point it's not even a raid, it's a one sided massacre

@cheniquabouameur879: But keep your mouth shut for a little bit

@NRTuf: That last bit, was to do with him acting to be hunger sung! 😂 They are protecting hunter sung because his dad possible may not be his dad, 15 years stuck in a dungeon, And who knows what type of dungeons or dungeon there where, between those 15 years. So most likely his dad may confront also the wrong hunter sung! 😮 I hope I haven’t spoiled anything, personally when I watch something I work it out real quick. I also reckon hunter sung will possible fall in love, but I reckon she already fall for him and she may be her second companion for the rest of his hunts after. I personally also think that next episode he will heal his mum before he makes a choice on what he wants to do, pick a guild or will he be always a solo man doing what ever he wants, he wants them to follow him instead of him following anyone else because he knows no one can compare what his worth. What I meant about the top bit was during the end of the episode the hunter association found someone that looks like hunter sung to hide the real hunter sung’s identity. That guy was an actor and if use pause it shows a script of him acting to be hunter sung.

@Soonerfan56: Bro u gotta talk less bro im just trying to watch it fr

@mhmgamer2.061: 16:46 TUSK🔥

@chandralalnamadevan1927: 15:53 you didnt see the 4th guy because he didnt get to revive him since he send him flying to the roof before the battle even started 😅 he technically never came down 😂😂😂

@jirensan7501: 😢

@amateurplaygames6435: Nahhh NO WAY!!!!.... can't believe they ADDED THAT??!!!.... it's fckin GRAND MARSHALL BELION!!! Holy sht

@Kuromueina.: Igris is only Knight rank fyi, Tusk is above igris Which is Elite Knight Rank at least for now 😅

@AsranZala: Godddd damnnnn igris in action 😍😍😍

@avirmalongiakash2005: There is so many cocky asshole type of character in anime because in Japan people are very competent if they have the slightest feeling that you are better than them they immediately think of you as a rival in their mind even though you have nothing to do with that.

@syahrullifesnr6033: 12:42 Tusk has the urge to maximize Spotify wrapped this year

@mamaloyomo: I love how he took the orcs midbattle. They are smart enough to realize their fate, which was SO demoralizing lol

@Leleominator: That is not them...

@_loid: Nice animation, one of the best fighting scene in anime history

@jroooooo7-w1s: you thing you can cut the lines in half next time please ❤

@N94-z6s: Sung rizzy-woo is in aura farming again. 🔥

@aeonise: Some differences from the manhwa: – Jinwoo bounced the one elite guard off the ceiling and floor more (mimicking Kargalan with Kihoon) before leaving him embedded in the ceiling. – Monarch's Domain was explained to boost the power of all shadows in it by 50%. – Song/Hymn of Protection was an actual shield shape, not like a chunk of ice, and Kargalan didn't throw it at Jinwoo. There are some other minor liberties taken with that part of the battle, mainly Kargalan throwing out more spells than in the manhwa. – That "glitch" part is also supposed to be the first time we hear the word Monarch as Kargalan fights against the system's control to wonder if Jinwoo is the Monarch and implies that they should not be fighting each other if that is the case. And we missed the exchange between Iron and Tank after they kill the last elite guard (Iron, not Igris, knocks the guard over to be smushed by Tank, then gives Tank a thumbs-up while Tank raises a paw; it's oddly adorable). – The weird multi-dragon fire thing was completely new, so don't think the glitchy effects on it mean anything. The last Song of Fire and chain thing was also a new addition (and the Association team arrived a little before that). Instead, after destroying the eye, Jinwoo thought he couldn't land a decisive blow on an enemy that large, so he dismissed his dagger and just punched Kargalan to his knees, which also broke the gigantification. After that, the shadows of Kargalan's three elites killed him. – Last, Choi did not learn of the changed dungeon measurement in the manhwa, and he was much more shocked to learn of Jinwoo's involvement and what our boy can really do.

@howell_: 17:09 "I thought you were a carrier" Jinwoo: I am tho, I carry your whole team

@progamerplaytime: This could be appearing form shorts 🔥🔥

@NerfVroomvroom: Who's kargalgan?i only know my goat Tusk 🗿🗿🗿🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯😱😱😱🗣️🗣️🗣️

@mrninjashorts5378: ye lee min sung definitely has the oikawa look and his personality too 😂

@laurasibob1106: Also, the reason why "the ultimate weapon" can't do what Jinwoo can is that he's really just that, a big gun. He can nuke, he can do area of denial, but that's really it. He has good perception and magic, but his speed, strength and constitution aren't up to par. How could he handle hundreds of orcs, elite champions and a powerful caster by himself, when a single hit could kill him? Jinwoo has 5 stats somewhat evenly distributed, with his strength being a bit above the rest of his stats at this point in time. Everyone else gets 2-3 stats upgraded, so that's why he's just op by comparison. Also, he's got more skills than most people. The A-rank tank had a taunt skill and that's it. The mages even had a few spells and the ability to thinker with some magic. Meanwhile he has stealth, an aoe debuff, an aoe buff, summons that far exceed anyone else's ability, powerful telekinesis that doesn't even cost him mana and even weapon skills. Hell, he also has the shop that gives him health and mana potions. He's stacked by comparison, so despite being theoretically the same rank as others, his fivefold more competent than most anyone else.

@laurasibob1106: tbf there's a lot of cocky strong guys in here too. Hell, Iron was like that. He thought he could solo the red gate and instantly left the weaker hunters to die with no regards. He was an A-rank. There's also that S-rank that wants jinwoo dead, and a few more that will show up in the future. The "Hunters" guild is a particularly good one with a nice environment that promotes the responsability of being a hunter, that's why everyone was nice and down to sacrifice themselves for the chance of Jinwoo escaping, as he alone didn't really sign up for fighting life and death in their eyes.


@speedhunter7303: At this rate..we're definitely going to reach 'Jeju Island' ..

@AngelNg-f8n: 10:37 just to be clear...whoever did this subtile not only didn't do the line justice, but also misled it completely. In the manhwa, Kargalgan said: "No way...could he be...The (REDACTED)" (and then the glitch effect happened), so this scene was meant to show that Kargalgan recognizes this power of Jinwoo, or implying about the truth of his identity

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