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@ishanbanerjee4885: If they did this one so nicely i am not worried about the fight with antaresНаписать
@hitstun101: calling it rn hes gonna revive gyu (the healer) and user his healing as a shadow to heal her
@d2solo: 9:57 “a tongue and a half” had me dying💀💀💀
@kathdemitry1259: Goh have godly animation if only maybe they stick with this kind of animation. And with great pacing not cramping many arcs in one season. 😢😢😢
@AbhiBhai862: " THE BLACK ONE " can now become fan favourite BERU
@MackenzieBoyes-o5x: Jin woo hitting that pause menu mid fight and upgrading his skill tree 😂
@MackenzieBoyes-o5x: Ant king really pulled out the transformation just to turn his fingers into kitchen knives 😂
@legends9642: Bro what about re zero... I want see re zero reaction more
@kdaa-v4g: Is Sung Jin-Woo japanese? or korean?
@kurkdaugdaug7832: can someone explain how japan is not watching the public broadcast
@fredoliguz: Goto didn't do anything at all The Chairman is like one of the best characters, at least for me In the first season those potions didn't work on Jinwoo once like with Cha in this chapter, let me explain that, like in a game let's say that the character has 100HP, for the potion if the character is like at 25% or less of HP, is not going to work, you have to automatically heal yourself or be healed with magic
@San.Garcia: This is the best anime of all time. Ju jitsu kaisen who!?
@FateArcher-e6z: Beru has a skill call Gluttony where when he Eat someone he will gains their memories, power and skill
@Getou2346: Bro i readed whole manhua but still got goosebumps
@NickzGozon: Where did you. Watch it sir?
@Boys_kvn: Even the bgm was sooooooo op... 💀... Just next lvl animation... They forgot they had a budget
@JonnsonGache-h8r: Please stop talking I can't focus watching
@aeonise: I'm curious if anyone who read the novel can answer whether Jinwoo struggled against the black ant there. The tone of the battle was completely different in the anime from in the manhwa. Also, I'll have to go against the popular opinion and say this fight let me down a little. Between all the differences and the amount of "two featureless beams moving around" animation style I strongly dislike, this just didn't really do it for me like the previous fights (even those like Kargalan where liberties were taken). Anyway, on to the differences that stood out to me: - There was no technical problem with the camera. Instead, the television network cut the broadcast before the public could see the black ant destroy the strike squad. When he saw Jinwoo appear, they resumed the broadcast as a live feed. - Jinwoo started raising ants immediately after ariving and killing a few. - The black ant's ice attacks didn't happen. - Jinwoo was never surprised for more than a moment and didn't really struggle at all. He started cracking parts of the ant's exoskeleton after just a couple exchanges, and the outcome of the battle was never in question. - The dagger skill upgrade happened in the middle of him destroying the ant, not just in the nick of time to survive. - The chase when the ant tried to run the first time didn't really happen. Jinwoo caught him instantly. - The other ants' attacked when the black ant was desperately looking for something in which he was superior to Jinwoo, and he thought of the number of soldiers he commanded. Jinwoo then summoned the rest of his shadows. - Jinwoo also didn't try the Elixer of Life on Cha. (Incidentally, I don't consider this a plot hole since he barely knew her at that point, and using that on a stranger, even a powerful hunter, would seem out of character for him) It makes me unreasonably happy to see Gun-Hee's chair-arm destruction scene made it in, though. I always laugh at that moment.
@TVX_Swarn09: Are you feeling the song 😊😮
@epikphail9898: Jinwoos eyes at the end gets me thinking he's gonna use Arise. I hope he's uses it in the Healer cause it'll make him more powerful, so maybe he could heal Cha
@Head_To_Eagle_Gaming: Getting 140k in just 9 hours shows how over power peak leveling is💀🔥🔥
@yaseenhussain1178: Manhwa is 🔥>>>> anime 💩......ngl anime adaptation is cringe af🤢🤮
@michael09871: Remember neil there was a s rank hunter that was killed there to. She has a chance.
@kavithabency987: 3 cliffhangers in a row wtf
@Yura-sa: Cliff Hanger leveling is real
@Andrekllr: The telekinesis is called "Ruler's Hand". And he looked fine at the end because he heals whenever he levels up, and he leveled up twice. And the "Elixir of Life" is only supposed to cure ANY illness. Not injuries. He also healed from the poison based on the buff he got from the temple when he first got the system. That is why he can't get drunk, and he also wasn't effected by the curses Tusk threw at him. Beru "shrinking" his body was him compacting it down and going from prioritizing strength to speed. He also acquires memories and skills from the things he eats.
@fckihate69jokes: Plenty of changes from the source material but at this point I'll just accept the fact that it's a different version.
@base30: Comparatively manhwa is better
@devinedragoon: he didn't level midfight on of his skills did
@alexrai2825: 11:42 l like the animation style of beru(ant king) evolution and (ant king Vs shadow monarch)begin & I was like finally a worthy opponent there battle will be legendary.🤩🤩🤟🤟😍😍
@dragoonxgamer: 15:33 you are wrong its not because the 99% can't perceive that fast even national rank and s rank hunters and some other might too that can keep up with that won't be able to see a thing, its not because they can't perceive that fast, the thing is that the camera which is being used to broadcast that live stream cant keep up with that speed even the highest quality like Sony HDC-F5500 Ultra-High Frame Rates up to 120 FPS in 4K and that's nothing compared too what the others S rank (present) are seeing. You would require a Caltech's T-CUP (Compressed Ultrafast Photography Camera which can Captures 10 trillion frames per second, making it the fastest camera in the world. It can literally freeze light in motion you cant live stream that much frames becuase the file will be too big too be live steam and other limitations is that there is no capable hardware that can run that many frames even The highest refresh rate display in the world is an experimental 40,000Hz (40KHz) display developed by researchers at INRS (Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique) using a specialized laser-based system wouldn't be able to display that and most of the uses are typically has a 60hz display and some might even go to 240hz and 520hz.
@Tonyo_101: Good Job to the animators! I can't put it in words or words can't express my joy and appreciation for this episode. I'm a Manwha reader and they give total justice to this fight. Even surpassing my expectations. And I was wondering how they will animate the ultimate skill, Mutilation? Ahhhhhhhhhh.. Perfection!!! This is the climax episode for this season, for a fight scene. But I will say this... the next episode will be a climax episode of this season too but for a different reason. If i will put it in words... "A sweet treat for all of us and to expect in the future seasons" - especially for the nonManwha readers.
@azura9801: 16:48 i did the same lol 😂
@Deb_40: I see in the comments section people have much much more expectations from this fight .. but guys animators are humans too they've done their best.. i appreciate their efforts.. so don't always compare anime with manhwa.. just enjoy the episode or else u can give it a 1 star rating too
@antonino1000: hands down the best episode from this season
@landonkenney7283: You have to think about the Elixir as a Cure Disease spell rather than a Full Heal spell
@mackyrazor1017: i was expecting a bit long fight and struggles but Jinwoo seems to power overwhelming and full buff ready 😅😅.. GGWP
@primal1233: Jin-Woo is the GOAT🗿🔥
@prajenkarmacharyasecc5262: I am dissipointed with this ep
@jdgamer3519: Thing is not just generic audience eyes could not keep up with the speed. The framerate on the camera would also gatekeep them from seeing anything.
@mac23806: This anime is some garbage bs everyone sucking on the tootsie pops that is this trash isekai
@sidd5218: Take my word next episode they’re gonna delete the scene where byung gyu is extracted instead he gonna extract beru and he’ll heal cha hae in
@SurajSingh-so5fh: Well as neel said u might be top if there was no jinwoo. Manhwah readers know there are pretty much around 10 or more stronger living humans than ant king. And probably stronger than current jinwoo too. 😅
@ZouSS34: looks maxxiing mewing aura+1000
@Prism_2-3: And the screen is like kinda black soooo why?
@Prism_2-3: I was hyped up at usual
@friap5224: At this point call it Cliffhanger Leveling cause every episode the cliffhanger gets worse 😭
@Ananyakrisnaa07: The black ant has the skill glutony in which whoever he eats he can get their powers and memories for example when he killed the Korean s rank healer he gained his healing magic and his interest in historical dramas
@RootedLegacy: Jinwoo was like a spider compared to that ant lol
@RootedLegacy: Best anime of all time bro this is what I call anime no bullshiting around no boring fights
@randomguy3080: So glad they have the chairman getting hyped to see his boy Sun Jinwoo arrive, real recognizes real
@BimalaRoka-w4e: Cameraman lever die😂😂😂😂
@lgaxeyt6602: Bro how fast are u talking in the intro
@manatadlouieb.4987: So peak that they removed the opening
@c3p6: I love how Go GunHee wasn’t even the slightest bit worried, he was just purely hyped up to see his boy JinWoo pop off 🔥
@aldousaldous9624: Finally we can see many skill animation from the game
@123jbuster: top 5 fights for me🔥 1. Igris 2 Beru 3.Barca 4.Baran 5.Tusk
@seanpierce3022: I like how Neel caught that he used the Japanese ice man's powers, since this ant can eat his foes to grow stronger. It's never explicitly stated in the anime, but it's shown several times. Also, I love how it's hard to catch but, after the ant's metamorphosis, Jin Woo uses stealth and immediately gets attacked by the ant, once more showing us that stealth abilities are useless against it. And Jin Woo looks surprised cause he wasn't there when the ant first showed us this. So many little details in this fight that are amazing.
@liv4576: 10/10 Bro 🔥🔥
@therealguy5424: bro..u pausing too much ...if u watching cinema can u pause it???....comeon neel
@Garsingr: horrible animations at some point disapointment
@TeresaQuilit-b6x: The great yapping video ever
@ryanantazo4246: Nxt fight that will broke the internet is drippy woo vs national hunter.
@Riddlerint1202: Atleast we got the fight could you imagine the reaction from people if it ended with them staring at one another or when sung first gets hit
@chadmerfalen8698: Is I am guessing, they might give us episode 13.
@Sif3r: No, it only works on Ailments, not injuries.
@Husso_mobile: You Should try the game after this Solo leveling: Arise
@markfive4903: i still think they really wanted to release a back to back as a surprise but someone had to spoil it, so they decided not to do that anymore 😂
@tsukigamitempest6686: 100k views in 6h Shi is fire as usual 😊
@DistanceVideoStudio: The ant couldnt move because he used rulers touch on it
@Tsg.fahadkhan: Those dislike 1.6k on crunchyroll i hope i find them bitches npc
@dustinoneil7874: I was reading the comment section and a Korean pointed out that at the end of the episode right after Jin woo says what I’m I supposed to do, there a very screechy voice that speaks to Jin woo, and if your English it will sound like nothing but the Korean explain it’s in Korean, so in English it says “use my power” Crunchyroll literally forgot to subtitle this! Thank the Korean guy!
@Tsg.fahadkhan: 14:31 😢 peak 6:25 😢😢 absolute 🎦
@nnill6880: The ultimate passive skill is being the cameraman
@Brandon-eo2hj: 13:55 How I feel when I fittingly play Dual Blades in Monster Hunter
@kjconline2137: Fighting colors inspired by Diablo vs Violet.😅
@TheAMVsyclone: has a whole army of shadows backing him up and yet he soloed the boss fight Beru aint shit crawl like an ant
@gigavenomes7981: Ant King is now my new favourite character.🥶🔥
@ErankPlayer: They broke a part of the land, now it's a cliff
@MikasaChanTV: Jinwoo came personally to give the Ant King a copyright strike for using Dark Aria last episode
@bobbymckeel1034: I’ve seen a lot of people downplaying the ants as if they aren’t strong but ants can lift 10 to 50 times their body weight so if you put me up against an ant that is the same size as me yeah I’m getting packed up immediately
@Johndeanstad: It crashed for me😢
@OhioOhooop: I can’t see any thing pls remove the top part
@DOnePersonal: From this, we know that Demon King Baran is far stronger than the Chimera Ant King. Well, it's obvious since Baran was a former Monarch. If Jinwoo were to face Demon King Baran, there's no way he would dare take a direct hit like he did against the Chimera Ant King—he wouldn’t even be able to breathe.
@The_Hāwkie: Most fascinating things about this fight is that the ant king was really clever, and he actually was planning his moves, and he almost succeeded then Jin-wo's skill upgraded, he felt that something changed something happened in that exact moment and destroyed his fighting plan
@Jao-aj: I think he's gonna revive the guy that has the healing power, I didn't read the manga, it's just the only way to save the girl. And because of that he's gonna get a lot of hate from other S-ranked hunters especially Beak.
@wahtu9745: Real winner was A rank camera man 😂
@wahtu9745: Ant scene here is better than HxH. Now im a HxH fan, it was just too much narration. Solo Leveling takes the cake here.
@sushilpatel6457: is this just me or does 13:00 remind me of tiga and aomine from kurokos' basketball
@Alvis183: man I just wanna forget that I watched this episode so that I can watch it again lol everything was just soooooo perfect😭
@xxxplayer6934: 8:10 the Chairman broke the chair man
@KunaTheKiller: Bruh is that hiroyuki sawano when ant change into rage mode?
@maciekmazur5580: 8:06 He isn't 'chair'man for nothing...
@MegaLD95: 6:50 I don't think he necessarily gets their memories but that is the same thing Goto said before he got killed.
@slrpex637: is beru s voice actor the same one for galand ? because he sounds similar kinda fits they end up the same way
@Makarovsir: Read the manga..This is shii compared to the manga
@spiderbroxPrime: @Neel desai Bro you should react/try to play wuthering waves it is amazing and fantastic as well fascinating as well and amazing story and it will be worth it as well!!?!?!?
@MegaCman13: hunter cha is gonna have to wait til next year
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