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@kennethabante2553: Sadly all demons cannot be extracted cause their mana is corrupted

@carlole-jeanlangeveldt1168: Still feel like Baruka had the best fight 🔥

@rawminz117: Need a bit of context on why the ants r a threat I will be Mr aninews for this. Ps there are no spoilers here just mention context that was cut out during this episode. The Association and all the guilds raided jeju island due to it having a massive gate however they failed the first time and the second then on the third one of bakye and Choi Jung inns died he is thunder hunter u see in season 1 ep 1 and the way he died fucked up choi real bad that’s why he still has PTSD and is one of the main reasons he wants to kill all the ants but the anime did say this but I think u may have missed it 1 normal ant is = strength to 1 A rank hunter. Also he his due to chrunchyroll ass translation but the Japanese guild is called the blade guild not the draw sword guild. And the reapers are called the fein guild hopefully they fix this in the future but that’s all I want to say there are small things that were cut but we will leave that for aninews cut content to cover.

@ANDREW.XAI.001: Bro your fucking up the movie am trying to watch type shit

@letsg9550: and take note Baran is a Demon Monarch and Rizz Woo became a Shadow Monarch when he got the secret job mybe necro. is the job they saying but the actual title and job Jinwoo got is being a Shadow Monarch. this is the 2nd time Monarch is being said Baran and Jinwoo Shadow and Demon Monarch and their shadow rank Igris and Tank became elite knight rnk after he defeat the 89 floor but Kina "Tusk" when Rizzwoo extract Tusk he is already Elite Knighy Rank so Tusk has a higher rank than Igris and Tank mybe stronge and Demons has no soul so rizzwoo cant extract shadow from demons and he said the dragon is not a demon and has soul The Demon Monarch can summon Demons and the Shadow Monarch can summon Shadows does that mean a monarch is like a Leader or a King of their kind.hhmmpp

@XDEMONFAN-j7f: Beru......

@carljohan9265: Esil calls him Jinwoo-sama. Just saying 😏

@thomasvlie1: just wait for the jeju arc fight , now that will be glorious

@pawnee2419: Now that you mention the OST it does sound similar to Eminence and can’t get it out of my head. 😂 By the way I loved your reaction to Eminence I hope you continue reacting to it when the movie drops and eventually s3 hopefully 🥹.

@AI-my9tb: "This is the best fight in solo leveling " He will prove himself wrong just after few episodes

@Iws2025: boys we will get our butler soon

@AverageGator: I'm gonna miss you so bad😭 your reactions are so much fun

@AI-my9tb: They didn't animated national level hunter in this episode 😭😭😭 so disappointing

@V1zang: Ruler’s Hand is so broken lmao. 0 mana cost to just rip off both Baran’s arms off a distraction.

@AverageGator: You won't be here next week!?😭😭😭

@NickTzy777: Btw neel the fairy tail 100 year quest season 1 has ended when are you and fax will start it watch again.

@theaverageperspective: my favourite part of bros reactions is that he acts like he didnt sped run the manga

@Arktic325: React to Sakamoto days


@007-q6v6p: You need to look at this in the Manwah cause I feel like its different few small things are not there and I like the Facial expression in the Manwah way more

@Kenzo_cant_edit: 9:10 Bro did not keep his promise of going out to dinner with the B rank hunter Lee Johee. I kind of feel bad how she got left alone like that.

@bozidarkostoski9104: 11:32 he cant extract the demons due to the mana being corrupted... they said that when jinwoo first came into the demon castle even if esil were to die he wont be able to extract her due to mana being corrupted

@serco_by: 7:48 🤨

@horror-9720: I watched it 10 times 3 times with 0.5 playback speed that scene is a masterpiece

@A1RTA1L: This is a certified *ABSOLUTE CINEMA*

@emmanuelikwuogu4825: Why is the screen covered

@rajrajeshwarpagare158: These subtitles are not that good.....gogoanime has better subtitles

@fathonai7645: Yeah, you didnt know that there are hunter rank S from India as well

@BetYuNo7: 1:22 HUH

@marklouiscornea134: bro wants a demon baby.

@bengieDMZ: Beru is coming… better brace yourself because if you thought this fight was good, you ain’t seen *nothing* yet…

@tobimastermind4583: Neel you should react to RWBY it's so good

@trevortrampe1632: Bro, in the manwha he strait took the mans upper torso off along with his head with that punch. But, God damn that was a fuckin fire fight, they definitely did it justice

@AStixMatism: I think this is the best overall fight from a production standpoint but I like Igris's fight more since we never see any enemy in the story absolutely DOGWALK post-system Jinwoo the way Igris did Igris had so much aura he was still out aura-farming jinwoo in the last arc

@johnnycurtis2454: Just wait for beru

@AgungNugroho-zw1vr: Monsters and demons are different. What Jinwoo entered was the Demon Castle, not the Dungeon. Everything in the Demon Castle was a Demon, not a Monster, except for the Wyvern that Demon Monarch Baran rode.

@The-wo4du: The sound design in this anime is also peak

@rizalzalaludin261: He's activating everything😂

@ethan_redwind6766: 21:56 In the novel Jinwoo said his strenght was "over 200"

@asscraby: this is not the real demon was made by the system....

@lazarwiiii: Cha-He doesn't need to know about Esil, ehat happens in dangeon, remain in dangeon:))

@Testimony201: 19:26 Jinwoo eviscerated Baran’s head. Damn💜🥶this is the best fight In Solo leveling sp far.

@MustafaShexan: I thought that elf was Jinah cuz here hair was dark purple too

@MustafaShexan: How is episode 8 arleady out?.?

@hypecentric: You’re trippen , Igris was the best fight

@hypecentric: It was weak , igris fight still the best one

@FluffyWabbit-h6q: USA will soon be in contact with them hehhe

@creativelifecapture7583: Great thumbnail my man. Good job whit the colours 🙏

@FRenz1x: 11-25. he wont be a soldier. Shadow resurrection doesn't work on demons. Jing wu said it in some episode

@Akshay_PJO: 5:35 The Irregular at Magic High School also had that in the second season onwards, with the US magic armed forces. Btw you gonna react to seasons 2 and 3? It's a pretty good show

@LavanyarajuBale: That's why call him goat🔥🔥

@SSkurai: Manhwa nerfed SJW so much in this fight, he was a lot more "intelligent" in the Novel and did not even need Esil's help like the Manhwa tried to drive...

@thelostuchihazoro: 3:11 hunterxhunter flashbacks 💀💀

@tikai10: ngl the next episodes will be fire. A-1 Pictures doing a great job with the animation.

@rayyanahmed869: just wait until beru

@chandralalnamadevan1927: @Neel 5:28 not just Japan soon you will see a lot of country join in with their S rank hunters as the show go on

@chandralalnamadevan1927: 😂😂😂😂😂 this demon elf girl 😂😂 design looks like Jin Woo sister ......behave like Jin Hoo 😂😂😂😂 and character like Hajinmal the frost dragon son from Overlord😂😂😂

@WaifuMonarch: their family is the weakest of the demon nobles that's the reason why she acted so cowardly lol

@ncity_prs5327: From Manhwa readers perspective, this the Best fight so far so im so dam excited to see THAT fight in this near future. BRO that in the manhwa was CRAZY. Animation was doing AMAAAAZING so far. I expect a lot with that fight!!!. NEW BOY IS COMING YALL!

@iAmMysticalxo: Bro my jaw was on the floor. Its crazy he saved her life and she saved his. I ship them. And also he’s the bridge to maybe bring both dimensions to work together?

@jshreyas1882: 9:30 YOU AIN'T BEATING THE ALLEGATIONS 😂😂

@ZayDeeYT: We finally got Kaisel in anime next episode 😢❤

@TopuAhmed-sx9fi: Beru vs Jinwoo 😎😎😎

@wafIeee: also cool detail to notice: that final uppercut literally caused baran to self destruct because his beam attack blew up inside him 😂

@randomdude6737: 11:23 chat does he know?

@AM-jx3zf: Sung rizz woo

@黑衣人-t9p: 06:05 You can listen to Korean-dubbed anime, which sounds like chanting sutras.

@wafIeee: 8:48 my man desai already a part of her family 😂😂

@Riddlerint1202: Unfortunately demons can’t become shadows which is why he doesn’t have a bunch of new demon shadows from this tower

@wafIeee: peak fiction

@skymeows1286: them sending 10 s ranks and the general as a mean to bait the enemy out so the other team strikes em down = doing nothing??:D

@nyte75: Can't wait to watch him fight Beru.🔥

@research193: I wanna see arised kaisel

@N.Cabello: I think it reminded him of his sister. That's why he protect her

@ChaminduDilshan: Damn Esil

@Percivar: 17:00 i think you missed the point there They mentioned facing "thousands of ants" If one Ant is A or B rank then 10 of them facing thousands is actually more risky than going for the boss they dont know much about Either way, 10 S ranks can never beat thousands of A rankers so its a holding them off thing

@peeyushbhandari1621: Why cant they make it a 24 ep season why 12 ep seeing beru not in action seems disappointing .

@rifaldofjri: u wouldn’t be ready for the raid of jeju island💀

@ShadowStorm9213: He can extract the shadow of demons it is just that these demons arent real they are created by the system. So they are not real living beings the only one he can extract is the wyvern as that is a livng being and names it Kaisel

@yudhajitroychoudhury4475: There are so many epic episodes to come throughout this series that internet will 'glitch' beyond repair

@IamBetterlol: Jinwoo hasn't really struggled against anything since igris, so this was a nice change of pace. I really hope they do the jinwoo vs beru fight justice bcuz that's gonna be the finale of this season.

@natsuo3224: Solo leveling, my ass... He always needs help left and right to kill a boss or he just died already like a few times now and people always praise Jinwoo not the shadow or people around him too lol

@yudhajitroychoudhury4475: Every episode shadows (pun intended) the previous one

@GurjantSingh-hr5fc: Does anyone know where to watch new ep in english dubbed !? I really need it 🥺😭

@REALGAMING88888: Absolute cinema 🎥✋😆🤚

@Yash.08-1: A spoiler or hype u can consider whatever u want but this is not even the peak of solo leveling ☠️ i repeat not even the peak

@JAYED3: 23:10 basically solo leveling is new gen dragon ball. Just enjoy the simple story with insane fights and gusbamp

@HTD12GAMING: Just getting Excited for Jeju Island Arc 🔥🔥

@Pussolf-Kitler: Scariest part is its just a clone of real Baran 💀

@AylmerRanCastiel: Korea just announce their 10th s rank. Drawn sword guild alone have 11 😅

@shadowrkz2525: It's like Jinwoo said. Someone with a screw loose is most of the time fun to have 😅


@Legend_is_gaming: We getting Demon Route with this one!!!!!!

@King-415: As a manhwa reader....the plot of this anime is anything but simple.....the anime only fans are not ready for whats coming and it will be a banger fight with the other monarchs and finally when all the limiters are removed from jinwoo...then all hell will break loose

@josephjauregui9776: I don't get why necromancy doesn't work on demon souls.

@dranoradragonqueen1494: sorry but we are going to take his pet not him.

@Koopacetic: The Korea Strait is only ~120miles wide. The Hunter Association showing they can fly to mainland Korea proved to Japan that this was an issue they were going to be the next in line to feel, if Korea fails a fourth time.

@neksizer1133: Just to remind you, he can't extract shadows from defeated enemies in quest dungeons.

@KilyiaFL: can't remember if it's this ragnarok or the manga but I think somewhere it said something about not being able to rez demons

@ibrahimsurti4922: Goto Ryujis guild has more S tanks than the whole country of South Koreas, infact so many s ranks they even clear gates outside of Japan Second biggest guild in Asia, biggets belongs to a Chinese Sung jin woo has 3 S Ranks now

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