Squid Game: Season 3 Trailer | Netflix (4K)

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@ScreenCultureOfficial: The Fantastic Four: First Steps | New Trailer 🌀 https://youtu.be/0tC4k1BRJdY — w/🆕footage!

@DeepakKumar-xc3mv: Wait for 3 years ago 😂😂😂

@Little562-v6b: Maybe there will be players who will return to Squid Game 3, because if we look closely, there is a coffin in the burning place that is still alive.

@Sidraa452: I am so excited squid game new season3

@NotAYoutuberBruh: This guy kept Posting AI trailers...

@CultiGamer: Squid game s3 all games> https://youtu.be/4DoDrGz5_G8?si=7Ai47nld0BSMCOA8

@AnjaliGautam-bq3nl: Batu

@Julietkitty-f5p: i love squid game who's with me ?

@titantacurong: Hell nah this ai bro

@bnshop8384: 120❤❤

@UncancelableTrevor: is young hee’s bf wearing stockings (i saw it in the thumbnail

@Cormer883: Imma still wacth the guard move sigma only🤑🤑🤑 bcuz l am kid🤑🤑🤑

@BabftWorkers: I scrolled down and I miss saw the thumbnail for a second.

@Kenshiro-qg5vv: Ai?

@Дарья-х4и2м: ТОЛЬКО НЕ ШОВОРИТЕ ЧТО КИ ХУН УБЬЁТ ИН ХО В 3 СЕЗОНЕ 456+001 = ♥️♥️♥️ 457КАНОН

@Progamerkrisphi5thac: Real❌️ Random Ai video✅️ S2 clips✅️

@CometFinder-3m: Nah Bro Its Coming on June 27

@ктопукнул-ч5ц: 1:02 WHAT A.

@jauharyunusrahman907: Is the next game Dongdaemun, Monkey Bar DS and Human Chess, and will Gi-hun be the new frontman?

@Lisa-w1l5l: ហាយ😂

@HamzahShazwanHafiz: Bro the thumbnail 💀🙏

@dreyesbattle: who is in the casket?

@Berranurbilgen2: Player 388 is actually working for Frotman, haven't you noticed? That's why he's afraid of everything and hides his identity. I wonder if 388 and Gihun will die?

@PhaethonRomeGarcia: Is this ai

@andistiktokland2046: The jack and jill is a two dolls not London bridge. The London bridge is a new game season 3 has a new boy doll and death train is a stop a train

@BloxfruitsisthebestgameOMG: It was a good edit tho but cmon it was ai

@Jianmarco-v6k: Squid game season 2 have

@shahanali5706: The thumbnail was wild 💀

@DYLAN_AND_KENZ: It’s not jack and Jill it’s actually London Bridge

@Digitalchaos77: Oh how I wish this was real

@Roygaming9386: There is a 1 thing that all of you missed So in "Puss in boots" there is a couple named Jack and Jill and if you look in the trailer there is a 2 doll called Jack and Jill

@hanharesttt: Let's go 🔥

@nezukowantssubs: Idc if the other players oof I just want player 222 jun-hee to make it

@wertleman1497: I can't wait till season 3 comes out!

@Fedecol: Jack and Jill is an ingland game not corean

@lxshiir11: When I saw the thumbnail I saw something else 😭

@Boopasgamingyt: This looks reasonable

@JukezEditz1: This is good ngl for a fan made trailer

@MasterShadow774: it just AI fanmade trailer season 3 but still epic combat between Gi-Hun and In-hoo

@KURAMIZO: For those who dont know: A nuclear bomb works by initiating a chain reaction where the nuclei of atoms, like uranium or plutonium, split apart (fission) when struck by a neutron, releasing a large amount of energy in the process, which rapidly propagates and creates a massive explosion; this requires reaching a critical mass of the fissile material, usually achieved by compressing the material with conventional explosives to trigger the chain reaction. Key points about how a nuclear bomb works: Fissionable Material: The core of a nuclear bomb contains a fissile material like Uranium-235 or Plutonium-239, which is easily split when hit by a neutron. Critical Mass: To start a chain reaction, a sufficient amount of fissile material, called "critical mass," needs to be brought together. Chain Reaction: When a single nucleus splits, it releases multiple neutrons which then hit other nuclei, causing them to split and release even more neutrons, creating a cascading chain reaction.

@othonask5330: The thumbnail 😂

@ethanroberts2658: @ScreenCultureOfficial Please just stop like just stop

@Sunnyplayz-u4z: 1:03 lol

@sofeahanin9905: WHO WAITING SEASON 3 COME 👇

@davishortscraft: Start:😀 The dolls' heads are finished 💀

@evelinvanegas: Nah y’all cooked for season 3😮😢

@บัวผันจันทะศรี: Dleleb Squid Game 3

@nuriaestivill5881: ❤❤❤😅

@Devraj_khatwa: Player 456 you play the hero next!

@glenmarfigueroa1217: They even use a AI voice😂

@DogeFan-y1l: 1:05 bros hair looks white kinda

@CountryballAntics: The ai here is decent, the thing that gives it away is the language and the cards ai frontman shows to ai gi hun

@XOlerXy: It is confirmed that player 456 is probably the front man in season 3

@GAMERPATH1717: Did Gi Hun Explode The Squid Game And Al Put A Funny Face😂

@noahcardozo9009: No creo ni confio en que sea real (No se porque lo hacen pasar por oficial ya que esto arruina su reputación en YouTube)

@Sabers23: YOO

@vakkoovakkas: guys i think the doll and boy doll is gonna be behind the players and the normal doll is gonna be in the front. and if someone makes a movement behind something they get shot and if they move they get shot

@GreenLynam: Can't wait for season 3

@LeilahBorodin: I knew it was jack and Jill “everyone was saying it wasn’t “

@Itchem-s5b: Bro if jack in Jill will be in squid game I’m not signing the contract that will be hard work that’s why I didn’t sign for s2


@SkillMisteroficial: 🤥

@LouisLindorfer-gs5sk: Is this real

@YNycollas: Alguem brasileiro?

@Thechickennoodlesoup: Just imagine if one of the guards shot the doll instead of that one guy when he was supposed to be dead

@georgegamer1033: Αl

@eyb0ss679: Bro Gi-Hun gonna pull some devious backshots on the Front Man 💀

@tashanchik1: Настолько хорошо, что я даже поверила

@elodie9230: Thumbnail looked lowkey sus for a second😭

@Nitr143: The AI is getting creepy

@qv14: 0:16 this is a really good theory though

@Creat0rAz_555: Ngl the frontman with his pistol out looked real

@rosebud9944: Is this actually it?

@Arandomdude830: Thumbnail kinda freaky 👻

@tyratcliffe5154: Under 5 hours 👇

@LIZSLIFEGAMING: Wow 7hr agoooo

@Lalalalalalalisam_m: It's sad to see so many people believing this.

@Syzzhja: 0:42 ONLY ONE?!?!?! NOOO😭😭😭

@Benny_Play: 154TH COMMENT!! 5 HOURS AGO!! 60,896TH VIEW!!

@ScarlettandMataio: Ok I heard Thanos crawled out and escaped WHERE TF IS HE😭EdiT:ik he died

@ScarlettandMataio: GI HUN!? UNNNIE!?😢(I heard their gonna die😭)

@Laaguili01: This is so AI

@DanielPopa-n6w: why is there so many AI clips on this?

@DanielPopa-n6w: WHEN???!??!?!?!

@Cecil-j4d: 0:08 it's not fly me to the moon

@parlousopener7-o9e: Under 5 hour gang

@EliseLuckham: Hes js draggin em..

@maxmax0220: 1:02 457!!!!!!!

@Quamtowncentra: It was just clips from season 2 and AI 😂

@Young_Speed69: Who tf believes this? 1:05 clearly AI

@ZelfsZohanYT: :face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-fuchsia-wide-eyes::face-fuchsia-wide-eyes:

@DianaviryMartínez: 😅

@nicciholdstock: yeah player 456 kill from man she play game 😮😮😮😮😮

@wilderboy8438: I thought this was real until i saw the channel, i even asked my sister if she saw it bro😂😂😂

@hailmariie: only a true fan would realize that these are clips between the first and second season, not only that 1:02 come on stop with the AI

@Love4_paislee16: Omg 😱

@kharuz3392: How am I early 4 hours ago?!

@MoumitaVoumik: 1:05 😂😂😂😂

@Robloxplayer101-i4i: The thumbnail 💀

@ryangray4584: Is squid game s3 the last season of squid game like this comment if you wonder if squid game s3 is the last season?

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