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Dylbobz: Yes, 2 uploads in 30 minutes 😎

Noah Mckay: Who else thinks dylbobz should do gameplay

mongo leegon: Wait I didn't even get anything I was platinum

William Thomas: When season 3 launched, I logged into rocket league and I got a hades bomb, despite never having one

Δημήτρης: I finished at platinum rank so this means that I will get the platinum boost and one black market item?

DannyYT09: 15 hours ago

Sport Plus: * Watch it if you want :D Biggest clutch of Season 3 *

xd one pumps: Wait is that someone else’s account or were you SSL

Sebastiaan Duvekot: YOUR CHANNEL IS BLOWING UP!!!

Lord Fatoohi: I got gold boost

فيزال 989: I have been 1 day to finish the update

Oscar AZ67: this is a very shitty reward if you are lower than cham 1, cuz it gets cool from champ

Thijmen Bakx: Am i the only one that got a zoko inverted to?

dgf fsd: bronze best boost

Zav 1er: Plat

lazzzers: wait you ssl?

mr_milkyy: Are u an ssl

【Zilo】: did anyone get there all star cups? for the tournaments

uriel nieves: What did y'all get in the new placement matches I got plat 1 :/

Alberto Gertrudiz-Flores: did my man actually reach ssl?

Eggz: What rank are you

venxm-playz: im number 900 like

F.F. Frxnch Friez: I stayed at gold but idk if it gave me gold

joshei_boi: i wish it was somthing else and not a boost such as go explosion

Griff AtHome: Your ssl?

FNI Kurplunk: I like the plat but I grinded for diamond boost and I love it

daniel kerr: I didn't get my at boost even though I was plat 1 in 3s plat 2 in 2s and plat 3 in one's someone help

Santiago Angulo: Wow! 4 uploads in one day

Victor Hernandez: Idk if just me but i got hand heart for free

Gio B: just me who didn’t get rewards? was diamond all season

Lord Draco: i got ssl reward s2 but i don't get the titles and the boost and anything from s2 reward. Almost 8 hours and no rewards 🙂

Arctic RL: Using the boost on the fennec is broken.

Bee-kind 139: My season rewards don’t show up

Minato Namikaze: I don't like hem because they r boosts I want goal explosions

Chris Conlon: Dylbobz wat u ssl in?

vanderleia grosse: I got bronze sliver gold and Hand heart

W a N a B a N g?: i love ur channel fam great vid and thank u for up loading that mew trade up cuz my pc is to slow to download RL lmao and also i got a tw octane from my ncvr trade up before the new season and i posted it on my channel poggers but asside from that keep up the great work!

Nik Rist: I was plat in extra modes and i only get gold boost

Urjit Chakraborty: can you just shut up and let us hear the sound

scary: I only have the bronze boost

Christoph L: Plat is the last one where the sound is tolerable XDD I play gold and plat decal cause they looked clean af (nope, I’m champ) and these 2 boosts fit quite a lot tbh, but the sounds...

Tili y Fede: I am platinum 😎😎

Y4zan Op.: Dylobz i need you’re help. The season 2 i was in diamond rank 💎 but in this season rewards they didn’t gave me the diamonds rewards they gave me the plat and the down ranks whyyy 😫?

mattigi: I didn't get mine yet.

Evane: They’re decent, but I feel like it may drop your fps.

That Sky Wolf: i was so close to getting platinum but i couldnt get past gold 3 div. IV on any mode so i guess gold is pretty cool lol

Lewis Ball: 5 uploads in a day like sheeeeeesh

Kings-malice: Hello

alpha omen codm: W

Saas Vogel: I got diamond. I think its nice but i wont use it anyway

castle crasher 6: Me was plat 3 div 4 seeing diamond looks way better

Dommy Football: i got champ rewards yea and SSL LOL

Finn Reinhardt: I think Silver Gold and Bronze are the best lol

Manne Moberg: Rocket league: new update Dylbobs: it’s free real estate

FOTBOLLSKANALEN W77 Schön: This guy is a legend bro he uploaded 5 videos in 20 hours bro he is a goat

Idk: Dang you a ssl

Ben Goodwin: Ur SSL what snow day right 😂

F4RM3R Clan: I really dont like the season rewards I expected some decal or something instead I am getting some weird noise boosters

Connor Simmons: I can’t get my reward I’m plat too, can I get it on switch dylbobz

Salman Alghamdi: Idk why but it feels really heavy

Bernd Van Loo: Could we see some gameplay vids?

BadVibes 169: How did you get all of thosse? Cuz There is only 3 comp

Chippy: Wait, you’re not SSL though???

Simon Oberwalder: 💎

FlameEZ Bert: Love the videos Xbox: BigScreenBert

liamo_stannes is cracked: 6 in 1day is this guy mad he’s insane and caring

liamo_stannes is cracked: 6 in 1day is this guy mad he’s insane and caring

Charlie_ Official368: hes still going making those banger vids for the new update XD

Micro 79: anyone else gonna make a white combo not have any white boost and your not SSL so you gonna use silver boost

e̸p̸i̸c̸l̸y̸ e̸p̸i̸c̸ d̸o̸g̸e̸ m̸a̸n̸: hey dylbobz does it reset your credits because on my switch it says I have 100 but I had 400 I’m diamond on Xbox and diamond on switch

Skyllerz: They're totally ass exception made for the champ and bronze ones Too much bright Too much noisy Too much flashy (thx for the showcase tho)

Danny Mullen: Got that GC Title :)

Justin Boi9989: It didn’t give me my dimand it only gave my bronze

Finezd C0s: All I got was gold and below but I dig it

Aimeiia: I’m over here manifesting Dylbobz to get 100k

fortnitelander9: this notifications messed up

Jackson S: Literally nobody wanted boosts 🤦🏽‍♂️

Orestix02: you know the vid is good when it is 4 minutes and 20 seconds

S3ah0rs3: When the video is 4:20 long Me: nice

LakeHiccup: So cool I only got to silver this season though and didn't even try to get higher after losing my fennec around 2 months ago

syazwan syazwan: B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's —L—o—V—e—S—e—X—..❤️⤵️ !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1617822042

CosmicDreams34: I didn’t get my platinum one can someone help?

Griffin Cooke: I got champ rewards but they haven’t popped up yet, also can’t start my trade ins

Biggie Cheese: did that on purpose 4:20 exact

Simone Johnson: Are you actually in ssl I didn’t know that Nice job in getting them tho!

HaLunY: In my opinion, the rewards are trash. And the Pass has only 3 items that are new ... more copy and edit to paste sad.

Eric Kaing: yo im just saying this so if someone likes i will remember the season rewards

backlashD: I don't like the floating logo's. They would look clean if not for that.

Puhhn: The rank logo get in your way

yago bigay: Yes thank u for reminding me I suck at the game and only got the platinum rewards and not the ssl XD

TrumperyFox 3200: Bro i was plat but I didn’t get the plat boost what should I do

SpyLox_beast 2222: You are just the best content creator <3

Gold Fish: You just earned a subscriber😎😎

splash.: Love the video length🤣

SEAVOR PLAYシ: Console:Ps4 id:haiderseavorplay Console'2:PC id:haiderhhm + You are legend 2 video in less than an hour ❤️

Albinator 08: I think they are pretty cool and I got the gold one but got plat in rumble two days before

Dimitrije Jovanović: I havent get a free all star cup but idk why

Rawa Shad: I got the plat ones

Venessey: Anyone else feel like the Silver Reward looks better than the SSL one?

علي عبدالله: I Got GC Wow So Good

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