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Dylbobz: *CHECK OUT THE NEW SEASON REWARDS!* So I’ve uploaded so much that my notifications don’t work now 😂

komodo games: i just saw john sandmans vid and he has the same paints so i dont think that the painted versions are different

DannyYT09: 16 hours ago

Piotr B: He's posted like ten vids today geez!

PantiesGoneWild: these decided painted items are the same for most people,

Antxn: Everyone is getting the same painted after tier 70 My friend and i have the same as you

Jayakrishnan P N: Meh, I feel this rocket pass is a let down. Not enough animated universal decals, not enough goal explosions, all we have is same type of wheels with horrible designs. All good is ZADEH Inverted wheels and pointer trails. :/ tooo bad rocket leauge . Now i have to wait till August 11

Suitric: I didnt know DanTDM had a RL channel

amit kumar mourya: WATCH MORE VIDEO F.U.L.L H.D 💓 CLICK HERE : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1617856267

Bob Ross’s Dad: It’s clear he wants them sponsors when he praises every item of this garbage pass

!!??: they ruined the rocket pass, everybody gets the same items

NEON SNIPEZ: The painted things I see are the exact same as the things you see so I, not sure if it shows you or just gives you a preview of some painted ones

skyzx: How many creds do you get off of this?

Alisha Roop: I can't believe everyone got the same thing in the pass, so frustrating

Lynx_afr1ca_ 7: I think everyone gets the same painted reward since mine is exactly like yours

TheLegoGuy 101: I checked my rocket pass and one of them is tw checkered flag ;)

Anonymous: What's sad is there is only 1 goal explosion

T W: I mean, most of the decals are Tyranno ONLY, not global. Theyre all copies of one another, most of the wheels are generic metal designs. Ive never hated a entire rocket pass before, ever, I always buy it and get EVERY item since RP1,,, this is horrible and no streamer or youtuber should be telling people to buy this. Even if you profit from it Jon, you should be telling people to buy other stuff with your code and stay the heck away from the pass. This is by far the worst thing that's ever happened on Rocket League. I was considering quitting again and for good after the last season, and this is a good time. I have a fashion model girlfriend, better games coming out, its about to be summer and Im vaccinated so I can go out, selling my $5000 inventory and peace-out

Nugget0797: They ruined the rocket pass.

Haydog GG: 7:52 master mind paint finish. Dylbobz, looks like intestines 😂😂

Lightning SnipesSwitcher: Sadly the first 100 so far we know r skriptet so i hope that changes after lvl. 100

Mr Truberg: Какой-то пожиратель говна. На все вещи только и слышал Соу соу клин, вери вери найс, вери вери кул. Хотя иногда лютая хуйня была

I Txllxn: Sheeeeesh🔥🔥🔥🔥

GEORGE RADU: Where's the mustang?

RocketMitt: Hab mein neues video hochgeladen schaut gerne vorbei :D

Toasty Taku: Let’s be honest nobody over the rank of plat isn’t going to use these toppers

Panthers Ps5 Gaming: It still says season 2 for me

Panthers Ps5 Gaming: My picture never changed

Max Roth: What an odd coincidence, your pro tiers are identical to mine...

MJP: I dont like how they show all the painted items past tier 70. I feel like they ruined the surprise of it

That Sky Wolf: just realized that the tiers after 70 are all the same for everyone. JOn Sandmans was the exact same so i assume we all get the same painted items..? (i hope not but it seems like thats what it is)

mason: where is the mustang that was in the trailer

Flight Plan Aviation: So I’m guessing the tier 70+ rewards aren’t random anymore I’m sure his are the exact same as mine

Hayden Unknown: I’m pretty sure everyone gets the same painted items ?

OneShotScott: Is it just me who got the exact same painted items as him???

_xXx GOAT: Mans was a bronze 😵😵😵

Yihun Tafese: The rocket pass is too drippy

Matthew Duddy: I have a white flag let’s go

DonutBoi _ 07: I bet this will be the next try hard car lol

JMnitro: the GXT version reminds me of the chikara and the ronin’s secondary lights mixed together Also how in the world are you able to see the random painted items without getting to those tiers

Michelle Pashchenko: im the 949 liker

RNG gaming: UK is better than Us

CRZ deku: When rocket league makes a top gear rocket pass:

Abdullah Yorulmaz: Why doesn't it give any item at tier 8? Isn't it ridiculous?

Jake Swanson: Still can’t trade tho

David Curtis: Only 1 goal explosion? That's very disappointing

Peroxic: 6.5/10, was expecting better

Brandon Estrella: Not sure if I’ll get the battlepass tbh the car looks eh to me

lazzzers: Did you see the exotic goal explotion? It's so cool

Me Name Jeff: Imagine if they had the f1 theme song as an anthem

Kirmit_T_Frog .-.: Bought rocket pass then they did not give me the stuff and took my cr any one know hmwhat i can do :(((

Pulse xHlqa: Where a mustang ?

Editz Kap: Why did they make all the random painted items the same for everyone??

Bryant The Giant: Let’s be honest, this rocket pass absolutely sucks

Gary M: Uhh, so those revealed items....Mine are exactly the same... Hello, RNG ? It's Rocket League calling....Wai you leaf ?

LEVI EBERT 27: This is cool wish i got all the woofers wheels but i think the rocket pass car is my new favorite now

adrian olivas: I got the same items as him after tier 70 I wonder if the had different pattern 🤔 for painted items and some people get the same pattern

As?as?in 11: We are also have the same order of the painted items for everyone else

S07_ Jonas: wait the rocket pass is only going till 100?

evan schubert: So hype!

adrian olivas: I got so many of the items painted white cant wait to earn em

Miki!!: It is my birthday today yay and i got the s3 rocket pass yay

Tevi: Guys, check your 70+ tier painted items. Idk about you, but at least are *the exact same* as the ones in the video :/

A PureO: I don't like this pass..the original rocket pass was the best by far imo.

Monkey Schiele: This is the most random rocket pass, everything is so different, race car to peanut, to gemstone, to fishing hat, to jester like what the heck

Lasandra Wallace: The tyranno looks like perigrane

carlos D: Damn things don't start getting good till the second half. Can't wait for next months bundles

Raspberry Jelly: Bruh all the rewards after tier 70 are the same for everyone

Lukey 12: All my items were the exact same colours as dylbobz does that mean we all get the same colour

Big papa Alexis: what happened with the other cars that were in the trailer?

DragonBalistic: Everyone got the same painted

D1ead eagle: Roskilde is a danish city

Rocketeer Gaming: you can make it you just don't want to due to your laziness

Benedek: Worst rocket pass ever!

FlameEZ Bert: Love the great videos Xbox: BigScreenBert

Imbored: I bought them all to love the GXT with the huntress 😍

Adithya Nair: I have 0 credits. And cannot trwde lol

Adithya Nair: Wow

Dani_pfaff: the season rewards were trash :(

Professor Gears: My tier 84 Goal explosion is Titanium white!?

Aaron Richter: In my painted tiers there is a titanium white checkered flag explosion

Abhijeet Singh: I think the items after tier 70 are glitched because I have the exact same items that you displayed. Hardly think that would be a coincidence.

DentalSkink 76: how do you upload every few hours bro its crazy

BLACK PANTER: R.I.P your credits

Alex Barrera: Question, How many credits do you get from the rocket pass?

Dominus: Is there only 1 goal xplosion,

tinylongcat gaming: Issues in this pass... 1- only 1 goal explosion 2- The SE wheels are taking a tier instead of being a mystery 3- The pro tiers items are no longer a surprise and they are the same for everyone

Jesse madiison: dude, you litteraly just uploaded like 4 hours ago, your GOATED!!!!

MrMelons: The first half of the rocket pass: level 1 crook The second half: level 99 mafia boss

Toobiejas: I have exactly the same painted items as dylbobz so idk but i think it's a glitch

rl_jfc: 'Intestines' I think you mean a brain decal lol

MeltingMello: I really want this rock et pass but I don't have any credits because I can't seem to be able to sell my orange scorer octane. :(

TrippaMazing87: Can you do an all painted opening episode?

Galaxy Giraffe Gaming: Does everyone get the same painted items after u finish the rocketpass???

The Dark Side: he really said mastermind decal looks like intestines..... uhhhh master"mind" decal, like a brain hahahha

Alexon: im srry but these new tiers are not that much to my oppinion. it would be great to get them but not that much good stuff

Eddy Qwerty: This season is just as bad as season 1 and 2. Rocket pass is eh at best, tourney rewards are awful. Menus and trade up system is better tho so at least that's a w

Crisby Robin: Anybody know why my Tyranno is glitched away ??

Rufus Framelius: Tyranno looks really disappointing

éternity mat: one goal explosion????!!!!!!

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