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Ben Lee: Isn’t the price of everything gonna crash now?

Lefteris Koullaros: Has ever pixel realize that when he wears a green shirt his green screen cuts it out xD

wail8383: Why can’t I trade my exotic wheels

Harley Davidson: During this video, you can see that pixel slowly starts to lose his mind.

Games LS: This man spend his whole day for this video! Keep it up!

Tristan Kluppels: I Can not trade up why?

Max Armstrong: i just went on for the first time since ages and got a lime hand heart

speedy_marty: Anybody having problem with trade up?

pxwr RL: Trade ups on console are disabled :(

Goldstar: The animus gp part NO NO STOP

Cianlyn07: Can you make a credits giveaway its cause I need them and I have a chance if you do the giveaway

Ex1lty: I traded in my exotics and got D.D. tw

DR SCOTTI: can u give me Dueling Dragon? 😂

Markus Heitkämper: You have oder 200 black Market and I have 0 ☹️😂

KostaMiner: He got more bm than all my items in my acc (including rocket pass)

Colin Augstein: It’s because you switched to a white jumper. XD

Your Dog water: I like how he complains about getting dueling dragons when he wanted a painted one and everyone else can’t even get one

Swavsy: Wassup

Ethan Glanfield: You should trade up everything and get like 300 black markets

Phantom: My man j traded white and black standard then gets exited of tw equalizer

Chris2k10 man: Can i pls get a black market i have noob items in ur biggest fan

Not a lot: u only do trades shouldnt u practice ur skills

xoGrind: you know your rich in rocket leugue when u have enough dueling dragons to just trade them away

parallel starz: whats this game called

Mikey Block: just so you know pixel you can mix tournament series so if you do a trade up you can mix the exotics and get something from season 1 or 2 still

Holiday Boy: I need the APEX PLS😭🥺

Choppy: My trade ups won’t work their disabled for some reason

Zack Holland: I got a black market already from a challengers cup my first one I swear

MockItTV: I got an idea. Calculate ur value of ur exotics, then trade up and calculate ur black markets value and see if you made profit

Andrea Johnny: My trade in aint working

Connor Brikho: Did anyone relies that in the thumbnail the painted DDs were not tradeble 🤣🤣🤣

BoxedOn 60Fps: i wish i had half of this mans inventory god damn bro it sucks not having shit

NRG Zxry: 13:05 you missed TW K2's

Sparki GMD: You make me feel sad because of how many black markets your trading and I cant even get a mn exotic :/

Coolman: I can’t trade anything up

eltonwashere: Hey!!!! I just won a tournament in season 3... Can you give me tips how to get ranked up higher to plat or diamond?

CoolWasFound YT: I can’t trade up on my xbox

Frensic_YT: Can i have one of those *22* fennecs

Marc Ogenio: wait how are you guys trading in I cant

Cringe Boi: Pixel gets a decent black market: Ehh. Me when I get any Black Market:YO HOLY CRAP WHAT IS MY LUCK

NoobMast3r: me got a hand heart ar ar. a ar ar ara ra ar ar ar

Davian plays Rokit luege: Some many luck i never get pianted items when I trade up

Davian plays Rokit luege: I have 1 percent of your itory

Flaming Reaper1: Pickapixel wrong I am watching this at 2:10 am on friday

Mr1X: Rip Striker Black Gernot

Eric DEMASI: Highlights: the whole video

Flare: He didn't relize the sky blue atomizer lol

Eric DEMASI: Your very rare and import inventory is going to look empty lol

WarLlamaBoy: Pixel: *has 32 fennecs* F2P players: 🥵🥵

Rambo Nambo: anyones elses trade ins getting stuck on processing?

bokeyEU: The fact that I could have paid like 200 credits for 5 imports that could have gotten me white dracos is depressing

Kaden Westbrook: Can you add me on rocket league I have you subscribed

Gracie_Fighter_: I have to restart rocket leage after I do a 2 trade ups but I got I lime merc in my first vr to import😃

Kelly Stoor: ???

Kelly Stoor: You bro can you give me 20xx if I get 2fa plz

Trademark: ma mans traded his cobalt dominus.....

Caseyforman Forman: You need to make a vid and the title will be “ getting every white exotic wheel in the game”

Brandon Shaw: Anyone got spreadsheet of what u can get from them

Brandon Shaw: Can anyone explain if I can still get tw octane from trade ups from series items

Braeden Johnson: If you put all tw you’ll get a tw item

cozmicticity: 10:42 that hurteded He said bakkes mod who?

Iverson Crockett: Just saying like this If you are jealous of pickapixle

BOGDAN: Bro pllls canI have a fennec and some nice wheels plssss

Ruben Enzo: Trade

Moin_lopl: I Love your videos and i Love Mainframe Van i have one

Mr Rexerus: I swear 2 months ago u had 500k

Mango Tango: Not to panick but my trade in option isn’t working can someone help me

Ryan Willingham: My great grandad just died 😭😭😓😓😪😢😪 and my birthday is on April the 10th

Abdallah AL-Jundi: Epic just fixe the game thank you epic

jari op de beeck: I got an back to back tw interstellar and an black airstrike

Gutsy: I can’t trade up, whenever I do it it says “error this option is disabled”

Kelly Sargent: I love ur trade up vids keep up the lucky vibe

Dylan Urbany: did he get a orange mainframe

wes: 13:05 skipped tw k2s

Armands M. :0: I think it was an acident and they’re trying to fix it (trading up crate items)


Brendan Kim: You didn’t see but you got a sky blue atomizer or whatever it’s called

Colin Arbour: mine has just said disabled for the whole day

Ben Mairs: Code pixel

Griffin Cooke: Someone bless me with a TW dom on Xbox, GT: TheCrispyCone

Magnus _: Bro 100 black markets what BTW love your content keep up👍

Shewana Umar: He could literally buy 35 alpha boosts why hasnt he got one

Joshua Grove: I can get my first ever tournament by but rocket league disabled the trade up system temporarily so I have to wait for tomorrow 😬

ÐRØXIE: all these old wheels bring back so much nostalga

definitely not from poland: I love to watch those videos but the fact that I don't have any black market's makes me kinda like angry😤


Kokos Lokkos: finally

kirchheimer jungs: what if ur on ps4?

Remixx 99: Epic hes on Trending

symmetrical: Am I seeing things or did he trade up sky blue dominus?

HaUnTeD-kaydo 10: Ke skipped

HaUnTeD-kaydo 10: Did anyone see the tw k2s

Numbm1k3: Seeing pixel opening all of these black market makes me happy for him..but i does really put a hole in my heart :(

Sanzz Global: Yo pixel I did my first ever trade up after seeing you do so many and got white Zombas.

RL TRSH Player: Pickapixel in this video is like a kid who sees candy!

Isaac Felix: This dude has the world's supply of crated items

pedrinho._. otaku._.: you are soooooo lucky bro

Liv Bas: picka has 1m credits... i have 0

Liv Bas: picka be like:''we are gonna do 20 blackmarkets trade ups, no lets do 50, no lets do to a 100"'

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