*NEW* Tournament Black Market REWARDS & Getting The ENTIRE Season 4 Rocket Pass in Rocket League!

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enaz: I got a grey zipped and it was on my alt acc I’m so pissed

RIP Vanix: What's that car???

Abicim: Got the BM Decal in my first tournament pack in purple

Mouse Mousealotfree: I'm going to make some comment to hope you see my comments

chloe stynes: I got discod out of a prospect cup out of the rest of the awards

ROCKET GAMER: The game has his wirst time the update is sooo trash omg

Spinzyrl: Hey pixel I was wondering if you have a ps4 and if you do I would like to 1v1 you so if I win I get the tw zombas and if you win you get my entire invtory

Xhimi Albania: It seams even in this rocket pass item drops all non certificed.

Team Bro: I got my allstar cup when logged on and got discoid!!!

Nicolas Padilla: Rocket pass is trash!!! Nothing in there worth the credits.

Quriousz: i had 400 credits left and i got an discoid

gaming with Oliver: from my free all star cup, i got burnt sienna yoked 1k

Asher Caldow: I got sky blue choromstic hollow


stealth man: Maybe you’re thinking of the old mobile game kick the buddy? Idk that’s what the doll reminds me of lol

ImTobino: Sadly the rp is the same for everyone again

EpicOtter_: The train engine is someone making notes signified mouth

Adolf Hitler: I got myself a pink discoid as the tournament reward at the beginning of the season

WARRIOR_113 GAMER: i just took a look at his head omd its a bald patch

PRIMALSONICGX: I skipped most of season 3 because of SO MUCH LAG

rocketpro123: I've got the exotic all ready

ZuraRL [GD]: I love your content, and it's in my schedule to watch your content. I love what you do. Keep up the work! And I feel like you should take a break and not record for a day or two of a week. 💗

MontyyRL.: I've already got a ball star in plat tournaments:)

David Brodie: Personally I don’t like the new season

HI LOL: Really like the Haunted Hoss wheels

Fresh Flesh: Did anyone see how fast he spoke at 10:57

Sugar baby: Loll

Nate Gane: Season 4 is terrible tbh

Joe Finlayson2.0: Heheheheheheehheheehhe meeeeeeee

Ahmad Ismail: do you have a pc

Riley SucksAtROBLOX: Kick The Buddy

Micah Ansell: I got pink atomic blip in my all star cup 😳😳😅

Mouton Binoclard: I think about Trivia Murder Party too from jackbox when I saw the puppet

Stas Melnyk: Whats the name of the car body he was using at the beginning

TuffPlayz: They missed with these rewards imo. Season 3 had the GOAT rewards.

Callum Burroughs - 7JBA: This season looks kinda shit ngl

SoulStar: The Haunted Hogs are giving me Muscle Boy vibes

Jonah Walton: I love ball star so much tbh

SOUD IK: S3 tournament rewards was holl lot better than s4

Scary Alien: From the all star cup my friend got tw discoid

vltimate: All the tournament rewards are trashhh, the best one is ball star

Osborn _YT: I opened my first prospect and I got sky blue ball star

Arsenal God: Ok my reward for having 300 tournament credits left over I got a forest green atomic blip and two other things that I forgot.That’s my only black market and I’m very happy

Ratzy: I got a white discoid for my left over credits

PuFFszsz: Love you pick!!!

Green: i’m a huge fan also i got discoid after season 3!

Kyle Currie: Fat miss on tournament rewards and the rocket pass items too! There’s a couple items from the pass that are decent but personally to me it’s weak

Sudhanshu Ranjan: Please I want to win my first giveaway

MonstarHunter PH: My question tho, when he redeemed the code, how did he get that outlaw?

Roem Daug: I hate it when goal explosions just end in frizzling out instead of a big bang...so underwhelming.

xD Monster: Hey pixel, do you think I should get the new rocket pass? It looks pretty cool, so I’m asking you if you think it’s worth it :)

Melo: Wonder stream=phosphor

CoolGamer123: Love your videos man

Ram V: was unfortunate to get unzipped as my first tournament reward smh trash

Cubexi: I just notcied on the rocko wheel that there is a octane and a ball on it

Rt: Imagine a what a save goal explosion

The Flamekeeper: looks like kick the buddy lol

Joshua Volz: Tournament rewards are the worst I’ve ever seen

Disney Every Day: I got painted atomic blip

Jake Boulin: New map 👀

Ryan: yooo i got the ball star exotic GE

Robyn Winn: sad im aussie

Kenny Sylvan: by far the WORST tourney rewards ever

NN!XAY: Too easy

That one Random guy: I got a unpainted chromatic hollow and my brother got an unpainted discoid from his free all stars. The new tournament rewards suck

Yhe Dabber: Had 1000 tourney creds left and I needed one more exotic to trade up to a bm and surely enough I log on and I got an exotic and I traded up to a discoid letss goo

Adam Albreht: why is it when I press the members club link I get some weiird links

Rebin Neichalani: Does the new map remind anyone of S5 of fortnite?

Gerardo Martinez: I got Cobalt Chainhelms from my All-Star Cup :(

The Gaming Jaguar: The fact that he said Kung fu panda 2 vibes made me spit out my drink

Mand dimi: My cousin got a titanium white dingo blue print and I got a normal one

Mutated Nut: The goal explosions this season are so trash bruh

Down Hill Linc: 2:10 , do u mean kick the buddy?

Corgis-4 -life: I already got the black market GE :) (Abracadabra) IM SO HAPPY i also unlocked all star cups :)

Jharred Jackson: 2:20- Do you mean kick the buddy?

huntinng: games already bugged, I was playing 3v3s and it said I ranked up to D2 DIV 2 but I still need 8 more games lmao

FastBeetle 95550: Ok so I had a few extra tournament points from S3 and I log on in S4 expecting to get an uncommon from my end of season free tourney reward And I ended up getting atomic blip

cmphillips: i love ur vids

Interstellar: COME ON GUYS 900k IF NOT A MILLION

REX-1992: I just got a random atomic blip, does anyone know why I got it? I played like 20 matches tops last season

pulse-ardent games: bro i need a rocket pass!

LukyLord: Sorry ro say this, but the rewards in rp are same for everyone 😫

Beyond_The_Riot: Okay... who disliked this video?? This was a great look to what season 4 is going to be all about.

Mr. Flamingo: PICKAPIXEL my all star cup was a burnt sienna discoid!!!! i didn't think Id get any of the seasons black markets!!!

PJ McGoldrick: Hits different when ur banned for 700 hours 😊

Tim Lewis: you have to see poppet inverted in black. trust me

GAMER CAT: I got a discoid XD

Jacob_ on_Drip: Bro I literally already got the bm goal explosion in a prospect cup

Exsprn: my friend is gonna be hyped when i tell him this new season is country style:)

Joshal Lobo: I think People Might Start Playing rl Again because of the 2V2 Tournament (If u agree like )

Micah Yap: Sea mine wheels gonna be demonetised

Damien Lamb: The rocket pass is like last season where everyone gets the same painted items.

Kieran Ruston: They are the same :(

Luke Wagner: What the heck I got a crimson discoid

Mr Besw1fty: My favorite item in the tournament series is the ball star so cute

fw10: i got unwicked slick from my all star cup

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