*NEW* Tournament Black Market REWARDS & Getting The ENTIRE Season 3 Rocket Pass in Rocket League!

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Tsukishima Kei: Discoid is way better with the dominus in my opinion.

Pasquale Giordano: I GOT ATOMIC BLIPPP!!!!!!!

SecretNoob40 YT: I like your hoodie

Amirbelabid1: Yoo pls somebody i just got CHAINHELM: SACRED WHEELS ARE THEY GOOD

Pieter Sluydts: How u get the RNG ringmap sreward?

Eric Samples: is the painted stuff random, i think it is bc i have the exact same rewards as pixel

Bran Draven: I got the 1,000th comment

XG Radius: I got black zoko inverted from my all star cup at the end of he sesson

a bot If u read this ur: Hi

a bot If u read this ur: Hi

Red Skull: Yesterday i won the dia tournament and in the 3. Drop (1200) i got Descoid 🤩😁

Lxkey: From my all star cup I got a Pink sweeper nergal

Midoriya: first day of the season, i logged in and got a grey nergal

Ram: You grinding for black hand hart me getting wen i start rl

Colby McDaugale: i just joined in season three did a tournament got 6200 opened a challengers cup and got atomic blip

Dxg Wxter: Get this man to 1 mil he deserves it so much

dylan: I got a white hades bomb from the left over credits that I had when I opened the game and got all the boosts I was like uhhh was I supposed to get that

thick apixel: I got striker cobalt zoko it was my first time on tournament

thick apixel: All vids are a banger

Rocketblast RAW: This sounds really stupid but my friends have t white intastella and octane so pls can u give it me i do not mind if u do my username is Rocket-blast-RAW and I play on play station 4 so if u do give it me that will make my day

Carson Stidger: He’s so bad it’s funny he got hard carried to get ssl rewards and even gc rewards

DMND: He is such a legend

Classy Plant: I'm convinced tiers 71+ are not supposed to be revealed, both my account, my alt, my friends, and him all have exactly the same items for the revealed painted items

KLLN RL: Can someone pls tell me how his title is titanium white and its not even his rngenius title

Bram Nelissen: Picapixel: i do not like this decals 1 sec later Picapixel: this decal is so cool!

Hartmondy 10: I got hades bomb from all star cup (first bm)


Wes Sheehan: Yoooooo

Mr Ryan Hernandez TTV: Can you reach 1 million subscribers in 123 days

Ruffthy: Love you pixel! Ur vids are so nice! Use code: Pixelarmy to support pickapixel!

desire: Nice videos man keep it up

Kayden Burnley: picka i pulled a titanium white 20xx do you want it

Matthew Hankins: I wonder how many drops he has after season 3

Juandre Lategan: My friend disliked

TTVLAZER Lazar: Yoo <3 the tournament rewards are great nice vid pixel!!

Drxp Death: My first blueprint ever in competitive this morning was a lime interstellar

lorddogymort: he's done it again he's done it again pickapixel he's done it again he's done it again he's done it again pickapixel he's done it again he's done it again he's done it again pickapixel he's done it again he's done it again he's done it again pickapixel he's done it again

lorddogymort: he's done it again he's done it again pickapixel he's done it again

iwnl- iTs_gera: pls

iwnl- iTs_gera: bro pikapixel can whe trade my id its iTs_geraツ

Giosef 2011: Trade the items with tournament😜😭😫

Red Gūy: I used code picka pixel when I bought the playing with fire pack but I play on Nintendo so I can’t get the tw octane

Mysterykiller: I have not uploaded anything tho I will soon

Paul Thomas: If you want a black Octane use the following Standard Octane Use decal linares and put secondary colour to black And presto you got a black Octane

jeff3316: I got a crimson nergal from my free allstars cup at the end of the season😮



Jayden Nijs: Im have the titaan White standaart boost

goose gang: i got a black hand heart from my all star cup

Neaded: My first tournament this season I won and I opened one cup and got the atomic blip

CAM 10IQ: hi pixel i'd like to be in ur vid how do i do??

Cohen Buffenmyer: this is my first time seeing your vids and i’m now subscribed

Etienne Toerien: I think the rewards shown are all the same across rocket league cus I got the exact same.

Abu Bakarr Jalloh: Pls can i have tw octane i barely have any items and no credits

RLPotato2.0: Plz trade whit me i love you TonyThePizza03

GuylikeHazz: i randomly got given tw hades bomb when i loaded the game up idk why

Cooper: Hi pixel my friend got tw nergal in the all star cup he got! Love the vids

Ethan 270: The consistency of uploading is insane

Gamingbros. 101: Just think, content creators spend thousands of credits when I can spend 1000 credits on it just because of impatience

Ryan Blenkinsop: i got the discoid in my first prospecet cup

Dylan Nobili: This is your “I was watching the stream”button 👇

angeljit_: I did my first tournament and i got atomic blip from the all stars cup

Andrew Nunan: season 3 is my favroit

Sips Tea: Today I traded my tw zombas for 15 exotics and my friend said that I was gonna get trash items and this was my first bm trade up and I got 2 dueling dragons should I make a video cuz I clipped it

Kyano: 5:25 lol i got a hades bomb

SoccerGmr28_YT: Yeah

IRLcomplex: The reason they are showing all of the items is because of the gambling situation that was going on, the fact you can't see the items when buying to tier up you're taking a risk on what you were going to get ... That is a form of gambling

CRINGE Braymh07: I have a question, I have the default rajin and idk if I should trade it for credits or an item or just not trade it. Can some one answer me plz !!!!!!!

Albert Salloum: Can I add you pixel

Albert Salloum: You are the best YouTube r ever

Jack Williams: I used code pixelarmy pixel

fortcraft bill: do you know a mertzy cow

NabilRL_: I’m gonna quit rocket league I got scammed too many times so I’m just gonna watch u do trade ups

Arin Korkmazer: I got free hand heart just for playing with all the legacy cars

unlucky: I’ve used your creator code and bought the rocket pass. Love your vids

Ruben Davis Y7: i just deeped that scottish accent. holy

Jax: Tw apex r my dream wheels I have apex at the moment I'll never afford them but imagine if I won

TheChillGangOfficial: Hello picka a quick question are you Friends with a miro? If you could reply that would be lovely

Victoria Polkinghorn: i am level 500 already

The peanut's Assassin: i got a hand heart from all star cup

Catriona Barry: Yooooooo, what up? I used code Pickapixel to buy the Rocket Pass. JK Code Pixelarmy:) Ik its old but still🙃

El1mz: Yo pixel if you are seeing this, I'm interested how did you get the rap for the outro with your name in it and stuff?

ULTRA_DARKZ: I got an intercross too 😔😢

Solomon Harrison: Y so much hate on the rizer

Doono Mac 7: Day 44 of asking pixel to do a nothing to something

Andrew Nunez: Love you packa

Blurr: i love all your vids u have inspired me to start uploding rocket league ive just started playing again and im better than most of my friends

Sam SZ: I got.a titanium white hand heart from my all star cup

Ghostrida 914: I love the new trade system got some white kalos prolly worth more than my entire inventory

Els on 60fps: On my painted items after tier 70 the tier 68 goal explosion is there in titanium white 🥵

Kybo: Imagine ur watching him everyday but dont subscribe

Cianlyn07: Can you make a 3000 credits giveaway?

DriverKing 7709: 10:30 look at his octane when he looks at the toon sketch decal it turns black

Lightning F0X: Exalter + storm watch = discoid

Gabriel Gerhart: Bro i got Discoid lime with striker in my first reward cup😂

Anthm RL: I got a Crimson Hades Bomb from my ,,left over TCR'' All-stars cup :O

Jeremy van der Poel: Road to the 900K

CrystalWolfie: I want know what song he uses for every sub donation I like it

Anthm RL: I tweeted on twitter at @AnthmTV I used code Pixelarmy for buying the Rocket Pass ;)

Hugo Gustavsson: USE CODE: Pixelarmy IN THE ITEM SHOP

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