Game of Thrones | Official Season 8 Trailer (HBO)

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Rashid Ganiev: Говно, Кал, переводите....

Filipe Alencar: So... So... so... disappointing... It didn't have to be a happy ending, nobody expected it. However, there had to be some kind of reward for the fans who followed the series for so long. The end of the series was so frustrating that it even killed the books for me. Last year I reread the first two, and the magic was no longer the same... So sad.

Planideya: Лучший сериал в истории! Спасибо.

Julia Tiny: Я мне понравился последний сезон! Конечно, не так шедеврально как второй и третий, но вполне в духе ИП. И концовка неожиданная. Если бы был слащавый хэппи-энд, я бы больше разочаровалась.

Eckner Darwin: Era pra ser épico e foi tão bosta. Triste.

Mundo dos Trailers: LIXO!!!

Steven Thawe: Duh !

Aditya Yadav: No need for trailer, I know it was dany's Starbucks coffee.

person: Can't wait to see Jon snow 🥶

Magido89: I'm looking forward to the see epic fight between Jon snow, the Prince that was promised and the night king

LUCA GAVIRAGHI: Dio sboro che schifo sta stagione. Non riguarderò mai più GOT perchè non ho intenzione di guardare questo schifo ancora una volta. Ciao belli

corals anime life: Just quit whining and get over it already...if it's so awful stop watching the trailers over and over...just because the last season sucked ...the rest of the show is still fun to watch and I think they will fix it one day...but I'm just over hearing the constant complaining...stop watching this type of stuff if it bothers you that bad

Emeraldz zz: OK, so if fans can compel DC universe to do a remake of Justice league/Snyder Cut, why exactly isn't HBO considering a remake, and a more detailed version of GOT season 8. Seeing how dissapointed fans were at it should be motivation enough to at least remake it. My two pence thoughts though.

maxog1: I'd rather eat my underwear than rewatch the current season 8. You've already killed the show, HBO and D&D, at least give the fans solace and remake S8.

Bat Man: That's what screwing up the biggest show is isn't it, forgetting? Forgetting where all the story lines were going, the character progression, it isn't great anymore, it's just mediocre.

станислав Чугунов: dat solt on my eyes

jonacr80: A garbage trailer!

Maksymilian Żurawski: The only one good thing in season 8 is Ramin Djawadi's music work👏👏👏👏👏

Anna Andreopoulou: You are my Queen 🤮

aleX treme: Now, remake this season, TAKE YOUR TIME and THEN make a final season.

Josiah Truax: Jon: "Mah qUeEn!" Us: "HE DID IT! HE SAID THE THING!"

Taylor Huddle: We should just pretend seasons 7 and 8 don't exist 😑

aleX treme: The season that was supposed to be the best, was the worst. Thanks for ruining the experience. YOU HAD ONE JOB

Project Account: No editing will save that season, seriously.

ToAnyone: I'm still mad at this shit even after 2 years

baryam11: im so excited for this. i just finished season 7 but didnt like it that much. i hope season 8 improves on that regard

Tyler Cobb: This season was fantastic.

Harish Jangir: God will never forgive you for refreshing our bad memories. Why r u release this trailer...

Alaa K.A: Damin you D&D 😒

iLL-Tempered Demon Hunter: Can't wait to see Jon with his flaming sword fighting Night King. Must be very glorious.

Lampe !?: Ahahaha je kiffe OMG

Lampe !?: Ahahha la vie de oim c’est des bon eux

Viktor Funk: What a sad end to a once-beloved franchise. So many plot threads just abandoned... Like the importance of dragon glass, which in the end meant fuck-all. HBO would be wise to acknowledge that the final two seasons of Game of Thrones resulted in total IP failure.

supi karolajna: yeah we still didnt forgive for what u did to deanerys.

pacio poncio: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 💩💩

Lea LaRae: Why are y'all releasing these trailers? What's the point when your fans were so unhappy with the last season?! Ugh. I'm rewatching, but still... I thought y'all were releasing something new 🙄

Siddhant Dhyani: Long Night lasted same as people last on their bed.

MomijiLover13: How nice. *dislikes*

Warlock: When a show was good but you decide to let a table of chromosome deficient clowns write the final.

lev oweal: "I kinda forgot" that this ever existed. And I fucking wish you didn't remind me.

Anthony Brown: The only way this trailer would have gone down well is if it was a remake xD

LaTrickster: This season wasn’t even bad, GOT fans are just salty that they didn’t get the ending they wanted, even tho the ending was heavily foreshadowed since season2, so much that the simpsons even predicted the ending. The only bad thing about season 8 was that it was too predictable

Олег Сушков: Лучшее что я смотрел !) Очень хочется что бы продолжение было не хуже

Churn02.: The condescending pricks at HBO think this is a good idea, to remind everyone how badly this got f'd up ?!?!? The balls on you people..

StefanHighlights: When is season 8 remaster announce ? I am asking for a friend

R: What a shitty season... Dan & Dave are absolutely the worst!!!🤬🤬🤬

Bogo TTM: Cast it into the fire destroy it...

Frank Rodgers: I was really looking forward to a re-watching binge till we got to season 8. Now I have no plan to re-watch ANY of them...

Stu Mac: It's weird it was so great, but thanks to season 8 ill never watch this show ever again and it's killed any interest in spin offs.

Joel Matthys: Voiceover: I pray we choose wisely. Narrator: they did not choose wisely.

Atlas Plays: Traaaaaaaaash

kdkseven: Oh come on it wasn't that bad, especially considering G.R.R.Martin hadn't (and still hasn't) written the rest of the books. If anyone's to blame, it's him. The show was excellent when it had source material. Only thing that changed was lack of source material.

max: who is going to watch it again ?!

Mark Duff: #ReleaseTheGRRMCut?

Umer Rehman: Jon Snow - a feminist’s biggest weakness

Величко Станислав: Please, do not reminding us the worst ending ...

NomNomFattyKitty Meow: Dear GOD what fresh Hell is this... isint Covid enough why u gotta torture us with this ..

Free Spirited: Game of Thrones will forever be used an example of what not to do as a showrunner. Thanks for reminding that, losers.

Connor Mighell: Seems like you kinda forgot we all hate this season

Todd Street: It doesn't matter how many new trailers you make, you still can't make a silk purse out of the sow's ear that was Season 8.

Daniel Romero: lol. the disappointment of this season is impressively hilarious when I look back at it. 😂 crazy how they ruined it

Brian Charles: Season 6,7,8 do not exist for me. Season 8 was like watching a drunk uncle at a wedding try and act sober while dancing to Hot Line Bling.......the stuff of nightmares.

Evgeniy Zabolotnyi: a history of how you had everything and at the end, you just shit your pants

Ranjani Krishnamoorthy: I still rewatch Seasons 1-7 never season 8 !!! For how they built Daenerys’s character, they destroyed it in one season :-((

Александр Гончаров: 1 апреля уже ж прошло

Станислав Викрищук: Ни кто: Абсолютно ни кто: HBO: ребят, а помните как мы обосрались пару лет назад?

Vinod Ghodke: Finally ill get to see a duel between Jon and Night King 😊😐😑😥😢😭

Slob Dyrdek: Season 8 was like having a Michelin stared chef cook you a meal with ingredients from an office vending machine. The cast and crew were amazing, the writing was twice run over dog shit.

Miguel Zavala: Can’t believe I waited two years to watch such a shit season

Arcturus: NAH screw you Benioff and Weiss you RUINED it because you SOLD OUT. That's right, what happened was, GoT needed at least 2 more seasons and everyone agreed including other producers, GRRM himself, the actors, etc. But Weiss/Benioff had a lucrative huge Star Wars contract coming up that they signed onto, so they had to dump GoT as fast as possible otherwise they would miss the tiny once in a lifetime window to write the next Star Wars series. So they saw dollar signs and quickly stuffed everything (2-3 seasons of material) into one CRAPPY, P.O.S. season and ruined what could have been the greatest show of all time. SCREW YOU. We will never forgive what you TWO MORONS DID !!!!! YOU BETRAYED US ALL

Johnboy6346: Release the Syndercut equivalent of season 8!

Thomas Knorra: GoT should have had ten seasons of ten episodes each, perhaps with a series finale of several hours. Too many plot threads simply broke off or were poorly connected, the ending was too illogical and rushed. The last two seasons felt like a very old patched-up movie copy with many missing scenes. With so much wasted potential, there's nothing to celebrate with a new trailer. It also stirs up fear for the still planned GoT projects.

Neara: Remember two years ago when our biggest problem was the s8 finale? Yeah.

Twiistz: Season 8 literally has nothing to do with Game Of Thrones.

Eman Prince: What a waste

Twiistz: Game of Thrones could have continued for 13 seasons. But the creators were too selfish to pass the show on. Can you believe that a show so popular and well funded chose to butcher the universe and end prematurely? Yeah makes no sense to me either

Twiistz: Every single plotline was abandoned. Prince who was promised. Jon’s identity. The red priests. Faceless men. Bran’s powers. Cersei’s prophecy abandoned. Varys’ grand plan and Littlefinger thrown away. If you liked anything about the show, season 8 destroys it all.

Tiberiu Moise: Dislike the video, perhaps if we reach 10 Millions dislikes they will remake last season.

R B: Shit season I just wanna forget this season Please delete it and do season 8/9/10 very good. You would make so much money. And the fans would be happy. Season 8 was totally shit

Lorenzo Rodríguez: Im giving it like just because of seasons 1 to 7

Richard Santangelo: If I can give Season 8 credit for something, it did make for a great Pitch Meeting. Which was my introduction to that series and Ryan George. So thank you.

Pathum Madhusanka: D&D have ruined such a awesome show. Pathetic..!!!

John Locke: Really sad, they destroyed the whole show with that shity season 8. really sad...

Voyage and Lifestyle: Last episode was worst #voyageandlifestyle

Manda C.: The writers basically did a “choose your own adventure” with the series ending. Hats off to all people behind the scenes, but not the writers, including GRR. And to think those writers actually thought we’d want to see a Star Wars movie by them? Hahahahahahah! I hope these writers are not on for the upcoming shows.

Giorgi Maglakelidze Ǝ: season 8 was trash remake it or get lost

Lisandro Cruz: I hope we finally get to see John become "The prince that was promised" this season.

der märz hase: This is a lie. Game Of Thrones ended after Season 7!

Mithun Nair: Digging up buried shit. Why, HBO, WHY?

TheFallen1: S1-S6 the best. S7 still very good. S8 the worst but still good.

Celsi: Is this an April fools joke? The show needs a new season 8, not a new season 8 trailer.

Niklas König: Damn can‘t wait for Jon to be azor ahai!

Joseph Seed: Warner is completely out of touch from their fanbase if they keep shilling for GOT and refuse to restore the Snyderverse

Xaxtarr NeonRaven: The tragedy of game of thrones was not how it ended, put the inherent nature of the characters and their behavior. It was an inevitable ending, without meaning, without glory, but with the sad realization of disappointment, not in a disappointment on how it ended, but a deep-seated disappointment on how it had to end that way. “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

RobertS: wow i can't wait to see what Varys the mastermind will do next. oh god i can't wait to see how Arya uses her face swapping powers to impact the story. oh shit i can't wait to see what happens when all will find out Jon is the true heir. oh my god i can't wait to see what is the meaning of the white walkers' spiral mark. damn i can't wait to see how Bran, who can now control the past and the future will do some seriously shit in the end !! i can't wait to see Bran finally warg into that dragon. uuuu man i imagine the badass final dialogue between Danny and Cercei. I can't wait to finally see what's the deal with all the Cercei prophecies, Lord of Light, Azor Ahai, etc i can't wait to see what happens to Jamie Lannister, he had the perfect character arc so far! I hope he doesnt die a stupid death, like some random wall fall over him.

lolindirlink: eh, wasn't all that bad. S8 was still a much bigger show than any other series. Nobody actually stopped watching after night king's demise. We all sat through it till the last episode And that does say something.

RobertS: Season 7 is so fking bad. Season 8 is an insult to its audience.

RobertS: "So Danny basically forgot about the IRON FLEET".

Flo rian: I'm so excited to see the finale of the show I grew up with. Like it'll be a badass season like Dany and Jon get a child or some cool shit. Hope D&D don't do dumbass shit with the end.

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