HBO Releases New ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 Trailer | THR News

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Larry Scarr: In the description you spelled dumpster fire, d i v i s i v e for some reason.

Joi Jackson: I had hoped the trailer would at least change the ending. Got best show of the decade only to end horribly

Moishe PromosExclusive: Every single plotline was abandoned. Prince who was promised. Jon’s identity. The red priests. Faceless men. Bran’s powers. Cersei’s prophecy abandoned. Varys’ grand plan and Littlefinger thrown away. If you liked anything about the show, season 8 destroys it all.

plutoburn: lol, divisive. Like 99% vs 1% divisive.

TheLykos: I'm just going to throw this out there, but imagine if Season 8 turns out to be better than the books.... If we ever see the remaining books.

Suman Das: ❤❤❤awesome👍👍👍

rosewatersaffron: I want to see the shitshow that is the Episode 6 behind the scenes!!!!

luvyou baby: Used to love the show, but after seeing the last season, i dont even want to hear about it.

Russel Furtado: Ive watched the whole series again three times, and season 8 about 5 times already. Not joking here. I honestly feel like it grew on me everytime I rewatched. Now, I absolute love it! GOT doesnt give you happy endings, it gives you sore unfair theatrical disapoitments. Ive got to understand and apreciate more and more as I rewatched the episodes. For me it all made sense at the end. The Long Night Battle could never be longer than it was, it was a battle. There was only so much pacing of killing our charathers to keep up with it. It was beautiful to watch it all again... And I suspect there was no more episodes in the last season because the star actors low key were pressuring the producers to end it cause they couldnt take anymore so much pressure, pain and sacrifice in their personal lives any longer to endure that much of workload.

Андрей Пушкарь:

PD Zombie: Me: So this is a blooper reel of season 8...? THR: No, it's a spoilered trailer from season 8... Me: so, what's the difference? I can't believe anybody would like to revisit this show after knowing how it ends...

Drog96 Strix: Seems everyone has run out of new ideas lets just remake every damn thing.

KigreTheViking: I just laugh when i see anything GOT... they ruined that world so hard i care not for it anymore.

MyMark: The dialog is cut in a way that seems to allude to the current political situation in America.

TheDavan619: I'm probably the only person in the world who just liked the last season and that was it ^^

Scary Terry: Some things are better left dead

Sobanked -: Get over it ppl

Queenie Bee: No one wants this, just let it stay dead.

Beauty Fangirl: Burn it, burn it all, all the seasons and writers

Paul Solin: Season 8. Brought to to you by Starbucks.

Flareboxx: HBO just needs to forget about Game of Thrones and move on if they're not going to fix their mistake. Don't shove your mistake further down our throats? Not sure what they're trying to accomplish

Spike Jones: Bran he doesn't want it. "Why do you think I came all this way." 😒

Grimes Grendelwald: What? We already seen this. I'm confused. What happened to House Targaryen?

Hans Neuman: Its like putting liptstick on a pig Let it die, for Christ sake... let it die

Sean: I won't watch season 8 even once. Just hearing about what happened was enough .

Moist Oyzter: Whack

Daniel C: This arrived 6 days too late.

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i K.: Cerseis baby should have crawled out of the crumbled stones at the end

Ralph Barker: 📌 18 + —S'E'X'——D'A'T'ING———————— Here ▶️▶️ XXCLUB.CYOU/NQLGXN 8:02 √™ Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de √™ Когда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минутнеожиданных сверхспособностей, попадает на улицы Нового Орлеана, торговец-подросток и местный полицейскийогда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минут

Annie J: HBO is getting so desperate 😏

Unique L: I don’t think we need to remember that season.

Tami: As if it wasn't already bad enough for them to destroy the show with the final season now they need to keep reminding us? Lol I don't get the point of it, nobody cares and nobody wants to remember it.

MR.DC COMICS: HBO should just make a movie as a remake to season 8.

Adam Barker: I still have a hangover after season 8 and not sure I want to revisit this again!!

thegood asianwife: what the? who's idea was this

Dice1: We don't want prequels😒 season 8 should have be 10 episodes 😑

Mega MovieZ: They gave us the Snyder Cut so by “new Season 8 trailer” does that mean there’s a Snyder Cut version of GOT out there

Justin Jackson: Why is HBO trying to remind people that they made that dumpster fire off a season?

Sylvie Z.: Too freaking SOON hbo!! And in the 13th month of lockdowns?! Pure evil

George Hillier: Why has this happened!? I can understand a trailer for the whole series... but season 8!!??

Nick Jones: They rushed through the last two seasons so that everyone involved could move on with their careers, ruining a great series. And they want to *remind* us of that disappointment?!

SAINTTRAI: #restoretherrmartinverse

Josefino El Tocino: Pure trash

Adam: Cant wait for the melts to start screaming #releasetheseason8cut

GG Kinz: Why would HBO want to drudge this up? It was traumatizing enough the first time. I'm still PISSED!

Longling: I liked the final season.. don't @ me

It’s Morgan: Whyyy no point

Victor: lmao HBO read the room please

Jimmy Gillard: They should have stopped making it when they ran out of book.

SLUTPUPPY: Too depressing to celebrate.

Musicosis: The last season was great. Loved the whole series.

WH Lewis: Is there a Snyder cut equivalent of season 8 being worked on? If not, don't put the bad taste back in our mouths by reminding us of the let down.

AHTO SICK: I love lamp

Illisia Adams: Er... Why?

Kelly Hong: I don’t understand I thought the last season was the very end of it. Besides it’s spin-offs.

MischievousMischief: Just let it rest in peace

MischievousMischief: ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ) ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ) ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)

Chrismatic 47: Oh for God's sake let us forget the horrible last season of an incredible legendary series

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