Sea of Thieves Season Two Approaches...

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The Maddox Mixon: Oh no I haven't even finished the first one.

BLaze ZaPPs: When is the game going to get content

doliio volay: You can't imagine how hard is to keep my mouth shut as an insider.

Captain Nero: better bring alot of new interesting features with season 2 otherwise the game still boring af

Bixslo: what's that first ship skin pack called?

Ethan Hublall: Bro the barrel tuck thing at the end is going to be pay to win lol

nnxloxgang: Cc

Francisco Ferreira: I saw throwing knives!! New Meta

Romullus: man if you can do that barrel trick on a ship its going to change the game completely. Now anyone can tuck like Summit lol.

Carats Ritzy: Time to start putting up sticky notes on those barrels. Yu wouldn't believe the day we are having.

Baguette Boi: Queen anne's revenge

Dylan Destr0y1: Forsaken ashen weapons finally!!!!!

Art: Season 2.... skull, barrel hide ...

TheMadBleus: Bruh barrels

Jacob Priddy: Welp now barrel is your new blending suit in the enemy ship

J Mc: Is there new islands

no yes h: Reject human go back to barrel

Sea Dog: Rare be like: *"ey guys we heard you liked forts so we put more fort stuff in your forts, enjoy fam"*

Wind beneath my Wings: Finally, an emote to surpass metal gear. "Ocelot, im trying to tuck aboard the enemy ship but the clattering of my bones is alerting the guards"

Sumit Sharma: Make it free dude😂

J Mighty: Players and ships should be invincible until u leave the area of an outpost, and also other players shouldn't be able to access ur ship at an outpost to prevent assholes from stealing ur hard earned treasure or destroying ur boat😐, it would make the game more enjoyable

Roberto Miguel: you need to work on the way you pop out of the barrel emote and what happens when you die and you're still tucked, they way it is now is pretty dull considered how drasticly different this emote makes you look

Lord of the cookie: Everybody is talking about the barrel emote, but nobody is talking about how the first 3 seconds of the video have a guy with a skeleton curse costume I guess.

SpaghettiUnit: Hello everyone, I wonder if there some bloodborne style cloth.

ricco: And when is the patch out(whitch time)

Kody M: Me waiting to walk into the tavern and see like 15 barrels

Zach Zammit: Loved this game. Had to stop playing it when my friend uninstalled the game cause it wouldn't run properly on her amd gpu

Itz_Syber: As an insider, I still get excited. It makes me so happy that this game is still alive and doing well.

TAKEDOWN205 Productions: I can already feel the frustration of having to turn in loot, only for someone to have emoted on the island and snuck up on us with a barrel.

CrimzMintYT: Finally, can't wait!

jo bannana: That's really cool, it's a shame I can't be a part of it.

Phoenix Amaku: wonder if neebs will return!

TORCHman99: Is that... A skeleton CURSE?

J.D.: Wait a minute... dam, I really wanted the pirate legend curse when I get the game(or a good computer), but now I cant... sad

Jessica Mcrae: Ok ok but who else cant wait😲

ELECTROTIBI X: The coolest thing in this update eill be hiding in barrels change my mind

Pilot Matthew: Can you extend it another week i didnt realise there was 3 days left lol

Mogetius: Who the f***k put this barrel on top of the anchor? oh wait...

KingIsJah: So i hope this new barrel emote if free since u guys had say that u never make this game pay to win

PederFries: Galleons are the least safe from the barrel emote

Panny the engie: 0:02 skeleton curse or dumb outfit

WillCraft 100: Are there gonna be crabs in this update?

dariusdewit: bring it to ps4 !!!!

Ken Elder: Barrel emote? Here comes the trust issues 😰

BlazeXI: How about adding realy crazy waves that can flip ur ship if you drive wrong

Steven Lohja: It's not that hard to recognize the fake barrel, once you're passing by a player using it his gt will pop up soooo... Idk it'll still be hella fun to me

Riot!!!: I'm pretty sure this new skull is an Fort with Athena loot.

CORNWALLED BOI: when you try to take something in a barrel... but there is a pirate inside, and you take it.

Paul Steinhauser: They need to make the online multiplayer free without buying Xbox live.

CranjisMcBasketball: Pay to win barrel emote I’m in!

Potato Soup: Sadly I wasn't able to get to level 100 in season one.

Zane The Insane: as a Dark Souls player I approve the barrel emote.

mijuo roui: Nice to see they reskinning another world event.

Muddemaster: No new tall tales or icy region=wasted content.

Marko Perac Kovac: Got an idea, lightning ship cometics..

Dababy: We have 3 different skull forts in the game, Rare be more creative.

Discount Disco: New Emote + Lowest Galleon Deck = Paranoia Inbound

Brian: Lets goo on my birthday anyone wants to sail to lmk @crazyted007

Jack’s Professional Productions: That red, black and gold ship skin looks a lot like the Queen Ann’s Revenge from POTC 4.

Chilly Boy: BARRELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL (Cant wait, i love this game!!!)

TheScepter25: Barrel tuck

Infelicis Yaclen: We want new tall tales not new skins

YouTube squid: Ah yes, a new fort

hi I'm lenny: did y'all use my idea omg thanks so much I remember saying that at the beginning of the season😁🥺

sir foxx: Nice

Christopher Nestor: I would sell a bit of my soul for this to release on PlayStation

bartek calinski: funny looking skull :)

Kyle Desjardins: Burh this is gonna be like prop hunt

Firelordrick 23: When are you guys releasing sea of Thieves on ps4

drrtyi jiogg: Yo guys,do you remember us having a barrel here?

Fireball F 123: so did they purposely forget that there is a story in the game im still waiting on that tall tale

Lewis Cooper: Why is everyone so hyped over literally nothing, nothing has really changed

Jiiin: New Sea Monster?

NCR Heavy Trooper: Galleon: *chuckles* I'm in danger

Maddox Hils: I want to turn into a skeleton ok n then hide in a barrel...

Antti: Every swabbie is gonna think that season 2 just added barrels everywhere :D

biocrash 360: i just hope duke turned into a talking fish and has adventures with merrick and derrick in a rowing boat

Exotické Ovoce: Yall stfu about the barrel emote.... BECAUSE THERE WILL BE A SKELLY CURSE

Brandon Lewis: cant wait to check my ship even more on thieves haven runs for shitters in barrels now

IceFox: New meta for sneaky stealing

Charlie: What if u add a dagger as another melee weapon. That would be cool

phycopathic megalomaniac kirby: Curse pog?

Insert_Name_Here: Gonna be so disappointed if that skeleton guy is a paid costume

Rafael Costa: Yeah, if the game don't stuck on loading screen, with no response, i'll play this. I'm trying to play from days, i made a ticket and i had no response, please RARE, Relp.

Wouter Leenstra: we're gonna hide as barrels while playing Spyrate Games lmao

Ray Luna: Change the islands do something different please!! Give us something actually new!

Samuel Matthews: Skeleton curse?!

Fachit0 The God: I’m geeked

Wither solider: bro they added tf2's box trot to the game

Kevin Flaherty: 0:03 Dagger as a new melee weapon? I mean, one can hope. Maybe like the cutlass but less damage and faster attacks

rattle me bones: “What’s this barrel doing by my anchor, oh well, guess it’s nothing?”

yaliso gioouy: The emote is going to be the top tucking emote in history

Blake Howell: That is...spooky. especially the barrel

Damage Expert: barrel haHAA

space marine 40k: please let this new season have something new instead of rehashed achievements oh and some good new content

HyugaTen Kaze: Eyyy MGS plays


David Kirk: Nobody cares about Seasons

DarkPirate647: Need to get this

VANBB: Season of cosmetics? No game changes as we can see

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