SEASON 4 IS COMING! // SEA OF THIEVES - Clues, hints, and speculation about Season 4.

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Captain Falcore: Amazing concept art supplied by: Victoria Hall – Principal Concept Artist Ine T’Sjoen – Senior Concept Artist Catarina Pulli – Concept Artist Artur Zima – Senior Concept Artist

CommuistPord: For the event thing, i feel that they should take inspiration from Payday 2, where the community has to reach a certain milestone to unlock something, which has happened twice now in payday, once with the comically large spoon and it's gold counterpart and the other with the recently added (then promptly removed) cash blaster weapon.

Kitty P IV: cries in insiders

Misty Lynn: I'm still trying to get a crews together to do Glitterbeard.

Patrick McKinney: They should do away with journal searching. Rather sit back and enjoy the tall tale, not listen to someone read where the journals are. Journals make it grindy

Alfredo: Him: Season 4 is close! Me: *Still processing season 1 release*

Nakraka Walker: a great part of falcore videos is the the merciless dig that we all agree on (hit reg)

Christian Skey: Going bit overboard aye

DevSchro: Laughs about insiders. :I

Lauren Bastin: personally for me the Tall Tales live rent-free in my head at all times and I would like to see more (though new environments would be great)

Steven Padilla: I need more people to play this wiiiittthhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

The Guru: Correction: Hitreg won't be fixed, nor the chest beacon in arena. Months now and it isn't fixed and I'm tired of looking at a map just to see where the chest actually is. Ugh

Official_DevFrancais: You should make a new fan art competition !

Stunnedstudios: What the need is brand new islands. Add different climate areas and populate some islands into cities/villages and change up the landscape. I'm sick of playing the same re-skinned merchant voyages and getting just re-skinned PVE characters to kill. Add gambling, fix the hit reg, add mini game modes. The list is endless of what they can do and i really hate the direction they are going with the game which is why I stopped playing for so long

Neffeno: Idk these mobs from sparrow are god awful and make the game less fun

Brian Timms: You think the flying Dutchman attempted joke was funny but in reality all you're doing is trying to fill the video and you didn't even make it to 10 minutes, not a good impression for new viewers, and definetlly not a good run at ironic comedy. Video ended there.

OTA-EOW-KING-C19 #5568-MIST: Give me Flying Dutchman cosmetics reeee

Captain Monkay: The beginning clip deserves my like. Team sword lords

Matix Gaming: What’s the release date plz someone tell me u need to finish all the tall tales if I have time to update my game first

zac bell: When people type “laughs in insiders” I honestly jus think they’re pathetic. no one cares if you’re in the insiders, it’s not like it’s elite or impressive, anyone can join :/

Spicypiece: 7:10 got me like dead

funny bruh man: Would be call to have the events like cursed sails and hungering deep where there's a lore story but very hidden

Rob Meyer: I think insiders are VERY much still relevant. Anything SoT will do under the close watch of Disney will be protected. Everything that does not have Mickeys hand firmly placed as the puppeteer will be tested in insider. There's plenty of reason to expect Disney content only will be kept and tested in secret.

5C Shōgun: Hitregs fix ? It's been 3 years, devs don't care about the quality of the gameplay

Primetime: I want more content from rare not more Disney stuff 🙄 also cannon rowboats would be nice 😉😉😉

wretchking: Ok so I love the video but does anyone know what the intro song is?

Esther SunMane: I personally wonder who the ghost crew where/are that apear on the ship when you enter Tall tale 1 and 3🤔 what significance do they have to apear like that...

Qubixo: I hope we get a curse that looks like the captain npc

Jordick: They'll probably just add more Disney stuff to the game, which I'm not all keen on. I would prefer if SOT expanded its own lore without the interference of Disney's characters.

John Salad: i want to see Brethren court of darkness step up their game and resurrect old enemy just like ferryman recruiting the help of pendragon, wildrose etc. maybe there are new world event with Biggsy, greymarrow and any skeleton lord in a flesh yet again to fight for the Brethren. i would like too hear a evil/dark version of "we shall sail together" too something along the line of "we shall sail alone" or something

Keith Doolan: The ghosts hat is one I ware, I hope that means you can get a ghost and skeleton curse rather than skin, maybe even join new emissaries with enemy skeleton and ghosts

Joseph_ Phoenix: *laughs in insiders* (Quietly)

elijah cole: I think it could be cool if we had to go back to the shores of gold for a mission now knowing that the gold hoarder is back

BlueShift: I would love to have more glowing cosmetics

Priyanshu Yadav: Season 4 is 6 weeks away

heppl: *Laughs in Hacking*

Thepotato-overlord: I would love natural spawning smaller versions of the spires from a pirates life

Captain Funk: That intro was so fake lol. The sword didn’t even hitreg! You did a successful sword lunge! That doesn’t exist in season 3

Tomato Bread: 11 hours ago

Tegridy Farms: *”crazy how rare released a davy jones skin right before this video.” …. Guys, the new skins were known have been leaked by the Microsoft store a while ago*

Infernoplex: The flying Dutchman skin has actually been released in the Pirate Emporium

Spoon McFork: *laughs in time travelers*

BurberLover: Maybe jack sold the treasure he got and it was worth so much that he gave up on the pirate life for a couple years but then became a pirate again which also would tie up with Salazars revenge in wich Barbossa says that the Pearl was trapped 5 winters ago

Some Dude: I mean they did fix quick shovel and bucket. I’m sure hit reg might be fixed eventually

thepotatoaimking YT: I just want more stuff from the dammed

MitMark: he talked about the duchmans cosmetic pack and only 30 mins later rare put it in the game

xXSpringXx_3560: *Cries in Insiders*

Cody Shroyer: How long do season usually last?

Mike O: We need a Fort vs Fort (6 vs 6) competition. Maybe place a flag there for each to take/return to your fort or something. We need a focused event of PVP instead of PVE that forces PVP

M V: This is all insiders content lol

Terminat0r04: Well we have that Dutchman skin now.

Fierce Deity Gaming: i got a feeling something maybe greek god related or zeus related might be comming or a boss for in the storm or something.... if u look at all the flags u got from the plunderpass over the seasons most of them were hinting towards something in the next one... season 1's flag, pointed most likely toward the fort of fortunes in season 2 season 2's flag pointed towards something mermaid related aka the sirens season 3's flag is pointing towards zeus / lightning so mayhaps....?

Aaron Dalziell: That thumbnail effect is really cool

EasyHawk: I want a VILLAGE

Jumper: All I want is a skeleton curse and I'm happy

Christopher Dickins: Smiles smugly in insiders

Ashbert157 Ligma: If the capn is captain hook i will lose all interest in the tall tales

Ok: Kk

thejoshrules: Coming thick... and fast... you say? LUL

B: This would be the best SoT partner content on YouTube if not for the cringe comedy attempts. So so bad

Dark_Tail: Something that everyone in the community can come together to strive for is something this game badly needs. It would help build a much better, possibly less toxic community. Having everyone work together towards a common goal is something humanity as a whole tends to do better when faced with something everyone wants or feels the need to fight for. Really hoping this is a thing next season. Also maybe more ship cosmetics outside of the usual ones like the ability to change the ship cabin room or add some flair to the railings or perhaps... And I am just spit balling here... The ability to name your ship? PLEASE?

LordzBacon: Do this thing, Choose between these two choices. Which ever choice was picked the most will be the result of the end of said Event. Good or Bad. Say if we had a choice to Seal FlameHeart or Save someones life.....

Lemzzz: All I can say is season 4 is gonna be pretty good. Like you said, not mind blowing, but enough to get you excited

Happymartin: 5:45 Falcore, is that a good idea to compare an idea to...after recent events and a potential shakey future for Blizzard? Even without that modern WoW ISN'T really the best these days.

Andre Claros: cries in insiders

Bill Kerbal: One of falcore’s videos about the ancients mentions a meteor striking in the wilds. Do you think a piece of that meteor is what is in the box that Jack is carrying?

Michael A: *cries in insiders*

dinoplays 101: Cry’s in insiders

skellington15: "Think of it as World of Warcraft" ...given current events, I'd rather not.

Corbin Macklin: Laughs in Insider

JamesGRaptor: * cry’s in insiders *

Josh Endter: Content coming “fast and thick.” Heh heh heh

IconicNZZ: I for one would really love a Flying Dutchman ship set, it's by far my favorite ship from the series.

John Alexander: You say insiders don’t know what’s going on but a pirates life is the only update... ever that we’ve “only seen the tip of the iceberg”

Architect: Well, well, well... we actually got the Dutchman ship cosmetics today.

Netherwarrior6: Literally a few hours before he released this, sea of thieves added the Davy Jones ship and costume set to the pirate emporium, this mean content art is where to like he said

phenix3st: I also find it’s hard to find all the tall tales. I only got into it with the pirates of the Caribbean. I have no idea how to get to see the other ones

G I Z M O: I wish they would make a place to hangout with and meet other pirates to sail with. Also make more clothing customizable and not those one piece outfits that most of the time literally cost an arm and a leg!

Minecraft Gamer69: The best update would be the fort of for ****sack the most fun fort

Luke Crandall: Lol yeah my insider account be like: I’m ten parallel universes ahead of you

C Głusiec: I want to sea of the damned was normal region

Covid_Chan: I still want an ice zone smh

The Over1ord: *Laughs in oustiders*

Eliáš Gaydečka: I think they might add something like siren forts or ocean crawler world events that are underwater or something.. could be a cool twist

XCRAZYGAMINGX: Why do still think captain hook is coming to the game

Ignacy N: cries in insiders

Dylan Lancaster: The fucking sword lunge I dream about.

Breadstick: Cries in insiders

Solomon Samms: I wish that cursed sails had the system of "enough people do it this happens or if not enough people do it this happens" like we didn't defend golden sands it would have been destroyed by Skelly's and permanently been turned into a fort by Skelly's

Alexandru Carjan: 3:05 They should remove that NDA altogether. It is stupid. All other companies with multiplayer games have beta test versions for everybody with all the details of upcoming content and fixes publicly known, so that everybody can share their feedback. Hiding fixes and content for a multiplayer game is dumb. It is so dumb not being able to tell people a fix to something that everybody is complaining is coming...Let people know that you are working on content instead of making them complain for months that you are not making new stuff...

Big Mac: *Melancholic Laugh in Insiders*

ashutran06: To be honest i always do the tall tales even though i got all the accommodations and the gold curse.

Krisp: *laughs in insiders* *cheers in insiders*

Luc: Cries in insiders

Cyber Brix Studios: I bet that most people know already, but there is a piece of the one of the half circle rune medallion thingies outside of the throne room in shores of gold.

JustArcheo: In the intro we can see Falcore slaughter a mass of pirates while rock music plays. Does that mean that the next season will have Doom Eternal tall tales?

Rumble Rabbit: yeah go do that thing, to get the thing, that unlocks the thing, so i can steal that thing from you

Bill Kerbal: I really hope the capt’n isn’t hook. It could be hook inspired but Rare had their lore written down before they even knew they would have a Disney deal. So to retroactively make the capt’n the Peter Pan hook would be throwing away the lore they had planned and that is the story that I want to see.

Docterzero: More underwater areas like the ones in the tall tale would be nice. Would work well together with a merfolk trading company, or just an update to the ambient sea life.

CaptnBuck TV: Cries in insiders

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